  Asteroid Astrology
  Asteroid Nemesis—-128

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Author Topic:   Asteroid Nemesis—-128
Ami Anne

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From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted November 23, 2014 08:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The Asteroid Nemesis signifies an enemy. Does the chart ever lie? No, so one should take this asteroid seriously. In the natal chart, Nemesis conjunct the Moon is a mother who was an enemy. Should this happen? No. Does it happen? Yes. The female with Nemesis conjunct the Moon may feel estranged from women, in general, and her own feminine side. She may prefer the company of men. She flat out may not trust women.I have not seen the Asteroid Nemesis play out in male charts. I have seen it play out between mothers and daughters quite a bit. In all cases, the mother was an enemy “Sigh”

I will take this asteroid into all the charts I do from now on and see how else it plays out. Check yours. Tell me what you find. Does Nemesis conjunct the Sun signify a father who was an enemy? My guess is yes. Would Nemesis conjunct Venus signify lovers turning into enemies? I would expect so.

You tell me what you find as the charts are the teachers, as always.

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posted November 23, 2014 05:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Davy333     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Love this. Okay Welp... I have
Nemesis Cap Conjunct, Mars Sag, Galactic Center, Medusa Sag.

Mars Sag, Galactic Center, Medusa are also conjunct Neptune Sag. All in the 6th house. Not sure how that adds to it. Since they are all a unit conjunct each other. Though Nemesis only conjunct Mars Med Galactic center.

Nemesis is square Jup Sat conjunct in Libra 4th. Semisquare North node Leo 2nd. And trine Moon Aries 11th.

But you just mentioned conjunct.. but had to add the others for the flavor in case.

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posted November 23, 2014 06:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for athenegoddess     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Arch Nemesis is conjunct my SN. lol.

I feel it means I must leave all my past lifetimes behind and all karma built up thats is not apart of my true self. i have to purge all my karma from the entire span of my lifetimes on earth and not let it act out in my consciousness anymore.

Hard but it has been done just about in time for my saturn return in Sag.

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posted November 24, 2014 08:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PlutoSurvivor     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
President Nixon has Nemesis (128) exact conjunct Moon and within 2 degrees 6H Vx
His mother was very controlling, father occasionally abusive.

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted November 24, 2014 11:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Two girls at work I am not crazy about; one has her nemesis conjunct my MC by 1 orb, Her nemesis also conjuncts my mercury which rules my 10th, 7th and Sun. In addition her Nessus also conjuncts my MC. MY NEMESIS squares her Sun-Saturn conjunction! I dont hate her but we don't flow; we will never be friends. She will be really nice to my cancer friend who is right next to me and then completely ignore me in a blatant way; she has done this many times (I guess that is her nessus-nemesis conjuncting my MC and mercury).

The other girl who is friends with her has a nessus-mars-mercury stellium which conjuncts my venus and mars; we don't like each other but its because she set the tone clearly this way from the get go by also been super nice to my friend and blatantly ignoring me, we are a little better lately. Her nemesis trines exact the other girls nessus.

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted November 24, 2014 11:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by PlutoSurvivor:
President Nixon has Nemesis (128) exact conjunct Moon and within 2 degrees 6H Vx
His mother was very controlling, father occasionally abusive.

I have it opposite my moon by 1 orb or less and my mom is very controlling but I wouldn't say she is my enemy however we are very different in addition to her been controlling so its hard to relate to her on a deep level but I do value her and appreciate her love; Its a complex dynamic but she does always want good things for me and that is genuine; it has never been an easy relationship bc of her controlling nature though.

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted November 24, 2014 11:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My ex nemesis conjuncts exact my Draco moon; well he did break my heart but I do love him still.

My nemesis squares by 4 orbs his mars. I think I hurt his ego and pride obviously not on purpose; If I hurt him is bec he made me feel hurt first.

My nemesis conjuncts my husband's intercepted jupiter in the 5th! Ouchhhh.

He likes to start 20 million hobbies or projects at once that he hopes to make money off of and I come in and I am always trying to prevent that to help him focus on finishing one project; perhaps I do it so much that I without that been my intention delay his progress by perhaps not purchasing something related to the project he needs more quickly and so he feels frustrated by me; like I am halting his progress and not letting him expand fast enough.

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Ami Anne

Posts: 74285
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted November 24, 2014 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow about Nixon, H!

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posted November 24, 2014 02:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have mine in the 11th house... And friends tend to betray me

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posted November 24, 2014 05:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for florence     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Someone gave a nemesis interpretation alternative to this - in terms of being my own enemy I think which was very good but more literal works very much for me too.

Jupiter conjunct nemesis and right through from school to uni I had problems with teachers. Never had problems with employers, quite the opposite but tutors a lot mainly because I worked independently which either did earn respect or it was like I was offending them. So very much can see this at work. Nemesis is opposite moon and I did feel my mum was my enemy until very recently - almost same feeling as with teachers that they wanted me to fail which I know sounds odd but to save backstory .. not as unlikely as it sounds. It hurt very much to see my mum smile when I was broken & distraught. Maybe that's where cancer 8th house comes in because unifying thing with teachers was that my emotion and passion seemed somehow to contribute to circumstances as they were, giving my all would undo me. And of course, my mum's a teacher. As is another relative I really don't get on with. And a friend i don't get on so well with.

Have I interpreted the Jupiter right?

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted November 25, 2014 10:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have mooon opposite nemesis and 8th cusp in cancer and my mom loves seeing me succeeed and hates seeing me suffer but she is very controlling and that takes a toll on our dynamic and bond. I also hate seeing her suffer and want HER to always be safe and happy.

But is interesting how you interpret your jupiter conjunct nemesis.

Maybe the combo of jupiter conjunct nemesis opposite moon can mean women tending to not want to see you succeeed academicallly bc in my case my mom has always pushed me academically so much that I pursued my masters bc she was so freaking pushy about it.

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posted November 25, 2014 04:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for florence     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by hypatia238:
I have mooon opposite nemesis and 8th cusp in cancer and my mom loves seeing me succeeed and hates seeing me suffer but she is very controlling and that takes a toll on our dynamic and bond. I also hate seeing her suffer and want to always be safe and happy.

But is interesting how you interpret your jupiter conjunct nemesis.

Maybe the combo of jupiter conjunct nemesis opposite moon can mean women tending to not want to see you succeeed academicallly bc in my case my mom has always pushed me academically so much that I pursued my masters bc she was so freaking pushy about it.

I think you helped me understand more my moon opp Jupiter. Because, I should have made the distinction - she did push me academically and I can't fault her for what she invested as she taught me to read and write before school, something am forever grateful for. So actually share that experience with you. It's almost like this was the nature of the bond. Likewise, come to think of it, all the teacher connections have had an intimacy - some mutually connecting but more often, as I said, had problems with. I have moon in sag and Jupiter in cancer so I suppose it makes sense there's a mixing of familial and teacher in either polarity. Never any neutrality. Bit of a detour but you really helped me figure that opposition out and its significant in my chart, to me.

So apart from in terms of education I used to feel like my mum took pleasure in my suffering and I've seen teachers present obstacles or even seem unhappy if I did well and I think because of working independently, something encouraged via my relationship with my mum. so that on one hand invested a lot of emotion in the work but a strange intimacy based on my exp of learning/love . Ha, it all seems there!

I wouldn't be surprised if a few children of teachers have a moon-jupiter aspect as have noticed other teachers relate to their children and bond in this way rather than being affectionate.

I also hate to see my mum suffer - used to annoy me that even if she was the reverse I just couldn't handle seeing her upset.

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted November 25, 2014 08:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by florence:
I think you helped me understand more my moon opp Jupiter. Because, I should have made the distinction - she did push me academically and I can't fault her for what she invested as she taught me to read and write before school, something am forever grateful for. So actually share that experience with you. It's almost like this was the nature of the bond. Likewise, come to think of it, all the teacher connections have had an intimacy - some mutually connecting but more often, as I said, had problems with. I have moon in sag and Jupiter in cancer so I suppose it makes sense there's a mixing of familial and teacher in either polarity. Never any neutrality. Bit of a detour but you really helped me figure that opposition out and its significant in my chart, to me.

So apart from in terms of education I used to feel like my mum took pleasure in my suffering and I've seen teachers present obstacles or even seem unhappy if I did well and I think because of working independently, something encouraged via my relationship with my mum. so that on one hand invested a lot of emotion in the work but a strange intimacy based on my exp of learning/love . Ha, it all seems there!

I wouldn't be surprised if a few children of teachers have a moon-jupiter aspect as have noticed other teachers relate to their children and bond in this way rather than being affectionate.

I also hate to see my mum suffer - used to annoy me that even if she was the reverse I just couldn't handle seeing her upset.

I am glad I was of use.......I enjoyed reading your thoughts as well it got me thinking about it from another angle so thanks.

I am truly truly sorry to hear that your mom took pleasure in your suffering. I am realizing that women like that are just unhappy with themselves and very very insecure and probably did not get attention from their own parents...Its my guess.

Its beautiful you still feel compassion for her as a daughter when she suffers! Don't ever change that about yourself, its priceless.

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posted November 27, 2014 10:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
my Nemesis is opposite the Moon of a man (from my past), his Nemesis is conjunct my Sun.

I love him dearly for what I was granted to learn from him, though the lessons, despite no fault of his, were painful.

In the case of this synastry, Nemesis did not manifest so much as an enemy, but as the one giving me "what is due" (her actual function in the myth, not that of an enemy, but that of being a big equalizer - which of course is often experienced as an enemy in the external world).

It was very karmic in the sense that i had something important to learn, in this case it included a lesson in tolerance, and how difficult it is to be truely tolerant, if it affects my own life, my own desires.

So yes, he sort of cut me down, that is true, but at the same time I am very aware, of how much I needed it (like a tree needs to be trimmed occasionally, for a more healthy grow).

It might be though that I was simply lucky for this Nemesis-experience.

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted November 27, 2014 04:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
my Nemesis is opposite the Moon of a man (from my past), his Nemesis is conjunct my Sun.

I love him dearly for what I was granted to learn from him, though the lessons, despite no fault of his, were painful.

In the case of this synastry, Nemesis did not manifest so much as an enemy, but as the one giving me "what is due" (her actual function in the myth, not that of an enemy, but that of being a big equalizer - which of course is often experienced as an enemy in the external world).

It was very karmic in the sense that i had something important to learn, in this case it included a lesson in tolerance, and how difficult it is to be truely tolerant, if it affects my own life, my own desires.

So yes, he sort of cut me down, that is true, but at the same time I am very aware, of how much I needed it (like a tree needs to be trimmed occasionally, for a more healthy grow).

It might be though that I was simply lucky for this Nemesis-experience.

I do feel nemesis is complex, I feel sometimes it can manifest as a "enemy" if nessus is also involved or apophis etc...but if not using the word enemy to describe this would not be accurate perhaps like you are pointing out....

I agree that there is something karmic about it on its own, its true that the myth speaks about equalizing too much fortune.

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posted June 22, 2021 11:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jemerson     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have nemesis conj. Chiron in Scorpio, I recently had private painful experiences shared with mutual friends by someone whom I trusted. I wouldn’t say I trust easily with my moon in scorpio and Saturn in the 8th, they had Jupiter conjunct my nemesis and chiron asteroid exact. I saw the aspect a few months ago and imagined it playing out in a way similar to this. I just hoped for the best since chiron in synastry can show us how to heal our wound..

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posted April 05, 2024 03:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
*triggering maybe.

Tr Nemesis in cancer, my 8h. This Nemesis reflects my enemy is a cancer energy individual whom thought his shell might never divulge/reveal the truth - yet it has! He thought he could hide it?! My tr pallas now in h1. I see more than he thinks.

Tr sun/nn cnj together in my 5h.
I've come to a powerful understanding.

The Nemesis asteroid I completely forgot was on my n. Uranus. A shocking "enemy" right in front of me, or in the world stage. Yeah the one who pretended to care, my karmic ‐‐ was a true enemy pretty well from the beginning.

Anyways my trust (kindness) in them and the other attached energies are getting karmic payback in a huge way. My karma has been triggered via the transits of karma/saturn but theirs is coming soon and momentum is building. Their use of bm is gonna give them a shock to never forget, as the boomeranggrows in stregth, power to land right back @em. My ancestors don't play about this -

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posted November 20, 2024 04:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 03, 2025 01:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 08, 2025 09:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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