Topic: PRIAPUS: The Key to Relieving BML's Rejection?
Ceridwen unregistered
posted January 18, 2014 02:24 PM
Gabby, ![]( Many years ago my best friend was in an emotional chaos. Which she hated. despite having Venus-Mars-Pluto-conjunction in Libra in 5th house opposing Moon she was always wary of romantic passion. It was not for her. It made her feel unstable and out of control, which she would hate.
At that time she had been in a long term relationship with a guy, who was actually also having a stellium in Libra. But his was Sun-Venus-Mars-Uranus conjunction on his ASC, it was not aspecting her stellium at all.
And as she said, he had never been in love with her or felt romantically attracted to her, though both felt a sense of belonging to each other (strong Moon-synastry). Romantic attraction/ passion was not high on his priority list either. Having a girlfriend to present to the outer world, yes, very much so, cause it was all about how it looked on the outside. A perfect harmonious couple. They had some strong points going for them, a sense of supporting each other in practical terms and she supporting him emotionally. However, even though she wouldn`t see it so, I think he was sort of abusive, maybe not consciously, but he managed to make her feel small and that she needed him, when it came to mental/ intellectual capacities. But anyway, that aside they appoarently felt comfortable with their relationship for some years (and she had been very young. he was her first serious boyfriend, and their relationship lasted for approximately 7 years, it is difficult to tell though, as neither the beginning nor the end was really clear). However, she grew discontent over time though, cause for all the good she received (a structured support and feeling of belonging), something was missing. Though passion was not on her priority list either, appreciation of her as a woman definitely was, and that was lacking, becuase he just couldn`t provide that.
Of course she met someone, she fell head over heels for this other guy, a whirlwind romance / crush. They tried having a relationship. I am not completely clear on if it started after she broke up with her boyfriend, because it was such an on-off-thing on all ends, I just lost the overview. lol And it was not like her at all! Levelheaded Virgo with such a lot of Libra there.
BUT she fell, and she fell hard. She tried making it work with the other guy for a year, but it didnīt. Mostly because the other guy was an abusive psychopath. But hiding it so well that I didnt notice. Noone did. But eventually he would start getting verbally and most of all emotionally abusive towards my friend. Making her feel that it was all her fault that nothing in his life came together, and some other things. I suppose one of the problems, though not the basic one, was the fact that they couldn`t have a sexual relationship, it was not for lack of trying, as they were attracted to each other, but it just didn`t work. When he started getting physically abusive, she left him. It was easy for her, as despite the romantic cloud she had been living in, there was no real sense of emotional attachment, comitment or belonging. It was just an infatuation (for someone who did not do infatuations at all). Besides she clearly hadnīt been over her prior relationship. Despite all the problems there, there was still a strong bond tying her to her former boyfriend. He was happy to take her back. Actually, well, he had started an affair on his own, when they were still a couple (shortly before the end of it, but it was all so confused and messed up, noone really knew who was with whom anymore). As far as I know he is still with this girl/ woman, who frankly spoken is probably a better fit astrology as the girl`s Sun-Venus conjunction falls right onto his Sun-Venus-Mars-Uranus-ASC. However, he would not be open about it. He kind of wanted my friend back (and she returned), but did not want to give up his affair either. So he lied about it, leading a double life. My friend sensed this (the girl had been part of her dance-group, she was directing), she spoke to him about it, just wanting him to clarify his feelings, so she could let go, or resume their relationship. He would be lying, he did not see the other girl anymore, and so on. They resumed the relationship, or the farce of a relationship. But of course my friend knew and felt that he was still seeing the girl. And she wasn`t so much jealous, but she was obsessed with him lying to her (she had been very upfront when she developed feelings for the other guy). In a way it seemed to not bother her so much that he could sleep with the other girl, but that he wouldn`t be truthful about it. She started developing stalker-tendencies. Following his car to the street where the other girl lived. These things. Not farther than that though. I was talking a lot to her, for hours at the phone over weeks and months. And I was telling her to stop it, leave it behind, leave him, as this apparently did not work anymore. No matter who cheated on whom first. But she couldn`t. She even knew she did not love him anymore, but she could not leave him. As she put it it was like she owed him, like she was paying her own leaving him by suffering like this. Even though rationally she knew she should just leave, emotionally she wanted to suffer. She felt the need to. And from that point on I understood that everything happens in its own time, she had to go through this, face her guilt and shame, work through it, until she would be free of it, liberated. And it would happen in her own time, emotionally. I still shared my perspective with her, but I was also coming from a place where I couldnīt imagine that you could NOT switch off feelings - arrogant Aquarius-Moon here. That emotions could get such a hold of you,e ven though they make you miserable. (well I WOULD learn about that though, wouldn`t I? ). But yes, I gave her my outside-perspective (to which she rationally agreed), but I also let her know that I was standing beside her, no matter what she chose to do and how long it took to come to the end of this particular road. Always an ear, always a couch in times of need. That was really all I could help her with. I couldn`t make her feelings of guilt just disappear by rationalizing them. Then one day it was simply over. Nothing really happened, but she said he came back one day from a trip, and though her stalking days were long past her at that time, she knew he had been with her, and she asked him, he lied into her face again. She told him she knew he was lying. He repeated the lie and kissed her. And that was - she said- when she knew she had paid her due. She packed her bag and left.
As a matter of fact they are still aquaitances, not friends anymore. But he was actually best man on her wedding day, though he insisted on keeping it a secret, as his new girlfriend would not be okay with that. So it seems he hasn`t changed all that much. but it is really of no concern to my friend anymore. He was an important chapter in her life and she honours and appreciates the good times they had, but she also knows that they never really were good for each other in the long run. Luckily her huband understands that. He has got an Aquarius-Moon (curiously closely conjunct my own - and I think I was the first one to ever realized he was in love with my friend. lol).
They have been married for 9 years now, together for about 14, with 3 cute children. And I have never seen my friend as happy and stable and confident and calm and relaxed as from that day she married him (and she did not even want to in the beginning. lol He had to endure quite some testing). I am glad she has found her happy end, but what I wanted to say is that she needed the time to get there. Her own time. Not my or anyone else`s. BTW the abusive affair`s Nessus was on 9 Cancer, conjunct her ASC on 10 Cancer and squaring her Venus-Mars-Pluto on 11 Libra.
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tgem Moderator Posts: 4738 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 18, 2014 05:01 PM
"BTW the abusive affair`s Nessus was on 9 Cancer, conjunct her ASC on 10 Cancer and squaring her Venus-Mars-Pluto on 11 Libra." Well that just stinks! I mean does Nessus always manifest as abuse??!!!
Not to get off topic or anything but I'm not totally sold on the fact it always means abuse? Example: my ex-husband's Nessus was conjunct my Jupiter. I wouldn't have called him abusive..was he controlling and emotionally neglectful? Yes, but not abusive...(some might disagree). Now SM has his Nessus on my cancer ASC. Sure he's said some things to p**s me off for sure which kinda put a damper on my self-confidence but I also am very sensitive. I wouldn't have necessarily called that abuse. Obsession, however, now that's a whole different story. I'm more sold on the idea of Nessus conjunct the ASC bringing major obsession. Do all Nessus contacts mean abuse??? I mean can't it make for obsession and not abuse? Similarity, my Nessus opposes SM's mercury and mars. I am definitely not an abusive person...that's for sure (at least, I don't think I am.) Ok, back to the regularly scheduled program.... IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted January 18, 2014 05:09 PM
Unlike most people here I do not think that Nessus ALWAYS manifests as abuse.The problem is Nessus wants. WANTS. And he doesn`t care about what the object of his obsession thinks of it, or society, and he will do anything to get what he desires. If that means using force, he will do so. He is not bound to any moral codes, his guiding light is his own desire/ hunger/ greediness, and he can be rather selfish in that. It depends on the awareness and moral values of a person how this wil manifest. However I noticed on the day when Tr Sun is transiting over my natal Nessus, it seems to be difficult to keep selfish impulses at bay, and I am more prone to lashing out verbally as at other times. I noticed that even before knowing about Nessus actually, the three days around 21st june i have to tread a little carefully around other people. lol
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted January 18, 2014 05:11 PM
@Ceri, Thank you for sharing your story and validating my beliefs! I sincerely appreciate that! At times, I wonder if what I've learned is just me....but hearing stories like you with your friend validates that much of us are very similar. We need to be allowed to make mistakes or else we really don't learn what we need to learn. If we aren't allowed to grow at our own pace we will never grow beyond that place, instead we get stuck!I'm so happy your friend out grew whatever pattern it was that had her trapped for awhile! And you are such great friend to support her without trying to force her to move before she was truly ready to! Thank you again for shareing your story! IP: Logged |
olgatheo Knowflake Posts: 703 From: Pluto Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 27, 2014 07:59 AM
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I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 9778 From: Death Star Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 27, 2014 08:06 AM
^ shhh------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
olgatheo Knowflake Posts: 703 From: Pluto Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 27, 2014 08:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by I'm so cappy: ^ shhh
Lol sorry got excited!!! IP: Logged |
summerlite Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Jun 2014
posted January 27, 2014 10:08 AM
Priapus is the point you feel powerless. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted January 27, 2014 10:10 AM
Yes. And yet there`s so much need...IP: Logged |
summerlite Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Jun 2014
posted January 27, 2014 10:44 AM
Priapus point is a lot of unrestrained energy since it got suppressed. If put in creative energy, it is good. If done wrong, it's sexual violence.IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 27, 2014 08:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by summerlite: Priapus point is a lot of unrestrained energy since it got suppressed. If put in creative energy, it is good. If done wrong, it's sexual violence.
I think we're slowly getting somewhere now. Even if we don't agree on the mechanism (repression) we can agree on the expression - which is good enough. That being said, I 110% disagree that it can be channelled into creativity. It. Can. Not. That's probably what fascinates me about that point: it's the one place that it CAN'T be sublimated. It MUST be expressed, and, brother, if it's hit, then you had better believe it's going to be sexual. To that end: I also disagree it has anything to do with sexual violence. I DO believe it has to do with pure violence - as a result of (wait for it) being repressed. But! PRIAPUS on its own is NOT repressed; it's a wellspring of want and need, AND, if it becomes activated, then it MUST find an outlet. If it absolutely, no way, shape or form can be - I believe that anger (violence) becomes the most likely expression. (I was thinking this personally simply because I'm also dealing with a MARS conjunct PLUTO opposite MOON here. So for us, without question, it becomes seething, tightly gripped rage that festers until exploding in a very bad way. Not physical violence - but poison pens and button-pushing and angry displays.) But maybe that's just a part of PRIAPUS when repressed - as it's desperate to find release. I'm also thinking it's crucial we look more closely at the MOON when examining both BML and PRIAPUS. Perhaps the placement and aspects will yield greater insight into what to expect, how to tackle the business of intense relating, and whether the individual is capable of that. I'm thinking, categorically, if BML is hanging out with the MOON, then PRIAPUS energy is going to be locked away even tighter. I'm not sure if that's the same case with the SUN, or no aspect to the MOON at all. I know that he's a BML-MOON and his emotions are deeply buried. I'm a BML-SUN and the same. Now, PRIAPUS is opposite my SUN, and makes no aspect to my MOON. PRIAPUS trines his SUN. So there's an interesting interplay there with my PRIAPUS on his BML, and his PRIAPUS sharing same sign as my TRUE BML, and LILITH 1811, but too far (6°) to be aspecting. It's conjunct my EROS, though, which I think counts. My SUN-MOON MP is also there, 1° conjunct. Anyway. I agree if it's being repressed circumstantially, (or even astrologically? Maybe by a harsh SATURN involvement?) it's going to manifest as rage and overall disharmony. It can't just be sublimated into anything, though. Boy, I wish it could! And trust me - I'm a grandmaster of sublimation. 😉 IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted January 29, 2014 05:07 PM
I agree with both of you....there is creativity but it's not the typical kind we think of when we call something or someone creative!One way to see the creativity in these placements is when you think of someone barred and repressed for so long....the way they escape takes creativity! Like the guy from Shawshank Redemption, Andy used a tiny rock hammer to tunnel his way all the way through the insanely thick walls...and used a poster of some hot girl to distract and to cover up what he was doing! That's creativity! It may not be the stereo typical 'creativity' but it is no doubt a form of creativity that frees them from their bonds! Necessity is the mother of invention!
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summerlite Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Jun 2014
posted January 29, 2014 06:42 PM
No...just no. why would you want to express Priapus outwardly.You are supposed to own BML, not Priapus. Priapus guys/girls end up sleeping around outside of marriage when they decide to have it unrestrained. My goodness... Indigo, stop asking people to own their Priapus in every single thread. Your relationship's one of the worse examples.
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IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2014 10:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by summerlite: No...just no. why would you want to express Priapus outwardly.You are supposed to own BML, not Priapus. Priapus guys/girls end up sleeping around outside of marriage when they decide to have it unrestrained. My goodness... Indigo, stop asking people to own their Priapus in every single thread. Your relationship's one of the worse examples.
I'm not sure what happened to you in the past, summerlite, to make you so sex-negative, but my heart goes out to you. It really does. I'm 33 years old, and just now discovering a HEALTHY sexuality, after being sexually anorexic for my entire adulthood. And yes, there were certainly reasons. To be honest, my relationship is a brilliant, shining example of what the power of love can do when it's given freely without strings or guilt or shame. It's beautiful, and I'm proud of them both. I don't think I've mentioned PRIAPUS outside of a BML thread on here that's been running concurrently? Either way, it's very tightly configured, and an important pattern in our synastry - both with my husband's, and my lover's. Owning my PRIAPUS is the best thing I ever did for myself. My husband agrees. Maybe it becomes 'repressed' by society; you may be right there in some regard. When it's hit in synastry, though, there's NO other alternative but expression. I wonder why you find that so wrong. I'm also curious as to how on earth you think it's to be handled? Channelled? Sublimated? If so, oh, dear. You sound like me before I entered therapy. I had no idea I was so unhappy, and so repressed and so denying. I didn't see that until they both, in opposite ways, through my husband's addiction, and my lover's anorexia (like me), that I was stuck in one extreme, and I needed balance. So I've taught my husband how to love. Then I taught my lover. And now ... we're actually happy. Sure, I'm still struggling with the usual shame and guilt that accompanies sexual expression, but they're proud of me. As is my own therapist. And my mom. And my best friends, and my fans and ... everyone! ![]( So I'm feeling a little better. But old habits die hard. So I work harder. I fight back stronger. Against the old broken record saying things a lot like the above you wrote. But I don't believe them anymore. Not TRULY. I don't need society to tell me what's right or wrong. I can see it in the love that's felt, and shared. I can see it in the happiness. I can see it in how much BETTER things are. No more pain. No more misery. No more fear. Owning my PRIAPUS is the best thing I ever did for myself, or my marriage, or my partnership. I wish I'd done it years ago. Maybe I could've loved my Twin the way he needed me to .... Okay. I can't think about THAT now. I'm learning. I'm growing. Moreover, I'm evolving. And this is just the beginning. ![]( IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2014 10:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: I agree with both of you....there is creativity but it's not the typical kind we think of when we call something or someone creative!One way to see the creativity in these placements is when you think of someone barred and repressed for so long....the way they escape takes creativity! Like the guy from Shawshank Redemption, Andy used a tiny rock hammer to tunnel his way all the way through the insanely thick walls...and used a poster of some hot girl to distract and to cover up what he was doing! That's creativity! It may not be the stereo typical 'creativity' but it is no doubt a form of creativity that frees them from their bonds! Necessity is the mother of invention!
Okay, NOW I get what you mean. And you're absolutely right, Gabby. It's taken guts, bravery, and ingenuity to do it, but, damn it, I did. This past weekend was the first time we all had to come together and discuss things. He made us all dinner, apologised to my husband for not being able to really share his feelings when he'd called him earlier this month, and then told me that I'd created just the right environment in which he could finally express himself. That it was so positive, encouraging, and liberating. Wow. I was blown away. The next day, my husband and I spent some time in a very intense experience which delved more deeply into his own childhood abuse - and accidentally triggered mine. Whoops! But he was instead loving, understanding, and didn't pressure me to continue at all! Double-wow! That night, we did our usual podcast and he shared his feelings about it all. He said he's never felt so genuinely loved, accepted, and appreciated - by anyone - in his life. He wants to support me in being the independent, dynamic woman I am at heart, and to love me for who I am - not try and make me into what he wants me to be. I almost cried. We both held hands across the table and took a moment to just ... enjoy the moment. It DOES take creativity to figure out how to outwit your own demons, and the ghosts of sexual anorexia are so terrible. They haunt you so deeply. This also unintentionally excavated certain issues my husband had buried and will need to sort through in his own time. Things he only told me because of his genuine respect for and appreciation of my lover. I'd assured him that no one will ever take his place, which he knows, but it's good to say it - repeatedly. So our own relationship has deepened, because I've now seen so much fear mirrored in my lover; behaviours I didn't want to continue anymore. I'm more mindful, appreciative, and just naturally more generous. I don't feel like I have to guard myself from my husband's demands, or that he's going to tear me down. Instead, we're building each other up through our insecure periods. He's become my best friend. ... Okay, now I AM crying. But they're such happy tears. There's so much love now. So much love. My lover is more confident. He's taken strides to establish himself in his career in ways he never did before because of fear. He's not letting people push him around. He's not secretly mired in guilt and listening to the voices of self-loathing that full your head when you have this problem. He's happier. Calm. Focussed. And he's writing a book using his decades-worth of knowledge in his field. And seriously preparing his fiction manuscript - whereas he's previously only self-published electronically. AND dusting off his first failed screenplay (he's written several since, which are in period, half-hearted circulation). Oh, and that little minor thing, like starring in my upcoming series. 😜 I cleaned the apartment top to bottom. AND I suggested we get a small house. My husband agrees. An opportunity for us to move no further than ten minutes away opened up the next day! 😊 Anyway. I can't begin to tell you how much better things have become. It's crazy, I know. But there's no denying it. We're just not conventional people. We don't do things 'the normal way'. I'm okay with that. He wants to go to a swingers club. I'm not so sure about that! But then he said, 'you two can just watch people have sex. I know it fascinates you, how other people have sex.' My husband's a bit of a goof. He has a very funny way of putting things across. Not that it isn't true! We are. Sex is something of an obsession to an anorexic. We study it and learn all we can and never, ever allow ourselves to be vulnerable - because THAT's scary. That's what I'm learning from my husband, and with my lover, and teaching to him. Sometimes, it's okay. Sometimes, it can be nice to be vulnerable. Sometimes it can even be amazing - but I'm not quite there yet. But I'm close. It feels possible. And all because someone's BML conjoined my PRIAPUS in my 8H exactly. And I let it. ☺️ Thanks, Gabby. I've absorbed, appreciated, and grokked everything you've said. You've helped in more ways than you really know, and I can't thank you enough. ![]( IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2014 11:23 PM
Gabby,I'm thinking a little bit more about what you said; how when someone is repressed for so long, it takes creativity to liberate yourself. That sounds like the essence of the energies here. It's undoubtedly at the seat of our emotions, because they're calculated by the moon's position, in very distinct ways. BML is, indeed, very set apart. Distant. Avoidant. Far away. Independent. Liberated. Refuses anything and anyone that might restrain her. PRIAPUS is bigger-than-life. Huge-seeming. Close. Very close. Extreme proximity. It wants to merge, to bond, to seek Oneness. For humans, that sexuality. But spiritually, that might be an emotional drive, too. If someone wants to break free of their bonds, if they want to liberate themselves from their oppression, repression, or suppression, maybe PRIAPUS becomes the point towards which all emotional energy becomes channelled. His MOON is in my 8H, less than 2° off my PRIAPUS, and conjunct his NYMPHE. (EROS is there, but wide.) He's directing, whether he wants to, all of his emotional energy into my 8H - and hitting my PRIAPUS dead-on. But then BML is with it. Since his BML is conjunct his MOON (again, less than 2°), he naturally has this energy in his emotional profile: he's withheld, aloof, distant, and emotionally ascetic. And in Aries! I think PRIAPUS is drawn to BML like a moth to a flame. Really. There's such an intense attraction; we're both coming from the realm of emotion, but at opposite ends. So PRIAPUS wants, and BML is what, exactly? Flattered? Intrigued? PRIAPUS won't try and control BML. He'll never attempt to own her. All he wants is to merge with her, to become one. He wants to not be alone. He wants to feel complete. PRIAPUS is where we become submissive, or are our most submissive, in order to be complete - to seek completion and fulfilment. BML is where we're dominant. Where we hold everyone at a distance; where we negotiate our freedom, and walk if we don't like the deal. It's where we're beholden to no one and nothing. PRIAPUS is in awe of BML: her independence had unwillingness to submit for ANYTHING. It's the most natural ying-yang combination in existence, and at the most raw emotional level. Just think of it in Ceri's terms about how the Moon appears during each point. How distant BML, and how close PRIAPUS. It's a more raw, possibly darker, and even 'unseemly' version of EROS and PSYCHE this way. PRIAPUS, like PSYCHE, is ultimately longing for completion. That's why she seeks EROS at every turn. Conversely, EROS is in love with PSYCHE and wants her, the God of Love, wants her, this mortal princess. Perhaps BML is drawn to PRIAPUS in some fashion, as a dominant is enamoured of a submissive's undying devotion and willingness to sacrifice at any level. The submissive seems to be the one in utter longing, yearning, but the love of a dominant for their submissive partner is extremely powerful. It's a bonding of deep comprehension of a primal nature. Maybe BML and PRIAPUS are a deeply primal pairing. So long as PRIAPUS submits, BML will cherish him. Just as a dominant does to their submissive. Because they're both societally 'wrong' and 'unacceptable'. To be loved and accepted is a powerful, beautiful thing. Binding. So with my BML-SUN, I can see why it was so difficult for me to allow myself to 'submit' - to my desire, my passion, my love. To my inexplicable and sudden longing to be vulnerable. My husband's PRIAPUS trines my BML, almost exactly, which means his BML sextiles my PRIAPUS at 3°. I've always been his domme, since we met. He tried to switch roles because he wanted me to at least know what it was like to be out of control, vulnerable and submissive. But it just never worked. At. All. ![]( I think orbs really matter here. Aspects can be soft - like the trine, if someone's a SUN-PRIAPUS; if his identity, especially male ego, is expressing Priapus energy, at the top of his chart; then it trines a woman's SUN-BML-PLUTO ... the core of her identity; especially if she's totally disowned PRIAPUS (and it's not aspecting the MOON or anything else - except, in my case, NEPTUNE) ... yeah. That's pretty clear. My EROS is also on his PSYCHE, 2°. I didn't feel like a WOMAN, or even the desire to express or even explore my natural feminine sexuality - until my lover came along. His BML smack on my PRIAPUS, conjunct, exactly; his 5H, my 8H. I guess it takes a lot to knock some sense into a BML-SUN, huh? ![]( Now it's all oddly peaceful and harmonious. Everyone's expressing their natural desires and feeling loved and accepted in the face of so much adversity. Yeah, it certainly took creativity. It took bending the rules, and some moral flexibility, and a LOT of communication, and even more love. So I think you're right. PRIAPUS can show some definite creativity in the face of adversity to meet its needs. God knows my husband is a serious pro in that department! 😜 He's taught me a thing or two about being selfish. 😉 That being said, so did my lover. He relaxed the rigid principles that kept him locked in a cycle of unhappiness. He's actually allowed himself to be loved. Yeah. That took some creativity. How can I not be proud? And kind of amazed, honestly. And grateful, of course. Most of all, grateful. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2014 11:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by summerlite: No...just no. why would you want to express Priapus outwardly.You are supposed to own BML, not Priapus. Priapus guys/girls end up sleeping around outside of marriage when they decide to have it unrestrained. My goodness... Indigo, stop asking people to own their Priapus in every single thread. Your relationship's one of the worse examples.
I also think that's a gross generalisation, summerlite. Principles, maturity, and empathy in conjunction with an owned PRIAPUS will hardly lead to infidelity. I'm beginning to think you were betrayed in a marriage or commitment. That your lover or husband was unfaithful. If that's the case, I'm genuinely sorry. I've been betrayed that way myself. I used to be terrified that my husband would leave - or just start sleeping around - in order to satisfy his needs - because of my anorexia. We've come a long way, through love, communication, compromise, and being mature people. Anyone who lies, deceives, and betrays is simply NOT using their natural energy right. Be it PRIAPUS or whatever. I'm proud of my husband. And his crazy oversexed PRIAPUS. 😉 He's evolved and expressing love and appreciation. He knows that getting his addiction satisfied is not more important than our marriage, and THAT has allowed us to get to where we are now. With even more love to share. I hope, in any case, you find happiness and healing, summerlite. I really do. That's not patronising; it's genuine. I know that sort of pain, and if you've felt it, I'm so sorry. ![]( IP: Logged |
summerlite Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Jun 2014
posted January 30, 2014 08:36 AM
By owning BML, you are already owning sexuality. Priapus doesn't work in monogamy relationships. If you want to own it, don't even get married. Stay in open relationships.Sex therapists like you think you know it all. That's why you have the worse kind of relationships. And no, I didn't go through abuse of any form. Thank you for suggesting that like you know it all. It shows you really know nothing and can't even read people. I do however have a huge problem with you teaching everyone to own it and that you have the most amazing twinflame relationship. There's nothing twinflame about it. Your need to emphasise it in every thread just shows how insecure you are about it. And most people with relationship queries here would want lasting partnerships/marriage. Whatever you are teaching is so wrong. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 30, 2014 11:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by summerlite: By owning BML, you are already owning sexuality. Priapus doesn't work in monogamy relationships. If you want to own it, don't even get married. Stay in open relationships.Sex therapists like you think you know it all. That's why you have the worse kind of relationships. And no, I didn't go through abuse of any form. Thank you for suggesting that like you know it all. It shows you really know nothing and can't even read people. I do however have a huge problem with you teaching everyone to own it and that you have the most amazing twinflame relationship. There's nothing twinflame about it. Your need to emphasise it in every thread just shows how insecure you are about it. And most people with relationship queries here would want lasting partnerships/marriage. Whatever you are teaching is so wrong.
Then why are you so closed-minded? People here want LOVE. Doesn't matter how they achieve that, so long as they're not hurting anyone. Most marriages fail for a reason. Too many people enter into a marriage for the wrong things, don't grow with their partner, and think marriage will fill the void in their lives. That void can only be resolved inwardly. Why do you hate therapists? We don't always have bad relationships, either. And I'm going to teach people what I know: astrology, psychology, and science. I'm not saying what's good for the goose is also for the gander. I'm saying give people options. Choices. Stand up and say, 'I've taken this approach,' and then listen to others' own stories of other directions you didn't go. Learn, and grow. You do come off as someone with abuse, and a shut-down heart chakra, so to speak. I know how I get when I shut off and close down. Maybe it's just the written medium, but you seem, to me, too controlling. You won't hear others' views, automatically declare anything other than what you know to be wrong, and are tetchy, spiteful, and mean. That's often a sign of abuse; something makes such people fearful and seeking to over-control. I have a brilliant knack for reading people. It's frightening to most. Your words are those of one who is mired in pain and fear. If that isn't your intention, consider how you communicate. I can't read you beyond your words. You don't express yourself beyond this limited, mean-spirited, insecurity. As to my 'obsessing' over PRIAPUS, I agree; I have. But not because I'm insecure. I'm collecting data. I'm asking questions. I'm a scientist! It's what I do! Heh. Now, I've said nothing of PRIAPUS in my Twinflame thread. It doesn't figure with my Twinflame. Perhaps you became confused? Or made an incorrect assumption? Without actually reading? 😉 I know you want me to be a bad person, for some reason. You want to take me down and have me surrender in the face of True Righteousness. Unfortunately, that's just not the case here. I'm not. I'm a healer, and I've learnt to walk a path of love. It isn't easy, but it's very much worth it. Why are you so afraid? Those who react in anger are fearful and insecure in some regard. Since this has to do with forms of relating, you clearly feel very passionate about Your Only Way. Why is that? My husband's SUN-PRIAPUS shouldn't work in marriage, you're saying. But he's chosen instead to submit to the love I'm showing. He's decided to be compassionate, over his own addiction. We've been showing others how to love differently for years, but this is the first time we've ever been able to bring in someone else to experience that love (outside of his daughter). And, I assure you, Iisten closely to what she wants. When much younger, she would express how she didn't get why gays were attacked for loving each other, and why more people couldn't be allowed to love each other, too? She knew nothing of my husband and her mother's open marriage; she was 3 by the time they divorced. She knows nothing of ours. But we're more monogamish, as they say. When she asks me for my advice, I just listen. She knows what I do (she's twelve) as 'some people like to tickle each other with feathers instead', which I told her when she was about 8. But she doesn't know her parents' history, nor the style of her father's and my marriage. I'm sure one day she'll ask. I'll probably seek advice from my mom on that one! Why do you find that so wrong? As a monogamist, I don't mean to offend you; but why do you find me so personally offensive that you must attack me? IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 30, 2014 11:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by summerlite: By owning BML, you are already owning sexuality.
I disagree with this. I don't believe BML is intrinsically sexual. I think she's independence and freedom from restriction - by her own doing. PRIAPUS is so desperately seeking to fulfill desire, he seeks to do so regardless of consequences. But BML has been ostracised for the most part. She's alone. I'm not seeing exactly how she's sexual. If anything, she's dominant sexually. And that can go both ways.
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IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 30, 2014 12:10 PM
I've gotta stop clicking 'quote' instead of 'edit'. If you'd be so kind, please delete, modly types! IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 9778 From: Death Star Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 30, 2014 03:36 PM
Ehem What do you think about Priapus trine Moon in a woman's chart?------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 4148 From: Miami Registered: Aug 2011
posted August 07, 2014 01:01 PM
BumpIP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8347 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 07, 2018 05:02 PM
Come to think of it the two people I have had the most beautiful spiritually fulfilling sex with I have:1. Isis sextile his Osiris, with my h22 Priapus conjuncting his Isis(exact) and his Osiris. We also have Isis trine Osiris but by 5d with his Priapus conjuncting my Osiris. We have Priapus trine Priapus playing into our isis sextile and trine osiris double whammy essentially. The desire to merge and become one with him was overwhelmingly strong right from the start, I kissed him the moment I saw him. When we are in each other's presence we do feel powerless to each other, we can say no bc the desire and pull to merge is so strong. 2. Isis trine his Osiris, with my h22 Priapus opposing his Osiris. These two people are the most enjoyable fulfilling sex I have ever had, the kind you never forget and stays with you in spite of many years passing, you remember them bc you feel you actually did merge and surrendered with them, something that is hard to come across I feel. I tend to like trines and sextiles the most between venus and mars which I had double whammys of with both of them so it makes sense that I like trines and sextiles more between isis and osiris too. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6718 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 07, 2018 09:57 PM
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