Topic: (586)Thekla and Lucky Escapes
Panthera Leo Knowflake Posts: 428 From: Registered: Jul 2013
posted February 07, 2014 12:28 PM
I recently discovered asteroid(586) Thekla named after Saint Thekla. Apparently according to her story she had a lot of lucky escapes from near death with the help of some divine intervention. I have Her in Cancer 25'14 conjunct Jupiter 25'1 and Squaring my Asc Libra 26'10 and Dsc 26'10 Aries. I was wondering If anybody with a prominent Thekla has had any close calls and lived to tell the tale. IP: Logged |
summerlite Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Jun 2014
posted February 07, 2014 03:28 PM
Thekla cjt transit Iris thanks for sharing. IP: Logged |
summerlite Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Jun 2014
posted February 07, 2014 03:28 PM
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Panthera Leo Knowflake Posts: 428 From: Registered: Jul 2013
posted February 07, 2014 03:44 PM
What happened to you Summerlite ?If I remember Iris was messenger of the Greek Gods who could travel to the heaven's,the depths of the oceans and the underworld. Did you perhaps survive a plan crash? Maybe you were rescued at sea from drowning whenever your ship sank? Or Perhaps you tried to make contact with the dead and unleashed an evil spirit and barely survived the encounter?I have such an overactive imagination. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 55373 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 07, 2014 03:48 PM
Thanks so much, PL. I am gonna add her to my list. It sounds like Jupiter in the 12th--the Guardian planet. These people have lots of near miss accidents.------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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summerlite Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Jun 2014
posted February 07, 2014 05:15 PM She's a messenger, not some destruction god.I had a feeling iris was pointing to something today. I found this asteroid. That's what I meant. IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo Knowflake Posts: 428 From: Registered: Jul 2013
posted February 07, 2014 05:30 PM
I see your point now that you have elaborated .I know Iris was A messenger Goddess. I mentioned the horrible things because because I wondered if you had had a lucky escape since Thekla conjuncted transit Iris. I mentioned plane crashes,getting saved from drowning and talking to the dead because Iris could travel to the Heavens,Sea and Underworld.I thought if Thekla was conjunct Iris those would be some interesting and fitting lucky escapes to mention.I was also trying to add some humour to the thread.IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Moderator Posts: 789 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 14, 2014 04:58 AM
I know of one individual that survived many, and I mean many, divine interventions... Incidents unheard of in a normal lifetime.... Some near fatal incidents. This person has asteroid Thekla in the 10th House near conjunct 10H cusp (using Equal house). Also Jupiter 12HIP: Logged |
Delilah423 Knowflake Posts: 249 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted February 14, 2014 10:38 AM
The last thing I needed today was another asteroid to play with!Thekla is on 2 Cap in my 1st house, square my Sun exactly (0.05). She was in Pisces sesquiquadrate Saturn in Cancer (0.58) on the day I literally avoided a massive heart attack and certain death several years ago. Tr Thekla trine natal Uranus (1.07) biquintile Neptune (0.06) square ASC (0.54) IP: Logged |
Delilah423 Knowflake Posts: 249 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted February 14, 2014 10:42 AM
quote: Originally posted by Delilah423: The last thing I needed today was another asteroid to play with!Thekla is on 2 Cap in my 1st house, square my Sun exactly (0.05). She was in Pisces sesquiquadrate Saturn in Cancer (0.58) on the day I literally avoided a massive heart attack and certain death several years ago. Tr Thekla trine natal Uranus (1.07) biquintile Neptune (0.06) square ASC (0.54)
And, I gotta say, I rather like the Sabian for 2 Cap: A Human Soul, In Its Eagerness For New Experiences, Seeks Embodiment IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo Knowflake Posts: 428 From: Registered: Jul 2013
posted February 14, 2014 03:31 PM
Thanks for replying Plutosurvivor and Delilah423.Im glad to hear that asteroid Thekla certainly seems to live up to her namesake.Hopefully she will bring me and others good luck.IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Moderator Posts: 789 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 16, 2014 01:14 AM
The name Thekla, from the Greek, means "Glory of God" I always loved the sound of the name Tekla, a derivative of Thekla. Now I know why... Invincible. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 2690 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 16, 2014 07:41 PM
Asteroid Thekla (586) Sagittarius 13.03'rx 1st Houseconjunct Great Attractor 13.20 SAG H1 conjunct my Ascendant 11.30 SAG quincunx Venus Taurus 12.37 in 5th sesquiquadrate Jupiter Cancer 27.23 accessed on Feb 15, 2014 ... transiting Thekla was in Capricorn 16 degrees ... my 'Progressed Thekla' was station direct conj prog'MC/SAG by 3 degrees 10th house side. ... I had researched the info with the intent to post, but life way-sided me a bit. Now finally posting it. Looking at Thekla in my chart helped open realizations in me. Brought me strength and an understanding I didn't have before. Thanks so much for your research and introducing this saintly asteroid to us, Panthera Leo. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4344 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted May 16, 2014 07:50 PM
Thekla in cancer conjunct my Sun/Jupiter IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 2690 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 16, 2014 07:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by Panthera Leo: ... I have Her [THEKLA] in Cancer 25'14 conjunct Jupiter 25'1
WOW, Panthera Leo, your Thekla-Jupiter in Cancer is CONJUNCT my Uranus Cancer 25.01'59" (I have my Jupiter Cancer 27.23') Fixed star "Procyon" is in 26th degree with our shared Uranus, Thekla-Jupiter connection!
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Panthera Leo Knowflake Posts: 428 From: Registered: Jul 2013
posted May 16, 2014 08:44 PM
ail221 and mirage29 you both seem to have some very lucky aspects.Im glad the assteroid was helpful to you mirage29.Our synastry really is interesting mirage29.Imagine the exciting troublesome adventures we could have.My Jupiter and Thekla is in the 9th house. I meant to reply before this but I got a bit side tracked.Is it me or am going crazy its just I could have swore you edited one of your posts mirage29.I could have swore you mentioned your asteroid Angel,Vesta,Your Vertex and your Neptune.I think their was more.From what I remember your Angel,Vesta and Vertex are all in Cancer and Neptune is in Libra.I think we might have quite a few connections that is if I not going crazy lol. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 2690 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 20, 2014 03:23 AM
Panthera Leo I'm enjoying the thoughts! In the Ninth House? We could probably talk 'philosophy' for hours and hours! Journeying with our Higher Minds... (How I'd definitely relish that experience!~~ sigh) And oops about my edit. You DID see correctly. Sometimes I get caught inbetween waves of boldness then seized by shyness. (Or is it the other way around?) I was very fascinated by your comment on our synastry... 622pm IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo Knowflake Posts: 428 From: Registered: Jul 2013
posted May 20, 2014 10:24 PM
I have a loaded 9th house My Leo Sun,Venus and Chiron in Cancer and quite a few asteroids also reside there.It would be interesting to discuss philosophy with you.Unfortunately my mind is not actually functioning the way it should function if I was intune with my higher self.Although am Capable of higher thoughts its just i'm also familiar with the side of my which seems like it crawled out of a very deep dark abyss.I am trying to get back in touch my higher self though.I honestly don't read a lot even though I like to read when I get the chance to or I find something I like.I have a very short attention span which my 3rd House Saturn,Uranus and Neptune which are all retrograde help to make it worse .The closest thing to philosophy I have came into contact with would probably be some poems I read when In English Literature class at school a couple of years ago. I can't actually remember the words many of the poems.I do remember one morbid poem I read called Death The Leveller and the message it was was trying to convey.I can't remember the words or who the author was but I do remember the lesson to learn was that everyone was equal in death it didn't matter who they were whether they were rich or poor the universal was that death cuts everybody down to size knowone escapes it. I usually have a lot on mind but usually I find it hard to express what i'm thinking.Sometimes my mouth gets me into trouble if I say the wrong thing.Another problem I have is I usually say to little or to much.I think I know how you feel Mirage29. I also sometimes go through extreme phases. One moment i can be as bold as brass and the next moment I can be quite humble and shy. I am sorry about replying late again.My life is really disorganised.I think Northern Ireland is also a few hours ahead of America.Last night I was up late and the night before I got very little sleep.I hadn't checked the asteroid forum yesterday so I missed your response. I had a free day today so when I went to sleep I ended up sleeping through most of the day.I woke up a while ago and noticed your post.I would have answered back a lot quicker before you had edited your post again but I takes a while to think about how i'm going to put together my reply.I wish I was a lot quicker at giving my response.Its just your posts are very deep and it takes me some time to give a decent reply.If I rushed it It would just seem like a fickle response. I hope you don't think I was ignoring you or that I didn't care about your posts.Sometimes i'm just very hard to get a hold of.Although I usually try to reply to the people i've missed even if It is a late reply.I also hope you don't feel like you wasted your breath by writing such a deep response.I know how it feels to want to reach out to someone and then feel like they couldn't care less about you or are uninterested in what you to say.I know how embarrassing and hurtful it is if you feel like you made a fool of yourself.I want you know that I think that you have a lot of very interesting and worthwhile things to say.Please Mirage 29 don't feel like you ever need to edit what you write. Can I ask were you a Nun at one point of your life ? I think you mentioned Phlous conjuncting Thekla perhaps this transit will bring dramatic change in your life.Perhaps there may be some hard lessons to learn and maybe their might be some explosive situations you may have to deal with.I think with the help of Thekla you will survive and emerge as a stronger person. At the moment Transit Thekla 6 Aquarius 50 is conjuncting my Ic 6 Aquarius 24 R Tisiphone 6 Aquarius 53 R Tyr 6 Aquarius 24 R Cyane 6 Aquarius 14 R Stargazer 6 Aquarius 41 R N.Node 7 Aquarius 17 I hope Thekla will help me survive any danger and challenges that come my way.I wonder if there will be some very deep dangerous fated lessons I will have to learn considering Transit Thekla conjuncts my Ic,N.node.Cyane,Tisiphone and Tyr. I will reply Mirage29 when ever I can and as quickly as I can.Please don't think I don't care about your posts.At the moment its 03:21 am here in Northern Ireland. Later today I will be going away from my laptop.I will be back on Friday.I should be going to sleep but i'm going to stay awake.If you see this and reply back before I've left I'll get back to you.If you don't answer back till after I leave it will be Friday when I reply. Its good to hear from you Mirage29 IP: Logged |
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 85 From: Somewhere over the Rainbow... Registered: May 2009
posted May 22, 2014 09:02 PM
Interesting asteroid!I have Thekla square Moon, square Mars, trine Jupiter (chart ruler). I've had a tremendous amount of close calls. Very eerie ones that I probably shouldn't have gotten out of. IP: Logged |