Topic: Money asteroid list....reference
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8393 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted July 26, 2014 06:46 PM
Please add any I forgot, this is a work in progress!19 Fortuna 151 Abundantia 258 Tyche 13956 Banks 7782 Mony 15530 Kuber-Vedic tradition's richest entity 2415 Ganesa-Worshipped for luck in money making in India 120 Lachesis- Fate spinning the lottery of life; relate s to lottery winnings also 4955 Gold 4423 Golden 5325 Silver 9249 Yen 1981 Midas 4281 Pounds 109 Felicitas 21409 Forbes 22562 Wage 2736 Ops- "Goddess of Abundance 4213 Njord-Prosperity 2962 Otto-Prosperous 2462 Nehalennia- "Goddess of Fortune" 18462 Ricco-Portuguese word for "Rich" 1130 Skuld-Fate future;Creating our future 4071 Rostovdon-Growth, rise, money lender. 2025 Nortia-"Goddess of Fortune" Etruscan worshipped at Volsinii 3166 Klondike-Gold rush 1338 Duponta- Robert and Richard Dupont 40328 Dow-Dow Jones stock market 21618 Sheikh- "Honorific in the Arabic language that literally means "elder" 3652 Soros- As of July 22, 2014 Forbes listed George Soros, at 83, as the 27nd richest person in the world, the world's richest hedge-fund manager, and number 7 on its list of the 400 wealthiest Americans, with a net worth estimated at $23 billion. 2091 Sampo- In Finnish mythology, the Sampo or Sammas was a magical artifact of indeterminate type constructed by Ilmarinen that brought good fortune to its holder. When the Sampo was stolen, it is said that Ilmarinen's homeland fell upon hard times and he sent an expedition to retrieve it, but in the ensuing battle it was smashed and lost at sea. 163693 Atira- She signifies money. Atira tends to be prominently placed in the charts of extremely wealthy people. The asteroid Atira founding chart has her North Node at 13 Cancer 57, conjunct the North Node of asteroid Vesta. The keynote for the Sabian Symbol for this degree is “Fulfillment in transcending and changeless wisdom. Atira seems to manifest this goal through physical resources and their use, symbolized by corn and all that it means: food, wealth, community, sacrifice. Mythology-Atira is the name of the earth goddess in the Native American Pawnee tribal culture. She was the wife of Tirawa, the creator; manifestation god. Her earthly manifestation is corn, which symbolizes the life that Mother Earth gives. (Tirawa crater- is a large impact crater on Saturn's 69230 Hermes- God of luck. He is the Greek God of gambling and good luck, gambling is considered a way to worship Hermes! Hermes is the Greek god of gambling, profit, hazard, and gaming. Hermes was the winged messenger of the gods. He was the god of flocks, road, trading, commerce, thieves. He is also known as Mercury in Roman Mythology. His father is Zeus, the ruler of the Greek gods. Thoth is the Egyptian god of gambling. He had the same attributes like the Greek god, Hermes. He is the creator of magic, the inventor of writing, the messenger of the gods and the divine record-keeper and mediator. According to myth, he earned 5 extra days by gambling with the moon (then known as Iabet) in a game of dice to help the sky goddess Nut to have her children. 671 Carnegia 904 Rockefellia 3180 Morgan-J.P. Morgan was the bank that bailed America out of debt, as in "our national debt" creator! /\ These 3 were the powerhouses America was built on and they were the reason the "Monopoly" in business became illegal. They each had a monpoly in their industry and prevented other company's from having complete control of any area of business and blocking other potential companies from growth. I'll get actual details on their info I'm just going off found the use for gasoline, the other had coal, one was coal, the other was steel, I think?? Lol Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, Henry Ford. Their names are synonymous with innovation, big business and the American Dream. They built empires. 39382 Opportunity 9777 Enterprise 389 Industria 829 Academia 6583 Destin 3811 Karma IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8393 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted July 26, 2014 08:23 PM
19,151,258,13956,7782,15530,2415,120, ,4955,4423,5325,9249,1981, 4281,109,21409,22562,2736,4213,2962,2462,18462,1130,4071,2025,3166,1388,40328,21618,3652, 2091,163693,69230,671,904,3180,39382,9777,389,829 6583,3811 3264 Bounty 33800 Gross IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8393 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted July 26, 2014 09:06 PM
This is for my reference...I'll delete it once I transfer it over. Sun saggy@4.28-Academia leo@5.02 Karma libra@5.49-Midas aqua@5.47AC libra@7.05--Forbes aries@8.32 Neptune saggy@11.07--Pluto libra@11.05 Spirit aqua@12.06--Ricco aqua@12.32 Dow saggy@13.20 Jupiter aries@15.15 Fortuna leo@16.26--Morgan aqua@16.56 Lachesis leo@18.13--Hermes aqua@18.57 Banks libra@19.09--Rostovdon aqua@19.19 Venus libra@19.36 Kuber leo@21.08--Gross aqua@21.05 Vertex aries@21.26--Destin libra@21.34 P.of Fortune saggy@22.57--Yen leo@23.01 Nortia saggy@23.51--Pounds libra@24.42 Chiron aries@24.14--Jup/Uranus midpoint cap@24.53 Abundtia aries@26.03--Tyke saggy@26.26--Sun/Moon midpoint libra@26. Gold leo@28.05--Money saggy@28.19 Felicitas aqua@28.57--Sampo gemini@29.47 Mars gemini@29.33--Opportunity pisces@1.12 Sheikh virgo@1.18 Njord cap@3.31--Carnegia virgo@4.21 Otto cap@4.39--Uranus scorp@4.44 Skuld cap@5.42--Soros virgo@5.53 Enterprise cap@6.41--Ops cap@7.09 Rockefella taurus@7.21--Sharp pisces@7.40 Silver cancer@13.06--Ganesa virgo@14.41 Duponta cancer@16.45 Klondike taurus@17.40--Wage scorp@17.52 Moon virgo@18.32 Industria cap@21.45--NN scorp@21.44 Nehalennia pisces@27.15 Atira gem@1.24--Golden aqua@0.59 Bounty cap@29.30 IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 3882 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 26, 2014 09:13 PM
Gabby,How's the new business doing? If you ever start to sell online, let me know. I need a magical face cream . IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8393 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted July 26, 2014 09:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by Astro keen: Gabby,How's the new business doing? If you ever start to sell online, let me know. I need a magical face cream .
It's going great! Love it! Are you in US? For now we are only in US n just opened up in Canada. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8393 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted July 26, 2014 11:17 PM
PlutoSurvivor quote- Look at Relevant houses and Lords: H2 cash flow, investment returns, wealth H5 entrepreneurship, also ability to reach goals and carry out plans H6 work and service H10 career, public recognition H11 contacts, associates, networking, ability to work hard for profits H8 inheritance, access to other's resources H9 has to do with luck Quoted from iQ's website - "The financially fortunate astrological transits are useless if you maintain a mindset of lack, low self worth or greed. So first work mentally and psychologically on the abundance factor in life before studying the transits.
The best 6 financially great transits are: 1. Transit Mars conjunct Natal Sun: Brings fruitful and doable business opportunities. 2. Transit Sun conjunct Mars: Activates a dull business 3. Transit Mercury conjunct/trine Mercury: Good for stock market profits and sales 4. Transit Venus conjunct/trine Mercury: Increases sales/profits 5. Transit Venus conjunct/trine Sun or Venus: Increases cash flow for purchase of luxury items for self or for the lover/spouse. 6. Transit Mars conjunct/trine Mercury: Increases business and sales drive, helps you to communicate better for wealth." IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 3882 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 27, 2014 03:40 AM
Sounds very good. How exciting!Nope, I'm in the UK. Would you be able to send me a link and I'll get someone I know in the US buy it. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8393 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted August 10, 2014 01:10 AM
Gross 33800
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 59139 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 10, 2014 01:37 PM
This is some great info! Let me know when you want me to move a copy over to the Reference Library.IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8393 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted August 31, 2014 03:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: This is some great info! Let me know when you want me to move a copy over to the Reference Library.
Thank you Randall!! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8393 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted August 31, 2014 03:35 PM
3264 BountyFunction: noun Etymology: Middle English bounte goodness; from Anglo-French bunté, bountee; from Latin bonitat-, bonitas, from bonus good; from Old Latin duenos; Akin to Sanskrit duva reverence, favor 1 : something that is given generously 2 : liberality in giving : generosity 3 : yield especially of a crop 4 : a reward, premium, or subsidy especially when offered or given by a government: as a : an extra allowance to induce entry into the armed services b : a grant to encourage an industry c : a payment to encourage the destruction of noxious animals d : a payment for the capture of or assistance in the capture of an outlaw IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 2500 From: AC-Neptune Quintile AMOR Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 21, 2015 08:02 PM
BUMPIP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 4385 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 22, 2015 02:09 PM
1338 Duponda- Robert and Richard Dupond --- should be 1338 Duponta, with a "t"I have this asteroid conjunct 905 Universitas. The Dupont family were benefactors at a University I went to, and a college I worked at. Their Name was on the buildings I entered every day. 1338 Duponta Gemini 15.42' H7 IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8393 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 22, 2015 03:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: 1338 Duponda- Robert and Richard Dupond --- should be [b]1338 Duponta, with a "t"I have this asteroid conjunct 905 Universitas. The Dupont family were benefactors at a University I went to, and a college I worked at. Their Name was on the buildings I entered every day. 1338 Duponta Gemini 15.42' H7[/B]
Thanks I changed it!  IP: Logged |
3l3n Knowflake Posts: 617 From: Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 22, 2015 04:35 PM
Atira/Nehalennia/Carnegia/Morgan conjuct my SN/Mars/Vesta. Interesting.. I was once told that my past life was with much wealth and abundance! Unfortunately I see nothing on my NN, but.. -Soros conjucts my Asc -Sheikh conjucts Jupiter/Kaali H1 Cancer -Hermes/Sampos/Skuld-Fate conjuct Vertex H8 Aqua -Fortuna/Klondike conjuct Chiron H10 Taurus -Enterprise conjuct Neptune Sag H6 -Rockefellia/Ops conjuct Eros/Psyche H7 Cap -Karma/Kuber/Destin all conjuct in Gemini H12 Are these something to be happy about? 
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8393 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 23, 2015 09:19 PM
(7292) Prosperin(147) Protogeneia She was the Goddess of Success in Business.
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 2500 From: AC-Neptune Quintile AMOR Registered: Sep 2014
posted November 16, 2015 06:03 PM
BUMPIP: Logged |
Seimei Knowflake Posts: 903 From: n2thedust Registered: Apr 2015
posted November 16, 2015 06:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: BUMP
Heylo hypatia238 if you look at all these at truenode and look at the helio nodes ,perehelion you can see many are tied together with the same nodal or perehelion/aphelion degree ------------------ LeekingChee IP: Logged | |