Topic: OrchusDeath as Teacher
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73749 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 10, 2014 03:31 PM
OrchusDeath as TeacherI found a great article and will share it with you, as well as my experiences with Orchus because it conjuncts my Sun. I know an incredible man who has lived through many deaths and has triumphed. He has Orchus conjunct his North Node. He lost two children. He had two children who lived. One has a serious genetic disease but has triumphed and is a top level student and musician. For me, the person you see before you was shaped by the death of my 21 year old son. I had tried to fit in for most of my life, as most people do. I have always been a way out person, inside. However, I was afraid to show it. I was afraid to have my true voice. I, also, have Echo conjunct Saturn. Saturn cools what it touches and can make it obsessive. I have been obsessed with finding my voice. So, in this case, I had two aspects which were similar. One does see Themes as one does charts. One sees one part of the chart intensity another. For me, my sons death broke me free of my societal chains. I did not care if I was weird. I had a driving passion and that was to matter and to honor my sons life. I had given up on Astrology because I thought it was against the Bible. However, after my son died, I surrendered my life to God. I heard a voice at 3 AM tell me to study Astrology. I prayed for three weeks to make sure it was God. Then, I joined Linda-Goodman. com and began to learn Astrology. Six years later, I think my greatest contribution to Astrology is that I will not be dishonest. I will not mitigate an aspect or a chart in order to be popular. I want to bring truth to the world of Astrology which has a lot of politically correct refuse in it, as do all disciplines in this current age. In doing this, I find my voice. Some people will not like what you say. Some will attack you. Some will love you, which is the great percentage of the case. However, I say all this to say that death was my teacher and death was my guide. I am here now due to the death of my son. This could be called a classic case of Orchus conjunct the Sun. ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted July 14, 2014 09:40 AM
Thanks for sharing. I understand how Orchus urged you to pursue astrology and how Echo programmed you to be a bringer of messages. I have it conjunct my ASC exact and it is exact trine to neptune and exact sextile to Echo in my chart. (By exact, I'm referring to within a range of 1 degree orb - I'm not going to calculate the minutes.) and I'm still struggling with this inner death and rebirth theme. Below is some info I gathered on Orchus and sorry I did not include the original sources for the quotes. What I gathered is what resonates with me personally. This is a very accurate description of my life experience based on Orchus. Hopefully it will allow others to understand its relevance in a chart. --- "Orcus governs accessing and bringing forward the spiritual wealth from the core of one's being" --- "In Roman mythology, Orcus was a god of the underworld, punisher of broken oaths, the god who tormented evildoers in the afterlife. Seems it has something to do with pastlife relationship karma. If you were badly hurt or betrayed, you might have done that in your past life and now you are just paying off." --- "Mythological Orcus, being similar to the Greek underworld god Hyades, would seem to have a Pluto like character; and in addition, being associated with water. The Roman Orcus is said to be the god of oaths and the punisher of perjurers, apparently an extremist, being either terribly harsh or extremely gentle. I tend to take "punisher of perjurers" as referring to those who are not living or honoring their soul oaths--in essence living a lie. Is Orcus a revealer, challenging or coercing us to get in touch with our deeper soul essence and purpose? Perhaps this is something to consider when exploring Orcus in astrological charts. From the stellar alignments at the time of its discovery on Feb 19, 2004 Orcus is working with the theme of exploration, of uncovering a blueprint or map that leads to a new picture, a new reality; to emerge from the belief structures and constructs of mind that are merely based upon the convenience of our collective consensus. In doing so, Orcus may force us to confront the fear and loneliness encountered when leaving the apparent safety of our past consensus of reality. Orcus may be helping us to uncover secret paths obscured by the sands of time, perhaps even oaths we made long ago to enter into the depths of unexplored territory, into new realms of consciousness, that lead us to a new law of life--eventually to a law or orientation that is in integrity to Heart. Orcus, although Pluto like, seems to express a quiet profundity, almost unnoticed as it serves us to get in touch with our deeper soul essence and purpose--the oath of the soul." --- IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted July 14, 2014 10:16 AM
The Sabian Symbol of Orchus in my chart has to do with Karmic readjustment and learning life's lessons through tragic events. No wonder I'm here as a Capricorn, most Karmic sign imo, and a sign that is so hard on itself. As far as the death theme with Orchus, I see it as a death of self, ego self perhaps, and rebirth or reconnection with soul essence. Although I did not experience death in a physical way of losing a child, I have experienced death of relationships which affected me emotionally in a big way. Especially with close family members. Orchus, in a mundane sense, is also said to be the "sugar daddy" planet. I have experienced this as well. It shows up when I'm following my soul's path. IP: Logged |
Mystic_Cat Knowflake Posts: 721 From: Southwest, Uk Registered: Jan 2014
posted July 14, 2014 10:56 AM
I find Orcus interesting, i think its connected with the Killer Whale, "Orcinus Orca" ..The Moon of Orcus is nearly as big as the planet, "Vanith" Ceres conjunct Orcus in Cancer in the ninth, my dad had his moon conjunct orcus in Cancer on the ascendant. He died when i was 13 and i developed a dissociative personality ... I think it was from having Ununakali - Nessus on the eastern horizon. So knowing him i think would of nurtured the darker part of myself and his death stopped that from happened which is interesting. Definitely seems to be connected with Death I think you can learnt alot about Orcus from studying the Killer Whale haha, fiercest predator of the sea that eats anything it finds ... 
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VestasLight Knowflake Posts: 195 From: Canada Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 07, 2016 09:00 AM
I loved this Ami. Thank you. I now include Orcus in all charts/synastry. He is a MAJOR player.I've been studying Orcus as of late. While I think Orcus does have more meaning than just death (soul path, purpose, oaths to self and others, ect.), there is also hint of the death theme going on with it. It just depends on aspects as to what Orcus is doing natally. In synastry I am finding that it is very prominent with those who will impact/change you or your life in a significant way. I'm still studying it, but so far it's been consistent. Back to the death theme: my father committed suicide when I was 13. Orcus in my natal does not reflect this, HOWEVER in synastry my Orcus is conjunct his N.Node. His life path would change me and have a profound affect on my own destiny. It was a "soul oath" between us. (If you believe in that sort of thing.) Anyhow, I'd found GemBird82's interp for Orcus conj N.Node in synastry and it was spot on for me. quote: When someone's orcus conjuncts the other person NN. I'd say that the Orcus person will take 'the call of life' of the NN person as if it were his/her own battle. And this person would do everything to help the NN person to reach that goal, even putting some karma upon him/her by removing "undesirable obstacles" from the way.
In my case, my father had dreamed of being an artist, but because of life circumstances it would never be. He was also very 'esoteric'. I've gone on to have a thriving career in an esoteric field as an artist. How cool is that? And yes, his suicide has had a profound and lasting impact on me and in my life. So, I believe that depending on the aspects to Orcus, it may under certain circumstances indicate death/loss in synastry. MOST of the time however, it is simply indicating that this person is VERY significant and will impact/change you or your life's path. As with most aspects in synastry, I'm finding it can go either way. The Orcus person changes the planet person or the planet person changes the Orcus person. And, if you believe in it, it indicates a serious and binding soul agreement between you that WILL play out. Edit to add: Orcus has provided me some profound life lessons. I completely agree with Ami's statement that Orcas can be a "great teacher" and brings us major life changing experiences which will transform us to the core. IP: Logged |
Selenite unregistered
posted March 07, 2016 09:55 AM
Hey, I have it conjunct my ASC exactly too, by one minute. I've been looking for information about it for so long, this is awesome!  IP: Logged |
VestasLight Knowflake Posts: 195 From: Canada Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 07, 2016 11:19 AM
quote: Originally posted by Selenite: Hey, I have it conjunct my ASC exactly too, by one minute. I've been looking for information about it for so long, this is awesome! 
Hey Selenite, being on the ascendant I'd say that fulfilling your soul's oath to yourself and others is vital to you this time around. You won't be able to run or hide from it. On the asc, I'd say you'd would likely encounter many karmic type relationships and may possibly be key in helping others on their path too. (That's just off the top of my head, but without seeing your chart I'm only guessing.) What other aspects (tight) does Orcus make. It can sometimes describe life changing events that may occure in your life too. Since it is in such a prominent position for you, would you want to check your synastry with a few important people. The one's who've had an impact and see if Orcus is active in there? Look for tight (under 3 degrees, but the more near exact the better) conjunctions, oppositions and squares. PS: Conjunction to other people's Orcus don't count because it is SO slow. I would LOVE to know what you find!!  IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73749 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 07, 2016 03:54 PM
Thank you, Vesta!------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73749 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 07, 2016 04:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by Selenite: Hey, I have it conjunct my ASC exactly too, by one minute. I've been looking for information about it for so long, this is awesome! 
Thank you, S!
------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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Seimei unregistered
posted March 07, 2016 07:35 PM
do you mean asteroid Orchis catalog number 1080 or asteroid Orcus cat number 90482 or are you referring to some obscure star? Orchus? You spell neither,Ami!. slap yourself for ME. HAHA pardon me for being a Virgo!------------------ LeekingChee IP: Logged |
cthonicstar Knowflake Posts: 172 From: Registered: Sep 2019
posted October 26, 2019 08:49 PM
Reviving this thread! I'm discovering that Orcus is actually a big player in my synastry with an important person in my life. That person has their natal Orcus on my natal Chiron (exact degree) and my natal Orcus is on their natal Dejanira (exact degree!) What can be the main interpretations from this situation? IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73749 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 26, 2019 10:03 PM
Interesting. I never saw this. I am not sure. I am interested in what happens!------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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cthonicstar Knowflake Posts: 172 From: Registered: Sep 2019
posted October 29, 2019 11:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Interesting. I never saw this. I am not sure. I am interested in what happens!
Not sure exactly how it's playing out, but maybe I'm just not aware of where to look yet lol. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73749 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 29, 2019 11:30 PM
Chiron is very weird. I have lots of articles on it in synastry. I learned through my own experiences and those of people for whom I have done charts but I don't know about this.------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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cthonicstar Knowflake Posts: 172 From: Registered: Sep 2019
posted October 30, 2019 01:41 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Chiron is very weird. I have lots of articles on it in synastry. I learned through my own experiences and those of people for whom I have done charts but I don't know about this.
Is your experience with Chiron in charts either transformational or disastrous? IE no peace? I'm still trying to understand my own Chiron too. IP: Logged |
StoneMoon Knowflake Posts: 594 From: Registered: Apr 2018
posted October 13, 2020 07:16 PM
Reviving again....I have Orcus conjunct my Sun in the 8th. Reading what was written above, I would definitely say that finding and honoring my soul's purpose resonates deeply with me. I definitely have always felt I am bound to find my purpose, that events in my life do not allow me to do anything less. I have always felt like even when I try to avoid my purpose, life redirects me and gets me back on track- regardless of what I want. I guess I could say I do not necessarily feel in charge of my life, but more like my life is on a course of its own and I have no choice but to follow. IP: Logged |
StoneMoon Knowflake Posts: 594 From: Registered: Apr 2018
posted October 13, 2020 07:16 PM
Reviving again....I have Orcus conjunct my Sun in the 8th. Reading what was written above, I would definitely say that finding and honoring my soul's purpose resonates deeply with me. I definitely have always felt I am bound to find my purpose, that events in my life do not allow me to do anything less. I have always felt like even when I try to avoid my purpose, life redirects me and gets me back on track- regardless of what I want. I guess I could say I do not necessarily feel in charge of my life, but more like my life is on a course of its own and I have no choice but to follow. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73749 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 13, 2020 09:40 PM
Great post Stone!------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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StoneMoon Knowflake Posts: 594 From: Registered: Apr 2018
posted October 14, 2020 05:41 PM
It's been a while since your original post, have you had more experience with Orcus? What are your thoughts now?IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 135603 From: Your Friendly Neighborhood Juris Doctorate. Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 15, 2020 03:56 PM
Interesting!IP: Logged |
athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 489 From: us Registered: Sep 2018
posted October 16, 2020 03:59 PM
I have Orcus square Pluto, that cant be good. IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 3354 From: Oceanic Sands Registered: Nov 2016
posted October 16, 2020 11:13 PM
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teasel Knowflake Posts: 16784 From:;username=u36170365 Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 16, 2020 11:25 PM
Some disagree, they don't attack.When my mum died, I did learn what to shut out. I needed to. I drifted away from that, as I started to regain my footing. I have Orcus at 23*Cancer, and Uranus was square at the time. Pluto has been opposing on-and-off. It's square my Ceres/Chiron/Sun. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 14057 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted October 17, 2020 12:00 PM
 Do not quote Mr. Sedgwick without crediting his life's work! Thank you, as per his request. QUOTE (excerpt from paragraph in an article by Sedgwick, written several years ago) . . 90482 Orcus . . Mythologically, Orcus is an Etruscan deity, essentially the equivalent of Pluto, with a specifically honed set of underworldly skills. . . Orcus maintained charge of "oaths" and 'took care of those' {neg} who did not live up to their stated oath of participation, . . whether about business, in political office, concerning a consecrated relationship vow, . . or the incarnation agreement to show up and be a useful and contributing human being. end/QUOTE --- - s,%20Orcus%20and%20the%20Obvious%20~%2023%20Jan%202017.htm __________ QUOTE Sedgwick website-- sidebar - Consider the whole sky .. subtopic - Eris, Sedna, Plutinos, Centaurs and More - search under "Dwarf planet candidate" Orcus 90482 - A lord of the underworld. Positive: * a person of one's word, * challenges broken promises, * aligned with a spiritual creed, * accountable for personal thought, word and deed Negative: * hypocritical, * fault-finding in the ways of others, * blame-assigning, * ducks responsibility for word and actions, * unable to keep promises Mundane: * contracts, * oaths to organizations, religions or countries, * creeds Ceremonial: * declaring faith, * writing creeds, * channeling the latest cosmic downloads .. and formatting it into doctrine sign up for his newsletter, and products - Thank you, Mr. Sedgwick! *heart* Note: When you explore his website and writings, please know in advance that Mr. Sedgwick has a special and 'very' wry sense of humor. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Jeremy Neal of Chirotic Journal summed it up in this way--- * Philip Sedgewick proposes: gthat this planet can symbolize ga person of onefs word, [one who] challenges broken promises, is aligned with a spiritual creed, [and is] accountable for personal thought, word and deed.h . . On the more difficult side, he suggests, ghypocritical, fault finding in the ways of others, blame assigning, ducks responsibility for word and actions, unable to keep promises.h . . Francesco Sciavinotto suggests that this planet is involved in the 'fight for survival'. . . I {JN} would add that there is a feeling of the ethics that one would apply or adopt when faced with such a fight, and the psychological and emotional steps toward getting there .h __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 90482 Orcus Asteroid 90482, Orcus, a trans-Neptunian object, was discovered on February 17, 2004 by Chad Trujillo, Michael Brown and David Rabinowitz at Palomar Observatory near Pauma Valley, California. '2004 DW' has a period of 248 years, 4 days. Orcus was named for the Roman god of death, whom the Greeks called Thanatos and who is sometimes identified with Pluto. Astrologically, Orcus seems to indicate the following: popularity, populism, private effort, the grass roots (according to Jonathan Dunn); bringing death (according to Chryss Alexander); also, audacity, boldness, "seizing the day," questioning or challenging, dissent, predatory, ravaging, corruption, a fallen state, heavy or strong retaliation, having something to say, giving up or giving in. ref - _____________________________________________ From article in TMA quoting Jeremy Neal. Some thoughts on Orcus from that blog: .. gFor an Orcus primer, itfs key to understand that Orcus is a Hadean archetype, and, alongside Ixion and Pluto, completes a trinity of mostly unconscious, often challenging drives and compulsions, which, through their deteriorating influence on our human condition, gradually help to bring us to self-awareness. .. Where Pluto is intense and personal and represents the compulsion to attempt control of situations and people in our lives, Orcus is detached and impersonal and attempts to manage challenging circumstances, not with Plutofs habitual power struggle and its attendant unpleasantnesses, such as humiliation and subjugation, but rather through cold, inhuman disinterest. In archetypal terms, Pluto is the Mafia boss pulling everyonefs strings and Orcus is his henchman and willing executioner with a heart of stone. Pluto is impassioned, Orcus passionlesscc.. Keywords for Orcus: integrity, authenticity, implacability, ruthlessness, loneliness, isolation, edark night of the soul,f alienation, meditation and prayer, spiritual depth, determination, diehard, unbreakable, detached, merciless, inhumane, cruel.h ref - __________________________________________ __________________________________________ MISCELLANEOUS - e.html Mythology - Chart example of a natal Sun conjunct Orcus - Book by Jeremy Neal - Richard Brown - __________________________________________ __________________________________________ TRANSITING Currently, Oct 17, 2020 -- ORCAS has been in sign of VIRGO since July/Aug 2009. transiting 90482 Orcus VIRGO 12.40'38" {= longitude} . . speed 1' 7" Latitude = 19.26'45" S Declination = 11.10'24" S Orcas has been in my (9)th house, and slowly currently trines my Venus Taurus 12+ H5 _______________________________________ _______________________________________ MY PLACEMENTS 90482 Orcus Cancer 1.14'26" H7gemini
==conjunct== 41488 Sinbad Cancer 1.11'14" .. {stumbling onto something absorbing or wondrous. ref MAH} - 90482 Orcus 6776 Dix Cancer 1.15'53" .. {Dorothea Dix - compassion toward the mentally ill or a desire to reform treatment of the mentally ill;; and drawing attention to the dark side of life, particularly 'to move to action'. ref MAH} - 3268 DeSanctis Cancer 1.28 3499 Hoppe Cancer 1.39 58584 Logos Cancer 1.45'50" .. {where words have weight; also, related with Creator. ref MAH} - 129746 1999 CE119 Cancer 1.45'0" .. {attainment and status} - 11790 Goode Cancer 1.54'40" - == conjunct 0-cancer ==
60458 2000 CM114 Cancer 0.06'43" .. {"match", has the ability to fit together, like two pieces of a puzzle, in close interaction with another person or with a machine. ref Amable} - 1747 Wright Cancer 0.06'53 .. {"right", rights, the political right, aviation, invention .. ref MAH} - 6361 Africano Cancer 0.14'12" 12718 Le Gentil Cancer 0.27'47" .. {gentleness, genteelness; dealing with frustration, disappointment and other misfortune..} 1354 Botha Cancer 0.46'20" .. description removed. name asteroid. biog of a govt-man who supported racial discrimination in South Africa.. he harmed human-rights for black africans. I am vehemently against racial discrimination!!! *sad* == conjunct 2+ cancer == 3153 Lincoln Cancer 2.08 .. name asteroid for US president that worked to free human beings from the abomination of slavery for africans who were kidnapped {experienced torturous treatments} and were brought to USA for the purpose of free-labor to 'make money'. *sad* 22812 Ricker Cancer 2.03 MARS Cancer 2.36 14917 Taco 2.22 - 128 Nemesis Cancer 2.24 .. {Avenger of human wickedness; compensatory justice; expressed general opposition to all wrong doing"; "Humanity's Conscience" .. ref Chiron Dictionary book} 56 Melete Cancer 2.24 .. {meditation} 7696 Liebe Cancer 2.37 .. {Love} 14827 Hypnos Cancer 2.38 .. {quietness, tediousness, boredom, being hoodwinked; sleeping and dreaming; prophetic} - 416 Vaticana Cancer 2.57 _______________________________________ /stopping here/ 2020oct24 Work in Progress **No QUOTE** IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 135603 From: Your Friendly Neighborhood Juris Doctorate. Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 17, 2020 01:09 PM
Thank you, mirage. Please, credit all work.IP: Logged | |