Topic: Some interesting asteroids for you! ;)
Vixen Knowflake Posts: 367 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 13, 2016 10:15 PM
(60000) Miminko - literally means "baby" in Czech language. It would be great to check this one in parent-child synastries  (10761) Lyubimets - means "darling" in Russian. Look up this one in synastries with people, who are dear to you  (432971) Loving - again, great for synastry and composites  (200002 Hehe) - "("harmony")is the name of Suzhou Hehe Culture Foundation. "Hehe" is a traditional Chinese symbol representing good marriage and loving family. It symbolizes the goodwill of ordinary people to live peacefully and healthy."  (37556) Svyaztie - "tie" in English and "Svyaz" in Russian mean "Connection" (14500) Kibo - means "hope" or "whish" in Japanese (305254) Moron - it's named after mountain in Switzerland, but still...  (54362) Restitutum - latin for "something that has been replaced or restored to its former place"; this minor planet was originally lost soon after discovery, then found again (48482) Oruki - in Japanese Tosa dialect "the importance of one's presence and reassurance of unflagging support" (59) Elpis - Greek spirit of hope. The only spirit that has remained in Pandora's box. (174567) Varda - Queen of the Stars in J. R. R Tolkien's legendarium (385446) Manwë - husband of Varda, king of Valar (249523) Friedan, (11385)Beauvoir and (249541) Steinem - if you're a feminist, you should definitely know these women
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Vixen Knowflake Posts: 367 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 13, 2016 10:20 PM
(19482) Harperlee - American novelist, author of modern classic How To Kill Mockingbird. If you don't know this book, shame on you!  (341520) Mors-Somnus - sons of goddess of night Nox in Roman mythology. Mors is personification of death and Somnus is personification of sleep. (90703) Indulgentia - well, name says it all  (85047) Krakatau - named after island, where one of the largest volcanic eruptions in history has happened. I think if you have prominent Krakatau, you may have explosive temper  (24168) Hexlein - means "little witch" in German (18596) Superbus - named after Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, last king of Rome. Means "proud" or "arrogant" (18727) Peacock - may be prominent in attention seekers and show-offs  (16158) Monty - named after Monty roberts, famous hrose trainer, promoter of natural horsemanship. Those who love horses should definitely look up this asteroid in their natal  (15495) Bogie and (5107) Laurenbacall - I think those two can be used as soulmate pairing. Bogie was named after Humphrey Bogart  (270) Anahita - Persian mother goddess of wisdom and fertility (8289) An-Eefje and (8308) Julie-Melissa - victims of serial killer Marc dutroux 60000,10761,432971,200002,37556,14500,305254,54362,48482,59 174567,385446,249523,249541,11385,19482,341520,90703,85047,24168 18596,18727,16158,15495,5107,270,8289,8308 IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 74077 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 14, 2016 09:19 AM
love this. Thank you, V. GREAT contribution to our Forum  ------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted June 14, 2016 11:02 AM
Thank you Vixen!I have Miminko conjunct my DNA which is conjunct my oldest son's moon and my daughter's MC. My husband has Miminko conjunct Mars-Eros. Yup that's how you end up with children.  Hmm, and Jupiter rules my 5H, and my draconic Jupiter is conjunct his Mars, etc. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted June 14, 2016 11:13 AM
Oh and Elysia just mentioned Humphrey Bogart on another thread let's see, yesterday:Transiting sun 22 Gemini Transiting Bogie 23 Gemini Transiting Jupiter 14 Virgo Transiting LaurenBacall 14 Virgo IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted June 14, 2016 03:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Vixen: ((432971) Loving - again, great for synastry and composites 
Interestingly I stumbled across this asteroid yesterday, too. What a coincidence to find it mentioned again here! IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted June 14, 2016 03:48 PM
Do you ever wish to NOT have looked up a certain asteroid?*sighs* Of course my LOVING had to be conjunct his Sun-Moon-MC: and his LIEBE btw (7696: German word for: love) ROFL
And in the composite LOVING is on 00 Aquarius, conjunct ASC by 1 degree.
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Ceridwen unregistered
posted June 14, 2016 03:56 PM
my Bogie 26°48 Aries his Laurenbacall 25°04 Aries 
his Bogie 5°34 Cancer my Laurenbacall 21°35 Gemini at least not a DW  And about the Queen of the STars and her King.... composite Varda: 8°15 Scorpio Manwe: 9°27 Aquarius
not very tight and a square, but still found it intersting IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted June 14, 2016 05:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Interestingly I stumbled across this asteroid yesterday, too. What a coincidence to find it mentioned again here!
Loving is and was transiting @ 23 Scorpio, conjunct Mars Both Rx. Quincunx tr sun. Your Loving/Liebe with Mr Sag...and the Bogie /Bacall is just.... I don't even have the words for that.  I've got Loving exactly conjunct Pallas in Pisces, 0.03° orb. Liebe conjunct Mercury, 0.36° if my chart is right. Moon conjunct Loving in composite with my husband. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted June 14, 2016 05:56 PM
"Loving is and was transiting @ 23 Scorpio, conjunct Mars" Haha, did not know that, but our composite Valentine 23 Scorpio composite Lust 22 Scorpio composite Juno 22 Taurus.
"Your Loving/Liebe with Mr Sag...and the Bogie /Bacall is just...." Hilarious, right? Well at least his Liebe is conjunct my Sun as well and my Loving on his Sun, it`s sort of nice.
" I've got Loving exactly conjunct Pallas in Pisces, 0.03° orb. Liebe conjunct Mercury, 0.36° if my chart is right." Yes you love talking and understanding and communicating.  "Moon conjunct Loving in composite with my husband." Aww that is sweet, loving emotions underneath it all. IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4122 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted June 14, 2016 07:06 PM
Awesome thread! Hmm.. Varda and Manwe eh? We both have the square... both our Vardas are in Scorpio and both our Manwes are in Aquarius, they're conjunct one another's Varda and Manwe, like 5 degrees though.. but it turns into an exact square in the composite and Davison, with Varda near the IC in composite. And his Manwe is on his MC... very sweet... would love to hear more about these two. Although sometimes less is more the queen of the stars and her king... IP: Logged |
Vixen Knowflake Posts: 367 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 14, 2016 07:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Do you ever wish to NOT have looked up a certain asteroid?*sighs* Of course my LOVING had to be conjunct his Sun-Moon-MC: and his LIEBE btw (7696: German word for: love) ROFL
And in the composite LOVING is on 00 Aquarius, conjunct ASC by 1 degree.
I agree with Faith, that Loving, Liebe, Lauren and Bogie stuff with MrSag is breathtaking  And Faith, that Moon-Loving with your husband is awesome too! I bet you love to talk about love with your Mercury-Liebe  Yes, I wish I didn't look up some asteroids. I have An-Eefje right on my Sun 
quote: Originally posted by yungang_grotto: very sweet... would love to hear more about these two. Although sometimes less is more the queen of the stars and her king...
Beautiful pairing, isn't it?  I have square with "my" Taurus (his Manwe and my Varda)  IP: Logged |
Vixen Knowflake Posts: 367 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 14, 2016 07:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: love this. Thank you, V. GREAT contribution to our Forum 
I'm glad you love this, Ami  IP: Logged |
Vixen Knowflake Posts: 367 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 14, 2016 07:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: Oh and Elysia just mentioned Humphrey Bogart on another thread let's see, yesterday:Transiting sun 22 Gemini Transiting Bogie 23 Gemini Transiting Jupiter 14 Virgo Transiting LaurenBacall 14 Virgo
This is pretty crazy actually  I love "coincidences" like this  And when it comes to Miminko, do your tropical planets or points make aspects to Miminko of your husband? I was thinking that this asteroid may be strong in synastries and composites of fertile couples  My parents have Miminko square Moon (which is conjunct Mars) and opposite Jupiter in Davison. Their desire to have kids was very strong, so I've ended up with two younger brothers  My dad's Miminko also squares mom's moon And my mom's Mom's mimminko conjuncts my Mean Node and trines my DNA  Interestingly, Miminko of TaurusGuy is on my DSC (along with Hera, Casanova and 111111) IP: Logged |
TensionEmpire Knowflake Posts: 1165 From: Hamburg Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 14, 2016 08:22 PM
SUPERBus on my ACC aaahahaha, but wait wait, I have Liebe trigon Mond so no worries hahaHer Liebe on my DC! and here comes it, I have Laurenbacal on 19`26° gemini cnj my fortune path 18`04° they oppose to Bogie 18`58! IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6734 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 14, 2016 09:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: And about the Queen of the STars and her King....composite Varda: 8°15 Scorpio Manwe: 9°27 Aquarius
Weird! We've got the exact -- and I mean, exact, 0°00 -- square in tropical composite: 3°22 Scorpio and Aquarius. How bizarre! But what I found quite lovely was what's in our Draco synastry: 21°VIR'57 MANWE 22°VIR'30 VARDA and ... 21°GEM'59 VARDA 22°SAG'35 MANWE Yes. Essentially an exact (0°02-0°35) Mutable T-Square, comprised of my MANWE conjunct his VARDA (0°28) and his MANWE opposite my VARDA (0°35). We each have them natally square (0°02-0°05) which is even stranger. So then our MANWE are square (1°) and VARDA also square (0°30). It's a Cross if we bring in his MOON, which is 20°. But, meh. It's quite something on its own. I'm fascinated! He has a deep connexion to Tolkien. And I can't help but find a strong relationship to the 'complementary powers' of the Queen of the Stars and the Elder King. Seems legit.  I'm thinking these move very, very slowly. In tropical, his is 27° Libra, exactly square his MANWE at 27° Cap. Mine's 10° Scorpio and 10° Aquarius. All within 0°03. Crazy. But it's the 27° Libra to 10° Scorpio for VARDA that's tipping me off, with the mention of other Scorpio VARDAs and Aquarius MANWE. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted June 14, 2016 10:47 PM
quote: our composite Valentine 23 Scorpio composite Lust 22 Scorpio composite Juno 22 Taurus.
 quote: Well at least his Liebe is conjunct my Sun as well and my Loving on his Sun, it`s sort of nice.
Just "sort of"  quote: Yes you love talking and understanding and communicating.
I also hate talking but that's just all my t-squares. Damned if I do or don't. quote: Aww that is sweet, loving emotions underneath it all.
Yeah, it's a little bit like true love... LOL By the way our composite moon-Loving is conjunct your natal sun-Loving. =) --- I've got 5.38 Aqua MANWE conjunct Mercury, Liebe 7.08 Scorpio VARDA, conjunct Uranus t-squaring husband's Leo sun-Uranus He's got 16.20 Capricorn MANWE Who is that again? Manwë ->> husband of Varda, king of Valar Wait, he should have Varda, Queen of Stars, there! On my sun. Obviously. Astrology is broken. Not working tonight. :-/ IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted June 14, 2016 11:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Vixen: And Faith, that Moon-Loving with your husband is awesome too! I bet you love to talk about love with your Mercury-Liebe
I guess so. Well it's Aquarius, so a I'm bit scientific about it. For one thing I love astrology and most of it's about relationships. "What happens if you mix this plus that? What if you put it over here in this house? And what happens next, and before this, and in an another dimension, and in past lives?" quote: Originally posted by Vixen: Yes, I wish I didn't look up some asteroids. I have An-Eefje right on my Sun
Oh no! But just think, that was a real person who was so much more than just a victim.  I am still looking up your asteroids bit by bit. Thanks so much for putting all this together! IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6734 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 15, 2016 12:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: Who is that again?Manwë ->> husband of Varda, king of Valar Wait, he should have Varda, Queen of Stars, there! On my sun. Obviously. Astrology is broken. Not working tonight. :-/
It's working just fine in our case.  IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 18541 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 15, 2016 04:55 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Do you ever wish to NOT have looked up a certain asteroid?*sighs* Of course my LOVING had to be conjunct his Sun-Moon-MC: and his LIEBE btw (7696: German word for: love) ROFL
And in the composite LOVING is on 00 Aquarius, conjunct ASC by 1 degree.
The street I live on is the German word for love. I keep forgetting that, but I like it. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted June 15, 2016 11:17 AM
just stumbled over these here:Union (1585): It might give an important clue about the quality of the relationship. Cross conjunctions with certain planets and angles (for example her Union conjunct his Moon/ his Union conjunct her Nadir) might show that there is a strong bond between that two people. As for predictive charts, I see it conjunct important points when it is an important in the life of that couple . Unitas (306): Same as the previous one. Link (3505): It might give a clue about a kind of close connection between partners. Sposetti (22354): It means 'married people/ couple' in italian. It might show the marriage potential, past life marriages or possible timing for that 'special commitment'. Psyche (16) - Eros (433) or Amor (1221) or Cupid (763) They seem to signify a kind of soul connection: means that two people understand and feel each other a lot!
Galatea (74) - Pygmalion (96189) When one of the partners has a certain picture of an ideal lover, when he or she is a bit control freak, enjoys being the 'proud designer of a partner', or when he or she thinks that she found the perfect company, those two asteroids seem to have a kind of role in that relationship. I either find a cross conjunction or conjunctions of them to personal planets. Hera (103) or Juno (3) - Zeus (5731) or Jupiter They usually form cross aspects on the charts of sort of traditional couples. Aphrodite (1388) - Adonis (2101) They seem to be in the picture in passionate relationships. Ariadne (43) - Dionysus (3671) or Bacchus (2063) It seems to signify a sort of happy relationship. (I definitely can vouch for Ariadne - Bacchus/Dionysos)
Ask (4894): It means love in Turkish. It seems to show the way we love somebody. The sign and the house that Ask is in, seem to have a role on that person's romantic expectations and needs.
Liebe (7696): 'Love' in German. It is same as the previous one. Amor (1221): Although for many astrologers it signifies the so called god in mythology & they believe that it doesn't mean love in romantic way, but only a kind of pure love, my experiences say something else. The word mean love in Spanish & I would give the same explanation as I did for Ask & Liebe considering my experiences. Lovelock (51663): It might show a kind of obsessive love or some sort of 'never ending love story'. Loveday (161215). I experienced four times that it was active in the first meeting charts. And for more than ten times the asteroid was active on the very positive days in terms of romance. Lovejoy (61342) : Very similar to the previous one. Saga (1163): it has something to do with the dramatic history of a family, a person, a group of people; usually related to the very long time relationships. Karma (3811): it seems to show 'the homework' you carry with you. Destinn (6583): the destination that waits for you, that demands your attention. Memoria (1242): your 'old' knowledge; people, places, events, connections of an unknown past (or may be known!) Klotho (97): it shows the conditions at the beginning (sometimes for a specific event, sometimes for an adventure, a relationship etc.) Lachesis (120): it shows the development stage of any situation, period, relationship or adventure) Atropos (273): although some astrologers think that it is related to the 'end' of something showing that something is over, i observe that the third goddess of fate shows only the conditions at the end, when- where & how a specific event- relationship or adventure will end, not that something will come to an end. Neverland (5405): It is where you are allowed to be a young kid; to have fun & keep your innocence. It is where you escape from the realities that surround you. Utopia (1282): It has something to do with your dreams, with the 'ideal' life you design in your mind. Paradise (2791): It shows where you feel the real comfort, peace and happiness. (BTW for your fate asteroids list I do suggest you to consider the asteroids that are named after the holidays that you celebrate . For example Ostara (343), or Walpurga (256) etc. They seem to have a sort of relation to our destinies aswell). 1585,306,3505,22354,4894,7696,51663,161215,61342, 1221 1163,3811,6583,1247,97,120,273,5405,1282,2791
103,5731,1388,1221,43,3671,2063,96189,74 IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted June 15, 2016 11:33 AM
Wow!amazingly on the day of the concert, when he was commenting on me driving him crazy, Tr LOVEDAY was conjunct our composite NN-Mars on his natal Pluto. Last time in february when he was stalking me a little (well just observing me through the windows of a cafe and then later joining us waiting for the show to begin)LOVEDAY was conjunct his ASC exact and on my Draco ASC squaring our Suns. also conjunct our pr c ASC widely and pr c Antivertex pretty closish The very first time he ever approached me on a concert (which came as a shock, well I did not know him then ) Tr LOVEDAY on my Draco Sun, his Draco BML opposing composite pluto exact, oh and btw conjunct composite Ceri by 2 degrees The day he "broke my heart" (not sure how to term this day. lol)
Tr LOVEDAY was conjunct Tr MEMORIA opposing my n Moon and conjunct my n MARIA (Faith will understand ), square Tr NN on my natal Lancelot exact. (quinkunx c-Venus, and conjunct Davison Saturn) on our last encounter Tr LOVEDAY was on 1 Taurus, on my 5th house cusp, opposing my Uranus and on our composite Chiron-ATROPOS (closer to Atropos), opposing composite Union, and conjunct his Vesta and Chariklo, which is pretty nice.
When we "re-met" after me having staged a disappearance act for quite some time, Tr LOVEDAY was on 15 Libra conjunct composite Pluto exact and opposing composite Ceri. Curiously it was on the exact opposing degree to the time he first approached me, almost like wrapping up a cycle. lol Last august when we met on that gathering Tr LOVEDAY was on 10 Aquarius opposing our composite KARMA, and on my natal Pallas.
Hmm seems amazing as timer, at least in our charts. IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4122 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted June 15, 2016 12:26 PM
I can also vouch for Bacchus/Ariadne  And yes Auby I was a bit suspicious myself when I saw Varda and Manwe in the same signs but a few degrees apart for each of us, that they're slow movers... The square seems to have been ongoing and reaching perfection at certain intervals I guess IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted June 15, 2016 01:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: [B] Yeah, it's a little bit like true love... LOL]
'Funny enough I was thinking of that song some days ago, too. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted June 15, 2016 01:34 PM
Yes, I noticed too, that the Queen of Stars and her King are very slow movers, I would only really consider them important if within a few minutes or conjunct a very personal object, like angles, Vertex, Sun,MOon, Venus for example.IP: Logged | |