Topic: Aesculapia: resurrection, revival, miraculous comeback! 1027
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 12721 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted January 25, 2020 11:50 PM
Aesculapia is a symbol of resurrection, revival and a miraculous comeback in your horoscope. By sign and house, the position of this asteroid shows you where you can be like the Phantom – The Ghost Who Walks. Just when you think someone/something is over, it comes back from the brink.What is it doing in your chart? how have you experienced it via transit? IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 122770 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 26, 2020 04:20 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 13539 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 26, 2020 04:37 PM
The Taurus has this within a few degrees of his Sun/Moon. He survived a bad accident, a few years ago, and said it was a miracle. (That he lived, and then his recovery.) Conjunct my descendant, too.I have it in the 8th house, sextile my Mercury/Ceres/Chiron/Sun, and conjunct his SN. I haven't checked transits yet.
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Nadja Knowflake Posts: 426 From: Finland Registered: Nov 2018
posted January 26, 2020 06:19 PM
I have Asclepius (4581) prominently placed, but Aesculapia doesn't do much.Aesculapia 2°22' Virgo 11th. It's close to a rather interesting cluster of asteroids, the first couple of degrees of Virgo are kind of crazy. Goes something like this: Dionysus 0°01' Haltia 0°17' (Nature spirits from Finnish folklore) Makemake 0°39' (Rapa Nui creator god) Nessus 1°02' Amun 1°19' (Egyptian creator god) Iduna 1°26' (Norse goddess of youth) Reiki 1°27' Väinö 1°35' (Väinämöinen, demigod of Finnish folklore, connected with song, poetry and magic) ...and then a bit of a gap to Aesculapia. So, lots of creative, protective, healing energy surrounding and touching my Nessus. (And Dionysos, but then I've always been self-indulgent, in a mostly good way. ) I've never faced serious abuse but I was bullied all through my childhood, and I'd like to think I rose from that more confident and with more compassion than I would otherwise have developed. By trine Aesculapia connects to the following: Mjolnir 1°44' Taurus 7th (Thor's hammer) Osiris 2°07' Taurus 7th (A little more resurrection!) Valentine 2°21' Taurus 7th Ceres 2°00' Capricorn 3rd Nurturing, protective... and some more resurrection! As for 4581 Asclepius... it makes so many close connections in my chart!
Asclepius 22°16' Scorpio 2nd house, 2°38'S - parallel Ascendant at 2°41'S - opposite Venus at 21°52' Taurus - inconjunct Jupiter at 21°29' Aries & Chiron at 21°22' Cancer (thus at apex of yod) - trine BML at 21°37' Cancer - semisquare Ascendant at 6°46' Libra and Neptune at 7°11' Capricorn - sesquiquadrate Mercury at 6°52' Cancer - quintile Moon at 10°23' Virgo It just connects to the bigger geometric picture of my chart in a very notable way! Also conjunct: Gunvor 21°30' (my grandmother's name) Kallisto 22°05' Leviathan 22°27' Also trine: Metis 21°58' Cancer (mother of Pallas Athena) Seth 21°24' Pisces Nut 21°37' Pisces Akashi 21°38' Pisces Karnik 22°22' Pisces (Karnak?) IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 12721 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted January 26, 2020 06:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: The Taurus has this within a few degrees of his Sun/Moon. He survived a bad accident, a few years ago, and said it was a miracle. (That he lived, and then his recovery.) Conjunct my descendant, too.I have it in the 8th house, sextile my Mercury/Ceres/Chiron/Sun, and conjunct his SN. I haven't checked transits yet.
This is really good info to share! Thank you. I will share my experience too with transit Pluto hitting it back in 2016 later. I find it super interesting that his Aesculapia conjuncts your DC since you guys were talking and dating many years ago and then he resurrected in your life in 2019 trying again to have a relationship with you, very interesting . IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 12721 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted January 26, 2020 10:54 PM
I have Aesculapia (resurrection, revival, miraculous come back) square my exes Venus forming a tsquare with my Pholus/Bless/Serendip stellium and he was someone that I never truly got over all the way, like I could not think of him in a long time and somehow my feelings for him would always resurrect out of nowhere to some extent in spite of not seeing him and been far away and this was the case for over a decade, sometimes this revival would happen in the dream world through astral travel experiences with him. We had a very powerful pluto stellium in the 12H coincidentally in our composite that included Aesculapia that falls on his natal Venus which I feel helps explain how hard it was for both of us to let go fully of each other with this revival/resurrection theme happening in a very 12H way (psychic connection, astral experiences):Composite Aesculapia in Libra at 21d28 Valentine in Libra at 23d16 Pluto in Libra at 25d36 Mars in Libra at 25d36 Sun in Libra at 26d37 All this Trine: Composite Athanasia in Aquarius at 22d44 (Tr Uranus hit this exact day we met). Athanasia is the Greek word for "immortality". According to the website , the astrological significance of Athanasia seems to mean "that which lasts forever or which nobody can take away from you". His Venus in Libra at 21d41 I always felt that I was his and he was mine and on a soul level we would always be connected and belong to one another and that nobody can change that or truly take him from me or him from me. That was something that I always felt at a gut level, that our bond was truly unbreakable and something that would live on forever across time and space. His Moon in pisces conjuncts Athanasia and conjuncts my Moon in Pisces too. However, I NO longer have feelings for him, something has shifted permanently I feel this past year and I wonder if is because TR PLUTO is squaring our Composite Libra Stellium while it semisextiles Athanasia, my feelings for him are dead, its like that square from Pluto to the 12H stellium woke me up from this spell or slumber lol and now I am 100% sober, no longer trapped in this 12H of ours with him, free from it. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 12721 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted January 30, 2020 12:35 PM
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 12721 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted January 30, 2020 12:36 PM
Aesculapia is in my 1H and tr Pluto conjuncted it back in 2016...In late 2013 I lost everything, this was right after my Saturn return and Saturn rules my 2H and conjuncts Pluto so it coincided with a time of great crisis and loss for me but it forced me to get back on track with my true calling. Since we lost it all, my husband and I had to move back to Miami and leave Colorado so we can save money by living with my parents. I finished my master's degree and started working as a mental health counselor, my long life dream since I was a teen. I saved up enough money and then my husband and I decided to move back to Colorado in 2016 and start over and rebuild our life there but this time we rebuild our life here in solid foundations and did things right. When we moved back to Colorado to get a second chance at life here and do a re-do Tr Pluto was conjuncting my Aesculapia! Not a coincidence, it was like coming back from the dead, nobody would think we would return to Colorado, it was definitely a theme of resurrection and miraculous come back to return to Colorado. That same year I bought my first home in Colorado in the mountains. IP: Logged |
Hikaru29 Knowflake Posts: 2409 From: Asia Registered: Nov 2018
posted February 03, 2020 12:38 AM
My guy's Aesculapia is conjunct my Moon and my Aesculapia is square his Sun. Does this mean our feelings for each other tend to always resurrect? Because this seems to be the case with us so far, haha.Also our Aesculapia are opposite, both in our 1H. Hypatia, I remember telling you we've lotsa asteroids in opposition which is weird. This as well, lol. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 12721 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted February 03, 2020 01:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by Hikaru29: My guy's Aesculapia is conjunct my Moon and my Aesculapia is square his Sun. Does this mean our feelings for each other tend to always resurrect? Because this seems to be the case with us so far, haha.Also our Aesculapia are opposite, both in our 1H. Hypatia, I remember telling you we've lotsa asteroids in opposition which is weird. This as well, lol.
That is fascinating how you keep having asteroids opposite each other...that is pretty cool that yin yan double whammy, his Aesculapia on your moon and yours square his sun!... IP: Logged |
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 1719 From: Λ Ἄρης Λ Registered: Jan 2013
posted February 04, 2020 06:39 PM
Natal Aesculapia in Leo 11th house. My NDE was a sudden overstimulation of the nervous system(all of it) and heart done by a stupid doctor with his stupid drugs, it wasn't as scary as road accidents for example but it was the scariest in all my life and i felt my soul was rising from my body. That happened in late 2010 when Aesculapia transit in Sagittarius in 3rd house (Gemini associated with the nervous system I guess).Current Aesculapia is in Gemini 9th house where I'm almost reversed and healed all the damage done from NDE. IP: Logged |
Lerena Knowflake Posts: 1368 From: Registered: May 2015
posted February 05, 2020 03:01 PM
Aesculapia isn't doing much in my chart.I have Aesculapia in Cancer in 8th house. Its only aspect is a sesquiquadrate to my Scorpio Ascendant. ---- By transit, I'm currently looking at a few time frames when resurrection of some sort occurred. August 2016. At the end of August in 2016, I came dangerously close to my breaking point. As in, permanent loss of hope. I felt myself truly reaching the point of giving up entirely on both my career as a writer and on ever being happy, but the morning afterward, my new medication kicked in at the last second. It was like I was reborn and resurrected. Aesculapia was in Sagittarius transiting my 1st house. September 20th, 2017. This was a day of mental breakthroughs and a miraculous comeback. Aesculapia was in Aquarius transiting my 3rd house. I took back my power and stopped projecting myself onto other people and my self-esteem and self-worth improved tremendously. I reversed my anhedonia and the cause of it entirely. June 19th, 2018. Aesculapia in Aries was transiting my 5th house and was also conjunct my Juno in Aries on this day. This was the first day I physically felt Kundalini activity from within my body. As I build up to my official Kundalini awakening, I keep feeling myself getting closer and closer to my twin flame. Today, Aesculapia is conjunct my Moon in Gemini by transit. I'm sure it will kick in again at some point. Even though it only makes a minor aspect to my Scorpio Ascendant, it seems to be a theme in my life that I keep "dying" and then experiencing "resurrection." Every time I resurrect, I always seem to hit a significant point of development when I become better than my old self from before that moment. It reminds me of the phoenix. ---- I also checked out the Aesculapia activity in the synastry between my boyfriend and I and our composite chart. The amount of times I've felt like breaking up with him is a ridiculous number and I've only followed through once with actually dumping him, which ended with me taking him back. In our synastry chart, my boyfriend's Aesculapia makes a trine to my Moon in Gemini. My Aesculapia makes a square to his Mars in Libra and a sextile to his Juno in Virgo, but that's really it for major aspects within orb. In our composite chart, Aesculapia is in Virgo and only makes a trine to our composite Mars and a sesquiquadrate to Neptune. Composite Aesculapia is conjunct my natal Midheaven in Virgo and conjunct his natal Sun in Virgo and natal Mercury in Virgo. It also makes a trine to my natal Venus in Taurus. IP: Logged |
Eclipse Knowflake Posts: 82 From: Registered: Aug 2018
posted February 08, 2020 03:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: Aesculapia is a symbol of resurrection, revival and a miraculous comeback in your horoscope. By sign and house, the position of this asteroid shows you where you can be like the Phantom – The Ghost Who Walks. Just when you think someone/something is over, it comes back from the brink.What is it doing in your chart? how have you experienced it via transit?
On my natal chart Aesculapia does not make many significant aspects, except the square of 1.27 with Chiron. Maybe it means "whenever you think the pain is over, there will be others even more painful ones" After all Chiron is the wounded healer, isn't he? And Aesculapia apparently means resurrection, so it even makes sense ... Resurrection of wounds, wounds that never end and always return. On April 20, 2019, I attempted suicide by taking more than 130 pills and had to stay in a hospital for a few days ... That day I had Mercury in transit in exact conjunction with natal Aesculapia and Chiron in transit in exact conjunction with Natal Aesculapia I have a very troubled mind, with depressive thoughts and other problems ... maybe the conjunction of Mercury in transit with natal Aesculapia could mean that, the return of obsessive thoughts, the return of depression ... But I'm not sure. Another aspect that I found interesting was the exact conjunction of the Natal Rip with Karma in transit. If I died that day maybe I would be doing karma? I didn't understand it very well, but I found it interesting, because I almost died, I stayed in the red room and I had other problems during the period I was in the hospital. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 12721 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted February 14, 2020 02:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by Eclipse: On my natal chart Aesculapia does not make many significant aspects, except the square of 1.27 with Chiron. Maybe it means "whenever you think the pain is over, there will be others even more painful ones" After all Chiron is the wounded healer, isn't he? And Aesculapia apparently means resurrection, so it even makes sense ... Resurrection of wounds, wounds that never end and always return. On April 20, 2019, I attempted suicide by taking more than 130 pills and had to stay in a hospital for a few days ... That day I had Mercury in transit in exact conjunction with natal Aesculapia and Chiron in transit in exact conjunction with Natal Aesculapia I have a very troubled mind, with depressive thoughts and other problems ... maybe the conjunction of Mercury in transit with natal Aesculapia could mean that, the return of obsessive thoughts, the return of depression ... But I'm not sure. Another aspect that I found interesting was the exact conjunction of the Natal Rip with Karma in transit. If I died that day maybe I would be doing karma? I didn't understand it very well, but I found it interesting, because I almost died, I stayed in the red room and I had other problems during the period I was in the hospital.
Thank you for sharing, it takes a lot of courage to talk about this things. You have Aesculapia square Chiron by 1 degree and Tr Chiron on that day activated your natal Aesculapia square chiron, then you add tr Aesculapia on your mercury, so yes with those two transits happening simultaneously I would say your wounds were resurrected and with mercury activating Aesculapia this led to obsessive thoughts related to the wounds that were resurrected, depending on the nature of the trauma that this brought back to the surface I could see how this could be extremely difficult and you felt not in control of your thoughts and wanted it to just stop. However, I suppose that bc the theme of resurrection was so strong around that time that this saved you and your suicide attempt was not successful. Having Tr RIP conjunct your natal Karma on that day is quite intriguing yes. I suppose if you were successful in your attempt you would have created karma for yourself for ending your life prematurely maybe. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 12721 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted February 14, 2020 03:36 PM
Thank you for bringing up the RIP conjunct Karma.My friend died at age 28 back in June 23 2019. I suspect it could have been suicide... He has: Hatal RIP in Libra at 26d49 Transit Karma in Pisces at 26d56 So tr Karma inconjunted exact this natal RIP but it gets a lot more mind blowing... He had two natal YODS involving his MARS and transit Karma activated a third YOD involving his Mars with his natal RIP so when he died there were three YODS in his chart and YODS are very karmic and all three YODS involved his MARS on his DC angle. Holy shi*, Tr Karma activated a Celestial Pentagram on his chart if you include his natal asteroid RIP in there! CELESTIAL PENTAGRAM / THREE FINGERS OF FATE "A highly charged alignment in the skies pushes all of us – faster than we may like – to karmic forks in the road. It is easiest to refer to this as a Pentagram (5 pointed star surrounded by straight lines or a circle). It is formed by the intersection of three Yods / Fingers of Fate ** Yod energy is not stable, but quick to move and in search of newer levels of evolution and awareness. The apex of the yod (tip of the finger) represents an area of your life in which you are called to make a key decision in your life of some kind. This decision will help you navigate the deeper karmic lesson of the yod. Less aware decision-making can make you feel as though you´re a pinball being propelled on the same track over and over and over again till you choose to make a different decision. Conscious decisions will help you better transcend, accept, embrace or dissolve (as they case may be) karmic patterns. This helps you transform your relationship with the Yod and to learn to flow with the karmic currents it brings to your life." three-fingers-of-fate-june-21-july-2-2017/ IP: Logged | |