hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 9447 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 29, 2015 07:12 PM
So where is your asteroid Poor at in your Chart? For me is conjuncting my Sun I have SUN-HORUS-MOIRA-POOR-PHAETHON STELLIUM.. I pursued a career as a therapist and was a social worker for about 4 years before I started practicing counseling, I have worked for the poor most of my career and now as a therapist my caseload is more diverse some poor and middle class. I never chose a career thinking about getting rich or chose who I dated based, regardless my needs have always been met and perhaps that is were asteroid Abundantia comes into play: My Sun-MOIRA-POOR stellium is part of a ANGULAR GRAND CROSS that in combination with my chart ruler JUPITER-URANUS conjunction falling in the 12th really shows the ability to use the law of attraction and how I try to teach others I treat to use it. SUN in VIRGO @28d08 HORUS in VIRGO @28d34 POOR in VIRGO @27d54 MOIRA in VIRGO @27d16 ABUNDANTIA in PISCES @26d18 IC in ARIES @1d28 NEPTUNE in SAG @26d31 LACHESIS in SAG @26d44
VESTA in GEMINI @25d05 I do incorporate while utilizing cognitive behavioral techniques and mindfulness techniques the law of attraction principles when I see fit in my sessions. I try to teach my clients to use the power of their thoughts and imagination to create the future they want and come from a place of love instead of fear. BACK IN MARCH 2010 Transit URANUS was conjuncting exact my natal Abundatia and activated that Grandcross the week I moved to colorado; with the law of attraction I managed to get hired by a company called IMAGINE! who interviewed me via SKYPE and never met me in person until the day I started working there. They hired me before having even stepped foot in Colorado and I had never been in Colorado in my life. I knew what I wanted and went for it and leaped forward into the unknown but every fiber of my body knew it was the right choice, I needed this change to keep evolving. That is how Poor and Abundatia have have manifested in my chart and via transit.. Where is your Abundantia and Poor asteroids in your chart??
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted August 29, 2015 08:25 PM 7th house- Poor aries@20.16 Abundantia aries@26.14Vertex aries@21.23 Sun/Moon midpoint libra@26.23 IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 9447 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 29, 2015 09:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: 7th house- Poor aries@20.16 Abundantia aries@26.14Vertex aries@21.23 Sun/Moon midpoint libra@26.23
I wonder if the midpoint between Poor and Abunditia is the key to transforming poor mentality into abundatia mentality and the key to the law of attraction! Very cool your luminary midpoint conjuncts abundatia exact specially since if I remember correctly your PRIAPUS is on that midpoint right?! AM I remembering that correctly? IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 10026 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 29, 2015 10:31 PM
Wow Hypatia! We have similar placements! I love what you wrote... And congratulations on your new job! Many blessings to you!My placements are 151 Abundantia Gemini 9.05' H6 taur 13227 Poor Virgo 3.01' H(9) leo Asteroid Abundantia wider-squares Poor, orb of 6-separating. 151 Abundantia 9+ Gem conjuncts Sun 7.50 cj F.S. Alderbaran 9+ Gem h22 Priapus at 8+ Gem with 1981 Midas at 10+ Gemini. 13227 Poor conjuncts 10343 Church Virgo in (9)th House Leo quintile Jupiter Cancer 8th House orb 0a Jupiter is my chart ruler (Sag Asc)  I have had times of plenty and valleys rutted with deep poverty experienced during some periods. So, since I have "Church" asteroid, in a creative aspect with Jupiter, I will answer thee with a quote from the scriptures--  QUOTE V.12 I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. v.13 "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me..." --Phillipians 4:12 (New American Standard 1977) Transiting (Aug 29) 151 Abundantia Scorpio 6.0' 13227 Poor Gemini 6.17'  IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted August 29, 2015 10:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: I wonder if the midpoint between Poor and Abunditia is the key to transforming poor mentality into abundatia mentality and the key to the law of attraction! Very cool your luminary midpoint conjuncts abundatia exact specially since if I remember correctly your PRIAPUS is on that midpoint right?! AM I remembering that correctly?
Yes that's correct....Priapus on my Sun/Moon midpoint libra@26. I have some other dandy things there to, Hecate libra@24.21--Chiron aries@24.14 Apophis libra@25.02--Asmodeus aries@25.41 The midpoint between Abundantia/Poor is aries@23-24 my Chiron aries@24.14. That makes perfect sense doesn't it?? Venus libra@19.02 opposed Poor aries@20 Asteroid Banks sits exact on my Venus... Kuber/Destin sit exact on my anti-Vertex libra@21.23 Your story is amazing! Was the job opportunity there or did you just go and then it opened up for you? That's sooo exciting! I've never been one to think about money just what I can do to help, that does keep you limited financially! Ugh I've been feeling the need to move lately to...but honestly I feel I need to leave USA to find my future! Funny asteroid "America" opposes my Chiron and Abundantia/Poor's midpoint. Hmmmmm?? IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 9447 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 30, 2015 01:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: Wow Hypatia! We have similar placements! I love what you wrote... And congratulations on your new job! Many blessings to you!
I appreciate it but let me clarify that the transit I speak of was from a while ago, that job at IMAGINE! I started on March 2010 , I stayed at that company for a while but moved on to a crazy adventure which in the end forced me to move back to Miami but those 3.7 years I lived in Colorado were EPIC indeed and totally worth it. quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Yes that's correct....Priapus on my Sun/Moon midpoint libra@26. I have some other dandy things there to, Hecate libra@24.21--Chiron aries@24.14 Apophis libra@25.02--Asmodeus aries@25.41 The midpoint between Abundantia/Poor is aries@23-24 my Chiron aries@24.14. That makes perfect sense doesn't it?? Venus libra@19.02 opposed Poor aries@20 Asteroid Banks sits exact on my Venus... Kuber/Destin sit exact on my anti-Vertex libra@21.23 Your story is amazing! Was the job opportunity there or did you just go and then it opened up for you? That's sooo exciting! I've never been one to think about money just what I can do to help, that does keep you limited financially! Ugh I've been feeling the need to move lately to...but honestly I feel I need to leave USA to find my future! Funny asteroid "America" opposes my Chiron and Abundantia/Poor's midpoint. Hmmmmm??
This job was a job that I acquired before ever moving to COLORADO, they interviewed me via SKYPE but this happened a while ago; I just wanted to use that example to illustrate the law of attraction in the works and transit Uranus conjuncting Abundatia and activating that grandcross helped with that. It was super exciting! As of now I am back in Miami but am working towards hopefully finding my way back to Colorado, I love it there, I felt in love with Colorado, it kinda stole my heart LOL. Tell me, what places are you exploring and considering moving to right now? IP: Logged |
Voix_de_la_Mer Moderator Posts: 2665 From: Sound Registered: Aug 2011
posted August 30, 2015 06:51 AM
This is interesting, thank you for the thread Hypatia.I have POOR conjunct CHIRON in 7H square SUN 4H. Trying to think if my finances have in some way been connected to my relationships. I think CHIRON 7H square SUN 4H shows the suffering I experienced in my relationship with both my father and stepfather in the home, and how it obviously coloured my relationships with men as an adult. POOR relationships indeed. I have been healing for a while now, and my current relationship is of a high standard. I think as the quality of our relationships is so important, this will of course filter into finances via relationships in the workplace, right from the point of application and interview. Since I reached a good level of healing, my career has indeed improved. I have ABUNDANTIA conjunct URANUS in the 2nd. I tend to attract windfalls, rather large ones from time to time, but it balances out with periods of very low security, so this makes sense. Also, when finances are low, I tend to get more creative, I think this is in keeping with URANUS here, and this leads to more security - if things were easy all the time, how would I ever learn to improve them. IP: Logged |
florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted August 30, 2015 07:44 AM
My poor is conjunct nn in Ibra, abundantia isn't doing anything much in cap. how can I find a way around (and use law of attraction) my destiny being anything other than to be poor? I've some contradicting aspects .. Hmm.. I think this is how I feel about my destiny and not necessarily my destiny. But still, any tips of counteracting this expectation as conjunct nn is pretty depressing. Just checked ... Abund is opp jupiter but trine sun (2). Don't really use trines in asteroids but in this case I'm taking that IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted August 30, 2015 09:40 PM
The guy who I'm starting to see has Abundtia on my Moon and his Moon is on my Abundtia...both exact! His Moon/My Abundtia are opposed my Sun/Moon midpoint.His Sun/NN is on my Moon.... His Lachesis/Gold are on my Venus, nice!!
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted August 30, 2015 09:47 PM
Hyp....thought you might like this thread! IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 31, 2015 05:21 PM
Asteroid Poor in Sag 7th opposite Moon 5 orbs Abundantia in Libra 6th conjunct Vertex 2 orbs and Square Sun/Jupiter and trine Venus.However Fortuna in Gemini 1st conjunct my Moon/Asc by 2 orbs Money finds me when I need it, even when it seems as if I am down on my luck, fortuna is on my side. Ex. The year I couldn't find a summer job in college found a wallet with 500 bucks in it. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 9447 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 31, 2015 10:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: The guy who I'm starting to see has Abundtia on my Moon and his Moon is on my Abundtia...both exact! His Moon/My Abundtia are opposed my Sun/Moon midpoint.His Sun/NN is on my Moon.... His Lachesis/Gold are on my Venus, nice!!
Yeah that is a pretty cool double whammy! I hope things are going well with the two of you. I feel there is great potential and I hoping it works out. How do you feel around him?. That moon conjunct abundatia; does he make you feel intensely? IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 9447 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 31, 2015 11:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Voix_de_la_Mer: This is interesting, thank you for the thread Hypatia.I have POOR conjunct CHIRON in 7H square SUN 4H. Trying to think if my finances have in some way been connected to my relationships. I think CHIRON 7H square SUN 4H shows the suffering I experienced in my relationship with both my father and stepfather in the home, and how it obviously coloured my relationships with men as an adult. POOR relationships indeed. I have been healing for a while now, and my current relationship is of a high standard. I think as the quality of our relationships is so important, this will of course filter into finances via relationships in the workplace, right from the point of application and interview. Since I reached a good level of healing, my career has indeed improved. I have ABUNDANTIA conjunct URANUS in the 2nd. I tend to attract windfalls, rather large ones from time to time, but it balances out with periods of very low security, so this makes sense. Also, when finances are low, I tend to get more creative, I think this is in keeping with URANUS here, and this leads to more security - if things were easy all the time, how would I ever learn to improve them.
W0w Voix, fascinating. Its beautiful how you interpret your Uranus-Abundatia aspect and see the lows as an opportunity to hone your creativity! It seems the abundatia conjuncting your uranus in the 2nd just gives a nice boost to your highs!  Thanks for also sharing your Poor aspects and its pretty cool how you have noticed that HEALING for you has been the key to unlock the law of attraction for you. Its like the relationship with your father and stepfather damaged yourself esteem and you learned a poor mentality from them and the environment from your childhood. You had to gain awareness of this to start the healing process and once you healed things in your career and life started to run more smoothly as you no longer saw yourself or life through their eyes; you let them go and they are no longer a part of you, you are free... I LOVE stories like this, of people getting their power back and having a type of rebirth! I am so happy for you. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 9447 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 31, 2015 11:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by ail221: Asteroid Poor in Sag 7th opposite Moon 5 orbs Abundantia in Libra 6th conjunct Vertex 2 orbs and Square Sun/Jupiter and trine Venus.However Fortuna in Gemini 1st conjunct my Moon/Asc by 2 orbs Money finds me when I need it, even when it seems as if I am down on my luck, fortuna is on my side. Ex. The year I couldn't find a summer job in college found a wallet with 500 bucks in it.
You and I both have poor and abundatia opposing, perhaps the result of that is similar to URANUS in the 2nd; highs and lows but our needs are always met. Actually maybe the opposition makes it so we are somewhere in the middle usually unless activated by transit which can then trigger those highs or lows. My fortuna has my back as well; Mars-Fortuna-Venus-karma stellium but strangely apophis is also there, perhaps indicating the ability I have to regenerate even if my fortune or heart is destroyed. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 9447 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 01, 2015 12:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by florence: My poor is conjunct nn in Ibra, abundantia isn't doing anything much in cap. how can I find a way around (and use law of attraction) my destiny being anything other than to be poor? I've some contradicting aspects .. Hmm.. I think this is how I feel about my destiny and not necessarily my destiny. But still, any tips of counteracting this expectation as conjunct nn is pretty depressing. Just checked ... Abund is opp jupiter but trine sun (2). Don't really use trines in asteroids but in this case I'm taking that
I dont think abundantia opposite jupiter is bad, think about it on one end you have jupiter and in the other you have abundatia! As for that NN conjunct Poor, well in what sign is it and in what house does it fall? It could be as simple as your soul chose to be poor on this life in order to help you focus on other things that are more valuable or maybe you have a poor mentality that you are meant to overcome in this life and jupiter opposite abundantia should help with that. I would check for transits that square both your Abundantia and Jupiter or that conjunct your Abundantia or Jupiter for abundance coming in but I suppose what kind of abundance comes in will be flavored by the house/sign abundance and jupiter fall in as well as the planet is that is transiting and the sign and house of the transiting planet. FURTHER ABUNDANTIA IS NOT REALLY ABOUT MONEY. Its more about the law of attraction helping you in your JOURNEY. I have Abundantia in my 3rd near the IC and Uranus hit it the week I moved to Colorado. Every cell of my body wanted to move out of Miami and I longed to live in the mountains, my heart truly desired it so the universe helped me with the resources to get there. Abundantia also opposes my Sun in the 9th near the MC so that move became possible and I had thankfully a job waiting for me there. I also started pursuing my masters degree once I arrived in addition to starting a new job at a new state totally different from anywhere I had ever that is what an Abundantia transit was like for me but my angles were involved as well as my Sun and Transit Uranus. I didn't become rich with that transit but it took me where I wanted to be and filled my life with new experiences that expanded my mind and horizons greatly which is what my spirit craved. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 01, 2015 10:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: Yeah that is a pretty cool double whammy! I hope things are going well with the two of you. I feel there is great potential and I hoping it works out.How do you feel around him?. That moon conjunct abundatia; does he make you feel intensely?
I do like him!! Since I have 12th house moon and he has 12th house Venus, we both take things slow in relationships so it's kind of nice. He's there but he's not putting pressure on me like most guys do. Typically everyone wants me to feel something for them much faster than I'm able to open my heart up to them. It gets stressful! IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 9447 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 01, 2015 03:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: I do like him!! Since I have 12th house moon and he has 12th house Venus, we both take things slow in relationships so it's kind of nice. He's there but he's not putting pressure on me like most guys do. Typically everyone wants me to feel something for them much faster than I'm able to open my heart up to them. It gets stressful!
That is awesome! I am very happy for you . IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 02, 2015 06:48 PM
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 9447 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 02, 2015 10:46 PM
Faith, don't delete it, that is nothing to be ashamed. You are an incredible person and all that is part of why you are the kind person you are today.IP: Logged |
Lerena Knowflake Posts: 1024 From: Registered: May 2015
posted September 02, 2015 11:18 PM
Are Poor and Abundantia often in the same house? I have both of these in 6th house.I have Poor squaring my Uranus, but the orb is a bit wide (4 degrees). Abundantia has wide orbs too. There's a Mercury conjunct Abundantia (orb of 5) and the Moon makes a sextile with Abundantia (orb of 2). Personally, I don't think I have them doing anything, but if I had to pick a place to put my "Poor" asteroid based on my experience, 6th house would sadly be the house I'd pick. That said, is Poor talking about the area you do poorest in or is it the asteroid that shows where you help the poor? I cannot tell, but 6th house is the area I do most poorly in. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 9447 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 02, 2015 11:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lerena: Are Poor and Abundantia often in the same house? I have both of these in 6th house.I have Poor squaring my Uranus, but the orb is a bit wide (4 degrees). Abundantia has wide orbs too. There's a Mercury conjunct Abundantia (orb of 5) and the Moon makes a sextile with Abundantia (orb of 2). Personally, I don't think I have them doing anything, but if I had to pick a place to put my "Poor" asteroid based on my experience, 6th house would sadly be the house I'd pick. That said, is Poor talking about the area you do poorest in or is it the asteroid that shows where you help the poor? I cannot tell, but 6th house is the area I do most poorly in.
Like poor health or poor diet?? or you mean difficulty finding jobs? IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 02, 2015 11:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: Faith, don't delete it, that is nothing to be ashamed. You are an incredible person and all that is part of why you are the kind person you are today.
Agreed! @Faith...don't delete unless you feel you really need to. I understand privacy! Im sorry you had such a struggle and then forced to live a lie, how completely pisces Moon! Emotionally that would be soooo confusing, you were living an illusion. Wow! Funny with my 12th house virgo moon, I was forced to live a lie to...a lie of having the perfect family while all of us were suffering horribly behind closed doors, in public we had to smile and look perfect. My mom had to help hide the bruises on all of us. Your Abundantia placement is perfect for what you went through isn't that so amazing how astrology always supports what happened in our lives!? My Abundantia is on my Chiron...I wonder if that means I'll gain abundance from my pain/healing? Your IC is libra@26? Exact on my Sun/Moon midpoint! 😊 IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 03, 2015 05:29 AM
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Seimei unregistered
posted September 03, 2015 11:58 AM
I find it totally ironic that my poor/abundantia midpoint is my Jupiter/Uranus midpointIP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 10026 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 03, 2015 07:03 PM
{{Love you, Faith!! }}133227 Poor Virgo 3.01 & 10343 Church Virgo at 3.33'31" H(9)leo TRINE 5265 Schadow Taurus 3.25' 4390 Madreteresa Taurus at 3.33'33" {Mother Teresa} 16017 Street Taurus 3.35'55". H5taur Also... 3926 Ramirez 2.34 Virgo {entering the space or home of another for a legitimate reason, or invading it w/o legitimacy} conjunct 5181 SURF 3.15 in Virgo. H(9)leo (laughing, yes, at times I've had to couch-'surf' in-between residences for a while! *grin*) These sextile (mini-trine) my MARS Cancer 2+ with Mars conjunct 416 Vaticana. *little incense guy smilie* - Here's a video that Faith left in another LL thread. I thought it was very enlightening, and apropos here! After I viewed it, I got down to some memories that affect my life concerning money. Past-life *sacred vows of poverty*, and present-past experiences. (topic) How To Change Your Frequency (Christie Sheldon) [31:30] But I strongly-disagree with her about the general population of homeless people embodying the frequency of "apathy"...
Remember, not everyone is like 'the stereotypes' that are portrayed by media. Sooo many mistakes. Yes, there are some "professionals" in the lot (bums) who act-out with repulsive, revolting greedy behaviors... These are NOT your real homeless, but a derivative-population who act-out in the public eye like that. There are many desperately, deeply poor that you will never hear about--- invisibles. I'm going to say that the pendulum on the 'apathy' issue right now, has swung and belongs more on the side of the rich---, who (until recently) may have been feeling compassion but held-back as they were afraid of the risk of getting involved. I know that some were afraid they'd just get 'used' (or, ripped off), rather than focusing on the possibility of being be helpful in someone else's life. Prayers to those refugees right now in Europe and Mediterranean areas who are fleeing violence of fanatic ISIL. Let Light and Love and Power restore the plan on Earth.. (music) The Great Invocation (New Troubadors) [1:51] IP: Logged |