Topic: Collating materials for an ISIS/OSIRIS reference thread - contributions welcomed
Astro keen unregistered
posted April 11, 2014 03:36 AM
Gabby and I are going to use this thread to collect posts from other threads on LL. Gabby would be very good at adding her own insights too! There is plenty on ISIS / OSIRIS and it would be really useful to have all the good stuff in one place. Like we did for KAALI, KARMA, ATLANTIS etc. Sifting through LL threads, from past experience, will take much work. Hoping others will also contribute to the effort. Once we have gathered enough here, we can organise the materials under different headings for the actual reference thread. @ iQ - hope you will cast your eye on what we've got and offer corrections. @ Ceridwen. It would be great if you could contribute your thoughts on key ISIS/ OSIRIS aspects found in Twinflames. Does having an ISIS/OSIRIS conjunction in one's natal increase chances of being a TF or meeting your TF? Initial thoughts for headings:
1) ISIS/OSIRIS - meanings 2) ISIS/OSIRIS and SUN 3) ISIS/OSIRIS and ASC (other angles, points, GC, GA, SGC could be included here) 4) ISIS/OSIRIS and MOON 5) SIS/OSIRIS and PLANETS 6) ISIS/OSIRIS in SIGNS 7) ISIS/OSIRIS in HOUSES 8) ISIS/OSIRIS and ASTEROIDS 9) ISIS/OSIRIS in SYNASTRY and COMPOSITE (including Draconic and Helio) 10) ISIS/OSIRIS in combinations (maybe stars?) 11) Famous people/couples and aspects Some conventions Write names of planets, asteroids etc in CAPITALS. Headings in BOLD.
Add names of contributors and provide links for external sources. Please add month and year for iQ's posts (where known) - he requested this as his ideas evolved over time and dates would help distinguish earlier posts from later ones. For example: A very powerful Soul Mate Pair conjunction. (iQ, March 2013) IP: Logged |
Astro keen unregistered
posted April 11, 2014 03:44 AM
This is what I've found so far -Meanings ISIS ISIS is the personification of the Divine Feminine "Shakti" or Power that seeks to Unite with Her Infinite God-Source by completing the Divine "Union". The entire Kundalini Yoga Process is nothing but Shakti at the base of the Spine uniting completely with the Divine "Shiva" center in the Crown Chakra. The Egyptian Myths speak of a patient Isis searching for the missing parts of her beloved Osiris. The Myth is a very good allegory to the Fall of Man. Osiris is tricked by jealous brother Set, cut into 13 pieces and scattered. This is akin to the Individual Soul compartmentalized into 13 personalities for the sake of physical Human Experience, and the temptation or trickery may have been another Species. So, ISIS, the Twin Soul of Osiris collects all 13 pieces to make Osiris whole again for Union. Thus, she is the inspirer of Kundalini for all 13 Soul Personalities of every Higher Self. She initiates us into the knowledge of Karma, without balancing which we cannot raise our Kundalini. ISIS is the ultimate energy of Loyalty. When the penis of Osiris is missing, she asks Thoth to make one of gold and re-animate Osiris. This is a very powerful allegory. The awakened Osiris is above base desires, and his enlightened form needs sexual experience beyond ordinary compulsions of lust/survival procreation. The purpose of sexual union is now to create demi-gods, and thus Horus is produced. ISIS is thus the initiator of certain hormonal transformations in Men, something occurs to our cellular structure when we attain knowledge of Isis and from Isis. It is possible that we can produce sperm cells that have a mono-atom of gold. [Gold is produced in the Human Body through Biological Transmutation. Spiritual people may be metabolizing more gold and hence activating more powerful electrical connections to the Spiritual World] Asteroid ISIS thus tells you how you will attain Spiritual Kundalini based Transformation with love and loyalty for God, by letting go of karmic entrapments and by alchemically producing more internal gold. (iQ, March 2012) OSIRIS OSIRIS is one of the most important Asteroids by theme. According to my understanding, it helps us know how we grasp the Divine Masculine traits within us. Where did we get scattered ? [Osiris Myth of 14 Pieces] How do we rejuvenate? Who will be our Thoth/Master/Guide/Guru? [Asteroid Hermes may help] How do we impregnate Isis with a Golden Phallus? [Meaning: How do we seed our Higher Reality after enlightenment] How will our Horus be like? [We have Asteroid Horus as well] (iQ, July 2011)
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Astro keen unregistered
posted April 11, 2014 03:51 AM
ISIS/OSIRIS in SYNASTRY Q. Is a solitary connection enough to raise a pleasant relationship to something very special would you say? A. Only if the connection is to a planet or to Asteroid OSIRIS in the other chart. Q. Do you prefer to see a female asteroid ISIS aspecting a male OSIRIS? Or a male ISIS aspecting a female OSIRIS in synastry? A. Both will work because they represent some of the Highest Positive Principles of Manifested Divinity Q. Can the connection indicate something platonic or is it always about loving union? A. Both can happen but to convert a deep Platonic "Mental" Union into a passionate union, we do need some help from MARS or PlUTO in the charts (iQ, March 2012) Q. OSIRIS is the man and ISIS is the woman (me). If it matters its 22-24 degrees of Taurus and my ISIS is in the 3rd house and his OSIRIS is in the 11th A. A very powerful Soul Mate Pair conjunction. Very strong likelihood of a past lifetime affair which was deep, as if you sought him for a long time. It is a strong encouragement to consider the relationship [provided there aren't too many severe planetary afflictions]. (iQ, March, 2013) Q- Double whammy conjunction (exact) of ISIS and KARMA. A -Very powerful. This should have brought forth past life memories or even Genetic Memories of the Old Kingdom in Ancient Egypt. Spiritually, it denotes the fated "trigger" for you to find the Isis/Kundalini Shakti within, to enable you to integrate your life experiences. You were to have received some sort of automatic Alchemical Initiation. (iQ, August 2012) COMPOSITE OSIRIS conjunct SUN: This is positive in terms of valuing each other as a Soul Mate and being loyal. A conjunction or trine from ISIS would have further strengthened this. PSYCHE sextile ISIS: There is psychological compatibility for the special or sophisticated knowledge held by one another. IP: Logged |
Astro keen unregistered
posted April 11, 2014 12:34 PM
ISIS conjunct OSIRIS ISIS represents our divine feminine archetype energies of wisdom and OSIRIS the divine masculine wisdom. Their conjunction indicates a very evolved soul in the matters of masculinity-femininity balance. (iQ, Feb 2007)ISIS conjunct ASC: a clue to an Egyptian Past Life. ISIS trine ASC: Fated to know about Occult Wisdom, with ease and harmony. ISIS conjunct SUN: Your Core Personality is connected to an Ancient Egyptian Past Lifetime [or a past lifetime in a culture that was obsessed with Ancient Egyptian Artefacts and Occult Knowledge like Freemasonry]. You are destined to learn Occult Concepts like those explained in the Kybalion. You will also have a stronger yearning for your Twin Flame than is normal with other people. (iQ, July 2013) OSIRIS conjunct MOON shows your Higher Level comprehension of the Divine Masculine is linked to the mastery of personal emotions and Subconscious Mind. This conjunction also indicates your Maternal Ancestral Bloodlines have an important Ancient Egyptian connection. (iQ, July 2011) ISIS conjunct MERCURY/IC Need to contemplate on "Divine Feminine", need to study Hermeticism /works of Thoth for your intellectual growth. A strong capability exists for understanding the structure of the Human Soul, especially from the viewpoint of Ancient Egyptian thinkers. (iQ, July 2013) IP: Logged |
Astro keen unregistered
posted April 11, 2014 12:40 PM
Connection between ISIS/OSIRIS and the fixed stars SIRIUS/ORIONIn Linda's "Star Signs" she mentioned two fixed stars labelled by Astronomers as Isis and Osiris forming an aspect after thousands of years [Correct me if I am wrong]. This was a Sign to her about our generation awakening more and more to the concept of Soul Mates and Twin Flame. Thus, if we connect Sirius and Orion to the Twin Flame Theme of Isis and Osiris, we have the following: 1. Sirius is the brightest Star, the "Light" of a Star in the dark night. Light = Seeking = Isis seeking for the missing parts of Osiris. 2. Orion as a Constellation has 7 major Stars and 2 minor Stars. Though this does not tie in with 13 pieces of Osiris, the 9 Stars of Orion plus Sirius = 10, the Numerological Number of Isis and Osiris. 3. Orion and Osiris are both heroes in Myth. Ancient Egyptians connected the two. It is possible that the Consciousness of Orion manifested as Osiris. 4. If Isis and Osiris together are the Cosmic Soul, then we have a 12 Zodiac Connection as well. Sirius has two neighbors called Sirius B and Sirius C. 9 of Orion plus 3 = 12. Thus, Sirius and Orion are one of the symbols of how the Zodiac affects the Undivided Soul. 5. The Pyramids of Giza maps to Orion, but Sirius is said to Symbolize Isis. The Dogon Tribe connected Sirius as the Axis of the Universe, and said that all "Matter" emanates from Sirius. This is a strong tie in to the Vedic Theory of all "Maya" or Illusory Matter produced from "Adi Parasakthi" or First Cause Goddess, which is what Ancient Egyoptians considered Isis. [Shiva being Osiris]. Thus, any geometric interrlay between Sirius and Orion in the sky is a symbol of Cosmological Tantra of Osiris-Isis or Shiva-Shakti. That is what I know so far. (iQ, Feb 2014) IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 11, 2014 06:10 PM
I haven't had the chance to look yet...but I will the beginning of next week! From IQ's website- Ascendant conjunct OSIRIS or HORUS produces heric individuals ready to sacrifice for others. Sun conjunct ISIS bestows ladies with seductive charm and soulful looks. IP: Logged |
Astro keen unregistered
posted April 15, 2014 05:58 PM
ISIS conjuncts URANUS exact in 8th House: you intuitively know about Kundalini, DIvine-Feminine Concepts for a New Age etc. A strong ISIS is also a clue for a Sirian past lifeline. (iQ, June 2010)
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iQ Moderator Posts: 5855 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 16, 2014 09:40 AM
From my Correspondence Course Notes, enjoy ![]( -----------------------------------------------------------------Asteroids ISIS and OSIRIS: Asteroid ISIS has several layers of meaning, depending on the karmic experiences of the person. Most of the interpretations will work only after a certain amount of spiritual awareness is inculcated. Dormant and passive people will rarely experience the effects of the occult theme asteroids in their chart [very strong transits can sometimes trigger enough spiritual awareness to start sensing the effect of occult theme asteroids]. Those who are Souls with repeated incarnations since the time of Ancient Egypt or even prior to that, for them ISIS is a proof of their past life karmic debts in Ancient Egypt that deal with Royalty, Mystery Schools and Hermetic Wisdom ; for Isis is said to be the Goddess responsible for Initiation into Mysteries. Those who have more incarnations since the Renaissance or towards the Modern Age, ISIS represent their own awakening to the Spiritual via the “Divine Feminine”: Their discovery of Art Form, Symbolism and expression of how they thirst for God. Here, there is a direct correlation to the Vedic Esoteric Concept of “Kundalini” where Shakti is the Divine Feminine Force latent in Humanity which when thirsting for the Eternal God Soul, rises up to meet the “Shiva” Center [Osiris in Ancient Egyptian Myth] near the Pituitary Gland. This is said to activate the Crown Chakra [after first activating the Pineal Gland]. Those who are Souls from Atlantis, for them ISIS represents the compassion that helped in the re-construction and rehabilitation of survivors across the Continents after the destruction of Atlantis. Here, Isis could even be a Goddess Level Entity from the Sirius Star System. Irrespective of incarnation history or geography, for all Human Beings, Asteroid Isis can be considered as the representation of the best of our “Right Brain” Traits: Compassion, Intuition, Knowing by Knowing and ultimately Gnosis/Self Realization. The most popular Myth of Isis is her poignant and dedicated search for the missing pieces of her Twin Flame: Osiris. 13 pieces are found, and the 14th piece is made of Gold, after which Master Thoth reawakens Osiris, and they reunite. A powerful child is born to them, Horus, who destroys Set [the jealous brother of Osiris who conspired to dismember Osiris]. This Myth is all about Reintegration of our Highest Self by settling the debts of parallel incarnations, and awakening using “Gold” into our Divine Immortal Form. Gold = God + L or God + Love, the Love being the unconditional love from our Twin Flame without which Immortality is impossible. Isis in our charts can thus tell us how we receive unconditional love from our Twin Flame, wherever she or he may be, so that we become whole again and release past life debts to ensure we escape the cycles of birth/death. Keywords for Isis and Osiris in the 12 Signs of the Zodiac Note: Isis describes a higher level personality in a woman. The same aspect in a Man’s chart describes these traits that he will appreciate in a woman after he improves in his Spiritual Level. Likewise, Osiris describes a higher level personality in a man, and a woman will appreciate such traits in a man once she improves her Spiritual Level. Isis in Aries: The Divine Feminine characteristics are felt impulsively and quickly. The increase in spiritual wisdom leads to increased leadership traits and a fiery streak is added to the personality. This same fiery nature will be demonstrated to one who is considered to be the true love or Soul Mate. There will be an attraction towards chasing the opposite sex to find love [after one’s spiritual awareness is triggered]. Osiris in Aries: Tendency to be a hero who loves the idealism of a Self Sacrificing General, one leading a battle against wickedness even if the wicked be from within one’s own kingdom. Chances of being injured are high when attempting heroic feats. In an Ancient Egyptian Past Lifetime, the odds are high for leading an army in battle.
Isis in Taurus: The Divine Feminine characteristics are felt through steadfast patience and when being opinionated in the quest for Divine Enlightenment. Beauty will be felt stronger within. Sensuousness will increase with heightened awareness during Spiritual Practices. Osiris in Taurus: Physical Strength will increase and so will patience when one transforms to a higher level in life. There will be a need to acquire more for loved ones and for gifting to others so that others too can experience luxury. In an Ancient Egyptian Past Lifetime, the chances are high that the person was associated with the Granary or was into Agriculture. Isis in Gemini or Osiris in Gemini: Associated with Intellectual Gains in the Past Lifetime in Egypt. Could have been a scribe or a Papyrus maker or one who translated the Hieroglyphics. In the present, Transformation as an individual will lead to excessive interest in reading, data collection, writing and speaking. Isis in Cancer: The Divine Feminine characteristics are felt through Motherhood and nurturing. Osiris in Cancer: The Divine Masculine characteristics after Transformation are manifested by being a superb Father to one’s biological and adopted children. Isis in Leo/Osiris in Leo: This placement is associated with nearness to Royalty and the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. In the present, after Transformation one will become more joyful and more influential through charisma plus through ones hobbies. One would immerse himself or herself into the enjoyment of higher pleasures of life, and will never feel shy about this. Isis in Virgo/Osiris in Virgo: The main characteristics of this placement is that after Self Transformation one’s critical reasoning faculty improves tremendously and one starts paying a lot more close attention to the details than before. The women will feel more attractive when they are more cerebral and the men will feel more heroic when they calculate faster or analyze more information quickly. Isis in Libra: In Ancient Egyptian Lifetimes, very likely to be associated with the Fine Arts or decorators for the Royalty. Could have been a High Priestess as well. Osiris in Libra: Could have been powerful politicians, orators or sculptors in in the Ancient Egyptian Lifetime. In the present, after Transformation one would find oneself drawn to the Fine Arts or even the study of languages. One would suddenly feel more gifted in the fine arts. There will be a sudden interest in feminine beauty and an appreciation of the Divine Feminine than ever before.
Isis in Scorpio/Osiris in Scorpio: In Ancient Egyptian Lifetimes, very likely to be associated with Sacred Sex as Concubines for the Royalty or Priests. Chances also exist for being secret assassins. In the present, this placement is encouraging of seeking advanced sexual practices, sex for enlightenment than just animal lust and very strong sexual attraction for the sake of the Higher Mind.or for the Evolutionary Level than external appearance. Isis in Sagittarius/Osiris in Sagittarius: In Ancient Egyptian Lifetimes, very likely to be associated with Education and travel to nearby lands like Arabia and Sumeria or lower Nile. In the present this placement encourages a renewed interest in Higher Education after Spiritual Transformation. Isis in Capricorn/Osiris in Capricorn: In Ancient Egyptian Lifetimes, very likely to be associated with control of the masses, in the law enforcement and tax collection. In the present this placement encourages the person to climb higher in the social strata by virtue of consistent services done dutifully for others. Chances of become heads of tribunals or a Political Commission becomes higher. Isis in Aquarius/Osiris in Aquarius: Could have been the Innovators and Rebel Leaders in Ancient Egyptian lifetimes. In the present, this is a superb placement as after Self Transformation one can become a radical thinker or a visionary philosopher.
Isis in Pisces/Osiris in Pisces: The strongest Occult Connection. Could have been members of Secret Orders and Cults in Ancient Egypt. Could have known the Secrets of The Pyramids, The Magical Books, the true meaning of Hieroglyphics and about the Soul/Higher Self etc. In the present life after Transformation, this placement encourages very deep thinking about Occult Symbols, about the Soul, about Reincarnation and so on. Aspects of Isis One of the most important aspects for Isis is Sun conjunct Isis. An example: For one with ISIS conjunct Sun in 11.3 Pisces Sabian: " In The Sanctuary Of An Occult Brotherhood, Newly Initiated Members Are Being Examined And Their Character Tested” Interpretation: You have been an initiate of a Mystery School in more than one lifetime. You are very strongly connected to the Schools that later instituted Freemasonry. Depending on other Asteroids [Example: Asteroid Giza or Osiris or Horus or Ptah or Sekhmet conjunct/trine/square/opposition Saturn or South Node], you could have had one or more lifetimes in Ancient Egypt or in a family that was affectionate towards Ancient Egyptian Research. Your Spiritual Energy Levels must be very high to have such an exact conjunction, and it would be necessary for you to know about Hermetic Concepts such as taught in "Kybalion". There is also a chance that you have existed as a Higher Dimensional Being in Sirius [This may seem bizarre, but there are several ancient texts which speak of Advanced Civilizations in other Star Systems]. For ISIS conjunct Sun or Moon in 5 Aquarius. Sabian: “A Masked Figure Performs Ritualistic Acts In A Mystery Play” Much of the first interpretation will be common. In addition, the Sabian Symbol is highly ritualistic, you could have been used in Ancient Egyptian inspired rituals without your knowledge and could also have participated willingly. Asteroid Isis works both ways, occult and open.
Other examples of Isis Aspects: Isis square Saturn: Whenever Saturn is concerned, it is a past life lesson that was not learned adequately, or a past life “sin” for which sufficient remedial action was not taken. When the aspect angle is square or opposition, the lesson is intense as the negative actions or negative consequences are too many. The interpretation of Saturn in a Sign and House has already been explained, so first look at that, then combine the meaning of Isis. This combination is of a harsh lesson or negative experience fated in this life because of either negative actions in an Ancient Egyptian Lifetime, misuse of Occult Knowledge from an Isis based Mystery School or even disrespect of one’s “Divine Feminine” traits leading to lessons of suffering as a woman [if a woman] of from women if you are a male with this aspect. Supposing the aspect were a conjunction, then the person has been heavily involved in all that Isis represents. Pleasant aspects like trine and sextile indicate an ease of understanding the concept represented by Isis. An additional positive interpretation of Isis trine Saturn is being fated to meet, romance or marry a loving Soul Mate, even if there are afflictions to the 7th House/7th House Lord. Isis conjunct/trine Venus: Such a person can have dazzling appeal, many will fall in love with the person. A lady may find fame because of her beauty with this aspect. She will love to find her Soul Mate and will be true to him even if she is a celebrity. Such a person will be able to affect the “Kundalini Energy” of her admirers through her appearance or even presence. Isis conjunct Mars or Eros: Here sexual energy gets enhanced, especially the desire for sexual union with one’s Soul Mate or even better, with one’s Twin Flame. Some people with this aspect act as initiators of sexual experience to many in the art of “Sacred Sex”. [Note: This trait is more when Asteroid Vesta is involved]. Isis conjunct Mercury conjunct IC Indicates a need to contemplate on "Divine Feminine", possibly a need to study Hermeticism/works of Thoth for your intellectual growth. A strong capability exists for understanding the structure of the Human Soul, especially from the viewpoint of Ancient Egyptian thinkers. =======================+===================== ------------------ Astrology Articles
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Astro keen unregistered
posted April 16, 2014 11:11 AM
Wow iQ! This is so helpful. Thanks a lot .Your notes join the dots and bring diverse meanings together. IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 829 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted April 16, 2014 10:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by iQ: "Those who are Souls with repeated incarnations since the time of Ancient Egypt or even prior to that, for them ISIS is a proof of their past life karmic debts in Ancient Egypt that deal with Royalty, Mystery Schools and Hermetic Wisdom ; for Isis is said to be the Goddess responsible for Initiation into Mysteries.""Those who are Souls from Atlantis, for them ISIS represents the compassion that helped in the re-construction and rehabilitation of survivors across the Continents after the destruction of Atlantis. Here, Isis could even be a Goddess Level Entity from the Sirius Star System."
IQ, may I inquire about synastry based on what you've written before? A woman's Isis conj a man's Valentine, Taurus, love for how she is as a woman, all that.
Woman's Tutenchamun-Sun conj the man's Osiris-Echnaton, Leo. Inner personality + ideas of men in sync with how the man is as the man? Egyptian contact with the Tut/Osiris-Echnaton on top? Woman's Valentine trine man's Sun-Nepthys -linked aspect or not a link with the above? Woman's Amor-Osiris conj man's Amor-Mars, Pisces. Woman's ideal man matching the man's active sides? Woman's Merc (opp all that Amor-Osiris-Mars) conj his Horus. Woman's Moon opp man's Isis, Pisces-Virgo. Ideas of feminine sides at odds, feelings not in sync with how he likes his women? OR does his Osiris conj her Sun with her Moon opp his Isis make it something more? Luminaries only from one side though. Man's Venus trine his Osiris, any bearing on woman's Osiris then conj his Mars? I've run into Isis conj Valentine a LOT lately in many charts or with many people honed in on, so I apparently need some light on that right now.
Would someone with Amor-Osiris also be likely to hone in on Valentine-Isis through synastry then? Someone who wants the Osiris wants the same levels of big love also for the Isis side? Patterns are love in any case. As I see it, with a Nepthys-Sun person having their Osiris conjunct someone else's Sun, it's still a secondary thing since she only borrowed Isis' husband? Woman's Nepthys square her Moon (opp Sun/Moon MP) and man's Isis (by one). -- Also, I'm told of times older than Atlantis and not there. How do you see Isis/Osiris for something like that? Or what do you use in asteroids for something older than Atlantis? ;P IP: Logged |
Astro keen unregistered
posted April 17, 2014 05:51 AM
iQ, when you answer Keela's query, would you also please add comments on the ISIS and CHIRON synastry aspects given below:I have these in common with Gabby and have seen these mentioned by other people here - we wondered about the meaning! A guy who has CHIRON on the girl's DC also has CHIRON opp her ISIS. Are these aspects complimentary in some way? I can't figure out what role ISIS might play here. The relationships are very challenging ones, enabling transformations to take place, but through much pain. So, in the same relationship I have: His Isis opp my Chiron (1) His Chiron conjunct my DC (0) His Chiron sextile my Isis/Osiris/Sekhmet/Apollo Thank you. IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 5855 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 18, 2014 05:25 AM
Hi Keela,<< Woman's Tutenchamun-Sun conj the man's Osiris-Echnaton, Leo. Inner personality + ideas of men in sync with how the man is as the man? Egyptian contact with the Tut/Osiris-Echnaton on top? >> Correct. << Woman's Valentine trine man's Sun-Nepthys -linked aspect or not a link with the above? Woman's Amor-Osiris conj man's Amor-Mars, Pisces. Woman's ideal man matching the man's active sides? >> Now it looks linked. << Woman's Merc (opp all that Amor-Osiris-Mars) conj his Horus. >> Intellectual need to have a blessed child with him. << Woman's Moon opp man's Isis, Pisces-Virgo. Ideas of feminine sides at odds, feelings not in sync with how he likes his women? >> Yes, and this is from a subconscious level. << OR does his Osiris conj her Sun with her Moon opp his Isis make it something more? Luminaries only from one side though. Man's Venus trine his Osiris, any bearing on woman's Osiris then conj his Mars? >> Makes it a deeper bonding due to their Egyptian Lifetime romance. << Would someone with Amor-Osiris also be likely to hone in on Valentine-Isis through synastry then? Someone who wants the Osiris wants the same levels of big love also for the Isis side? Patterns are love in any case. >> Yes, likewise Valentine-Osiris can connect strongly to Amor-Isis.
<< As I see it, with a Nepthys-Sun person having their Osiris conjunct someone else's Sun, it's still a secondary thing since she only borrowed Isis' husband? Woman's Nepthys square her Moon (opp Sun/Moon MP) and man's Isis (by one). >> This is a correct view.
<< Also, I'm told of times older than Atlantis and not there. How do you see Isis/Osiris for something like that? Or what do you use in asteroids for something older than Atlantis? >> I have no satisfactory way of knowing this. I do know that Lemuria started prior o Atlantis, and there were civilizations that later moved to subterranean regions [The Myths of Agartha and Shambhalla relate to these]. Right now, I look for Asteroid Hawaii aspects to assess a Lemurian lifetime. Lets say Asteroid Siva, Parvati, Kaali, Sekhmet or Ptah [relating to Primordial Dieties] conjunct a Fixed Star like Vega, Sirius, Antares or Andromeda; and simultaneously we have the Moon or Ascendant aspect HAWAII in any way with a tight orb, then this could be an indicator for the person having had a lifetime earlier than Atlantis. I check with clients whether they have a love for "Lemurian Seed Crystals". Many who have strong Asteroid Hawaii dream of Lemuria and yes, they do attract such crystals ![]( Its not an exact calculation though. AK, I will write to you soon. ------------------ Astrology Articles New Services and short readings IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 829 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted April 18, 2014 11:28 PM
Thanks. Still doesn't tell me that much ultimately I guess, on practical levels, but new info is interesting and hopefully helpful in any case. Sooner or later. Thanks for that Hawaii, hadn't thought of anything such. 15031 Lemus is a bit far from Lemuria, 11897 Lemaire and Shambleau likewise, but as it happens or in more synchronicity, the man of the example seems to have Lemus conjunct his Nepthys-Sun, too. Lemaire on Wiki has Lemaire Channel, a strait at Antarctica, and Le Maire strait at the tip of South America. Shambleau looks to be a short story retelling of the Medusa myth from 1933, "Smith eventually discovers firsthand that a Shambleau feeds on the life-force of others using the extensible, worm-like appendages it has instead of hair, while addicting its short-lived victims with pure ecstasy." Interesting. Shamballa may tie to blissful things but Shambleau's ecstasy probably doesn't quite do the trick. Have you tried 228 Agathe for Agarthe/Agartha? I always went for that with my birthday numbers and having it 1 conjunct my Karma, whatever the meanings (Agatha Christie or whatnot). Sabian: "26º Leo: After a heavy storm, a rainbow./ Promise of conscious immortality after the death of useless things. Spiritual linkage through emotional stress. Blessing." My Lemus 17.33 Sag, conj Moira + Vx by 1-2, nothing there. Lemaire 28.23 R Pisces, Sabian "29º Pisces: Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism./ Capacity of mind to transfer its powers to machinery. Enlargement of perception. A closing-in of vision. Subtle analysis." Funnily my Shambleau's conj my Samadhi, 27 Virgo opposite the Lemaire. Hawaii conj Anteros at 16 Tau trine Merc, Sabian "17º Taurus: A symbolical battle between 'swords' and 'torches'. /Struggle between might and enlightenment, physical desires and higher inspirations. Self-orientation. Divine enthusiasm." Pardon me for straying from Isis and Osiris, hopefully IQ's reply helped on that front at least. quote: Originally posted by iQ: Yes, likewise Valentine-Osiris can connect strongly to Amor-Isis. >> I have no satisfactory way of knowing this. I do know that Lemuria started prior to Atlantis, and there were civilizations that later moved to subterranean regions [The Myths of Agartha and Shambhalla relate to these]. Right now, I look for Asteroid Hawaii aspects to assess a Lemurian lifetime. Lets say Asteroid Siva, Parvati, Kaali, Sekhmet or Ptah [relating to Primordial Deities] conjunct a Fixed Star like Vega, Sirius, Antares or Andromeda; and simultaneously we have the Moon or Ascendant aspect HAWAII in any way with a tight orb, then this could be an indicator for the person having had a lifetime earlier than Atlantis. I check with clients whether they have a love for "Lemurian Seed Crystals". Many who have strong Asteroid Hawaii dream of Lemuria and yes, they do attract such crystals :) It's not an exact calculation though.
You don't need crystals to heal, or even to know things, though they can probably help from time to time. Plus you're forgetting Pele and maybe Haumea if talking Hawaii. Hatshepsut and Pele-Angelica-Fulvia-Hirokun conj NN opp Algol to the rescue. NZ/Aotearoa's probably too far South, but I have that conj my Sun as well. ;) *tease* Edit: Do you qualify Rudra for your primordial deities list (considering the Hanuman-ASC/Mahakala stuff)? ;) Rudra between Spica/Arcturus, enough for me. I may prefer the Memoria-Yeshuhua-Dogen-Compassion lot a degree later, but still. IP: Logged |
Astro keen unregistered
posted April 21, 2014 04:14 PM
SYNASTRY Isis conjunct Amor Love will connect the couple more to divine consciousness. Him/Her (exact cnj only) Isis/Osiris Pluto/Osiris Isis/Pluto (cnj Her DC) His ISIS conj her OSIRIS is a divinely blessed soulmate indication IF and ONLY IF both have evolved thier consciousness to a certain level. This aspect is useless if the guy's idea of genuine happiness in life is free beer while watching Superbowl in a 100 Inch LED Screen. Pluto-Osiris becomes transformational, he will be instrumental in her knowing how her best mate should be. ISIS/Pluto: Very similar to ISIS-OSIRIS but Isis/Pluto conjunction will have excellent sex. (iQ, Jan 2010) NATAL Isis conjunct Parvati & Tyche You are fortunate to have a beautiful inner connection to the Divine Feminine side of God. IP: Logged |
LuckyStar Knowflake Posts: 199 From: Elysian Fields Registered: Oct 2013
posted April 21, 2014 05:08 PM
I have a Isis/Osirus conjunction in my natal chart ~12 degrees Capricorn. I do not know what to make of it. I know it's a blessing and special but I feel nebulous in order to manifest it properly. Any help? It is in my first house on the cusp of the second. (birthday Jan 22, 1971) IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 22, 2014 10:39 AM
Astrokeen, I haven't found anything yet that haven't already found out there, your gifted at finding this stuff! I'm still looking, I haven't given up!! ![]( IP: Logged |
Lilith Rising Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Orion Registered: Jul 2013
posted April 22, 2014 12:02 PM
With someone important in my life:My Isis (9'50 Cancer) conjunct his Osiris (9'56 Cancer) trine his Saturn (10'06 Scorpio)and opposite his Jupiter at (9'11 Cap) Also, my Draconic Venus is at 9'55 Cancer. And my Draconic Isis (23'45 Aries) conjunct his Draco Sun (23'23 Aries) and Draco Venus (24'45 Aries)oposite his Draco Neptune (23'41 Libra) and trine his Draco Pluto (23'4 Leo) We have his Isis square my Osiris in Draco Synastry as well. What I noticed among married - stable couples is an exact Isis - Osiris conjunction in composite. Maybe the conjunction in Composite is stronger than the conjunction in Synatry. The guy I have the strong Isis-Osiris in Synatry is someone I tried to help in the past. He did change for a while but I had to move on when I realized he didn't really want to change. I still think about him very often but we don't speak anymore.
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Astro keen unregistered
posted April 22, 2014 01:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Astrokeen, I haven't found anything yet that haven't already found out there, your gifted at finding this stuff! I'm still looking, I haven't given up!! ![](
Thanks Gabby! Yes, I agree my secretarial skills are noteworthy! . But it is your insight that is needed. There are bound to be gaps which you could help fill. I am taking my time with this and gradually unearthing more stuff. So, no rush. Any time you have an intuitive thought/comment on anything to do with these asteroids or in response to the questions being asked here (sorry guys, I am not the person to respond to these), that would be great! I recently found a thread by Ceridwen where she had researched and listed the ISIS/OSIRIS placements for famous couples. Will need to find again and then copy here. IP: Logged |
Astro keen unregistered
posted April 22, 2014 01:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lilith Rising: With someone important in my life:My Isis (9'50 Cancer) conjunct his Osiris (9'56 Cancer) trine his Saturn (10'06 Scorpio)and opposite his Jupiter at (9'11 Cap) Also, my Draconic Venus is at 9'55 Cancer. And my Draconic Isis (23'45 Aries) conjunct his Draco Sun (23'23 Aries) and Draco Venus (24'45 Aries)oposite his Draco Neptune (23'41 Libra) and trine his Draco Pluto (23'4 Leo) We have his Isis square my Osiris in Draco Synastry as well. What I noticed among married - stable couples is an exact Isis - Osiris conjunction in composite. Maybe the conjunction in Composite is stronger than the conjunction in Synatry. The guy I have the strong Isis-Osiris in Synatry is someone I tried to help in the past. He did change for a while but I had to move on when I realized he didn't really want to change. I still think about him very often but we don't speak anymore.
Thank you for your input. We'll try to include some of this in the thread. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 22, 2014 03:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by Astro keen: Thanks Gabby! Yes, I agree my secretarial skills are noteworthy! . But it is your insight that is needed. There are bound to be gaps which you could help fill. I am taking my time with this and gradually unearthing more stuff. So, no rush. Any time you have an intuitive thought/comment on anything to do with these asteroids or in response to the questions being asked here (sorry guys, I am not the person to respond to these), that would be great!I recently found a thread by Ceridwen where she had researched and listed the ISIS/OSIRIS placements for famous couples. Will need to find again and then copy here.
Perfect, that I can do!! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 22, 2014 04:45 PM
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Catalina Knowflake Posts: 6674 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 25, 2014 12:31 PM
I have been looking for ISIS/OSIRIS ephemerides, but the closest i've come is an ephemeris for all asteroids that can only be searched by individual dates. As I understand it they co.junct frequently bit trying to backtrack and find those conjunctions has proven difficult...Anyone? IP: Logged |
vesta Knowflake Posts: 3343 From: Stars Registered: May 2009
posted April 26, 2014 12:12 PM
Isis in Pisces/Osiris in Pisces: The strongest Occult Connection. Could have been members of Secret Orders and Cults in Ancient Egypt. Could have known the Secrets of The Pyramids, The Magical Books, the true meaning of Hieroglyphics and about the Soul/Higher Self etc. In the present life after Transformation, this placement encourages very deep thinking about Occult Symbols, about the Soul, about Reincarnation and so on.I have isis in Pisces and can say that after my transformation I came to realize my gifts more so than before. I became interested in astrology and tarot I also learned that I am a little psychic. I became very interested in the subjects above. Isis in Aquarius/Osiris in Aquarius: Could have been the Innovators and Rebel Leaders in Ancient Egyptian lifetimes. In the present, this is a superb placement as after Self Transformation one can become a radical thinker or a visionary philosopher. This is another placement for me w\ my Osiris I know it did make me think this way after transformation the only problem is others can't understand my way of thinking. Mostly because they are either unable or unwilling to expand the mind. Spot on IQ !
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Astro keen unregistered
posted May 04, 2014 06:40 AM
Just been noticing how many new Juno queries and threads keep coming up. Although we set up a Juno reference thread, it needs expanding and adding to. Maybe extracted from the Female Family of Jupiter thread and set up on its own. Ok, this note also constitutes a bump. IP: Logged |
Astro keen unregistered
posted May 22, 2014 04:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by iQ: Hi Keela,<< Woman's Tutenchamun-Sun conj the man's Osiris-Echnaton, Leo. Inner personality + ideas of men in sync with how the man is as the man? Egyptian contact with the Tut/Osiris-Echnaton on top? >> Correct. << Woman's Valentine trine man's Sun-Nepthys -linked aspect or not a link with the above? Woman's Amor-Osiris conj man's Amor-Mars, Pisces. Woman's ideal man matching the man's active sides? >> Now it looks linked. << Woman's Merc (opp all that Amor-Osiris-Mars) conj his Horus. >> Intellectual need to have a blessed child with him. << Woman's Moon opp man's Isis, Pisces-Virgo. Ideas of feminine sides at odds, feelings not in sync with how he likes his women? >> Yes, and this is from a subconscious level. << OR does his Osiris conj her Sun with her Moon opp his Isis make it something more? Luminaries only from one side though. Man's Venus trine his Osiris, any bearing on woman's Osiris then conj his Mars? >> Makes it a deeper bonding due to their Egyptian Lifetime romance. << Would someone with Amor-Osiris also be likely to hone in on Valentine-Isis through synastry then? Someone who wants the Osiris wants the same levels of big love also for the Isis side? Patterns are love in any case. >> Yes, likewise Valentine-Osiris can connect strongly to Amor-Isis.
<< As I see it, with a Nepthys-Sun person having their Osiris conjunct someone else's Sun, it's still a secondary thing since she only borrowed Isis' husband? Woman's Nepthys square her Moon (opp Sun/Moon MP) and man's Isis (by one). >> This is a correct view.
@ Keela, I would like to add the above to the ISIS/OSIRIS thread, but I think my brain isn't working too well at present. Could you please simplify the above for me? Trying the first one: Her Tutenchamun and Sun conj His Osiris and Echnaton in Leo: (Inner personality + ideas of men in sync with how the man is as the man? Egyptian contact with the Tut/Osiris-Echnaton on top?) How do I state the bits in the brackets simply? Thanks a lot if you could help here.
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