Topic: What does Nemesis actually do? Besides have a bad reputation that doesn't make sense.
Violets Knowflake Posts: 6564 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted January 05, 2017 09:22 AM
The theme of reminding us to stay humble rings true for me, at least in synastry. There's generally very little judgment in the relationships I've mentioned. Some frustration and hurt, obviously. But usually a lot more empathy than judgment. As I mentioned, going through the good, the bad, and the ugly with the other person, generally as equals, or with love. Sometimes a little bit of resentment flares some cases a lot, until the matter is sorted out...but I also think that can be explained by Pluto aspects. Nemesis doesn't do anything in my chart that I'm aware of, but I do have Jupiter in Pisces, which sort of feels like a similar vibe. In the sense that the best "fortune" or whatever you want to call it, comes from purely altruistic thoughts/actions (as much as humans are capable of, anyway), with a conscious cap on arrogance or allowing it to turn into something grotesque, like doing things to help others for the sake of being praised for it. IP: Logged |
Violets Knowflake Posts: 6564 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted January 05, 2017 09:30 AM
Now after talking about it, I feel compelled to be especially aware of my behavior and attitudes today, lol. NEMESIS IS WATCHING. And so is Jupiter.   IP: Logged |
Lerena Knowflake Posts: 572 From: Registered: May 2015
posted January 05, 2017 09:59 AM
Does Nemesis have any opinions regarding lack of self-love? I feel like I've sacrificed so much for others that I can't even love myself anymore. This is why I've taken time off from college to do what /I/ want to do instead of what /others/ want me to do.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30741 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 05, 2017 10:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by Faith:
Ceri has also been with me through some ups and downs these past few years, but I don't know how her Aqua moon would feel about me making a tribute speech. But I really appreciate her. 
My Aqua Moon is absolutely open to that. :
Tributes are very welcome (my SR Moon is in Leo after all. lol) And love you, too, you know that.
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Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30741 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 05, 2017 10:06 AM
"Nemesis is the goddess of retribution, she gives us what is our "due". Unfortunately that means often enough punishment and being "cut to size". I can understand how people can experience that as the enemy, though I haven`t made the same experiences. The guy comes to mind whose Nemesis was conjunct my Sun while my Nemesis opposed his Moon. It was not his fault, but he was the catalyst for painful experiences for me, that initially felt totally unfair, but overtime it made me reasses my own personal traits, and being a Sag Sun and having been so proud of my tolerant openness towards, well, pretty much anything, I came to realize through this catalyst, that true tolerance is NOT indifference and it also i ans being tested when applied to my PERSONAL life. How tolerant am I really when it affects MY emotional and relational life? I had to accept that there ARE limits to my tolerance, but with that acceptance curiously came relief and, well I suppose more natural tolerance and a more realistic view of myself.I consider this guy to be one of the dearest soulmates in my life, also for that reason, for having taken on the role of my Nemesis for a while to point out my weaknesses to me, and I am eternally thankful for his gift to me. Well that was MY Nemesis story. (possibly I have other ones that were not that positive though; I sort of believe it helped that his Moon is trine my Sun, and our Nemesises are sextile each other and not doing too much nasty stuff in our natal charts either. Mine is conjunct my Uranus widely and trines my Black Moon. his conjuncts his Sun (btw we wer also meant to play Uranus to each other, his URanus squaring my Sun, my Uranus opposing his Moon. The quality of our Nemesis always was a liberating one, though being deliverd as a shock initially). his Nemesis trines his Moon, and well squares his Uranus, which might be the nastiest aspect it makes in his chart, though it is very wide." just quoting myself. lol IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30741 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 05, 2017 10:15 AM
BTW the cutting down can also be an elevating - whatever it takes to bring the scales into balance again!In a way she is a goddess of Karma, right, but of reality in a way, too. See things and yourself for how you really ARE, not what you are telling yourself. Faith has a habit to paint me in a more positive light than I ever would. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 6852 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 05, 2017 02:14 PM
This is a very rich thread. I have quite a significant Nemesis contact. I'm still reeling from all the information.Elysia ... Thanks for the asteroids link to Karen Piscitelli's AstrologyClub. That was my first visit there. I looked at a few of her descriptions and she has done AWESOME work. I can appreciate how much hard work was involved in creating this site. Certainly, we all owe a debt of gratitude for her open research and sharing. AND, I hope she reciprocally appreciates our validating by demonstrating the applications to our charts and lives. There's a lower, and a higher application to every asteroid. Will continue.... in a few moments IP: Logged |
Elysia Knowflake Posts: 2377 From: Gotham Registered: Aug 2015
posted January 05, 2017 02:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: This is a very rich thread. I have quite a significant Nemesis contact. I'm still reeling from all the information.Elysia ... Thanks for the asteroids link to Karen Piscitelli's AstrologyClub. That was my first visit there. I looked at a few of her descriptions and she has done AWESOME work. I can appreciate how much hard work was involved in creating this site. Certainly, we all owe a debt of gratitude for her open research and sharing. AND, I hope she reciprocally appreciates our validating by demonstrating the applications to our charts and lives.
...and my hard work for quoting her categorically. JK.  Yeah, I like how she deconstructed the subject matter. And made it easy to follow. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 6852 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 05, 2017 02:22 PM
omg!!! I went to post this song in above post, and the lyrics were just too Perfect!!! I created a separate posting for it.You'd LIKE my Nemesis.... conjuncts Liebe and my Mars Cancer, same degree. Along with Vaticana and Weisse(White) Rose. asteroids! 'Goode Nemesis'-MARS-Liebe{Love}-Vaticana WhiteRose Cancer H7gem Sextiles to TAURUS 5th House (where my Venus and Eros are in residence) 1865 Cerberus 2.06 {the 3-headed dog guarding the gates of Hell} 2+ Taurus with 622 Ester 2.09 {the Bible account of a woman who saved her people, 'for such a time as this'; where and how we most likely tend to be a rescuer -ref.JimLewis}, and 949 Hel 2.42 {Nordic Goddess of the Underworld} 11 Parthenope 3.24 {Genesis, new beginnings that never happened before} 5265 Schadow 3.25 Trine Virgo in H(9)leo --- 10343 Church Virgo 3.33' and 13184 Augeias Virgo 2.44 {making or cleaning up messes!!} *Got my shovel!!!!* *grin* Sextile 9499 Excalibur 1+ Leo H8cancer {Excellence, sense of mission} (I'll save the other asteroids in Scorpio for the other posting-- IF! I get to it.) (music) Stand By You (Rachel Platten, lyrics) [3:45] (music) Take Me to Church (Hozier, Sergei Polunin, ballet) [4:07) 11790,128,7696,416,7571, 1865,622,949,11,5265 10343,13184, 9499 IP: Logged |
Elysia Knowflake Posts: 2377 From: Gotham Registered: Aug 2015
posted January 05, 2017 02:25 PM
Hahaha! I love that song, Take me to Church.Makes me feel bad@$$. (Of course, in my imagination, I'm the one he's singing to). IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30741 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 05, 2017 02:34 PM
I love it, too. But it makes me soooooo sad, too. 
I mean did you watch the video? IP: Logged |
Elysia Knowflake Posts: 2377 From: Gotham Registered: Aug 2015
posted January 05, 2017 02:35 PM
^ Oh wait, I didn't actually. I have the mp3 on my phone, that's the one I listen to. Wait.. *shuffling to YouTube to check it out* ..Aah. Yeah, those movements. He's very expressive, good performer. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 6852 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 05, 2017 02:42 PM
Laughing!!! Would this make me a holyslut???  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30741 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 05, 2017 03:14 PM
I prefer the dancer video, but when I first saw the official one I was really shocked, it is so so sad
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Elysia Knowflake Posts: 2377 From: Gotham Registered: Aug 2015
posted January 05, 2017 03:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: I prefer the dancer video, but when I first saw the official one I was really shocked, it is so so sad
Omg, this one. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 6852 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 05, 2017 04:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: I prefer the dancer video, but when I first saw the official one I was really shocked, it is so so sad
Elysia... I just saw you quote this from Ceridwen. What you saw happening on that vid is called a HATE crime.... And I realize there are MANY wounded people because of the shallow cruel people who go to these Churches, then feel soooo Righteous IN themselves. That's not Christ. That's not LOVE. Anything Anti-Christ, is anti-Love. The antichrist is very busy in hate-based denominations. You even can see that down to the divisions between separate black and separate white Pentecostal churches because of HATE of the 'other' kindred-souls. (I remember being sooo shocked by that... that's a story!) In above post, at the last moment, I had removed my asteroid placement, named for Mother Teresa of Calcutta (now Sainted). It is quintile VESTA cancer H8, conjunct my Oken asteroid (which I give meaning of Incarnation of Love within each one of us, name also of a long-time openly gay astrologer whose writings I have found to be quite Inspirational). I remember Madreteresa as being a Virgo, but also, being at war with rules and politics at the 'Vaticana'! LOL. They were asking her to side with them 'against' persons who had had abortions, and were divorced, etc. (I still have to look up exactly what oughts they had with her.) But (I believe the articles had said that) she REFUSED to comply with a judgmental group of Priests/superiors, who wanted her to condemn these individuals. Instead, she advocated ONLY 'Love'.... That Christ wanted us to LOVE. Love the PERSON, not judge 'sin'. Love Covers a Multitude of sins. .... Looking into the eyes of another sentient human being, with whom we are the same under-the-skin.... We AFFIRM the Love that is IN each other, IN their life, IN their friendships and unions. In the Bible, there was quoted that God is against divorce.... HOWEVER AND BUT??! GOD was Merciful and He gave permission and allowed it!!!! {ref story with Moses} .... The main thing about gayness,?? is "PRACTICAL" --- union with same-sex won't lead to making more babies. You need future generations to be born to sustain the human race. That's it. That was the PRACTICAL side of that rule. It wasn't about sex... it was about serious baby-making. You needed to generate workers for your farm, etc. Then when people were old, they were taken care of by the previous generation. On and on.... Generations caring for the next. And they wanted a contract to copulate (wedding/marry) (perhaps) so you didn't reproduce with kin (bad for genes), and having the babies 'legit'... for the record-keeping??? Historical genealogical records? (I believe). I think that's one of the unfortunate CRUELEST 'labels' that we/these have placed upon children.... I think part of the logic there too, is that you want to create a bond, a solid UNIT. Families working together as a unit are stronger because there's Commitment; there's Care, Money, and Mutual Support provided under the contract together. The parents support each other and grow, and, being strong, they raise the children in a balanced way (hopefully). That's the old-fashioned notion. Thing is... You need a good match for having a spouse that you can BE in that kind of forever-tie with. .... Marriage can be Wonderful when two people are matched, and are Willing to work things out. (haha, getting ready for my post on Selene!!!) But it DOES take that Matching.... (Vedics were good at that!! LOL) Unfortunately, not many people are willing to Make Covenant these days. A Covenant makes a Union of All-of-Both becoming ONE Identity and entity. These days, people want the renewing contract kind of commitment... 'if it don't work out, then you can tell me good-bye' (song) (music) Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye (Johnny Mathis, lyrics) [4:38] Don't Quote--- Actually, the ability to divorce is sooo important. I don't think people should marry with possibility of divorce in mind, but it is a GOOD thing in circumstances... NOT for boredom or mere whims, (or dynamics of a midlife crisis), though. For me, my first led a secret double-life I didn't know about (which I ~might post in later days... it references my Nemesis sooooooo well!, including the trine to his last name!!! and other relevant asters). The second one, was a deceiver-liar-- I hadn't 'realized' what the cues were that I was seeing. I had no experience with that... and, it was a little late to be discovering it AFTER the vows. I honestly didn't know. Should have raised FLAGS, had my friends been more involved, and giving me direct feedback then. But, I had given him the beautiful honor of my Trust, and I put down my own intuitions because I didn't know how to 'interpret' what I was feeling. I had no context for it. ..... {He was an abuser. We'd known each other for ~5 years, and I never really 'knew' him. You say "I do," then afterwards, you find out what you DID! oh nooo. LOL} That marriage turned into the bubble-atmosphere Pressure Cooker from Hell. I lived in fear... It evoked all the trauma I had been through as a child, and brought it to the surface to deal with it (which is a gift) --- I had no clue what engulfed me, what was happening to me. I ran away from him physically, but the damage to my emotions were catastrophic.. PLEASE DON'T QUOTE the part about my marriages right now. going on...... Let me ADD to the Taurus placements I had in next degree from Cerberus, Hel, and Esther.... House 5, under Parthenope and then Schadow, I have 4390 Madreteresa Taurus 3.33'33" ... TRINE Virgo asteroids 13227 Poor, 10128 Bro, 10343 CHURCH Virgo 3.33'31" and 679 Pax {peace}. House 11, I have Juno-rx Scorpio (Voice for the powerless, women, etc) at 4.49. My House 1, has Pallas Sagittarius 21.50... conjunct a mass of social work type asteroids, and others I won't mention that give light to another piece of the story.... (I have a huge trauma associated, involving a female who took sexual advantages. Was in mid-teens, trying to leave home. Fire to frying-pan. Amazing how the asteroids spill it. ... And, I have NO aversions to gay ladies at all. I'll nurture you with a hug, long and anytime!! It was HER, not the group.) All 3 degrees Virgo, in my 9th house. (virgo intercept) I love gay people.... I've worked with gays... soooo easily. Especially gay guys... They party!, and I've been voted into their groups as favorite partying straight-person. Loved it!!! Of course? I look at them, and wish they weren't!!! SOOOO Good Looking!!! and Fun and Flamboyant...  So, answer to that is yes... it IS a tragedy! *sad* Thanks for including that vid, Ceri.
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Elysia Knowflake Posts: 2377 From: Gotham Registered: Aug 2015
posted January 05, 2017 04:47 PM
I'm so sorry you had to go through that, mirage. much do we *really* know the people we think we know? It takes a strong person to survive all that, which you ARE. It's amazing that you manage to not let it embitter you, and try to seek positivity in everything you come across. Also, try to spread the positive *vibe*. You're a very loving person, and you deserve big love from life too. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 6852 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 05, 2017 05:39 PM
Thanks Elysia... IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30741 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 06, 2017 05:45 AM
Mirage,  IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 6852 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 06, 2017 05:22 PM
(Thankyou)IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 30741 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 07, 2017 05:16 AM
Curiously enough, into my waking up phase this morning, the radio station played "Take me to church". well followed directly by a German song with the title: "Voice" Well I tend to play a bit of attention to songs that come into my semi-consciousness. lol
So sharing the lyrics of the German song
"Listen to the voice on your path through life there will be crossroads, again and again and you must weigh and ponder what to choose, where to go
the nasty spirits and the tormentors again and again they are coming back it`s not going to get easier, no, its going to get harder You have to take it, the next step even though there`sno good advice, and you feel lost and burnt out But just then wasn`t there always that voice helping you, and always? Listen to the voice, listen what it sais, it`s always been there, listen to her advice Listen to the voice, it is making you strong, it wants you to make it Listen to the voice Listen to the voice tell me will you talk or fall silent? what`s going to happen? What will be after? Do you want to run away or stay? you`ve got to choose, noone else can do it for you it`s a journey, without satnav everything`s open and new all over again all those tests, I believe you can succeed if you will stay true to yourself as much as can be chorus
Just listen to your instincts, they guide your way believe me you choose the way it does not matter where you go cause this voice inside you is with you all along
Listen to the voice etc...." Curiously enough this was the last song the radio was playing before I arrived to the workshop 3 weeks ago. And well it was kinda fitting I think. lol IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 20983 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 07, 2017 10:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: My Aqua Moon is absolutely open to that. :Tributes are very welcome (my SR Moon is in Leo after all. lol) And love you, too, you know that.
 Ok...tribute to my Nemesis  I'm actually trying to think of every person I know whose sun has been conjunct my Nemesis, and write a group-tribute. Well it's Sag and you (plural) know how to stay above your problems and see the miraculous in day to day life. You celebrate and light up over small things even when there is a dim landscape in the background, it's like your attention and focus is reserved for the good..."there's treasure in this cave somewhere, I know it." You go into the cave but with an inner torch of understanding, so to speak. Maybe that's what all of your learning and teaching is about, to keep the torch of understanding bright. How could this ever become an enemy situation? I don't want to sound arrogant, pride goes before a fall, but it's hard to see. Especially with you, we've talked much more than I have with the other Nemesis people in my life. quote: Nemesis is the goddess of retribution, she gives us what is our "due". Unfortunately that means often enough punishment and being "cut to size". I can understand how people can experience that as the enemy, though I haven`t made the same experiences. The guy comes to mind whose Nemesis was conjunct my Sun while my Nemesis opposed his Moon. It was not his fault, but he was the catalyst for painful experiences for me
I hope I'm not the same kind of catalyst!  And I have no experience that I know of, with someone's Nemesis conjunct my sun. So I'm not too fixed on any ideas about this yet; still just wondering, really. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 20983 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 07, 2017 11:25 AM
Discovery chartPossibly breaks some kind of rule because I included asteroids that may not have been discovered and named yet. ^^ I think it's funny, the sun is on the south node opposing Nemesis. That is such south node behavior.  The draconic version of this chart: - Sun @ 0° Libra, conjunct tropical Mars - Uranus @ 2.19° Gemini, on the NN - BML @ 8.17° Gemini, conjunct Nemesis. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 20983 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 07, 2017 11:26 AM
My ex's Nemesis conjunct my Valentine-Lust. Makes me feel like Peppermint Patty trying to capture the heart of Charlie Brown.My husband's Nemesis conjunct our NNs, right on my Cupido-Pandora. Interesting, since the discovery chart of Nemesis has it widely conjunct the NN as well. Maybe Nemesis has tendencies towards the nodes, or a nodal quality in itself? (Wild speculation) IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 20983 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 07, 2017 12:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: Maybe Nemesis has tendencies towards the nodes, or a nodal quality in itself? (Wild speculation)
Funny, my father and I have our composite sun @ 5 Sag conjunct Nemesis' sun, square our composite NN 5 Virgo (square Nemesis' nodes.) Our composite Nemesis 5 Libra, trine Nemesis' NN. My Psyche is conjunct Nemesis' Nemesis, so if I'm onto something here, maybe it's because of that. IP: Logged | |