Topic: Fixed star addition?
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 3633 From: Oceanic Sands Registered: Nov 2016
posted March 22, 2020 11:37 PM
Mirage previously wrote: quote: Originally posted by mirage29:
It's a really cool poster, crammed with info. Eclipses too, from [2012] 2013 through 2023 [2024]. Something to stare at for hours!! *slurp* AccessKeyId=D40106E1331C24ABD7C3&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 experimenting with parts of the url.. 06E1331C24ABD7C3&disposition *~ playing with ideas Jesus was the child, that The Woman gave birth to. The Woman = Humanity? Jesus = Seed & Birth of A NEW kind of Humanity {based on Love} Red Dragon.. Red is lower chakras. raw selfishness Without Spiritual Knowledge. ..
(Second recent response from Mirage) *Hugs!!* Thanks! Name of a book. - 100046 Worms 1785 Wurm 10464 Jessie 3241 Yeshuhua 321485 Cross 100046, 1785, 10464, 3241, 321485, ADD 60186 Las Cruces {cross}
Thank you so much Mirage, just clicked it. It works for me now. Later I'll try to get notes from it. After a quick read, it's unsettling to think 2025 is a ways off and our days feel like years lately. Feels likeI aged 20yrs since this year began. So tired I'm probably going to edit this because I need to add a reply to your other response. Adding .. **Mirage** warm hugs. I'm so interested in that book! Thank you for sharing it. You are such a huge assortment of varied wisdom, love it! Once I get a chance, after a huge amount of much needed sleep, I'll check out these asteroids. Take care Mirage, stay safe+well. I'll bb as soon as I can .. much to you! IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 3633 From: Oceanic Sands Registered: Nov 2016
posted March 24, 2020 06:11 PM
Found Adhil means the tail, or judgment When I entered this world it was almost exact (in seconds) 1488 Aura. H5 In heliocentric it cnj 1° with Saturn (Kronos). IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 14122 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 25, 2020 12:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by MoonMystic: Mirage previously wrote: Thank you so much Mirage, just clicked it. It works for me now. Later I'll try to get notes from it. After a quick read, it's unsettling to think 2025 is a ways off and our days feel like years lately. Feels likeI aged 20yrs since this year began. So tired I'm probably going to edit this because I need to add a reply to your other response. Adding .. **Mirage** warm hugs. I'm so interested in that book! Thank you for sharing it. You are such a huge assortment of varied wisdom, love it! Once I get a chance, after a huge amount of much needed sleep, I'll check out these asteroids. Take care Mirage, stay safe+well. I'll bb as soon as I can .. much to you!
No number for that 'tail' asteroid?
________ fixed star! Thanks! IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 3633 From: Oceanic Sands Registered: Nov 2016
posted March 26, 2020 03:25 PM
Mirage, I'm sorry, it's a fixed star in the fixed star category. IP: Logged |
Chanterelle Knowflake Posts: 305 From: USA Registered: Sep 2020
posted October 16, 2020 07:07 AM
I was super-curious about this one when I saw it listed, because Red Galactic Dragon came up as the central day-keeper in a composite when I was fiddling around with Mayan astrology a while back. The positive aspect of Red Dragon is ‘primal trust in the root source of Life — Cosmic energy grid — complete cycle of egoless giving and receiving.’ Its shadow side is ‘lack of trust/feelings of unworthiness— work on self-acceptance, realizing intrinsic value, true desires and dreams.’ That’s what I’ve got in my notes, at any rate: there’s far more detail on the site. Food for thought: red vs. infrared— not the same at all. Infrared wavelengths are the ones most beneficial to plant growth, and are visible to many insects such as butterflies— bees, on the other hand, can see red less well than we can, and higher into the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 136102 From: Your Friendly Neighborhood Juris Doctorate. Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 25, 2020 03:54 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73766 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 25, 2020 05:09 PM
Fixed stars are super important and tell us a lot about a person when they are touching important personal parts of the chart such as the Sun, moon and ASC.------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 3633 From: Oceanic Sands Registered: Nov 2016
posted October 26, 2020 12:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Chanterelle: I was super-curious about this one when I saw it listed, because Red Galactic Dragon came up as the central day-keeper in a composite when I was fiddling around with Mayan astrology a while back. The positive aspect of Red Dragon is ‘primal trust in the root source of Life — Cosmic energy grid — complete cycle of egoless giving and receiving.’ Its shadow side is ‘lack of trust/feelings of unworthiness— work on self-acceptance, realizing intrinsic value, true desires and dreams.’ That’s what I’ve got in my notes, at any rate: there’s far more detail on the site. Food for thought: red vs. infrared— not the same at all. Infrared wavelengths are the ones most beneficial to plant growth, and are visible to many insects such as butterflies— bees, on the other hand, can see red less well than we can, and higher into the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum.
wow. Thank you Chanterelle. I need to study these links. Beautiful additions to this forgotten thread. ♡
Oddly how your username has similarity with my asteroid that , I feel it means anyhow, which is (0) cnj Infrared Dragon. (chanal 5671) .. I see it as channel, channal or like a stream. Which carries .. in flow. Communication, waters. the Infrared Dragon is (0) sextile with Abnoba 456 Celtic Springs goddess. (I have celtic roots). IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 3633 From: Oceanic Sands Registered: Nov 2016
posted October 26, 2020 12:23 AM
Mirage, this link you shared was indeed what I first thought but in '18 I took a lot as hyperbole from yt people and some bloggers. Since late '19 .. my views changed immensely. This is not a theological forum so I'll leave it there. Thank you for the reasearch you put into this topic. ❤🌸❤IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 14122 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted October 26, 2020 05:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Fixed stars are super important and tell us a lot about a person when they are touching important personal parts of the chart such as the Sun, moon and ASC.
Agree We share planet connections to the same Fixed Stars. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 14122 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted October 26, 2020 05:54 PM
quote: my original quotesName of a book. - 100046 Worms 1785 Wurm 10464 Jessie 3241 Yeshuhua 321485 Cross 100046, 1785, 10464, 3241, 321485, ADD 60186 Las Cruces {cross} *~ playing with ideas Jesus was the child, that The Woman gave birth to. The Woman = Humanity? Jesus = Seed & Birth of A NEW kind of Humanity {based on Love} Red Dragon.. Red is lower chakras. raw selfishness Without Spiritual Knowledge. [/*quote* *QUOTE] Originally posted by implosions: This resonates hard! Also I input the asteroids into my own chart to see, since it was really ringing, and dang! Worms conjunct Neptune Wurm conjunct South Node Jessie conjunct Mars rx Cross opposite Moon Yeshua conjunct DC/trine Uranus All within 1 degree! (Except Yeshua/DC, that's 4 Degrees, but 0* to Uranus)
Aha! .. Glad you saw a Connection. Thanks for your response. Uranus is a planet associated with a transition into Higher Conscious.
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Chanterelle Knowflake Posts: 305 From: USA Registered: Sep 2020
posted October 28, 2020 06:37 AM
MoonMystic! Thank you! Whaa...?!? Infrared Dragon is exactly conjunct my sun; along with 3315 Chant and 1707 Chantal, which don’t seem to be as significantly placed, there’s 5671 Chanal. I have that one and 456 Abnoba about 4 degrees apart, in trine with my true node and part of fortune. Even without all that, it’s a very interesting and appropriate connection you made, since chanterelles are mushrooms that mostly grow along the banks of little mountain streams— I absolutely consider myself a protector of such places. Anything you can share about the Celtic angle would be much appreciated— I recently acquired a deck of cards with Ogham runes, I’ve barely used them and know nothing about that tradition, but I think this is a topic I need to explore. IP: Logged |