Topic: Zeus in synastry
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 1281 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 24, 2016 01:25 AM
In synastry with my soulmate, my Zeus conjuncts his sun 3 deg, Venus exact, Ceres 3 deg. It also closely parallels his Jupiter. It trines his moon 1 deg.his Zeus trines my Zeus 1 deg, trines my Mars exact, trines my Zeus exact, squares my nodes 2 deg, trines my Saturn 3 deg. I feel like it's significant although I'm not sure how because I don't even know what Zeus means in synastry. Can anyone shed some light please?  IP: Logged |
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 2693 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 24, 2016 01:39 AM
How does Zeus aspect your chart? And how does his Zeus aspect his chart? Please use an orb of 3 degrees. ------------------ Addicted to Self Relfection - Jupiter R in the 12th House IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 1281 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 24, 2016 02:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by angel4845: How does Zeus aspect your chart? And how does his Zeus aspect his chart? Please use an orb of 3 degrees.
My chart: trine moon 1 deg trine mars exact trine saturn 3 deg quintile jupiter conjunct philosophia 1 deg trine anteros 3 deg His chart: trine sun 3 deg trine venus exact trine moon 1 deg semisquare pluto exact opposite chiron 2 deg trine ceres 3 deg  IP: Logged |
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 2693 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 24, 2016 02:57 PM
Zeus was a very powerful god but at the same time he was unfornately unfaithful towards Hera his wife. He loved Hera dearly but she was not enough to fulfill his sexual appetite. He had many gifts and he protected a lot of gods, goddesses, deties etc. he was God of the sky he ruled the sky. Huge ego in my opinion thought very righteous of himself but also a man ***** yet committed. My theory with asteroids involving male figures such as Zeus would resonate with your personality if you have him hard aspecting your natal planets or angles and take into consideration of the sigh and house as well. I see soft aspects to take minor influence which I see in your case. Trines to your moon,Mars and Saturn can tell me you may suppress his energy in a subtle level he is not entirely a major influence in your personality but he does work with you in some ways it could be that when you focus on a goal or project you may put it at your ALL, like Zeus he was very determined and since he is trine your Saturn,Mars, and moon you may channel your energy on a cool level when you determine yourself to fulfill your actions and emotions. What's the ruler of your moon,Mars and Saturn by the way? ------------------ Addicted to Self Relfection - Jupiter R in the 12th House IP: Logged |
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 2693 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 24, 2016 05:44 PM
Which house does both of your Zeus's fall in? ------------------ Addicted to Self Relfection - Jupiter R in the 12th House IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 1281 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 24, 2016 09:23 PM
thanks Angel!  I'm posting the synastry to make it easier for you. I hope I don't suppress him, not sure I like the sound of that if so though at least it's subtle. My mars and saturn are ruled by the sun. moon ruled by mercury. IP: Logged |
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 2693 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 25, 2016 02:35 PM
Okay now I have a better idea of your Zeus okay so I see you express Zeus through your beliefs your own philosophies views on health perhaps day to day priorities possibly you may have a good logical understanding on animals perhaps you may may have friends that share these similar philosophical views or perhaps you exchange information on a daily basis with your friends or those that are looking to improve the world in someway? Does this resonate? I have more to say but tell me how you feel first? I do see confidence in your views and how you approach logic and strategy when it comes to health animals and your job I do see confidence in that I could be wrong because of the trine to Saturn but that confidence could just be subtle but very harmonious I have to say. ------------------ Addicted to Self Relfection - Jupiter R in the 12th House IP: Logged |
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 2693 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 25, 2016 02:47 PM
Do you get involved with older women perhaps who are confident and are strong activist in there own beliefs and ways of how they can improve society or those that they care dearly? Is your mom very proud in some area in her life or perhaps or own demeanor? Do you tend to attract guys who have a good understanding on society and do they get involved?------------------ Addicted to Self Relfection - Jupiter R in the 12th House IP: Logged |
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 2693 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 25, 2016 03:00 PM
I'm defently seeing this aspect as the wise one and with some confidence.  ------------------ Addicted to Self Relfection - Jupiter R in the 12th House IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 1281 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 26, 2016 07:54 AM
Some of that resonates yes! I do have quite an involvement in the area of health, as do some of my closest friends. Always seeking to improve it in some way through natural and unconventional means. My mum is a spiritual director, a very wise woman who I tend to look up to. We share lots of philosophical and spiritual outlooks on life. She is passionate about helping people on their spiritual path to gain peace and understanding. I only have one other older wise woman who I seek counsel from - she's a clairvoyant friend of mine who has featured prominently in my life in the last year. She's also passionate especially about helping women through their life journeys. I'm also a dance therapist, wanting to help women recover from substance abuse and domestic violence.As for animals, I have a couple of friends who are animal acitivists funnily enough. I don't share the same drive as them but I do care deeply for animals in general. I'm hoping this is what you mean?  IP: Logged |