Topic: asteroid chaos conjunct ascendant
notofuforyou Knowflake Posts: 32 From: Registered: Sep 2014
posted February 07, 2015 11:52 PM
does this make me look wrecked,unstable upon meeting..? what could it mean, not a lot of info about chaos.0 deg orb.thank you~ IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted February 08, 2015 11:18 AM
Chaos I guess could be to wreck something but I think it's more predictive of the chaos that inspires, the crazy'ness that makes you need to create something better. It's the storm that brings out your beauty because you cannot leave it alone you MUST do something to change to become better to grow. Notice how most artist are not exactly clean, neat or tidy? It's the chaos that remains in their soul that they must try to get a grasp on that gives them the inspiration to create. Now, I doubt they look "stable" when you meet them, but that doesn't matter. To more evolved ppl they look amazing, creative, unique, inspiring and like they belong somewhere else, somewhere so much better and more amazing than the place we are...some ppl will be jealous of what you have but others want know how to get to that place you live. Ignore the ones who don't understand! Some ppl are scared of ppl like this, they can't understand them so they judge them..but ignore those ppl they are so far behind you in their souls evolution. You would never judge someone for being original and unique! You don't judge because you are inspired, you have the universal understanding of chaos as part of who you are, you can be revolutionary due to this! The universe came from Chaos, Chaos was the God that everything came from, everything was created from Chaos The energy you feel from asteroid Chaos is the same energy that created our universe! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted February 08, 2015 11:23 AM
Don't ever feel bad if you have chaos on your AC and can't seem to be "normal" or look normal, stop expecting yourself to be normal, it's not you. Appreciate what you have the universe has given you something so much better than normal!! Try to calm the storm by creating things with your chaos! I would think it's an asteroid that gets better with time, as you gain maturity and are more able to direct and use it energy instead of it having the control over you.Chaos sits on my Chiron, I've had so much pain it's hurt so much, ripped me up and driven me nearly mad at times, but I know I'm expected to create something beautiful with my pain! My son has Chaos on AC, he has severe ADHD. But he's super creative! IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 08, 2015 10:51 PM
19521 Chaos You can get a better understanding of this asteroid by examining the chaos theory. There is a free download of the book, Chaos Theory Tamed, by Garnett P Williams, It is very scientific but the introductory pages bring a great awareness as to how this asteroid could be understood as a theme in someone's chart. IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 08, 2015 11:09 PM
Key introductory points from the book Chaos is defined as How something changes over time. The two fundamental subjects that together make up the foundation of chaos are "change" and "time." Space or distance can take the place of time in many cases. Chaos is sustained and disorderly-looking long-term evolution that satisfies certain special mathematical criteria and that occurs in a deterministic non-linear system. (A system is an assemblage of interacting parts) (non linear may be smooth and regular at first but often changes to erratic-looking. It may change often greater than the stimulus instead of smooth or proportionate to the stimulus, and have persistent local pulses that do not die out over time perhaps last forever infinite.) A catalyst can affect "behavior over time" The Ancient definition of chaos has 2 meanings: Primeval emptiness of the universe before things came into being and/or the abyss if the underworld. Possible Causes of Chaos in nature: An increase of a control factor to a high value that allows chaos to set in The double pendulum, non linear interaction of 1 or more separate physical operations The effect of environmental noise/vibration on otherwise regular motion which changes the time series for chaos ---
It makes sense that that someone with Chaos conjunct the ascendant will act as a catalyst to affect evolution of other individuals plus of our planet and/or universe. IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 08, 2015 11:20 PM
"Chaos is to be encouraged in the field of physiology by studying disease, nervous disorders, mental depression, the brain, and the heart." So someone with this asteroid conjunct ascendant may be drawn to these areas of study. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted February 09, 2015 12:20 AM
Here is another astrology definition...Minor planet Chaos was discovered on November 19 1998. For it’s meaning the first thing we think of is disruption and the world falling apart. The use of the word Chaos as meaning disorder and anarchy came relatively recently in Elizabethan times. The ancient Greek meaning for Chaos was “Emptiness, vast void, chasm, abyss” from the verb which meant “gape, be wide open”, Wiki. If anything, I think Chaos is more to do with creation than destruction. Chaos is said to be the first of the primordial Gods and represents air. So it is the very beginning, the very first Greek god. There are so many myths across the world that depict the concept of Chaoskampf, the German word for “struggle against chaos”. It makes one wonder why you would want to struggle with it and who is the bad guy here. In Chaoskampf there is always a battle between a heroic figure and a dragon. St George and the Dragon, the Archangel Michael fighting Satan or Perseus slaying Medusa. Eastern cultures have similar mythology, which feature a storm god fighting a sea serpent. Eg: Marduk V Tiamat (Babylonian) or Yahweh V Leviathan (Jewish). Chaos represents the time when the heaven was ripped from the earth and we were left with a gap. The struggle could be the fighting of the demons that come through that gap and that are blocking the blissful feeling of oneness. Our endless battle with the serpent keeps us trapped in the illusion of separateness and duality. Chaos is not describing the demon itself, just the process of becoming whole again. It is interesting that Chaos is also seen as the prima mater, all the elements of the universe clumped together. Material=mater=mother, so this process is like trying to find out where we came from. In modern times it’s like trying to find the god particle. The gaping hole could be a star-gate, the birth canal or even the particle accelerator at Cern. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted February 09, 2015 01:00 AM
KHAOS (or Chaos) was the first of the Protogenoi (primeval gods) to emerge at the creation of the universe. She was followed in quick succession by Gaia (Earth), Tartaros (the Underworld) and Eros (Love the life-bringer).Chaos was not seen as the dysfunctional crazy disorder that it is commonly known as today, that definition came later. At first it was seen as the stage in life, the gap of time/space right before creation. Therefore being the energy that life emerged from, all creation came from chaos. --- Chaos was the original void of existence (although sometimes described as being a confusing, shapeless entity which was later ordered, creating the cosmos. Gaea, the Earth, emerged from the Chaos, and gave birth to Ouranos, the Heaven, with whom she bore the first gods, The Titans. IP: Logged |
notofuforyou Knowflake Posts: 32 From: Registered: Sep 2014
posted February 09, 2015 03:55 AM
Wow, guys thank you so much for the in depth replies, i read through them carefully. Many times I've felt really that I have trouble keeping boundaries in relationships with people. A life that is too neat and structured doesnt satisfy, you're right i do thrive on a good kind of disorganisation in my life, my parents cannot understand why i have to stay up til 4am to do the things i want, not eating regular meals, or why i just have the impulse to go out alone for a late night walk in the dark n look at the beautiful stars... they think my life is 'upside down'.. All or nothing..would be a good description of how i live. :s my paretns say i forget i have to maintain a sustainable life. I get excited too easily. The little things; my handwriting is very cursive scribbly, and whenever i sketch or paint its always got a messy touch. Expression.. . Lastly, i am very interested in learning about psychological discord and ..ive been dealing with depression and am seeing a psychiatrist to resolve it. I'm learning how to change depression into a stronger mindset. I would say my mental health is not the most stable but i'm taking more interest to improve. I'm not mentally disabled in any way. Impulse did lead to a situation i have learnt to never repeat again.. I think I understand what this means now, and will see as not any kind of disadvantage. thanks c: <3 IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted February 09, 2015 09:21 AM
My Chaos is conjunct Chiron. When I started reliving memories of things that were so painful I'd blocked them life flipped upside down. I stopped eating, sleeping...or when I did sleep it was odd times and in weird places. Nothing seemed normal anymore, like I lived in a void of existence or more like existence was so over stimulating my mind couldn't handle it and I'd need to shut it out. At times I would crawl underneath a table just to feel safe. Like you I wanted to be up during the darkness, it felt felt like home. I would go on long walks almost every night, my parents didn't know but if be gone for hours doing nothing but feeling the silence. Or I'd be up all night writing poetry trying to put what I felt into words. I drew pictures of what I was seeing and hearing in my head. I'm not much of an artist in that way so i mainly stuck with writing. Everything seemed spastic and out of control but I couldn't stop it.When I tried to be what others expected me to be...I'd break down, it was to overwhelming. I remember once my parents forced me to go hang out with my brothers and some of my friends that id been avoiding, trying to get me back to some semblance of normal. I sat in the back seat of the car at night as they drove to the place we were going with tears in my eyes, staring into the dark. I was wishing I could run away from all those ppl and just be alone in the dark. That's where I felt safe. My mind was so overstimulated with all the craziness in my head I couldn't take anything more or anything that everyone else saw as normal! It's was such an overload my body needed to shut down. Trying to be normal inhibited me to the point I almost couldn't physically move and emotionally I'd fall apart. I ended up falling asleep in the back of the car and nobody could wake me up. So they left me in the car and I slept there as they all had fun. Don't expect yourself to be normal, follow a normal schedule or do what others do. The void of life, the darkness in the gap between nothing and everything is where a part of you needs to be at times, possibly often depending on how tight the aspect is, in order to refuel. Once that part is full, you will burst into life in a most amazing creative way....but then eventually you will retreat back into that void to recharge again. Just accept that, that is you! Creative genuis/recluse/creative genius/recluse. You will always love the dark, it's where you feel at home, build your strength and get your inspiration. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted February 09, 2015 09:48 AM
Is your favorite time of day the moments right before the dawn?I know when I'm going through tough times dealing memories or pain I like to sit on my porch while everything is dark and still, and feel the slow build of excitement energy as the world slowly wakes up and comes to life. The birds slowly start chirping, rabbits and squirrels start popping out of their warm little nests and life's so calming to my soul. But once the darkness is almost gone and more than just a couple people are up and's not exciting or calming anymore, it's overwhelming and time for me to go inside! Lol It's in those moments I get strength to heal! These moments would be where you find yourself, the times that help you identify yourself and help you become the person you want to be. IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 09, 2015 11:57 AM
Gabby, you are an angel of the darkness, not as in evil, but in the absence of light. you bring the light to others because you understand the darkness where other people are afraid to go. Your job is to open the first doors of light into this dimension. Thats why you like to sit out at dawn. You bring the dawn, the first light, to all of us. You probably came here in a meteor shower. Most people won't understand you because of this. Have you thought about singing? I bet you have a very angelic voice, deep enough to awaken others. If you take up singing it will be from the throat of God. Can you picture yourself singing in a classy nightclub? You will have the power to transform, open the hearts of others. Your son with Chaos on the ascendant, having ADHD, must be very careful what goes into his body. He will be sensitive. Everything should be natural. He will respond to that. Nothing allopathic should be taken. No chemicals as all these will disrupt his energy. Your son will be just ahead of the darkness in this life. It will be different for others. Chaos can bring light or Chaos can bring negative control. It can be self- serving. You will know it if you have this aspect, which one applies to you. You would be working with limitations it it is from negativity. [reason for editing, the autofil has a life of its own and I wanted to correct the typos] IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 09, 2015 12:16 PM
Gabby, think of it as helping others see their shadows. The shadows are of the dark. You bring their shadows into the light. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted February 09, 2015 12:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoSurvivor: Gabby, you are an angel of the darkness, not as in evil, but in the absence of light. you bring the light to others because you understand the darkness where other people are afraid to go. Your job is to open the first doors of light into this dimension. Thats why you like to sit out at dawn. You bring the dawn, the first light, to all of us. You probably came here in a meteor shower. Most people won't understand you because of this. Have you thought about singing? I bet you have a very angelic voice, deep enough to awaken others. If you take up singing it will be from the throat of God. Can you picture yourself singing in a classy nightclub? You will have the power to transform, open the hearts of others. Your son with Chaos on the ascendant, having ADHD, must be very careful what goes into his body. He will be sensitive. Everything should be natural. He will respond to that. Nothing allopathic should be taken. No chemicals as all these will disrupt his energy. Your son will be just ahead of the darkness in this life. It will be different for others. Chaos can bring light or Chaos can bring negative control. It can be self- serving. You will know it if you have this aspect, which one applies to you. You would be working with limitations it it is from negativity. [reason for editing, the autofil has a life of its own and I wanted to correct the typos]
Wow PS, thank you!! You know what you said, made me start wondering if that's really possible, I started thinking about what conjuncts my Chiron aries@24.14 this is what I found... Anteros aries@25.22 Abundtia aries@26.03 Chaos aries@26.31 Celestia aries@26.34 Tyke saggy@26.26 Raphella gemini@26 Sun/Moon midpoint libra@26.32 That's so cool PS...I never would have thought about being something like that for anyone. Wow...just wow thank you!
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted February 09, 2015 04:45 PM
As far as singing, Merc/Sun is in the very ending degree of my 2nd house, conjunct Neptune in 3rd. I have an unusual voice, speaking voice I sound like a child but as a singing voice I can sound very haunting....but I don't have any control over my voice and no self confidence. I had true singers in my family they have strong voices . I have a different kind if voice, it's unusual, so I had no confidence. Funny thing is when I sing it brings up so much emotions that i have to hold back tears, kind of sounds like what your saying.IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 09, 2015 07:21 PM
Gabby, dont be hesitant to just start singing. You can put all those poems you wrote to music. Let your audience be the judge, not your family or your own insecurities. You can always start taking voice lessons, but you already have it inside of you. You use your voice already to open others to the light through your words, and your recollections, imagine sending vibrational healing through your singing voice as well. Your voice is not unusual, it is unique and purposeful  IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 09, 2015 07:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Wow PS, thank you! That's so cool PS...I never would have thought about being something like that for anyone. Wow...just wow thank you!
You're welcome. IP: Logged |
why8why Newflake Posts: 1 From: Registered: Jun 2022
posted July 12, 2022 08:48 PM
This seems to be an old thread, but nonetheless, I will post my reply..I also have this aspect in my natal chart. Actually, I have both of them. I have Chaos conjunct the Ascendant, with an orb of less than 1° (orb = approx. 20 min), and I have Chaos conjunct Chiron, with an orb of about 3°22'. So, yes, essentially that means I have Chiron in the 12th house, and Chaos in the 1st house. Also, all 3 of these (i.e. Ascendant, Chiron, Chaos), are at the base of a golden yod in my chart. The midpoint, of this yod's base, is actually at 14° Aries. I have Mars at the apex of the yod, at 14°18' Libra. The two planets at the base angles of the yod, are Jupiter (in Pisces) and Moon (in Taurus). At the apex of the yod, I also have the Sun "kinda" conjunct Mars, with Sun at 11°5' Libra. This is a run-down of the planets in my natal chart (according to : Sun - 11°5'36" Libra Moon - 19°40'39" Taurus Mercury - 6°29'47" Scorpio Venus - 2°38'7" Libra Mars - 14°18'1" Libra Jupiter - 9°26'34" Pisces (R) Saturn - 18°14'33" Cancer Uranus - 27°4'3" Libra Neptune - 7°25'18" Sagittarius Pluto - 6°52'2" Libra And this is a list of the asteroids and points in my chart (according to : AC - 25°56'20" Aries MC - 26°43'32" Capricorn True Node - 11°56'0" Sagittarius Chiron - 22°42'44" Aries (R) P.Fort. - 17°21'17" Virgo Vertex - 6°10'40" Capricorn Lilith - 16°8'48" Aquarius Ceres - 2°4'13" Pisces (R) Pallas - 23°10'32" Capricorn Juno - 6°0'49" Pisces (R) Vesta - 22°1'55" Scorpio Pholus - 7°14'55" Pisces (R) Eris - 13°14'2" Aries (R) Nessus - 0°2'30" Cancer (R) Ixion - 7°40'30" Scorpio Orcus - 25°40'55" Cancer Quaoar - 5°19'32" Scorpio Sedna - 3°39'32" Taurus (R) Varuna - 7°28'59" Gemini (R) Jupiter and Chiron are both retrograde in my natal chart. I actually have a stellium (5 planets) in Libra. Apart from Mars and Sun, I also have Venus, Pluto and Uranus in Libra. Uranus is conjunct my DC, with an orb of about 1°8' By looking at this website (i.e., I can see that I have a lot of asteroids conjunct my natal planets and/or important points in the chart. For instance, I have : Lucifer (at 19°50'25" Taurus (R)) conjunct Moon (at 19°40'39" Taurus) -- orb of approx. 10 min, Nemesis (at 2°50'44" Libra) conjunct Venus (at 2°38'7" Venus) -- orb of approx. 12 min, Quaoar (at 5°19'32" Scorpio) conjunct Mercury (at 6°29'47" Scorpio) -- orb of approx. 1°10', Urania (at 26°28'22" Capricorn) conjunct the MC (at 26°43'32" Capricorn) -- orb of approx. 15 min, Pallas (at 23°10'32" Capricorn) conjunct the MC (at 26°43'32" Capricorn) -- orb of approx. 3°33', Pholus (at 7°14'55" Pisces (R)) conjunct Jupiter (at 9°26'34" Pisces (R)) -- orb of approx. 2°12'. There might be more asteroid conjunctions that I don't even know about... LOL :-) The planets in Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius are all situated at such positions that they create a yod, as well as another golden yod, every time some other planet transits the 6-7° mark in Taurus, and the 11-12° mark in Taurus. That Mercury in Scorpio acts as the mid point (at the base of the yod), and the transitting planet (whatever planet that may be) acts as the apex during these transits.. For instance, right now, Mars, the ruler of my 1st house, is transitting this 6-7° mark in Taurus so, apart from the other "permanent" golden yod, these extra two yods are currently active in my chart. Needless to say, my life was in absolute chaos during the time Uranus transitted Chiron/Ascendant/Chaos, and again when Uranus transitted this "imaginary apex" or sensitive point between 6-12° Taurus. Also, Pluto transiting Capricorn during the past decade or so has been a nightmare, to say the very least.. for it was forming squares to each and every planet I have in Libra, and it was forming an opposition to my Saturn in Cancer. Currently, Pluto is forming a square to Chiron/Ascendant/Chaos, while both the North Node and Uranus are transitting my Moon in Taurus... And like I've mentioned above, the Moon is part of a golden yod in my chart.. Oh, and did I mention that Chiron is currently - and has been for the past couple of years - transitting my 12th house..... opposing just about every planet I have in Libra. Chiron is now at the point where it's going back and forth over the midpoint at the base of that permanent golden yod I have in my chart, i.e. it's been forming a perfect opposition to the apex of the yod a while ago, and it will do so again within the next few weeks/months. So, in short : Chiron is currently fluctuating between forming a square to my Saturn, and forming an opposition to just about everything else I have in Libra. I would love for somebody with experience in Astrology to have a look at my chart, and tell me everything they see.. the good, the bad, the ugly, everything. I'm willing to answer any questions anyone might have, regarding details and personal experiences pertaining to the Chiron/Ascendant/Chaos conjunction in my natal chart, or any other aspects you might want to know the details of and/or how I experience that specific aspect in my personal life etc. Seems like there's no option for attaching a screenshot of my natal chart, but I can add the link, for those who might wanna take a look :-) IP: Logged | |