Topic: selena/white moon and selene!!
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8902 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 09, 2015 06:46 PM
My Endymion leo@27.02 conjunct Selene leo@28.55 in 11th house IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6701 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 09, 2015 06:58 PM
Ouch. This represents good karma? Are we sure of that? I ask because ... erm ... well ... It's at 10º ARIES in my Guardian's chart, which is conjunct his INTERKOSMOS-SATURN (1º), dTISIPHONE (2º), and sNNODE (0º). And! There's more! His ALICE is conjunct my SELENA. (0º05)! I would not call the above anything related to good karma, so ... what am I missing here? IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6701 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 09, 2015 07:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: My Endymion leo@27.02 conjunct Selene leo@28.55 in 11th house
Sweet! That's a definite sort of romantic pairing, if I recall. Even if it's not a true soulmate pairing. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8902 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 09, 2015 07:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: Sweet! That's a definite sort of romantic pairing, if I recall. Even if it's not a true soulmate pairing.
Thank you, not sure if I want this kind of love when it's only a dream love!! Lol I was wondering the same thing regarding karma...I found this article but I'm still researching =1
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Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6701 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 09, 2015 09:45 PM
So ... good karma? Where does this interpretation come from? I ask, because it's on both of the outstanding / bad, even violent, karmic points.IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6701 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 09, 2015 09:50 PM
Huh. I wonder why we both have ENDYMION conjunct SUN (1º) natally. This also means it's 0º conjunct in our composite, right on REGULUS. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8902 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 09, 2015 10:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: So ... good karma? Where does this interpretation come from? I ask, because it's on both of the outstanding / bad, even violent, karmic points.
It seems to stem from Vedic astrology and the karmic nature of the moons nodes. -- The degree of inevitability shown by horoscope is determined by the correlation of karmic and creative aspects, the number of planets in retrograde, and presence or absence of stars. If person misused freedom or had dissipated lifestyle in his previous life, then in this life person will have obstacles in his path.
In Vedic astrology there are karmic indicators that are in charts; these are moon's nodes (Rahu and Ketu), Black Moon (or Lilith), and White Moon (or Selena). Black and White Moons are fictitious planets thought of as accumulations of your dark and light karma. According to their location in the Zodiac signs it is possible to say your negative and positive acts in your previous lives. If you have weak Black Moon, you may not feel its influence. But, if it is strong, there are two possible reactions: 1) continue to do harm in the same way that you did in your previous life, 2) not to give into to the dark impulses. Lilith's cycle is 9 years. At the moment when it returns to its place in horoscope it manifestes itself in your life in the clear way. If at that point you choose to give in its dark impulses, you will be successful in all harm you are attempting to cause, since dark forces will be actively helping you; you will be collecting karma. If, you chose not to give in, the dark forces will punish you. If you chose the 2nd way then the dark forces will punish you for not being with them any more. So if you are unlucky at ages 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63 etc, you can be happy about it because it is proof that you are working out karma. It is possible to work out dark karma. Let's take this example: You have Black Moon in Aries; means you were, in the worst case, a killer, and in the best, quarrelsome and a fighter. It is rare a karmic debt will be paid at the age of 18. But at 27 years old you might have been attacked and nearly killed in dark alley. Let's suppose that in the next years you did not attack or beat anyone. Then at 36 years old you got drunk, quarreled a little with your neighbor and beat each other. That's all. Then, at 45 you observed a fight from the sidelines without getting involved. This is karma gets worked out. The cycle of the White Moon - 7 years. If you have it in Scorpio, you were white magician in your previous life; in Taurus - you were an absolutely generous person; in Sagittarius - a missionary or traveler; in Libra - a fair judge, etc. This is the lucky cycle, and the luck will come at ages of 21, 28, 35 … Moon's nodes are important points. influences cannot be seen in black-and-white. Moon's nodes show how the person evolves. For example, let's say person has South node in Capricorn, and the North node in Cancer - So, in his past the person relied only upon himself. He went up to top and secured himself. He didn't pay much attention to people around him. In this life he shouldn't make career more important than his family life. It's simpler for him to work; because this is way he has always done it. But he is not able to form good relationships in family, although he certainly needs to learn how to do. He needs to get rid of self-centeredness and learn to form relationships with people. moon's nodes return to their place every 18.5 years, when a person reaches the ages of 37 and 56. At this age people who have not completed karmic evolutionary tasks and have not been able to give up things that have been worked out, might die or go through heavy life lessons. finally, the stars. stars are one of the most important indicators. Their positions are above horoscope, above earthly life. It takes just one very powerful star to have a huge effect on almost the whole horoscope. Lodestars greatly increase the degree of inevitability in horoscope. There are about 160 important stars and nebula. They can be good, bad, neutral. Among worst are Algol, Antares, Capella, Sinistra, Denebola, Aldebaran, Alfard, Betelgeuse, Azellus Australis, and Sheat. Among the best are Regul, Fomalgaut, Spica, Deneb Adidge, Vega, Altair, Rigel, Sirius, Mizar, and Benetnash. also visit
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Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6701 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 09, 2015 10:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Let's take this example: You have Black Moon in Aries; means you were, in the worst case, a killer, and in the best, quarrelsome and a fighter.
:: face-palm :: Yeah. I should've seen THAT one coming. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8902 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 09, 2015 10:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: :: face-palm ::Yeah. I should've seen THAT one coming.
Lol, Aries BM is the toughie!! I have it also, guess we just pushed our way through life and thats not good! I had a lot of brutality as a child(in aries, I had a lot of head injuries) but fortunately it taught me that I don't want to hurt others because I know how it feels to be hurt like that. So I guess that was the way my higher self chose to work that karma out. Saturn leo@2.50 BML aries@2.59 Merc saggy@3.32 Sun saggy@4.28 Karma libra@5.49 IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8902 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 09, 2015 11:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: Huh. I wonder why we both have ENDYMION conjunct SUN (1º) natally. This also means it's 0º conjunct in our composite, right on REGULUS.
You and who have Endymion on your natal Sun? IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6701 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 09, 2015 11:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: You and who have Endymion on your natal Sun?
My Guardian, Gabby. We've both got SUN conjunct ENDYMION, 1º. I found that intriguing. He's also got both BML and ... W ... M ... S? (White Moon Selena?) in Aries, which I find bizarrely spot-on. Karma of a noble but murderous knight? :: sigh :: Much as I hate it ... yep! Sounds about right. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6701 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 09, 2015 11:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Lol, Aries BM is the toughie!! I have it also, guess we just pushed our way through life and thats not good! I had a lot of brutality as a child(in aries, I had a lot of head injuries) but fortunately it taught me that I don't want to hurt others because I know how it feels to be hurt like that. So I guess that was the way my higher self chose to work that karma out. Saturn leo@2.50 BML aries@2.59 Merc saggy@3.32 Sun saggy@4.28 Karma libra@5.49
Yeah, it's funny you say that, Gabby. He's got it at 20º ARIES conjunct his MOON (22º) and opposite his MARS (22º LIBRA) lying right along the homicidal axis. Yeeeesh! At around age thirteen, he felt compelled to study the origins of evil; he essentially wanted to learn all that he could about evil forces of any kind: human, supernatural, fictional, and so on. He oddly felt as if his greatest goal at that age was to 'avoid becoming evil'. Not exactly the most common 'goal' for a young teenager! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8902 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 09, 2015 11:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: Yeah, it's funny you say that, Gabby. He's got it at 20º ARIES conjunct his MOON (22º) and opposite his MARS (22º LIBRA) lying right along the homicidal axis. Yeeeesh!At around age thirteen, he felt compelled to study the origins of evil; he essentially wanted to learn all that he could about evil forces of any kind: human, supernatural, fictional, and so on. He oddly felt as if his greatest goal at that age was to 'avoid becoming evil'. Not exactly the most common 'goal' for a young teenager!
Wow....strange, I thought that exact same thing as a child. I worried about losing my empathy and turning dark even before I could read, of course I didn't call it that. My goal was to always love and not allow myself to get so hurt that I turned evil and hurt ppl because I was hurt. I knew I must stay light, couldn't allow myself to turn dark no matter how much I get hurt. That's really odd he felt the same things! Wow His BML and Mars are on my aries/libra Vertex axis@21.23...interesting.
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8902 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 09, 2015 11:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: My Guardian, Gabby.We've both got SUN conjunct ENDYMION, 1º. I found that intriguing. He's also got both BML and ... W ... M ... S? (White Moon Selena?) in Aries, which I find bizarrely spot-on. Karma of a noble but murderous knight? :: sigh :: Much as I hate it ... yep! Sounds about right.
That's actually kind of cool!!
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Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6701 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 10, 2015 02:54 AM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Wow....strange, I thought that exact same thing as a child. I worried about losing my empathy and turning dark even before I could read, of course I didn't call it that. My goal was to always love and not allow myself to get so hurt that I turned evil and hurt ppl because I was hurt. I knew I must stay light, couldn't allow myself to turn dark no matter how much I get hurt. That's really odd he felt the same things! WowHis BML and Mars are on my aries/libra Vertex axis@21.23...interesting.
It is! I can't help but think that having these points in these degrees could very well contribute to such peculiar fears. I've never feared my potential for evil. I somehow always knew that my understanding went deeper than the simple binary paradigm. I oddly knew that they were a whole; a yin-yang balance which required equal presence, and I somehow had something to do with maintaining that balance. Almost as if I knew because of my powerful innate sense of justice, I never need fear my own potential for violence; instead, I had to prepare myself to either work to reform those who had gone astray, or just flat stop them. Strangely enough when I began exploring darker sexual expression with my husband (at his behest) I suddenly feared my ability to control my own impulses. Though I never had before, I felt a fear they'd overwhelm me, and my newfound sadistic urges could get out of hand. It was all paranoia. They never did; I've always had a strong control of that -- almost an iron will. My Guardian does, too. His was just cultivated. Though when very young, still, cultivated. IP: Logged |
alyssa27 Knowflake Posts: 249 From: Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 10, 2015 05:28 AM
i have artemis in cancer conjunct my venus 1'36 in 12th and she has many aspects..hekate also in cancer in 12th conjunct my chiron exact,widely conjunct jupiter 5',and more widely conjunct asc/selena 7'..diana is in virgo 3rd,she doesn't too much,an exact sextile to pluto,and a trine to neptune but wide 3'.. endymion in aquarius in 7th widely conjunct my nn.. i don't know if it's relevant but urania(30) is also in cancer conjunct my selena/asc 0'13 and 0'33 and opposite my selene 1'53..urania also conjunct my jupiter 1'40..i know it has to do with astrology but i thought that maybe urania has to do with our solar system and/or our universe in general selenite-i hope i have found my endymion too .. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8902 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 10, 2015 10:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: It is! I can't help but think that having these points in these degrees could very well contribute to such peculiar fears. I've never feared my potential for evil. I somehow always knew that my understanding went deeper than the simple binary paradigm. I oddly knew that they were a whole; a yin-yang balance which required equal presence, and I somehow had something to do with maintaining that balance. Almost as if I knew because of my powerful innate sense of justice, I never need fear my own potential for violence; instead, I had to prepare myself to either work to reform those who had gone astray, or just flat stop them. Strangely enough when I began exploring darker sexual expression with my husband (at his behest) I suddenly feared my ability to control my own impulses. Though I never had before, I felt a fear they'd overwhelm me, and my newfound sadistic urges could get out of hand. It was all paranoia. They never did; I've always had a strong control of that -- almost an iron will. My Guardian does, too. His was just cultivated. Though when very young, still, cultivated.
I look back now and know I never had it in me to let evil overwhelm my good side, but it was definitely a fear of mine as a child. My ex husband had his Mars exact on my Nessus and eventually his abuse woke my Nessus up, Nessus is conjunct my natal Mars by 2.5 degrees. His abuse was very similar to what my step dad had done to me as a child. I felt so much evil and rage wake up in me, it was terrifying. I found out then how strong my soul really was because my heart or the light in me knew immediately that he had to go. I didn't want him to go out of fear for myself but out of fear for him...I could feel the dark side and knew if it was allowed control what it was capable of was not good. It was intense dark and meditating on how to end the pain he was putting me through. This part of me was willing to let him hurt me just one more time just to have the legal right, through self defense, to end his ability to hurt me... So the good in me logically took care of the problem before the darkness could grow or get out of control. So I know now I can handle it, it's not stronger than me , I will never let it be stronger than me, I know how to prevent it. Everyone has this side in them while living in human form, someday they will come face to face with it. This part of them is nothing more than the egos vigilante or it's vigilance to protect and care for itself and itself alone. But you can't let it get out of control. I think I did let it get the better of me in my last life so I'm very aware of it. It must be closer to my psyche now, after having it so prominent in my physical life more recently(a recent past life) Maybe your guardians is to? It's not that we are different it's just that we are more consciously aware of that darkness but it's in everyone. I think we must have played a bit to much with it in a past life and it carried us away! We don't want it to happen again! My anti-Vertex libra@21.23, Venus is libra@19.05, conjunct Masselina, Sirene, Banks....I think I used men/sex for money and didn't love anyone, I just hurt them. Not good at all! I think that's why I'm scared to get into relationships at times, I never want to hurt or use anyone I just want to love them. My Chiron aries@24.14 opposes my Venus. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6701 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 10, 2015 12:18 PM
BTW, @Selenite, if you're there, email me at, if you'd like to weather the first storms of your relationship once it clears the honeymoon phase.  IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6701 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 10, 2015 01:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: I think I did let it get the better of me in my last life so I'm very aware of it. It must be closer to my psyche now, after having it so prominent in my physical life more recently(a recent past life) Maybe your guardians is to? It's not that we are different it's just that we are more consciously aware of that darkness but it's in everyone. I think we must have played a bit to much with it in a past life and it carried us away! We don't want it to happen again!
I agree. And, frankly, Gabby, I'm starting to see now WHY you have the TISIPHONE connexions you do. I was looking for something different, but I don't think it is. I think it might be the same after all. How curiously illuminating ... To condense a VERY long story, yes, I do think he is very familiar with this role and these energies. I've been called 'the great cosmic casting director' by several of my actors for my uncanny ability to cast them in roles they need in order to fully discover themselves, and actualise. For him, it's my magnum opus: the vigilante multiple murderer who absolutely, cannot allow homicide to go unpunished. Period. The catch? What happens when it's justified? How do you reason with a fury? And so, in a very tightly crammed nutshell, begins our strange story. I KNEW he was the one to play the role when I met him, but I had NO idea he was the one until I explored the synastry, and finally allowed myself to accept WAY too many bizarre coincidences, synchronicities and connexions. And, one day, he confided that he ultimately left the military because he couldn't abide by the sort of power they demanded to have over him; most of all, he said, he left before they could indoctrinate within him the necessary 'permission' to kill. He knew it was dangerous somehow for his psyche. He's even had sudden moments of revelation, when exposed to certain material, that he has no qualms about killing those who've killed -- even greatly harmed -- others. It's been a long, complicated, even, 'is this for real?' unfolding process. Ultimately, as bizarre as it sounds, we've helped each other 'deal' with a mutual welling 'need' when faced with such individuals, to accept that that's not what we're here for. Now we're to learn things like humanity, and love, and companionship. It's time to put down the sword and serve the principles of justice in other ways: through teaching, compassion, and, in some cases, just flat letting it go. That's not easy for Tisiphonic types. Not easy at all. Perhaps, at the end of the day, TISIPHONE is exactly what I thought she was. That's just tough to accept on the human level. Crazy stuff. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8902 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 10, 2015 02:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: I agree. And, frankly, Gabby, I'm starting to see now WHY you have the TISIPHONE connexions you do. I was looking for something different, but I don't think it is. I think it might be the same after all.How curiously illuminating ... To condense a VERY long story, yes, I do think he is very familiar with this role and these energies. I've been called 'the great cosmic casting director' by several of my actors for my uncanny ability to cast them in roles they need in order to fully discover themselves, and actualise. For him, it's my magnum opus: the vigilante multiple murderer who absolutely, cannot allow homicide to go unpunished. Period. The catch? What happens when it's justified? [b]How do you reason with a fury? And so, in a very tightly crammed nutshell, begins our strange story. I KNEW he was the one to play the role when I met him, but I had NO idea he was the one until I explored the synastry, and finally allowed myself to accept WAY too many bizarre coincidences, synchronicities and connexions. And, one day, he confided that he ultimately left the military because he couldn't abide by the sort of power they demanded to have over him; most of all, he said, he left before they could indoctrinate within him the necessary 'permission' to kill. He knew it was dangerous somehow for his psyche. He's even had sudden moments of revelation, when exposed to certain material, that he has no qualms about killing those who've killed -- even greatly harmed -- others. It's been a long, complicated, even, 'is this for real?' unfolding process. Ultimately, as bizarre as it sounds, we've helped each other 'deal' with a mutual welling 'need' when faced with such individuals, to accept that that's not what we're here for. Now we're to learn things like humanity, and love, and companionship. It's time to put down the sword and serve the principles of justice in other ways: through teaching, compassion, and, in some cases, just flat letting it go. That's not easy for Tisiphonic types. Not easy at all. Perhaps, at the end of the day, TISIPHONE is exactly what I thought she was. That's just tough to accept on the human level. Crazy stuff.[/B]
My Tisiphone is libra@0.34 square- Nessus cancer@2 Mars gemini@29.33 Karma libra@5.49 Yes, I can see how we could take the whole RobinHood steal from the rich to give to the poor a more sinister twist...killing the ones who kill is justifiable murder. Funny my- RobinHood aries@29.27 Marion Aries@5.58 opposed my Karma Robinhood 18932 Marion 506 Sherwoodrowland 9681 IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted April 10, 2015 02:58 PM
I haven't examined Tisiphone yet but she's on my North Node/Mc conjunction.I wouldn't associate Selene at least the asteroid with good karma. Found this: Selena (White moon) h56 It appears that it represents highest leadership, light, truth, the way to the Supreme Harmony which gives man grace, a sense of ultimate meaning.. Selena (White Moon) in Aries Means that in a past life the man was a knight sacrifice, so the first level of The White Moon will not let him become a murderer, save us from risks of violence. At the second level, he will move in the same direction, that is, too, will the brave fighter, and he will have good luck in any fair fight - that is it an open and fearless people. The third level is already bright knight going into battle for the high ideals for a just cause, ready to sacrifice, the conductor of light forces. Selena (White Moon) in Taurus In the last living man was generous and disinterested, was not attached to material things, so a new life in the first way, he gets support, there will always be the well-being in material terms, be in good health and good energy. If he tries to get money dishonestly, the White Moon will not do it. In the second way a person continues to move in the same direction, which moved in the past, there remains a generous and unselfish, helping people, and more give, the more he comes. And this applies not only money but also energy, so such a provision the White Moon often healers. In the third way, he may be the custodian bank information, the holder of the energy egregor, that is to create material and energy base for the whole tradition. Selena (White Moon) in Gemini Means that in a past life, man was a conductor of light forces, a student of the occult sciences, no one is condemned, for which he received a clean source of information. At the first level, he gets the award for the past, that is, it will have a good relationship with family, good teachers, neighbors and many friends. On the second path, moving in the same direction as it goes on more subtle information, a good student, is a conductor of new knowledge, guided by new friends, playing the role of facilitator, brings people together and through this develop their abilities. At the top, the third way, already being a conductor of light forces, one can from the scattered bits of knowledge to create a system, because the White Moon in Gemini is in exaltation. Selena (White Moon) in Cancer Means that in a past life, man was a keeper of tradition and home, and could also be an occultist, and died to protect the shrine, guarded tradition. Therefore, at the first level of this life, he receives a reward of good relations within the family, nice house, good relations with native people and homeland. At the second level, he moves in that direction, as once again the keeper of traditions, a home and so on. At the third level, people with already cleared the energy source may be a priest, in contact with dedicated people. White MoonCancer often means visiting a past life. Because it will maintain the tradition, family, ancestors who died long ago, but the truth, as long as he lives at home, leaving his country, he loses the support of their ancestors. Selena (White Moon) in Leo Means that in a past life the man was the creator of light, gained independence and spiritual freedom. Therefore, at the first level he will be given a reward of good children, good luck in love, high energy, followed by stretching and people love him. The second level continues to move in the same direction, that is, a person will reveal their creative ability, self-knowledge, to develop spiritual freedom, helping others, giving their energy. At the third level, becoming a conductor of light forces, despite the fact that the sun - the owner of Leo, will fire a high creative implementation: will deal with higher self-knowledge, to remember where he was born, and can also identify the collective karma. Here, people like to exercise maximum creative synthesis, showing himself to. Selena (White Moon) in Virgo Means that in a past life people have suffered and endured, obeyed, and carried his cross, but never lost his pride and resign themselves to the inevitable, that is going through karma yoga. Therefore, the first level of his luck with work and bosses. People will perform for him hard work. He will be able to quickly and easily recover, as there will be problems with the good doctor. At the second level he goes through self-sacrifice, that is to work, helping others, caring for the sick and weak. And on the third level, the highest, he is a healer, which has support in all matters related to the treatment and the implementation of the debt. He may see the ability to inner transformation at a deep level, even his own nature. In this case, it is absolutely unselfish, and can endure a lot of other people. Selena (White Moon) in Libra Means that in a past life, man was the bearer of justice, peace-maker, no one is condemned, and reached the supreme harmony, that is his karma is a righteous judge. At the first level, he receives a reward in the form of a harmonious environment, good family, good marriage partner and generally reliable in all respects, partners, support from people associated with the law. At the second level motion in the same direction, that is, again, it will be a righteous judge. But on the third level, he has the dedication to judge other people as the supreme peacemaker, sacrificing oneself for the sake of peace, because Libra governs Chiron (in the higher plane of cosmic law connected planet Vulcan, which has not yet manifested itself, that is not yet open Planet , its functions are partially takes Chiron). Summit White Moon as time allows in the face of such Human higher judge. In other words, through it says space law. Selena (White Moon) in Scorpio Selena means that a person in a past life could be a white magician, that is well aware of the lack of human nature, struggling with their own shortcomings, has passed through purification, through great suffering. Born with the White Moon - it is like a compensation for the fact that he was the victim of white magic. The first level of The White Moon does not give him the fall, the development of secret vices, turns away from the lessons of black magic, as if rescued from the effects of black magic, sadists, rapists, perverts. At the second level - the continuation of the same as before, it is a struggle with his disabilities, the design itself, purification, yield a higher level, fight the evil to the extent of his powers. At the third level, when a man led light forces, it is a magical initiation, ie he is white magician who comes in the way of the struggle against world evil, has contact with the Higher World, spends his initiatives gets help from the dead and has magical protection. Selena (White Moon) in Sagittarius Means that in a past life, man was the spiritual father, educator, missionary, an authority who had undergone many tests on the path of spiritual ascent, a man who could be separated from the motherland, so at the first level, he receives an award as a strong position, authority, support for all social affairs. If it is unjust or a teacher will try to use evil means in the struggle for influence and power, the White Moon will not let him do it, do not give to sin, to the extent that this would deprive his career, if it is dangerous for his spiritual development . At the second level a person continues to move in the same direction, which was moving in a past life, then there will again be a missionary, educator, teacher. And on the third level, his life turns into a specific example for others, it is as if unconsciously on his own example teaches others, possessing strength, incommensurable with the human, and being already a carrier, distributor, conductor traditions. That is the provision of spiritual teachers. In this case the person is indeed a teacher "from God." He will understand other cultures, to distribute light tradition to bear it. Selena (White Moon) in Capricorn Means that in a past life, a person has assumed voluntarily strange karma, seeking higher purpose, was an ascetic, that is, voluntarily became a scapegoat. At the first level, he receives some compensation in the form of achieving their goal. True, part of the compensation comes at the end of life. At the second level, he continues to do what he did in a past life, that is, takes on someone else's karma comes hard to the goal, novstvenno cleaning. And on the third level, a person becomes a conductor of light forces, that is, already has the highest Cosmic Law, and his whole life is dedicated to achieving the ultimate goal. Forces released him just as much as necessary to carry out this program. He can voluntarily make sacrifices to achieve this goal, may themselves take the karma of almost the whole nation. It is not by chance under the sign of Capricorn are born very many teachers, but the Sun, not the White Moon. It is through the sign of Capricorn is possible for one person to assume the karma of so many. Therefore, if a person White Moon in Capricorn, and he goes on the third path, and behind it light forces, then, putting on a very large load, the cost of his life and hard work he had in this life free and will save other people. Selena (White Moon) in Aquarius Means that in a past life the man was an altruist, all came on an equal footing, fell into a state of complete freedom, a clear distinction between good and evil, was a reformer, inspired, supported by faith in the people, bore the freedom of other people and animals. At the first level, he gets a reward independence and good friends. Him luck in all new cases, and it is easy to make a choice between good and evil. At the second level a person is moving in the same direction, then there will be a reformer, inspired, altruistic. At the third level, becoming a conductor of light forces, it can alter how your karma and the karma of others. Through it enters the world of bright new faith, new religions. Selena (White Moon) in Pisces Means that in a past life was a humble man, he lived a solitary life of a hermit who secretly helped other people to show mercy, compassion, attention and love to the prisoners, the mentally ill. Therefore, at the first level, he receives a reward in the form of a harmonious environment, compassion and caring of others. The second level continues to bear the secret help, leads a solitary life, is a sacred image. Very often, it will have prophetic dreams, and he unconsciously finds a way out of the impasse, and the ability to read omens and premonitions. And at the highest, third level, when a person becomes a conductor of light forces, appears to correct criminals, to help wayward suffering from mental illness, cheated, victims of black magic. He can communicate with the other world, merging with nature and the cosmos. And there may come and support from the forces of the elements, merging with nature, and the higher powers. To help other people understand themselves, their depth and harmony to the world - a mission of man on the third level. In this case, it is a mystical way. Here are just a magical way to influence the world for him is forbidden - this is deception. Man's way is through meditation, through an intuitive comprehension of the mysteries of the world, its unity. Lilith Lilith in a 1 house - gives a bright display at first glance, sexual perversion, in the form eksgibionizma and fetishism. Clearly expressed their desire for sexual business. Lilith in 2 house - Desire to have sexual partner, "you're mine," then sex is necessary, at the level of consumption. Lilith 3 home - here, a man sees in all manifestations of sex, think about sex, erotic fantasies. Lilith in the 4 house - Thrust to the mother as a sexual object, a permanent return to the past, the desire to repeat "that" sex itself, which has brought very much enjoyment, like the retro aspect. Lilith in 5 house - gives traction to the children, the desire to possess their children, up to sexual slavery. Or a complete rejection of the children, if you can not absorb them. Lilith's house at 6 - Here people can realize their sexual desires in the form of a mad wooing himself for themselves, or others. Lilith 7 Home - Partner needed as a sex machine, the attraction only for the satisfaction of their desires. Lilith 8 house - where the man is always a little sex, he wants more and more, until the pain and blood. So much possession of the object that you just want during sex, swallow, to kill a man in ecstasy. Lilith in 9 home - here, a man takes pleasure chiefly from traveling, getting information from the tight mask, intellectuals as etiquette. Attracted to foreigners, as exotica. Lilith 10 house - Here, one sees the purpose of life as the development of their sexual abilities to the maximum. Sexologists, psychoanalysts, life purpose - it is sex, it could be a career goal and through sex. Lilith 11 house - Pulls to have sexual relations with friends, partners or friends, frequent change of sexual partner. Lilith 12 house - Provides that a person, dreaming, floating in the waves get high, get an orgasm from its ethereal fantasies in the form of meditation, communion with spirits, etc. Lilith in the signs of the Zodiac Lilith in Aries - Here people perceive sex as a predatory component, here a man must bring a partner to the pain and blood. Love kinky sex. Lilith in Taurus - Here, a person needs to partner belonged only to him, and no more. Until the exclusion of the object that belonged only to him. Sex is needed in large quantities. Lilith in Gemini - At such a distance, people in words and actions, and violating the partner's psyche, something akin to mental orgasm. Having fun is also talk of sex. Lilith in Cancer - Here, a man who is trying to do with your partner what I would like to do with his mother, incest. Kaif gets from the past, from early memories. Lilith in Leo - Here partner is perceived as a bright object of sexual desire, authoritativeness on the object. The desire to go through all the fun, while belittling partner. Also, watching erotic scenes and films. Lilith in Virgo - The desire to change partners, to bring to mental breakdowns, the desire to partner, played all the details of sex. Meticulousness in sex, pettiness. The desire to explore a partner from head to toe. Lilith in Libra - Need, beautiful sex, with the use of any creams, scented candles, beautiful music, the need for tactile sensations, pats. Enjoy watching a beautiful, delicate sensuality. Lilith in Sagittarius - The desire to have sex outdoors, in large quantities, like to play the role of sexy teachers. Reading sexual literature. Fans, unconventional sexual practices. Lilith in Scorpio - A deep desire, long orgasm, sensual, sado-masochistic sex, with a desire to kill a sexual partner. Also, the observation of violent sexual acts with elements of blood. Lilith in Capricorn - Love that they were commanded to cause pain during sexual contact, that the partner was older, like a subordinate position. Enjoy watching tough scenes of violence, coercion. Lilith in Aquarius - love, non-standard location for sex, planes, trains. Unusual sex positions, various experimenters. Originals in sex, nepredskuazemy. Love the new kinds of sex, be used. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6701 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 10, 2015 03:30 PM
Thanks for those points, Gabby. I'll definitely check them out.I was 19, just coming off of my first Saros cycle, when the story came to me. And I'd thought, for a very long time, at least a decade, that it was only a story. But when I saw the TISIPHONE configuration across our synastry, and directly linking to his SATURN in my 8H, I couldn't help but wonder ... was I actually channelling all of this from another level? Further, was I doing so, because, in some very profound ways, it's my story? Troubling for a scientist to consider, which is probably why it came to me as story. My heroine was determined to manipulate the villain, an incarcerated killer, to her advantage to catch his copycat, as she obviously perceived him to be her enemy. She was convinced that he's a vile killer, and will go to whatever lengths necessary to see that he gets executed just as soon as she gets the answers she's looking for. Because she's 'the cop', (federal investigator) she's the hero. The protagonist. Her judgemental attitude is justified. He's a killer! Of course he deserves to die. Right? That's absolutely what I thought, completing that screenplay in 2001. January to May, I think. But my audience was intrigued and wanted backstory -- especially on the 'villain' -- the incarcerated killer she's interviewing to get the information. (Which is totally tropey at this point, and was only sorta still okay in 2001.) So I wrote a prequel novel -- finding the two first met when they were kids. Huh. Well, this a wrinkle. And he was essentially wrapped up in a major conspiracy of which he later didn't even want to be part, and even went to great lengths to protect her, so that she didn't suffer as a result. But they've both forgotten ALL of this -- for reasons which become clear later. But by 2003, something is becoming clear to me. He's not really a villain. Everything -- absolutely everything -- is perspective. And by the fourth sequel of the series, bringing it to a total of 6 novels in 2011, I see that he's an antihero, and his reasons are VERY complex. And, most of all, that the story itself is multidimensional. So, looking back on my heroine's journey, from 2001 until now, I can see how BOTH had to tackle deep-seated judgements, prejudices, and learn how to bend their own rules -- not to live and die by the principles they adhered to without question. Literally. Then, when I look at the unfolding relationship I have with my Guardian, and, since February, also boyfriend, the way it mirrors these points, lessons, and peculiar karma is nothing short of incredible. I was concerned to see his SELENA on his SATURN, as it seemed like the cosmic forces were smiling down in a grand, complex way, rewarding actions that resulted in my death. But then that might be too narrow a perspective besides. If a force of great power is tasked with the uncomfortable business of avenging all murders of which he is aware, he doesn't get to choose. No one is allowed to be exempt. Or, as it came to me during a more recent meditation: 'The laws of the cosmos are perfectly balanced. Justification is of human manufacture and ultimately flawed.' And, in that moment, I forgave him. Completely. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8902 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 10, 2015 05:17 PM
Thank you ail221, love the information!Selena WM gemini@23 in 9th house Gemini 23: "Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree" Inspiration: Celebrate the stage of changing development like a fledgling just about ready to take first flight. Selena (White Moon) in Gemini Means that in a past life, man was a conductor of light forces, a student of the occult sciences, no one is condemned, for which he received a clean source of information. At the first level, he gets the award for the past, that is, it will have a good relationship with family, good teachers, neighbors and many friends. On the second path, moving in the same direction as it goes on more subtle information, a good student, is a conductor of new knowledge, guided by new friends, playing the role of facilitator, brings people together and through this develop their abilities. At the top, the third way, already being a conductor of light forces, one can from the scattered bits of knowledge to create a system, because the White Moon in Gemini is in exaltation. Lilith's house at 6 - Here people can realize their sexual desires in the form of a mad wooing himself for themselves, or others. (Very true, I get turned on the most by turning on others and pleasing others) Lilith in Aries - Here people perceive sex as a predatory component, here a man must bring a partner to the pain and blood. Love kinky sex. (Very true also) IP: Logged |
8ofHearts Knowflake Posts: 109 From: CA Registered: Dec 2011
posted March 04, 2017 12:58 PM
Hello all, what are you supposed to do if you have Black Moon Lilith (in Capricorn) conjunct North Node (& Dejanira BTW!)Which puts my South node in Cancer conj Saturn within 2 degrees. Also, being almost Libra rising, my houses are flipped so...Cappy north Node in 4th, Cancer South node in 10th. Whew! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76322 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 05, 2017 01:55 PM
Interesting thread.IP: Logged | |