Topic: Apophis 99942: Destruction and Regeneration
amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 4148 From: Miami Registered: Aug 2011
posted September 06, 2014 02:12 PM
"The Serpent of Chaos was apparently being constantly destroyed and then regenerating himself. So you can look up Apophis in your chart -asteroid 99942 – and see if it resonates. Regenerative, Scorpio, Pluto sort of an energy?" I have apophis conjunct venus, I always say it doesn't matter how many times my heart gets broken I will always try again and keep opening my heart. It seems that no matter how much pain I feel I am determine to regenerate and heal enough that I can open up to love again and risk it all once again.
A darker side of apophis however does show in my love life as well with my tendency to destroy relationships on impulse by breaking up prematurely and this can be a bit compulsive this tendency when I am dealing with things I dont like in a relationship that don't match my ideals of love. But I can see that Apophis also has a good side to it. Where is your apophis at ? How do you think it affects you?! IP: Logged |
libran_dream Knowflake Posts: 587 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted September 06, 2014 06:24 PM
My Apophis is exact on my North Node. 3°01' conjunct my Sun. I do feel it, I think, in the way that you described. I am always going through cycles of destruction and regeneration, with my goal being to come out stronger each cycle. I reckon there must be more interpretations for this asteroid, as it embodied a very grand concept in early Egyptian mythology. A sort of much, much scarier Hades/Pluto/Great Other.IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72514 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 07, 2014 03:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by amelia28: "The Serpent of Chaos was apparently being constantly destroyed and then regenerating himself. So you can look up Apophis in your chart -asteroid 99942 – and see if it resonates. Regenerative, Scorpio, Pluto sort of an energy?" I have apophis conjunct venus, I always say it doesn't matter how many times my heart gets broken I will always try again and keep opening my heart. It seems that no matter how much pain I feel I am determine to regenerate and heal enough that I can open up to love again and risk it all once again.
A darker side of apophis however does show in my love life as well with my tendency to destroy relationships on impulse by breaking up prematurely and this can be a bit compulsive this tendency when I am dealing with things I dont like in a relationship that don't match my ideals of love. But I can see that Apophis also has a good side to it. Where is your apophis at ? How do you think it affects you?!
The current chart I am doing has this conj his Moon. I will send it to him. Thanks!!
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Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6718 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 07, 2014 09:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by amelia28: ... I have apophis conjunct venus, I always say it doesn't matter how many times my heart gets broken I will always try again and keep opening my heart. It seems that no matter how much pain I feel I am determine to regenerate and heal enough that I can open up to love again and risk it all once again ...
Wow. How? I'm not at all being facetious. How do you do that? I find myself shutting down at the slightest tinge of my becoming vulnerable; like an automatic response. It just happens. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8636 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 08, 2014 03:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: [b]Wow. How? I'm not at all being facetious. How do you do that? I find myself shutting down at the slightest tinge of my becoming vulnerable; like an automatic response. It just happens.[/B]
I love meeting people that make me feel vulnerable in a romantic/sexual level. I feel the most alive when this happens which is not very often. I crave it, I seek it in some level always and eventually I reach a point were my soul needs this experience in order to regenerate; such experiences bring me back to live. I think this is a combination of my moon in pisces in the 4th ruling my 8th house inconjuncting my venus/karma/apophis with eros in the 8th. Pisces wants to merge and the 8th wants to be transformed by this experience and the transformation occurs at my very core (4th house). The inconjunction to venus/karma/apophis to this energy I feel means that I have soulmates that I am destined to meet in this life that I need to clear out karma involving 2nd/8th house themes or apophis themes (saturn in scorpio ruling my second). These soulmates will transform me, destroy me, bring me back to live. Apophis conjuncts my venus/karma, inconjuncts my moon and conjuncts fortuna/mars, it also semisextiles nemesis so its hard to interpret its role bc it probably plays out in my love life in many different ways, good and bad, but I think it may contribute to my resilience in love but also my propensity to destroy a good thing and let myself be destroyed by love bc of opening up to it as well as resurrected by it. Apophis conjunct fortune, apophis/venus semisextile nemesis in the 10th: I self sabotage my fortune or others destroy my fortune in love, or both. It could also mean blessings in disguise; fortune following destruction or destruction followed by fortune. Probably both play out since nemesis semisextiles fortune and apophis and nemesis balances out too much fortune in my case by destroying it.
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I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 9778 From: Death Star Registered: Nov 2012
posted September 09, 2014 05:13 PM
Apophis in Scoprio square Venus 3. I'm lost here.------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted September 09, 2014 05:19 PM
So it has some sort of Ouroboros symbolism?I have a very interesting Kite with Apophis: a GT made of Pluto Eros and Psyche, with Apophis as Kite apex opposite Psyche, in the 7th house in Leo. Very evocative. At the same time, the connection with Pluto and the Eros/Psyche myth and the release (apex) in the sign of the Sun (Apophis was the enemy of light, of Ra) suggests a return to the light out of chaos and darkness by means of Eros and Psyche, with Eros the "helper" (one of the sextiles to Apophis) and Psyche the nocking point (the trigger) of the Kite. Resurrection is indeed suggested by this connection with Psyche. My boyfriend has his Apophis conjunct NN exact, very impressive. I suppose with this aspect an experience of total and profound transformation is unavoidable in this life. ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted September 09, 2014 06:29 PM
The name Apophis is Egyptian in origin, and the meaning is "not available" so can this be applied to the asteroid interpretation ?Mine is conjunct Jupiter at 29 Libra 4H. I desperately need help with this interp. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8636 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 11, 2014 11:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: So it has some sort of Ouroboros symbolism?I have a very interesting Kite with Apophis: a GT made of Pluto Eros and Psyche, with Apophis as Kite apex opposite Psyche, in the 7th house in Leo. Very evocative. At the same time, the connection with Pluto and the Eros/Psyche myth and the release (apex) in the sign of the Sun (Apophis was the enemy of light, of Ra) suggests a return to the light out of chaos and darkness by means of Eros and Psyche, with Eros the "helper" (one of the sextiles to Apophis) and Psyche the nocking point (the trigger) of the Kite. Resurrection is indeed suggested by this connection with Psyche. My boyfriend has his Apophis conjunct NN exact, very impressive. I suppose with this aspect an experience of total and profound transformation is unavoidable in this life.
WOW LeeLoo what a beautiful Kite and description; you have such a way with words when interpreting love related aspects. Thanks for sharing! IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8636 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 11, 2014 11:27 AM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoSurvivor: The name Apophis is Egyptian in origin, and the meaning is "not available" so can this be applied to the asteroid interpretation ?Mine is conjunct Jupiter at 29 Libra 4H. I desperately need help with this interp.
I find this interesting bc of the degree your jupiter is in and the fact that jupiter and juno rule marriage and you have jupiter in libra exalted in the 4th and the fourth rules the home and libra marriage as well. Jupiter been at 29 degrees means relationships and marriage are very important to you in this life karmically. There is sense of urgency around getting married and building a home with someone. Would you say this fits? It implies you must get this aspect of your life right this time around even if you feel hesitant towards this areas of your life. You will be tested in this areas of life in this lifetime, you must take responsibility for these areas of your life and get it right this time. That been said if you add apophis to the mix PERHAPS this means that if you take responsibility for these areas of your life they will lead to transformation and a new you will be born and karma cleared out in reference to these areas but if you don't take responsibility these areas may lead to your destruction until you learn the needed lessons. Well I gave it a shot. Hope this resonates and helped. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8636 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 11, 2014 11:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoSurvivor: The name Apophis is Egyptian in origin, and the meaning is "not available" so can this be applied to the asteroid interpretation ?Mine is conjunct Jupiter at 29 Libra 4H. I desperately need help with this interp.
Actuality I just came across a thread you started about asteroid prey and in it you stated:
"This explains a lot - in my marriage I remember thinking "it was all me" when we has issues arise and then after one meeting with the therapist I was handed a very long checklist describing abusive controlling men. Almost every item was checked off. The therapist saw it in one session. That was when my life really began to change. With astrology I would have had this awareness sooner. I knew who he was when I met him but i still chose, unconsciously, to become a victim by allowing a situation to arise that kept me in that dynamic. I just didnt know it at the time how imbedded the victim consciousness was in me." I think apophis conjunct Jupiter in libra at 29 deg in the 4th can be linked to this. Jupiter is the husband of Juno and apophis is a bit dark linked to destruction but also regeneration so healing must take place in this life with your marriage partner. It also explains why you got involved in such a marriage and attracted such partner. I have apophis conjunct venus and karma exact and my husband's apophis forms a stellium with mars/uranus/apophis/DC/ANGEL which all square his venus. Furthermore, his stellium squares my venus and mars. In our composite we have chiron sesquisquare apophis/mercury/mars and our fights use to be really bad, psychologically and verbally abusive at times and he has destroyed so much property in our home triggered by our arguments etc..computers, Tvs, holes in the wall... SO this link with apophis connected to destruction fits...but our marriage appears to have regenerated and these destructive aspects have passed away and a new way of relating and dealing have emerged. Transit pluto was forming tsquare with his sun square moon the entire time that our fights reached a more destructive level and now transit pluto has separated sufficiently from his sun and moon in combo with transit saturn approaching his 7th conjuncting his DC/mars/uranus/apophis and this perhaps explains the turning point. ADD: In conclusion based on both of my responses to your inquiry I would say that you have to take responsibility for your dysfunctional marriage and leave him if you don't feel he is someone who can grow and the abuse is extreme or experience within your marriage a death of your old ways of interacting with each other and rebirth of your marriage were new habits are developed and new forms of interacting with each other that are healthy are developed and become the norm. Perhaps you will experience a death in your marriage of its destructive patterns which will then rise from the ashes and turn into something good or the marriage will cause a death of your "prey" mentality and a new strong you will arise were you will attract different kinds of partners with who you can have a healthy relationship with. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted September 11, 2014 03:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: WOW LeeLoo what a beautiful Kite and description; you have such a way with words when interpreting love related aspects. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Hypatia!  ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted September 12, 2014 06:58 PM
hypatia, thank you for taking the time and effort to help decipher this for me my jupiter has had me stumped for such a long time now, putting it in terms of marriage it makes a lot of sense; what you said seems to fitin fact, my ex-husband has sun conjunct nessus conjunct algol which is also conjunct my part of marriage - yikes! that's too funny because the role model of my parents is of two people in love, perfectly supportive of each other and respectful, honorable, dedicated to each other, a relationship envied by others there was much strength in their union, to the exclusion of outside distractions, a total merging and trust, putting their relationship to each other first (dad is cap sun virgo moon, mom is sun moon venus in pisces) i've got much to think about now, in order recognize and release all my past destructive tendencies and attract a much more appropriate partner.
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eliotray Knowflake Posts: 142 From: New York Registered: Dec 2013
posted September 13, 2014 05:13 AM
how do I fit in here? lol99942 @11º Virgo on 11th/12th House cusp. Aspects to other planets: Trine Neptune (4H) and Uranus (3H/4H cusp) in Capricorn Sextile Venus/Sun in Scorpio 2H sextile Midheaven IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6718 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 14, 2014 01:29 AM
Wow! I just noticed that you and my Guardian both have VENUS conjunct KARMA (his is 2º in Leo) with MOON as 8R. His are trine, but other than that, I'm surprised by the similarities of placement. His MOON is on the cusp of the 4H but in the 5H.Anyhow, that's not only beautiful -- but powerful -- what you said. It reminds me of Anita Phillips' view of masochism. It isn't at all the perspective and stereotype that's been perpetuated by the media regarding BDSM, but a very powerful, regenerative seeking of deep emotion -- even if that involves pain. Is your CHIRON prominent? IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6718 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 14, 2014 01:39 AM
Incidentally, my Guardian and I have an interesting configuration with APOPHIS.His APOPHIS is conjunct my MC 3º. My APOPHIS is conjunct his ASC 2º. I suppose I'm not that surprised to find they're both angular, but, wow! This also means that they almost make an aspect, given that his DSC is conjunct my MC. Here's a quirky thing, too: His ALICE is square my APOPHIS (0º20) My MADHATTER is square his APOPHIS (0º20) Pretty wild, that it's exact. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8636 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 14, 2014 09:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: Wow! I just noticed that you and my Guardian both have VENUS conjunct KARMA (his is 2º in Leo) with MOON as 8R. His are trine, but other than that, I'm surprised by the similarities of placement. His MOON is on the cusp of the 4H but in the 5H.Anyhow, that's not only beautiful -- but powerful -- what you said. It reminds me of Anita Phillips' view of masochism. It isn't at all the perspective and stereotype that's been perpetuated by the media regarding BDSM, but a very powerful, regenerative seeking of deep emotion -- even if that involves pain. Is your CHIRON prominent?
I am not into BDSM. My venus conjuncts karma, apophis, mars and fortuna and all this trines neptune and sextiles pluto. My venus stellium does square chariklo and dark moon lilith on one side and psyche on the other and the stellium opposes my BML. Anyone who activates that Grand Cross or tsquare I feel attracted to usually. My chiron is prominent though to answer your question. My chiron opposes my chart ruler conjunction between jupiter and Uranus by 2 and 3 orbs. My chiron quintiles my moon exact and biquintiles my pluto by one orb forming a golden yod. My chiron inconjuncts exact my Saturn and inconjuncts as well asteroid cupido with chiron at the apex of the Yod. My two committed relationships in my life have Chiron at the apex of a Yod (7th, 4th) in composite. Chiron is prominent but I am not into BDSM. I like passion and some rawness but I dont like to feel physical pain connected to sex perhaps some light pain but nothing too serious, that is not the focus; passion and wanting each other is. I typically enjoy for the guy to be more in control yes. When I meet someone that brings out of me this desire to give myself to them completely that is when I enjoy sex the most but I am referring to giving my soul and him giving his to me as a way to momentarily transcend to another dimension..
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8636 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 16, 2014 12:07 PM
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BlackSeraph Knowflake Posts: 504 From: WA, USA Registered: Aug 2011
posted September 18, 2014 05:02 AM
99942 Apophis (20° Vir 7'14") in my chart conjuncts my Midheaven (19° Vir 41'10"), 2847 Parvati (19° Vir 43'5"), 258 Tyche (19° Vir 46'42"), and 18243 Gunn (21° Vir 26'57"). It also squares my last name asteroid at 19° Gem 28'17".I haven't exactly had the most stable go of careers yet in my lifetime. The last job I had, the job beginning chart had Algol rising and it definitely played out over the long term with me probably on the way to losing my mind if I hadn't headed out! In fact, after a mandatory assembly where a member of a Capitol Police department in Harrisburg, PA came in to give a presentation on workplace violence, I became acutely aware of how easy my office room there could have been popped by an attacker, and also at the same time the likelihood of making it out of the building (proximity to staircase / heavy door but bookcase fixed to wall so no effective barricade / etc.). I guess that's where Gunn could come in at a worst-case scenario. Thankfully we were never close to that, but having been the wildlife agency I worked at that counts as law enforcement, and hearing that state police in Northeastern Pennsylvania (my old state) are getting ambushed, makes me wonder what eventually could have happened had I not left. I do remember hearing an example of Apophis being prominent in a natal chart of someone who worked in demolitions (construction-industry related I believe), so there's one positive usage to that at least. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8636 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 01, 2015 12:24 AM
Anyone else wants to explore their APOPHIS natally? Do you feel it relates to a destruction and regeneration theme in your life?IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 12, 2016 12:18 AM
^^ Slightly delayed response here.  Seimei just mentioned this asteroid elsewhere, so I looked it up. I have it at 4.29 Sag, widely conjunct 6.35 Sag Venus. Those who disregard 2.06° orbs should not read any further...but I want to lay claim to this one because it's interesting to me (tonight at least). Not sure what to say because I've been married so long, and tended towards long-term monogamy before that, so it's not like I've put my heart in all kinds of situations, seeing how it responds.  But I'm determined to figure out a way to connect with life spiritually so that I can feel "the warm fuzzies" every day, regardless of who I am with or not with. Sag Venus-Apophis --> emotional self-sufficiency contributing to relationship happiness? Something like that. IP: Logged |
ReadingTheStars95 Knowflake Posts: 1166 From: Registered: Jun 2014
posted March 12, 2016 02:39 AM
I've got in in a pretty tight conjunction to Pallas.. Anyone have any ideas on what this could mean? I guess it is kind of part of a grand trine, but, at this point I'm focused on the above IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 12, 2016 09:43 AM
Hmm, are you psychic about people dying? Do you seem to have a strong imagination about death, or the ability to sense what it might feel like?Perhaps you have the ability to rebuild your cognitive space, so that your thought processes experience an overhaul. Or, the way you perceive patterns keeps getting more and more attuned to cosmic order (and astrology is part of that path.) But I'm sorta winging it. What do you think it might be? IP: Logged |
Selenite Knowflake Posts: 1617 From: Lyra Registered: Aug 2013
posted March 12, 2016 01:12 PM
Wow I love Apophis.. (also Apep) Would be a cool name for a pet snake  I have it at 10 Capricorn i n the 5th, sextile my Venus. It's conjunct my Moon exactly in my progressed chart. My SO has it squared his Moon, opposite my Sun.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 9538 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 12, 2016 08:56 PM
...interesting idea Faith, to link this to foreseeing ability  IP: Logged |