Topic: 620 Drakonia
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 22, 2016 04:05 PM
Unfortunately I'm not finding any information on this one. Can we create some information please?  Fittingly, the heliocentric north node (HNN) of this asteroid is at 0.14° Aries. --- Mine @ 29 Cancer is conjunct draconic moon & my tropical Saturn, and semisextile my husband's Drakonia-Pluto conjunction. (Nice, because we both have Scorpio NNs.) Our composite Drakonia is at the center of my Mystic Rectangle. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 22, 2016 04:15 PM
quote: Discovered 1906-Oct-26 by Metcalf, J. H.;old=0;orb=0;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#discovery Just guessed at the time: Drakonia's Drakonia is conjunct my 20.00 Taurus SN. *feeling special now*  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted October 22, 2016 06:14 PM
Drakonia reminds me of Dracul(a), Draconic punishment, Draco, Dragon, etc. No clue what it really means. But it`s Sun conjuncts my Uranus. lolIP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted October 22, 2016 06:15 PM
Hmm my Drakonia is on 15 PIsces (conjunt your Moon)IP: Logged |
Astro keen unregistered
posted October 22, 2016 06:20 PM
Got this from a site on the meaning of Drakonia. In numerology the name Drakonia has the birth path 1 and it's meaning is connected to confidence, assertiveness and creativity. Meaning of Drakonia Obstacles And Springboards: Often the ones who wish to be their best, have a difficult path to walk, because to achieve their goal they will have to overcome their weaknesses. As long as they have not solved the problems of creativity and self-confidence, the one may feel frustrated or upset. We would then say that nothing really interests them. When the creative energy is completely blocked. That is to say it can not find any kind of outlet. It turns against itself and becomes an internal turbulence that will reflected in a physical or psychological problem. Creativity and inventiveness imply that we accept to be, act, and often feel different from others. Most 1 have a really different way of seeing and feeling life, by focusing on what is unique. This quality can already be evident in childhood or only appear later in adulthood. But because they feel different, the one must face the challenge of insecurity. The feeling of being different, causes the fear of rejection. Some take up the fight and others flee but in both cases it is the fear of losing, or losing face which paralyzes. Your competition spirit can manifest itself in the conversation as if you had always something to prove to others or to yourself. This fear of rejection helps to block or mitigate the creative impulse. The insecurity of 1 can also lead to fears of being unable to meet their personal needs or fear of not.
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yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4113 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 22, 2016 06:52 PM
You are my fave.I <3 dragons. . Will look first chance I get. IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4113 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 22, 2016 07:05 PM
It is conjunct my East Point, 17 Scorpio, and my Narcissus... 18 Scorpio.My Sun is 21 Scorpio... I guess I feel special too but I'm soooo suspicious of specialness right now. I have been creating felt and wire dragons and felted dream landscapes and caves... I have been having visions of dragons and am a dragon in Chinese astrology. I have been shown in ceremony that dragons are very important in terms of healing the earth... And actually encountered a water Dragon in the wild once... They're... pretty cool. If the East Point is our personal version of paradise, this makes a lot of sense, having Drakonia here for me.
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yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4113 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 22, 2016 07:08 PM
The discovery chart really resonates with my natal. Sun on my ascendant. Venus square my nodes. Other things. IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4113 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 22, 2016 07:10 PM
Faith... were you a dragon in past lives!? Maybe...  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted October 22, 2016 07:32 PM
I am a Water Dragon. Yes I took the test.  IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4113 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 22, 2016 08:07 PM
I'm Earth Dragon  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 22, 2016 11:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Drakonia reminds me of Dracul(a), Draconic punishment, Draco, Dragon, etc. No clue what it really means. But it`s Sun conjuncts my Uranus. lol
Wow I was just thinking of draconic charts. Shows where my hyperfocus is  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 22, 2016 11:10 PM
@YunBeautiful writing and I'm emotional that you make dragons out of wire and felt. I don't know, it's just too perfect, and thanks for the matching astrology. Also this thread's become a relapse of my Pete's Dragon heartache (saw the movie and cried or was teary about, oh, 95% of the time.) This song from the movie: Nobody Knows - The Lumineers  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 22, 2016 11:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by Astro keen: Got this from a site on the meaning of Drakonia. In numerology the name Drakonia has the birth path 1 and it's meaning is connected to confidence, assertiveness and creativity. Meaning of Drakonia Obstacles And Springboards: Often the ones who wish to be their best, have a difficult path to walk, because to achieve their goal they will have to overcome their weaknesses. As long as they have not solved the problems of creativity and self-confidence, the one may feel frustrated or upset. We would then say that nothing really interests them. When the creative energy is completely blocked. That is to say it can not find any kind of outlet. It turns against itself and becomes an internal turbulence that will reflected in a physical or psychological problem. Creativity and inventiveness imply that we accept to be, act, and often feel different from others. Most 1 have a really different way of seeing and feeling life, by focusing on what is unique. This quality can already be evident in childhood or only appear later in adulthood. But because they feel different, the one must face the challenge of insecurity. The feeling of being different, causes the fear of rejection. Some take up the fight and others flee but in both cases it is the fear of losing, or losing face which paralyzes. Your competition spirit can manifest itself in the conversation as if you had always something to prove to others or to yourself. This fear of rejection helps to block or mitigate the creative impulse. The insecurity of 1 can also lead to fears of being unable to meet their personal needs or fear of not.
Thank you so much, Astro Keen. Lots to think about with that. Might add more here later. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 22, 2016 11:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Hmm my Drakonia is on 15 PIsces (conjunt your Moon)
Thank you for once in your life disobeying the orb rules! To be closer to yours truly, in Pisces. Aw  Now that you mention it, my Drakonia is conjunct my draconic moon. (Edited that into my OP) Drakonia's NN may be my ASC. No wonder I'm always pushing draconics?  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted October 23, 2016 07:13 AM
haha yes thought about draconic charts too. (well it is derived from the metahpor of the nodal axis as dragons swallowing the light or something lik ethat) Also I do not disobey the rules I MAKE them.
Also it is under 3 degrees, so we are good.
BTW it is even more closely conjunct my own Juno and Draco Valentine.
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 23, 2016 09:48 AM
quote: Also I do not disobey the rules I MAKE them.
ROTFL because it's true! If you went up the 3° you'd set an example people would follow. about the dragon, I should've remembered that.... ^ Rahu snacking on Ketu I wonder why destiny is portrayed as a dragon issue, anyway. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted October 23, 2016 12:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: I wonder why destiny is portrayed as a dragon issue, anyway.
Because the Dragon is a creature of ancient wisdom. Also a lucky symbol in Chinese. And also in ancient times (appr. 3000 BC according to wikipedia), the main star of the constellation DRACO, Thuban, was the Norther Polar Star in our galaxy (the Egyptians oriented the pyramids towards this star, and I think towards Sirius: Isis, and Orion: Osiris, at least for the pharaoh-chambers). So it was really a dragon that became our guide (as the polar star implies). Plus mythologically the Dragon is a guardian, guarding all kinds of treasures, possibly spiritual ones as well?
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 23, 2016 01:08 PM
 That's perfect. Thank you for knowing.  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted October 23, 2016 01:13 PM
You`re welcome. I always like to know for you. IP: Logged |