Topic: Are you a bully or the victim of being bullied? Toro(1685)
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8899 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted March 06, 2015 06:48 PM
Another powerful asteroid is Toro (1685) Martha Lang-Wescott analysis “Toro is Ernest Hemingway heaven… think of Spain and corridas and the streets crowded with men who prove their courage in the running of the bulls. Test of testosterone![…] It is attempting to use force to get your way. It’s being “pushy” and overly assertive or aggressive.[…] It also making with the muscles or doing the bull work. […] The positive Toro is competitive and assertive (through the Sign, House and Aspect Pattern). Where Toro aspects more passive energies (such as the Moon, Venus, Neptune or retrograde planets) or is tied in a highly stressful Aspect Pattern, the individual has used these planet to defend him or herself from the anger, violence or pushiness of others. […] The retrograde Toro has been on the hard or receiving end of aggressions and tends to prefer non-violent approach. […]Positive Toro individuals show the strength through competition (often being involved, at some time in the life, in competitive sports.) They can be intimidating almost unintentionally; […]By transit, Toro equates to “storm trooper tactics” regarding the planet being transited. Transit to Toro are situations and people to which one reacts brusquely and aggressively; anger can easily slip out of proportion" "Demetra George on the topic. Of note: Astrologically, Toro symbolizes the intermediary in the octave progression between Mars and Pluto, transforming the raw, instinctual desires of Mars into the controlled, focussed and penetrating power of Pluto. Toro also describes how we handle the onslaught of violent or negative influences …
She goes on to say that (I’m paraphrasing now) Toro can be felt as brute force or ruthless aggression. It can also be a kind of “aggressive mastery” like martial arts, kickboxing, and the ability to take aggressive influences and transmute them into something more creative. She really focuses on Toro being a source of Power and strength if we only tap into it." ***Reading experiences/testimonies of Toro at work, it seems those with a prominent Toro, as a child get bullied in the areas Toro touches and become very sensitive in these areas. But as you grow up this pain can be turned into a power brought about from fighting to overcome in the areas the pain was endured. Someone with Toro conjunct a personal planet might have a tendency to become a bully regarding that area in life or they will be vulnerable to being a victim of bullying in that area of life, depending on aspects. Someone with Toro conjunct your personal planet might bully you in that area.
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 69116 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 06, 2015 08:22 PM
Wow, a new asteroid. Thanks Gabby!------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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teasel Knowflake Posts: 9020 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 06, 2015 08:23 PM
I've been bullied. After enough of that, anger can build to the point where you could be as bad as them, if you don't pull back. If the bullying doesn't stop.I'll have to check my chart when I'm on a computer. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8899 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted March 06, 2015 08:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: I've been bullied. After enough of that, anger can build to the point where you could be as bad as them, if you don't pull back. If the bullying doesn't stop.I'll have to check my chart when I'm on a computer.
Agreed, that is another way Toro could play out! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8899 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted March 06, 2015 08:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Wow, a new asteroid. Thanks Gabby!
Thanks Ami, it's not really new...just not well known! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8899 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted March 06, 2015 09:00 PM
Very interesting article..... TORO represents the principle of boundless strength and power and how we handle the power ... TORO describes how we confront and handle the onslaught of violent or negative influences that we experience either from without or from within our own minds ... Knowing how to turn one’s enemy into an ally is indeed a potent power, especially when the “enemy” lies within your own being! Thus, TORO’s secret teaching involves taming the inner power of the bull that resides in each of us and directing it for constructive purposes ... THUS completing the BRIDGE that transforms the raw, instinctive desire of MARS into the controlled, focused, and penetrating power of PLUTO. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 72215 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 08, 2015 09:41 AM
Thanks, Gabby!IP: Logged |
Peluches Knowflake Posts: 1367 From: Les arcs-en-ciel nitescents de la deuxième étoile... Registered: Jul 2014
posted March 08, 2015 01:14 PM
Thank you, Gabby, for all these interesting asteroids threads.  Hmm, his TORO conjuncts my VENUS and it's unrequited on his side. How fitting !  IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8899 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted March 08, 2015 02:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Thanks, Gabby!
Thank you Randall! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8899 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted March 08, 2015 02:47 PM
Thank you Peluches! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8899 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted March 08, 2015 02:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by Peluches: Thank you, Gabby, for all these interesting asteroids threads.  Hmm, his TORO conjuncts my VENUS and it's unrequited on his side. How fitting ! 
Does Toro aspect anything in his chart? I would think Toro/Venus would be a very bad match, energetically. Venus is so soft, n tender and it falling at this point in his chart right where he can feel pint up aggression ready to burst into some kind of power, not good! Your love nature is going to seem very weak to him by comparison to the energy he's feeling from your interactions. Every time you get around him does he seem to get frustrated or annoyed easily? Maybe?(still working to figure out how Toro plays out in synastry) What's happening is your Venus energy is bringing a powerhouse of energy up in him. If he's not familiar or used to this energy, because it doesn't conjunct a personal planets closely, your Venus/his Toro interaction will be frustrating to him because you being up a new energy that's overwhelming to him. The more you embody your Venus energy, or Heaven forbid fall in love your Venus energy will push on him more and he will feel even more the Toro energy. Not good for love! He could blame this frustration on you, saying YOU make him feel annoyed, frustrated or something( he probably can't explain why or how, or even say what specifically your doing that annoys or frustrates him) but yet your still going to get blamed. It's not you, it's just your synastry! Does his Toro conjunct anything in his chart? Did you notice in the other thread Toro is an octave in between Mars growing into the higher octave of Pluto?
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Peluches Knowflake Posts: 1367 From: Les arcs-en-ciel nitescents de la deuxième étoile... Registered: Jul 2014
posted March 08, 2015 04:22 PM
Gabby,Thank you. This is really making more sense now. My 12th house VENUS actually conjuncts CERES exact and CYRUS (his name asteroid) under two degrees, and forms an exact T-Square by squaring PLUTO and opposing AMOR. I have a theory (not tested yet) about name asteroids : I noticed, in the few synastries I've seen, that what we do and feel towards a person is indicated by the astrobodies that conjunct that person's name asteroid in our chart. For instance, I would 'love' (VENUS) him and 'care' (CERES) for him. So, because of that theory, I think that the VENUS cj CERES is one of the main points showing my love for him. As for his reaction to that, I do think he becomes annoyed by the conjunction of the two. He's a strong Scorpio with a Leo Moon and Saturn emphasis, so he kind of despises such displays of love and affection, seeing only weakness, especially when they come from the wrong person. With his homosexuality in the middle, I first thought that he could like me as a friend only, and that it would still be better than nothing, but I was wrong -- it was a very unstable (friend) relationship, and most of the time he was cold with me. I didn't understand why, but it's very likely he was annoyed but kept silent and hid his emotions like Scorpios do. That was when my progressed ASC was still in Virgo. When it progressed into Libra, along with the Valentine and Anti-Vertex conjunction, I became less reserved and started showing the love, but in an other way than Venus/Ceres ; it was the Valentine energy I felt ('serving' or giving him). Surprisingly, that new energy did not and still does not annoy him -- he actually likes it and his Leo Moon feels flattered now !  His TORO widely conjuncts the IC in his chart. Do you think that would have helped stop the bullying energy, even at a 7 degree orb ? IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8899 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted March 08, 2015 06:31 PM
Hmmm....I think the 7 degree orb would be to wide. I worry about the fact that now that your giving and sacrificing for him, now he's nice. Is he taking advantage of you? I hope not!!  Yes I know leo Moons LOVE attention but don't sacrifice until you have nothing left to give someone who really loves you. You deserve so much better!! IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6665 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 08, 2015 07:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Wow, a new asteroid. Thanks Gabby!
You don't know TORO, Ami? Have you ever read Martha Lang-Wescott's 'Mechanics of the Future'? There are excerpts available online. It's fascinating work. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6665 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 08, 2015 07:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Very interesting article..... TORO represents the principle of boundless strength and power and how we handle the power ... TORO describes how we confront and handle the onslaught of violent or negative influences that we experience either from without or from within our own minds ... Knowing how to turn one’s enemy into an ally is indeed a potent power, especially when the “enemy” lies within your own being! Thus, TORO’s secret teaching involves taming the inner power of the bull that resides in each of us and directing it for constructive purposes ... THUS completing the BRIDGE that transforms the raw, instinctive desire of MARS into the controlled, focused, and penetrating power of PLUTO.
That's much more my take on it, actually. I have TORO conjunct ISIS on REGULUS. My Guardian has it retrograde and in SCO conjunct many of my MOON's Midpoints, though it's 3º from my MOON. My TORO is conjunct his JUNO. I'm really not sure how I would read that, honestly. IP: Logged |
Peluches Knowflake Posts: 1367 From: Les arcs-en-ciel nitescents de la deuxième étoile... Registered: Jul 2014
posted March 08, 2015 07:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: My TORO is conjunct his JUNO. I'm really not sure how I would read that, honestly.
Perhaps using the Magi interpretation of Juno ?... ...  IP: Logged |
Peluches Knowflake Posts: 1367 From: Les arcs-en-ciel nitescents de la deuxième étoile... Registered: Jul 2014
posted March 08, 2015 07:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Hmmm....I think the 7 degree orb would be to wide. I worry about the fact that now that your giving and sacrificing for him, now he's nice. Is he taking advantage of you? I hope not!!  Yes I know leo Moons LOVE attention but don't sacrifice until you have nothing left to give someone who really loves you. You deserve so much better!!
Thank you for your concern, Gabby, but he's not taking advantage. Don't worry. If anything, it's because of the synastry and the charts, it won't be his fault or anyone else's.  IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8899 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted March 08, 2015 07:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: That's much more my take on it, actually.I have TORO conjunct ISIS on REGULUS. My Guardian has it retrograde and in SCO conjunct many of my MOON's Midpoints, though it's 3º from my MOON. My TORO is conjunct his JUNO. I'm really not sure how I would read that, honestly.
I believe that interpretation also. But that's representative of Toro's energy at it's highest vibration but as we know most ppl are not using it at it's highest vibration!! Lol So before it becomes that powerhouse, it can be destructive but it's that destruction that gives us the fire to break through the pain and heal. My Toro is exact square my Chiron, very tough placement for such a powerhouse asteroid!! IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6665 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 08, 2015 08:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by Peluches: Perhaps using the Magi interpretation of Juno ?...... 
I'm not even sure! The thought of my 'bullying' him into a relationship is kind of hilarious, given how much space I gave him, (and still do) as well as time. I'd think PATIENTA would be conjunct!  Although if we want to look at this as 'indomitable will', I can attest to that. Never have I had to work so hard for a relationship, and it's been entirely worth it. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6665 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 08, 2015 08:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: I believe that interpretation also. But that's representative of Toro's energy at it's highest vibration but as we know most ppl are not using it at it's highest vibration!! LolSo before it becomes that powerhouse, it can be destructive but it's that destruction that gives us the fire to break through the pain and heal. My Toro is exact square my Chiron, very tough placement for such a powerhouse asteroid!!
 Ohh, if only we could all express its highest form. IP: Logged |
neptunicity Knowflake Posts: 1019 From: Registered: Mar 2012
posted March 12, 2015 07:32 AM
I have Toro conjunct my ascendant in the 1st house (a bit loose at 4 degrees) and it also squares my Mars, conjuncts Jupiter, and trines Chiron. I have been the recipient of underhanded aggression like backstabbing and occasional mean comments. I think me being confrontational is reflected by Toro squaring my Mars? Not sure about how it manifests being conjunct with Jupiter and trining Chiron though. And I also agree with Teasel's interpretation, since I can be vindictive.IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8899 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted March 13, 2015 03:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by neptunicity: I have Toro conjunct my ascendant in the 1st house (a bit loose at 4 degrees) and it also squares my Mars, conjuncts Jupiter, and trines Chiron. I have been the recipient of underhanded aggression like backstabbing and occasional mean comments. I think me being confrontational is reflected by Toro squaring my Mars? Not sure about how it manifests being conjunct with Jupiter and trining Chiron though. And I also agree with Teasel's interpretation, since I can be vindictive.
Thank you for sharing, the square to Mars I'm sure is hard to deal with and would add an aggressive side to the AC! IP: Logged |
Voix_de_la_Mer Knowflake Posts: 2016 From: Sound Registered: Aug 2011
posted March 14, 2015 12:26 PM
I have Toro opp. Midheaven, and widely (4) conj. Mercury.Everything I have achieved with regards to life purpose (this is inseparable from career for me), I have achieved through sheer determination and obsessive analysis. I have not, however, ever stepped on others to get anywhere, so the bullying interpretation would not fit for me. Bullying is something I have actively attempted to protect others from, from a young age. IP: Logged |
neptunicity Knowflake Posts: 1019 From: Registered: Mar 2012
posted March 14, 2015 08:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Thank you for sharing, the square to Mars I'm sure is hard to deal with and would add an aggressive side to the AC!
No problem. I forgot to add that it also squares Pluto, so it intensifies Toro all the more. I also have Mars and Pluto squaring my ascendant, but the aggression is mostly from the home, other people are occasional. I guess Toro trine Chiron suggests that too, since Chiron is in my 4th house. IP: Logged |
Einfühlung Knowflake Posts: 392 From: Lily of The Valley Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 14, 2015 10:46 PM
My toro is Scorpio retrograde 5 degrees in 5th house. I'm not sure if that has a significance to getting bullied or being a bully. I've been bullied since I was little because I was Asian; verbally and physically.IP: Logged |