posted January 15, 2019 10:45 PM
I feel the same way, Implosions. ![](
Music has kept my body and soul together.
Since a small child, I'd always had a song in my Heart, and I used to swing on my swings alone, singing out like Maria, in the movie Sound of Music.
I'd sing to the woods, the trees, the air, as though these were my audience and they could hear me.
When the nuns in my catholic parochial school began teaching us songs with their guitars, my soul came alive. (Masses had gone from Latin into using English words. They were teaching the children, so that the parents/adults would pick up on it. --early 1960s).
At night when lights went out, I'd "pray" those songs to God, like they were real Love songs.
I doubt that I would have (emotionally) made it through my adolescence and 20s, had it not been for music and finding expression for how I felt!
in my 3rd House Aquarius cusp
Pisces intercept
1266 Tone Pisces 15.50'46"
10573 Piani Pisces 15.50'50" {piano}
3226 Plinius Pisces 15.48'16"
{one of its meanings is devotion to something even to the point of death! *smiling*}
30718 Records Pisces 15.39'34"
My parents had bought a piano (for my mother).
Soon she tired of playing it a lot.
I began taking a turn on the piano keys, trying to figure it out how to play it. (I was maybe 12 or 13 yrs old.)
I had a school friend whose parents allowed her to take lessons. Asked to borrow her beginner-book called, "Teaching Little Fingers How To Play."
I had a "record" of classical piano music (given to me by one of my father's friends, to encourage my interest).
My mother had a copy of the sheet music to some of those songs.
First I learned the musical staff, by comparing the picture of the keys, to the notes on the staff (memorizing that).
I took the first page of sheet music for Beethoven's Fur Elise, and located the notes on the piano for it.
I listened to the way the man on the record played the song (learned about timing and note-rhythms).
Then...… haha, I tried to make it all "sound like the record."
Doing all this, I actually was teaching myself "how" to play the piano.
I had approached my parents about allowing me to take lessons, like my schoolmate. My mother drily scoffed and said it would be a WASTE of money on me to pay for lessons, as I wouldn't stick with it (as she had heard that few children did)?
After I "proved myself" by being able to read music, and having learned to play some pieces of classical music 'well', I approached them asking for lessons once more. --- My parents (mother) said there was no need to spend money on me for lessons, as I was "doing good-enough' learning on my own!!!" *sad*
When I wasn't doing homework for school, I would spend time practicing piano. Some days, I could be on it for 5 hours straight!!!
{haha, my poor dad!! he was always either telling me to use the SOFT-pedal, hardly pressing the keys to play. Sometimes he'd yell out from the other room, "take a break!! take a break!!"
.. I can imagine he felt sick of hearing me practice the same things over and over and over again?? awwww.
When I enrolled in college after leaving home, I found out the University had a music department. I auditioned for the choirs and was accepted. While in the building, I saw they offered a course for "Class Piano"-- eureka!!, I thought. I can use that as one of my 'electives' and finally have some of the lessons I always wanted.
(I didn't realize you had to be 'a Major" in order to enroll in that class.)
They told me I had to take a "musicality" test BEFORE taking that class.
I took the tests. Had three parts to it, on three separate days.
The final test was a "keyboard" test.
I was ushered into a room with a giant grand piano. Instructor was there.
She had me sit at the bench, and she says to me "Key of C"!!
Well, I pulled out ONE finger, and played her one octave of the Key of C!! ![](
*palm to forehead (now)*
I brightly turned to her and said, "I can do the 'Key of D', too!"
She kind of looked sick, and with a weird look on her face and a low voice, she responded, "I'm sure you CAN!" ..
{In piano, when a teacher says Key of C, she means using TWO hands, with proper fingering, and running up and down 4 octaves! /// LMBO!!}
I got up to leave-- then almost like an intuitive hunch, she decided to ask me if I could play "anything"?
I said, Sure. I can play the Fur Elise, by Beethoven.
She responds, You CANNNN???? {lol!!}
She goes over to her brief case, opens it, pulls out the sheet music, and said to me, "Play it!"
I did. She was shocked. She said I produced a nice TONE, that I had a nice touch on the piano keys.
She asked again.. "What ELSE can you play?"
I gave her other things on my list-- Chopin, Schubert, Rachmaninoff.. (and others).
She said she wanted to make a private appointment with me, to hear me play EVERY song I could do.
We got together on a Saturday.
I played piano for her, for FOUR hours.
What she ended up saying to me, was that on one hand, I didn't begin to qualify for the class, as I knew NOTHING about scales, etc.-- Then, on the other hand, I was overqualified for the class because of the level of difficulty of pieces I could play.
She arranged with a friend of hers (head of a music education board in the State where I lived) to sit with me and to TEACH me scales-- how to finger, how to draw out melodies in the music. For free. She did it for free. {{Heart}}!!
Cool thing was... This special teacher was a performing pianist. I LOVED to listen to her play her latest pieces for me.
One day, she wanted to play her recent piece-- it was a Chopin prelude (or etude ~~ can't remember). Eager, I couldn't wait to hear her play it.
.. I felt disturbed, as, what she was playing was NOT the 'melody' that I'd heard on the records, nor near others' same interpretations that I had heard.
.. I started to say this to her. She angrily balked.
I started to hum and sing it, WITH the certain accents on various beats, bringing out a melody that was hidden in the syncopations of this chaotic rhythmic piece.
.. Suddenly, she "understood" what I was trying to musically suggest.
In future sessions, she had mastered it the way I pointed it out to her.
From that point on, I (the student who hadn't known how to play the simplest scales) had become endeared to her!! LOL
She always played for me, asking for my real opinion and suggestions in her playing.
I had to do some drop-adds/adjusting of that semester's college classes, as my schedule was just "too tight." No wiggle room.
So I was standing at the proper table for doing so, waiting for the paperwork.
The Drop-adds for humanities just "happened" to be IN the lobby of the music building.
The head of one of the musical disciplines was walking through the area, and saw me. He came up to me, and with his resonant gorgeous mellow melodic baritone-bass voice, says to me..
"Ohhhhhhhh. I see you made 'The List'!"
Cheerfully, I asked, "WHAT List?"
"The Music Major's List," he said.
Perplexed a moment, he said to me,
"You DID want to become a Music Major, didn't you??"
I had completed a year of college working towards a different degree.
Stymied for a moment..
I managed to say, "Oh. Why. YES!!.." --
My mind STUNNED--!!!
I quickly turned and immediately made my way to exit the big double glass doors of the building, so I wouldn't have to have further conversation with him.
I took it ALL in...
I was exhilarated, and still stunned.
Found out later that a few thousand students had applied. They ONLY accepted "200" of those students into their program. ![](
I got off to a VERY awkward start!
Didn't have an academic Advisor!!!!, that could coordinate TWO humanities majors.
There was a set of foundational music classes that were supposed to be taken 'together' as one complemented the other. It handicapped me not to have taken those together.
You see, I didn't "realize" that when a class appeared CLOSED on the catalog, it was ONLY closed to NON-majors.
I COULD HAVE been let-in to the class.
Would have made learning the material so much easier..
~oy! timing?
{After I had left, and the Dean found out what happened, she remedied that problem between the two areas of study, so that no other double-major in the humanities would ever suffer the same blind uncoordinated fate. They had each thrown counseling me upon the other school to do so.}
Things at home were getting really really bad over those years. (Had a severely-alcoholic (DT's) abusive roommate, with a weapon, threatening assault while she wassuicidal once more. Lucky for me, we had some (MUCH-older) friends in common, who picked-up the red-flags that *something* was wrong. I was in a small weekly metaphysical study-meditation group with these.)
.. Using a 'cover' story, they casually (as a group) invited me to go along on an out-of-state week-long conference with them (which they paid for! WOW).
While there, an arrangement was offered for me to attend a work-study program to STAY there for the summer.
They had performed an 'intervention', and gave me reports on what was going on with the roommate {who was CLOSE like a sister to me}. She figured out that I wasn't coming back.
I never returned.
Of course, it meant that I had to drop out of school.
Never finished my degrees, with only one semester of {simpler} classes left for obtaining two degrees.
Awwww. That was a bittersweet story?? *bheart* *heart*
asteroid TONE Pisces
.. (is conjunct Record, Piani, Plinius Pisces)
.. trines Vesta Cancer 17+ H8
.. trines Saturn-rx Scorpio 16+ H11
.. sextiles Venus Taurus 12+ H5
Connects with other "musical" asteroids I have in the 11th House.
And of course, there are other indicators in my chart.
For me, MUSIC helped me Know my Soul, and was the way I learned to express my feelings, during some really harsh times.
It saved my life to stay glued to listening to different kinds of music, throughout the various challenges in my life.
'Twas Heaven's Gift! to me.
natal Tone-Piani Pisces conjuncts
natal 1224 Fantasia Pisces 16.46'00"
(music) Piano Fantasia K 475 C minor (Mozart, Daniel Barenboim) [13:09]
I just looked to find an asteroid that could fit Mozart..
1034 Mozartia ..
In H2
1034 Mozartia Capricorn 16.53 conjunct 6583 Destinn !
Here's a link to post about {musical} 6583 Destinn.
No whole quote please.