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  PALLAS (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   PALLAS
Astro keen
posted June 16, 2014 06:16 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Pallas on the Asc seems befitting for you . You are certainly very thorough in organising and placing astro info. I always need to look up some of the asteroids that you mention in your posts - many more than I knew of.

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posted June 16, 2014 07:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Keela     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Astro keen:
Pallas on the Asc seems befitting for you :). You are certainly very thorough in organising and placing astro info. I always need to look up some of the asteroids that you mention in your posts - many more than I knew of.

It's nowhere near MY Ascendant, but is conjunct my MC. At most there's a 2 degree trine to my ASC? The 20 Tau example was of the "psychic empath" run into online recently - but my "cut corners" phrasing made for different ways of reading it. Shouldn't post when I'm tired. Her ASC-Pallas + skill were to offer one possible example of psychic sides as asked.

My details were the second part of the post, more focused on the rational or military sides of Athena. Asteroid Athena in my chart is opposite my Pallas by 2 degrees from what I recall.

Pallas 4 Aries, Athena-Sekhmet 6 Libra conj 7 Lib Pluto? Minerva 22 Virgo (antiscion 7 Aries?) If Athena is the daughter of Zeus and Sekhmet a daughter of Ra, both the strategic & potentially destructive warrior goddesses conjunct my Pluto there. Alas, nobody is posting about the differences between asteroids Pallas and Athena either, so what're you gonna do? ;)

Thank you for what I'll again take as a compliment though. In my eyes people talk more than enough about some asteroids (although we still don't have enough FACTS about even them) so why wouldn't I throw in some other ones every now and then if driven to it? I think I used to pick up asteroid names to check from the long lists BlackSeraph or someone had.

But I did say Wikipedia conj MC conj Thalia conj Pallas. This is what we do for fun here. ;)

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Astro keen
posted June 16, 2014 11:48 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Keela:
It's nowhere near MY Ascendant, but is conjunct my MC.

Good grief! I need to stop reading stuff, and imagine I can respond to it coherently, when I am tired - usually very late.

Yes, BlackSeraph probably takes the lead in the knowing of most asteroids.

I have Pallas at GC and Sekhmet at GA. And Athene @ 8.51 Aqua in 6th trine Wisdom/Mars, which seems rather fitting. Do you find that a theme is usually expressed or delineated by like asteroids occupying similar degrees across the signs? I have noted this recently with Hindu deity asteroids - all at similar degrees.

For example, this is what I have around 8 degrees:
Abundantia - 8.11 Leo
Queen - 8.26 Virgo
Mars -7.54 Libra
Wisdom - 8.36 Libra
Athene - 8.51 Aqua
Sun/Venus md pt - 8.45 Sco
IC - 9.15 Sco
Alma - 8.9 Sag
Compassion - 9.45 Aries
Minerva - 8.35 Cancer

The military theme is not evident, perhaps more of the other themes that wiki lists for Athene- "wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill".

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posted June 16, 2014 06:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Astro keen:
Does anyone have PALLAS aspects along with the psychic abilities that iQ referred to?

Yes,the Pallas aspects that I have that IQ referred to include :Sun, Neptune, Jupiter, Chiron, Asclepius and Hekate. I am receptive to information received from Spirit,intuitive and perceptive; but I am rational about it too. I think the idea of being a spiritual conceptualizer or problem solver fits me well) However, because there are some "dark" asteroids in the mix, I have to be careful.

My Pallas aspects which are responsible for this form a star of David with my Sun, Jupiter, Neptune and a bunch of occult asteroids (they are at 30 degree intervals -all at 13 degrees of each sign with +- 1 orb).

Aries (trine) : JUPITER/CHAOS (the primordial soup) (/ELPIS(spirit of hope)

Taurus (square) : HADES (the occult/deeply buried/past lives/underworld)/MAGION (Occult asteroid)/VANADIS (aka Norse Freyja)/NERTHYS ( the genetic codes that permit life and trigger death),VATICANA(means prophet/seer/oracle/divine serpent),VALBORG (Walpurgis Night)

Gemini (sextile) : SUN/PHAETHON (destruction of Atlantis) /TUTENKAMEN/

Cancer (semi-sextile) UR (Sumerian)/HEKATE (magic)/LOGOS (the Christ principle)/SIRIUS(the Christ star)/JOYA/NEFERTITI (Egypt)/HERA/SOPHIA(wisdom)/APHRODITE

Leo (conjunct) : PALLAS /IRIS (right brain intelligence)/ELATUS (expression through words and writing)/VALENTINE(love)

Virgo (semi sextile) : CERES (mother goddess)/HEBE (desire to help others and serve some large vision and ultimately, the quest for union with the Divine)/GANESA (energy for creating or removing obstacles, enjoyment of creative powers and intelligence)/TARA (compassion and wisdom)/DIOTIMA(seer/priestess who taught the philosophy of love )/GORGO(queen of Sparta, known for her political judgement and wisdom);/JUNO (wife of Jupiter)

Libra (sextile) : UNIVERSITAS ( latin word meaning "the whole, total; the universe, the world")/ ANGELICA(meaning angelic or like an angel)/PLATO(Plato is the father of Philosophy and enlightenment as such this asteroid can be termed the Philosopher’s stone and it’s position in the natal chart shows our philosophical nature.)/ PORTA COELI (gateway to heaven).

Scorpio (square) : NEPTUNE / ASCLEPIUS(god of healing; kundalini)


Capricorn (quincunx) : PARADISE/UNA (one/unity/wholeness)/HERALD (forerunner/messenger/harbinger)

Aquarius (opposite) : (MY NAME ASTEROID)/ HYPATIA(female ancient Greek/Egyptian intellectual who taught mathematics, philosophy and astronomy; an early feminist)/ADEONA(goddess of bringing one home again safely; name means to take possession of one’s inheritance)/ICLEA (heroine of Flammarion’s astrological novel “Uranie”)

Pisces (quincunx) : AURA (psychic asteroid; energy unconsciously projected ; sensitivity to others vibrations); CHIRON (the wounded healer)

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Posts: 829
Registered: Oct 2012

posted June 17, 2014 08:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Keela     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Astro keen:
Good grief! I need to stop reading stuff, and imagine I can respond to it coherently, when I am tired - usually very late.

I have Pallas at GC and Sekhmet at GA. And Athene @ 8.51 Aqua in 6th trine Wisdom/Mars, which seems rather fitting. Do you find that a theme is usually expressed or delineated by like asteroids occupying similar degrees across the signs? I have noted this recently with Hindu deity asteroids - all at similar degrees.

For example, this is what I have around 8 degrees:

The military theme is not evident, perhaps more of the other themes that wiki lists for Athene- "wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill".

No worries, my phrasing is what it is as well as said. I just saw your chart in LeeLoo2014's partner-post on the other side, and hadn't realized you weren't one of the people younger than me, more frequent around here. Your Pluto's conjunct my Sun, noticed that as the first thing, and you've reminded me that my Pluto is conj your Mars here now.

I'm not sure about the similar degrees thing other than that I have major goddesses at 22 degrees in different signs. Frigga 22 Aquarius, Isis 22 Taurus, and I forget what all, ah, yes, Ishtar at 22 Virgo along with Epona and Minerva as well as Maria from the Christian side? Vellamo/Wellamo was a Finnish water goddess and while not the "main" one (Akka) it's listed as 23 Pisces due to being something like 22.59.57 or some such thing? My Akka is 19 Gemini on Antivertex and the draconic degree should be 23 Libra again though. Aphrodite is 23 Libra natally already. I was born on a 22nd so doubt I mind my goddesses on 22 either.

Vanadis I think was at 20 Capricorn, but might have been 21 as well, a bit further off the degrees. Demeter was 24 Taurus, Hera 20 Tau so not close enough either per se.

My Indian/Hindu/Vedic asteroids do follow a certain pattern but it's either contact through antiscion degrees or even further, those then hitting the draconic spot of a corresponding pair. Like:

Parvati 5 Libra, antiscion 24 Pis
Siva 20 Scorpio, draconic 24 Pis
Shankar 16 Can, draconic 20 Sco
Tara-Ganesa 9 Leo, antiscion 20 Taurus
Kaali 8 Virgo, draconic 12 Cap, antiscion 21 Aries
Rudra 23 Libra
Vishnu 18 Sag (Vertex 19 Sag), draconic 21-22 Aries, antiscion 11 Cap
Garuda (Vishnu's mount) 21 Aries

I have Hanuman minutes from my ASC, Mahakala some 1,5 deg or so from it, Tara-Ganesa some 2,5 degrees after ASC - so there's a pretty big Vedic stellium on the Ascendant already. Draconic Parvati also goes to 9 Aquarius opposite the Tara-Ganesa, so not ONLY is drac Siva conjunct antiscia Parvati but draconic Parvati does the exact same dance with antiscion Siva. I've yet to have any clue why Kaali-Garuda-Vishnu do their separate dance on the side though but imagine I'll find out if I'm supposed to.

They're all connected, but you won't see it at a glance.

Abundantia 8 Tau (also Serendip, Archaeopteryx, Indiana if I recall?)
Atlantis 9 Tau
Wisdom 11 Tau
Destinn 10 Virgo

I expect everyone has some kind of a pattern they respond to or have working in their chart, but unless you look into it you probably won't immediately see it in some cases. Maybe your Pallas-GC style things and whatever else you have in your chart make you more likely to have other things a certain way as well. Maybe my chart being full of antiscia contacts between planets already makes for some reason why the Vedic asteroids do a slight dance with those as well. I've always responded strongly to things at my antiscion DC around 23 Scorpio so know they work in synastry as well in my case.

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