Topic: Muses in Astrology
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30229 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 16, 2016 04:54 AM
Just sharing this article with you. I found it very concise as a first orientation.Personally I would add MUSA (600), possibly SAPPHO (80) and ORPHEUS (sorry have forgotten the number) and possibly SIRENE (forgot the number), too. "strologically, the Muses are a group of 9 asteroids that are usually prominent in the charts of creative, inspired people. They are our muses, after all! They come from Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Each Muse rules something a little different. They are:
Calliope: Muse of Epic Poetry – good for those of you who are writers Clio: Muse of History – obviously focused on history, but can also be tied to fame Euterpe: Muse of Music, Song, and Elegiac Poetry – especially linked to music Erato: Muse of Lyric Poetry – the poet, of course, but also linked to romantic writing Melpomene: Muse of Tragedy – the thespian! connected to acing and the theater, as well as darker writing Polyhymnia: Muse of Hymns – also linked to acting and poetry, but especially linked to creative spirituality and the natural metaphysic Terpsichore: Muse of Dance – often prominent in the charts of dancers, choreographers, those known for their moves Thalia: Muse of Comedy – often prominent in the charts of comedians or anyone who deals with comedy in their work, including cartoonists Urania: Muse of Astrology – often prominent in the charts of astrologers, psychics, mystical types You can look up these 9 Muses in your own chart on (they’re numbers, in order, 22, 84, 27, 62, 18, 33, 81, 23, 30). The more prominent in your chart they are, the more you likely manifest them in your life, and some will be more dominant than others. Conjunctions to natal planets, especially the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) will give them the most prominence (and with asteroids, you tend to keep a small orb of 2 degrees or less, though some may feel asteroids aspects at conventional, wider orbs). You can treat them like planets and track aspects being made to them by transit planets if one of them is prominent for you and important for what you do in life (for example, if you’re an aspiring actor, you can track aspects being made to your Melpomene and Polyhymnia; if you’re an aspiring comedian, to your Thalia; an aspiring astrologer, to your Urania, etc.). The best periods will usually come with Jupiter aspects and/or positive Neptune aspects (sextiles and trines) since Jupiter is the happy planet and Neptune is also creative, and you can have inspired days with positive Sun, Mercury, Venus, or Mars aspects. You can also track these asteroids in transit. As they move through your chart and houses and make aspects to your planets, they infuse inspirational energy, or you can find the energy to be difficult. The difficult energy will come with hard aspects, usually to your Saturn (which limits energy), or by travelling through your 12th house (which hides energy). You can also see this with hard aspects by transit Saturn, Uranus, or Pluto to your natal Muses, and inspiration seems to disappear with Saturn (like writer’s block), it only comes and goes in erratic spurts with Uranus, or with Pluto, you can be unrelenting with your inspiration, to the point of destruction at times, or you have to completely transform the way in which you’re inspired." IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30229 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 16, 2016 05:14 AM
this is my chart with the muses included. [/URL] Well, additionally there is:
MUSA conjunct SAPPHO conjunct KASSANDRA conjunct DNA (all from 20-22 Libra) and URANIA conjunct PSYCHE conjunct TALENT (conjunct SUMERIA) (21-24 Aqua) My muses have these Sabian symbols:
Polyhymnia: Cupid Knocks At The Door Of A Human Heart
Kalliope: A Human Soul, In Its Eagerness For New Experiences, Seeks Embodiment Klio Light Breaking Into Many Colors As It Passes Through A Prism Euterpe A Five-Year-Old Child Carrying A Bag Filled With Groceries Melpomene Men Traveling A Narrow Path, Seeking Illumination Terpsichore A Nature Sprit Dancing In The Iridescent Mist Of A Waterfall - I find it hilarious that the muse of dancing falls onto a dance-Sabian. lol- Thalia An Unexpected Thunderstorm
Urania A Big Bear Sitting Down And Waving All Its Paws Musa A Child Giving Birds A Drink At A Fountain
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Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30229 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 16, 2016 05:20 AM
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 20501 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 16, 2016 04:23 PM
Thank you, Ceri. quote: Terpsichore A Nature Sprit Dancing In The Iridescent Mist Of A Waterfall- I find it hilarious that the muse of dancing falls onto a dance-Sabian. lol-
Especially since it's in Capricorn. But it's a nice image even if I suspect that mist is very cold. quote: Personally I would add MUSA (600), possibly SAPPHO (80) and ORPHEUS (sorry have forgotten the number) and possibly SIRENE (forgot the number), too.
3361 Orpheus 1009 Sirene 600, 80, 3361, 1009 is my asteroid lifesaver. --- No huge revelations for me, but it turns out I have Erato conjunct Mercury @ 5 Aqua. quote: ERATO #62 .. The feminine counterpart of Eros. "Erato was named after the Muse of lyric poetry. Astrologically, Erato seems to indicate lyric as opposed to epic poetry, singing the praises of something or somebody, to talk about love, to be concerned with something or somebody.""Astrologically, Erato seems to indicate lyric as opposed to epic poetry, singing the praises of something or somebody, to talk about love, to be concerned with something or somebody." I have Eros @ 2 Aqua. 3.10° from Erato. I do talk about love a lot...well Mercury-Erato is sextile Sag Venus. But since this is Aqua, I'm also talking about more universalized concepts of love, and the science of attraction (synastry.)
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Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30229 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 16, 2016 05:03 PM
Yes, makes sense with the Erato-Mercury-link in your case. I think these are for me of importance ° POLYHYMNIA conjunct ASC exact and also conjunct Mars and some other asteroids ° MELPOMENE conjunct my chartruler Jupiter and CERES exact, and squaring my nodal axis with Neptune ° possibly KALLIOPE conjunct Vesta is important, too ° SAPPHO and MUSA conjunct DNA and opposing Chiron and squaring the Vertex-axis. ° URANIA conjunct Psyche and Talent ° SIRENE is on 8 Aries on my IC, exact opposite Pluto and obviously trine my ASC. As for ERATO, she is opposite my Karma and sextile my Moon Interestingly she also falls onto my Sun/Mars-mp.
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Lerena Knowflake Posts: 529 From: Registered: May 2015
posted December 17, 2016 10:58 AM
I have...Sun sextile Thalia - orb of 1 degree Neptune is slowly approaching my natal Thalia. Even though I'm not a fan of Neptune, maybe this transit will be easier than my other Neptune transits. Moon quincunx Clio - orb of 2 degrees Clio also makes a quincunx to my Ascendant - orb of 2 degrees. Muse of history? I don't know how this fits into my chart. Moon opposite Euterpe - orb of 2 degrees No comment here. Mercury conjunct Melpomene - orb of 2 degrees Melpomene conjuncts the ruler of my Midheaven. I usually want to write comedy stuff instead, but darker writing is what comes out if my time to write something is limited. After all, writing comedy tends to be harder than writing tragedy. At least, in my case. Calliope opposite North Node - orb less than 30 minutes Kind of a weird placement for Calliope, because it's conjunct my South Node. IP: Logged |
Violets Knowflake Posts: 6491 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted December 18, 2016 12:05 PM
Interesting!I have far more conjunctions than I would have supposed (all connected to the writing muses, which makes sense as I wrote stories compulsively when I was younger, and wanted to become a writer throughout my young adult life). We had "Young Writers" conferences every year at my school, and I was chosen to go each year. I wrote for the high school newspaper, etc. I have Melpomeme conjunct my Chiron by minutes, and Circe and Calliope conjunct my Mars by less than 2 degrees. Polyhymnia and Erato are both conjunct my Vertex by less than 2d. Cool thread!  I only add Circe in there because I happen to really like that particular conjunction.  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30229 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 19, 2016 06:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lerena:
[b]Mercury conjunct Melpomene - orb of 2 degrees Melpomene conjuncts the ruler of my Midheaven. I usually want to write comedy stuff instead, but darker writing is what comes out if my time to write something is limited. After all, writing comedy tends to be harder than writing tragedy. At least, in my case.[/B]
I think this makes PERFECT sense! I have MELPOMENE conjunct Jupiter and Ceres in Pisces in 3rd house.
If I write usually darker stuff comes out, mostly in the mystery-fantasy-genre, though I do like historical settings, too. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30229 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 19, 2016 06:09 AM
I think Circe belongs here, she was a sorceress after all (additionally to the temptress-thing). Sappho might also be a good addition, for her poetical talent, and also Musa (34, 80, 600). IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30229 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 19, 2016 06:12 AM
I also like to look up Orpheus (3361) because he was such an amazing singer, though of course his story is a sad one, and he should not be seen isolated, as he was that great of a singer because his love for Eurydike (75) inspired him to do so. And theirs is a bitter-sweet lovestory after all, so in his case it is the bridge between music and true love with the theme of loss of course. Well he lost her to death, but persuaded Pluto to let his wife come back to life and follow him to the earth, but he then lost her, because he was looking back to make sure she followed him (the ru le was he was not allowed to do that). so it was his loss of faith that made him lose her a second time. Eventually they got reunited after his death though, and it is said they are still wandering the fields of Elysia hand in hand. lol IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30229 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 19, 2016 06:14 AM
I also like to look up Orpheus (3361) because he was such an amazing singer, though of course his story is a sad one, and he should not be seen isolated, as he was that great of a singer because his love for Eurydike (75) inspired him to do so. And theirs is a bitter-sweet lovestory after all, so in his case it is the bridge between music and true love with the theme of loss of course. Well he lost her to death, but persuaded Pluto to let his wife come back to life and follow him to the earth, but he then lost her, because he was looking back to make sure she followed him (the ru le was he was not allowed to do that). so it was his loss of faith that made him lose her a second time. Eventually they got reunited after his death though, and it is said they are still wandering the fields of Elysia hand in hand. lol IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30229 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 19, 2016 06:29 AM
I am also curious about the muses in synastry (esp. in close conjucntions, up to let`s say 2-3 degrees). Did you have that? How did you experience it? I´ve mentioned it somewhere else before but my Venus is conjunct P`s Calliope, the muse of eloquence and epic poetry, though her name actually means "the beautiful voiced" - and it`s very true that not only do I find his voice beautiful and evocative, but I could listen to his stories for a long time without getting bored, no matter how profane they might be (though usually in the midst of something profane he will suddenly switch to deeply philosophical/ psychological and then switch back again to profane and goofy. lol)
But it makes sense with my Venus on his Calliope that I really like his storytelling.
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bananaz Knowflake Posts: 633 From: Orlando, FL USA Registered: Feb 2015
posted December 23, 2016 06:38 PM
I have Erato conj Neptune on my midheaven, and I work as a romance author. Very cool symbolism there  Does any one have the birth charts of famous authors to check out their muse asteroids? IP: Logged | |