Topic: Lets talk about the inescapably dangerous side of Lilith, Waldemath h58...
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 08:47 PM
I've been researching this for awhile, unsure if I wanted to post on it due to it's inevitability....this is an inescapable place in your chart. But here we go.... My references are from a book I've been reading "The Dark Moon Lilith In Astrology" by Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson And my research on the net..."DARK MOON LILITH NEW MOON. Also known as Waldemath Moon. h58 on Menopause & The Shadow). Colour Black. ORBIT. It flies through the chart, like a witch on it’s broomstick taking 119 days to travel round the earth spending 10 days in one sign. Sighting of this mysterious 2nd Moon goes back as far as 1618. it is supposed to resemble a sphere shaped dust cloud. In 1918, Astrologer Sepharial claimed to have confirmed the existence of Waldemaths “ghost” moon. KEY WORDS. Vengence, Sadomasochism, Demons, The Shadow, Rage, Anti-mother, Fairytales, Nightmares, Ghosts, Nymphomania, Gremlins, Psycho, Toxins, Depth psychology, Stalkers, emotional pain, Catharsis, Madness. The Dark Moon is the hurt, nasty side of Lilith, and very much like Algol the notorious Fixed star. It can be channeled beneficially if used without ego to release negativity through creativity or art therapy. It is the part of the Lilith myth where in exile she turned baby killer out of revenge to god. “Dark Moon relates to highly individualized soul desires that are denied personal satisfaction for higher expression on social/spiritual levels.”Kelley Hunter. Dark Moon Lilith is like PLUTO/ERIS. The shadow and demons are very much part of Pluto’s underworld, generally he is thought to have raped and abducted Persephone (Eris), but in other versions Persephone goes willingly. Dark Moon then can work two ways like the myth, we either face our Demons and release them safely or we bury them. If they are allowed to fester they become enraged, then we risk them breaking out and psychically “raping” us." H58/ Waldemath is known as Dark Moon Lilith Lilith at this point represents all that is mysterious, obscure and hard to understand in human nature and especially in human frailty. She is a dark satellite, she is not luminous to us like the moon. She is an enigma and her "reasons for being" is a mystery also and very difficult to distinguish as you deal with life's difficulties at your darkest point. She is like a wraith that we at some point unknowingly follow to our own demise... She appeals to the things that lure humanity to it's own destruction, she represents humanities lower self and appears when we are at our most vulnerable. Lilith at this point denies us our deepest desires, in the house she will only receive your second choice, never your first.
At this point, she is the queen of evil, the mother of demons, she precedes Eve in Adams life as she was a degrading and destructive force. It was though Dark Moon/Waldemath that Adam sponsored evil forces into the world, and through Eve he sponsored the good that is possible in each of us. Thus we have a choice...but Dark Moon Lilith represents us at our darkest and lowest vibrations. Lilith at this point is always Sinister and Malevolent in her intent and ultimate effect so that matters and ppl represented by the house she resides will not be granted full measure of good that could otherwise develop in the natives life. She is denying, frustrating and catastrophic bringing chaos to that house and it's affairs. She is associated with the bad side of Neptune, and also the unfortunate attributes of the 12th house. She is self-undoing, mistakes and crimes committed deliberately. The person themselves is not necessarily evil but be assured Lilith at this point is! She allows him to make bad mistakes with eyes wide open... Lilith rules temptation, seduction and betrayal that brings dishonor if sufficiently afflicted. This allows for susceptibility to strange influences, delusions and fatal fascinations, infatuations and compulsions. With extreme afflictions...she is demoralizing, debasing, abnormal, illicit and ungodly. The person is overwhelmed by circumstances and overwhelming compulsions that take him off guard. Lilth at this point rules poisoning, abortion, still births, abnormal physical or emotional development, illness contrary to nature and inability to diagnose it correctly until to late.
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 08:51 PM
Please start checking where she lies in your chart! Please don't over stress regarding this, you can't possibly have her placed worse in your chart than she is in mine! Lol She is very afflicted and prominent in my chart. In my chart she is on my MC and square my Pluto exact. I'm still alive and I'm a good person. But yes I've realized so much of my life trails have been due to where she sits in my chart...we will discuss her placement in your charts to! Being aware is the best defense...we can overcome this affliction is we understand it!!Next up--- Dark Moon Lilith in houses... IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 09:09 PM
Lilith at this point goes after human beings and is intent on injuring them personally...which will be physically, materially, or functionally according to whether she is angular, succeedent or in a cadent house.Of course angular houses 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house deny the greatest good by DM Lilith. Denial of your first choices but options are still there to be had! Angular houses- 1st will be denial of physical and/or personal good 4th will be denial of family and/ or father 7th will be denial of the partner and/or enemy 10th will be denial of the employer and/or mother The book shares a chart of a dwarf..... His DM Lilith is in the first square Pluto...although his life was wonderful he was 4'3 and 110lbs, he was phisically denied. Succeedent houses-Lilth is the substance houses will give denial of finances and/or possessions 2nd house, 5th house, 8th house, 11th house Cadent houses- Lilith in the functioning houses, will give denial of ability to function another words there will be malfunctions when Lilith is in these houses.. 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th house IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 26, 2015 09:11 PM
This particular Lilith lies in my 12th conjunct my Mars and square my Mercury, MC/NN, and IC/SNIP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 09:29 PM
@ail221 This Lilith in 12th will affect the subconscious...potential past life memories/emotions creating fears that affect your ability function in the way you desire in this life. You feel held back by unknown feel drained, your drive and ability to push through can be affected. Square Merc, your thinking is affected by these fears. Mentally you can feel unstable and dark at times without knowing why, these times probably cycle through periodically without rhyme or reason. IP: Logged |
florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:06 PM
In my 1st, scorpio Opp venus (3) Sq mc (0) Sq saturn (3) Conjunct Isis (3) remembered this was around there I know these are wide but I can say Isis is important to me - I'm always trying to dismantle and put things back together, including myself probably and have acted that out in career paths. My career path is a great frustration to me IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by florence: In my 1st, scorpio opp venus
Do you feel you have had to struggle to get your physical needs met? Funny my Waldenath is square my AC/Pluto and I'm a shrimp!! Lol IP: Logged |
florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Do you feel you have had to struggle to get your physical needs met? Funny my Waldenath is square my AC/Pluto and I'm a shrimp!! Lol
A shrimp? lol I don't know what this means - in this context Physically ... Basic physical needs as in food, shelter ... I've neglected this in favour of the hierarchical needs that are supposed to be least important e.g pursuing interests is bread and butter Sexually ... Hmmm .. when younger I felt yearning for this but mostly I kind of savour .. Saving that. Although it has crossed my mind that at some point I could regret not exploring more physically than I have. Just realised ive denied myself sex in the pursuit of love which then hasn't worked out and then ive been too depressed until the next same cycle. Maybe that comes in. Ps you are such a whizz interpreting asteroids. I hope you write a book on one of your many interest areas IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:20 PM
....IP: Logged |
florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:22 PM
My heart goes out to you. That must have been so traumatic. Its one of the things I can't imagine I'd have recovered from. So sorry to hearIP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by florence: A shrimp? lol I don't know what this means - in this contextPhysically ... Basic physical needs as in food, shelter ... I've neglected this in favour of the hierarchical needs that are supposed to be least important e.g pursuing interests is bread and butter Sexually ... Hmmm .. when younger I felt yearning for this but mostly I kind of savour .. Saving that. Although it has crossed my mind that at some point I could regret not exploring more physically than I have. Ps you are such a whizz interpreting asteroids. I hope you write a book on one of your many interest areas
Shrimp, meaning I'm only 5'2! Lol I relate so much to what you express here, mine is conjunct my MC square my AC/Pluto....the reverse of yours in 1st square your MC. I've chose a life that focused on others and forgot about taking care of myself including my career...which I'm just now realizing the mistake I made and I'm going back to school to persue a life I love instead of just taking care of everyone else. Thank you, I love writing I probably would enjoy writing a book about astrology! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by florence: My heart goes out to you. That must have been so traumatic. Its one of the things I can't imagine I'd have recovered from. So sorry to hear
It was very painful! I just realized his Valentine was exact on my Waldernath and our comp Vertex...that's really sad. I guess I never realized how much all that affected him. I'm still not sure if his suicude had anything to do with all this but my Waldenath, his Valentine and our comp Vertex did fall on his IC. Wow, ugh! IP: Logged |
florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Shrimp, meaning I'm only 5'2! LolI relate so much to what you express here, mine is conjunct my MC square my AC/Pluto....the reverse of yours in 1st square your MC. I've chose a life that focused on others and forgot about taking care of myself including my career...which I'm just now realizing the mistake I made and I'm going back to school to persue a life I love instead of just taking care of everyone else. Thank you, I love writing I probably would enjoy writing a book about astrology!
Yes, I've been having those regrets. I read somewhere - maybe the pluto sq midlife thread - about curling up on the sofa, having those thoughts about wrong decisions. Around the same time, I was really reaching a rock bottom in these kinds of feelings myself and had a few similar moments IP: Logged |
florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: It was very painful! I just realized his Valentine was exact on my Waldernath and our comp Vertex...that's really sad. I guess I never realized how much all that affected him. I'm still not sure if his suicude had anything to do with all this but my Waldenath, his Valentine and our comp Vertex did fall on his IC. Wow, ugh!
I can't interpret asteroids so well but that does sound very poignant to the trauma experienced IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by florence: Yes, I've been having those regrets. I read somewhere - maybe the pluto sq midlife thread - about curling up on the sofa, having those thoughts about wrong decisions. Around the same time, I was really reaching a rock bottom in these kinds of feelings myself and had a few similar moments
Someday you'll probably correcting can't deny yourself and be ok forever! I'm glad your starting to feel the need to do things diff! When you do, be proud of taking care of yourself, you deserve it!! I just realized when tr. Pluto cap@11 squared my Pluto libra@11(mid life transit) my Waldernath cancer@11 made a T-square. That's when I decided to go back to school! IP: Logged |
florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Someday you'll probably correcting can't deny yourself and be ok forever! I'm glad your starting to feel the need to do things diff! When you do, be proud of taking care of yourself, you deserve it!!I just realized when tr. Pluto cap@11 squared my Pluto libra@11(mid life transit) my Waldernath cancer@11 made a T-square.
I've not dared check out transits yet but My pluto is 14 libra natally It always seems like detours have happened for a reason in my life but a month or so ago I was beginning to think the reasons were being less reasonable lol and weren't weighing up. But then that in itself made me take off rose-coloured glasses at least temporarily which is probably a reason in itself
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florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted September 26, 2015 10:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: That's when I decided to go back to school!
Does that mean waldermath helped there, is useful energy? How would you interpret that? IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 11:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by florence: Does that mean waldermath helped there, is useful energy? How would you interpret that?
I think the strength of Pluto square Pluto forcing me to re-evaluate my life cycles helped me overcome Waldemath. I think that transit was pointing to that issue...and the outlet was my Pluto/AC....changing directions and starting to take care of my physical needs. IP: Logged |
florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted September 26, 2015 11:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: I think the strength of Pluto square Pluto forcing me to re-evaluate my life cycles helped me overcome Waldemath. I think that transit was pointing to that issue...and the outlet was my Pluto/AC....changing directions and starting to take care of my physical needs.
The reversal here does make sense as I kind of took my foot off of career pedal and spent more time on my children because I'm worried that I haven't done enough in this area. But can't tell if I was having pluto sq pluto although checking transits and ,.. Waldermath conjuncting my psyche by 2 and exactly on my vertex now. That seems amazing but as I say, not sure on transits, pace of planets & bodies. But still....  Ops just realised waldermath is conjunct psyche in transit. You must have tapped into this being there! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 11:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by florence: I've not dared check out transits yet but My pluto is 14 libra natallyIt always seems like detours have happened for a reason in my life but a month or so ago I was beginning to think the reasons were being less reasonable lol and weren't weighing up. But then that in itself made me take off rose-coloured glasses at least temporarily which is probably a reason in itself
Eventually we get sick of making excuses for our pain and just want it gone!!
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florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted September 26, 2015 11:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Eventually we get sick of making excuses for our pain and just want it gone!!
Yep, they weren't working anymore. I really did think, no wonder people go a bit crazy in midlife IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2015 11:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by florence: The reversal here does make sense as I kind of took my foot off of career pedal and spent more time on my children because I'm worried that I haven't done enough in this area. But can't tell if I was having pluto sq pluto although checking transits and ,..Waldermath conjuncting my psyche by 2 and exactly on my vertex now. That seems amazing but as I say, not sure on transits, pace of planets & bodies. But still.... 
I could see how you'd put everything in reverse, Pluto square Pluto does that. It's like everything we thought we valued we start re-evaluating. Waldemath conjunction on Psyche/Vertex...maybe she's being brought to your conscious mind to deal with right now, so you can repair the issues she's created. How interesting these transits are happening at the same time as your Pluto sq. Pluto midlife transit is happening!! IP: Logged |
Lerena Knowflake Posts: 1376 From: Registered: May 2015
posted September 27, 2015 03:19 AM
My Dark Moon Lilith is in 12th house Libra. I'm not quite sure what she does in my chart. She doesn't aspect anything. If we increase the orb to 3, she touches my Gemini moon. I'm not sure if that's tight enough to count though.IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 27, 2015 09:06 AM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: @ail221 This Lilith in 12th will affect the subconscious...potential past life memories/emotions creating fears that affect your ability function in the way you desire in this life. You feel held back by unknown feel drained, your drive and ability to push through can be affected. Square Merc, your thinking is affected by these fears. Mentally you can feel unstable and dark at times without knowing why, these times probably cycle through periodically without rhyme or reason.
Perhaps the first part but not so much the second involving my Mercury. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 27, 2015 10:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by ail221: Perhaps the first part but not so much the second involving my Mercury.
Ya I'm still trying to figure out how the squares manifest....the only square I have to mine is Pluto and Jupiter but I don't think Jupiter is close enough to count. Pluto seems to be the only planet discussed regarding how it's affected when it touches this Lilith. IP: Logged |