posted June 18, 2020 06:40 PM
Viviette. Thanks for validating info on Neptune H6.
I notice that your Boyf has the same.I was wowed looking at the configurations in his chart. He's special.
Juno {+Hera} country song,
"Stand by your Man"
You demonstrate that with great devotion, loyalty,
and!!!, WITH "practicality" {virgo}. :D
My own Juno in Scorpio conjuncts Devota in H11, trines Mars Cancer in 7th/gem.
Vesta, and Uranus-Jupiter in Cancer 8th. One of my prenatal Eclipse points is ON Vesta.
My own Virgo Moon conjunct your Juno.
My Juno story.
I have "lived" that Juno-Devota energy.
Fell in love, and married in late 20s, {after leaving life in a monastery after a brief period}. With full devotion, I married with intention of 'till death do you part.
I was about meeting his needs. Asked him what he 'dreamed' of for his future, and within 18 months, I had accomplished and laid groundwork of manifesting the top 3 dreams of his life. I was able to take his 'talents' and increase income -- make quadruple the amount.
.. One day, about 4 years into the marriage, he said that I and his children {a baby and a toddler} were a "drain" on his finances. And, what were 'we' doing to 'pay' for our own selves?? :eek: ..
{We had a six-figure income, during a time when the stock-market had dipped to ~800?.. We lived frugally, on the level of poor college students, because I didn't mind saving our monies, to get ahead so we could live the level of prosperity we wanted for our future. Figured that WHILE the children were still small, this was a good chance for building up funds, expanding our business, saving for another house {than the fixer-upper my dad and I worked on}.
I didn't mind deferring finances of 'now', to have higher quality of life, later.
Was a very team-oriented person.
He left us;
found out he'd been secretly working to dissipate our marital assets for a year before he sprang the surprise.
> I'll spare you chunks of that story--
except to say that a friend had approached to say that MY story was worse than someone who was currently being interviewed on the Oprah Show at that time.
> The elderly judge who settled our case,
at one point took off his glasses.
Looking up from financial papers he had been reviewing, he said to me--
"Ma'am, I'm a judge, but I'm also a private citizen.. and, I think that this is, EGREGIOUS!!!
I had married a latent '~criminal'? :laughing:
A handful of litigation-years later, he had been being watched by the FEDS. They arrested him, convicted of financial crimes {that were separate from what he did to his family}. "Big money".
… The dude got too "greedy" once the bigger money starting pouring into our finances.
Wanted the monies from "his" talents to ALL come to "him" only.
He had used his talents for the opportunity to do wrong, instead working for 'our' Good.
I remember my father shaking his head, and saying what a shame it was, that he chose that.
That with MY (natural) talents combined with his, we could have been living quite Large in life, having everything we wanted!
{My dad had complimented me with that statement. He was not a validator, otherwise.}
Anyway. Now that I scared you--- haha,
Back to YOU :heart:
What I want to say to you is more on the line of practical things I've seen, from some life experience.
I would 'never' question you and the strength of your passion {and talent!!}, to help this man see his potentials. You are an incredible partner, and he is lucky to have attracted you into his life. You're like a second-chance for him to realize/manifest things in his life that expands his abilities to grow, even financially.
Thing is?
He's lived 'this long' the way 'he has'.
Working hard every day takes up a LOT of energies. Same thing same thing same thing. He has children to support, in a certain lifestyle.
Some people would freak out at a 'change' in steady income, especially if things are tight as they are?
He is also a man that has MINOR children to help raise. You're the one who knows how much SAY the mother gets (over the dad) in the disciplining of the children. If they spend the majority of their time with 'her', that ?might? lessen his ability to train the kids.
Even though he divorced that wife, they are "still" a couple, a pair-together, raising minor children.
Maybe that grandmother still has a strong desire for that couple to be together.
{It might NOT be as much 'about you' directly, as you might think?}
Until the children are grown and on their own, the 'other-woman-factor' will still be present, whether it's you or another person. You're in a triangle relationship.
ooooooo yeah.
That unruly child? .. ~oh my .. I can IMAGINE.
That's truly harsh, and actually not in your control, as a non-genetic parent.
And if you think about, that 'unruly' child has suffered trauma over his(her) parents getting divorced. {That's something always running in the background of their psychology.}
Child has to process that emotionally,
PLUS, deal with the "job" of growing up.
This behavior is part of their struggle--- including the search for identity, security, independence, learning to self-sooth, and to learn self-control.
I don't know how old this child is, but a pattern I had noticed with kids is that sometimes 'behaviors' regress for some months, before a jump up in new level of maturity. .. When my kids were really little, I saw that clearly. Just before a 'breakthrough', they could appear more irritable, etc.
Maybe 'underneath it' even though their dad has divorced their mom, you are in object, 'an outsider' to that original family.
(You probably realize all this... already.)
Perhaps you could be unconsciously viewed as the reason their dna mom and dad aren't "traditionally" living under the same roof. (I'm just toying with ideas there..)
{{It's subliminal, logical.}}
Dealing with the child, AND grandmother---
Ultimately, it's the responsibility of 'that man' to deal with his own mother-dynamic. Be careful of stepping too hard on that one. they have "history!" LOL. Be careful how much you stress and press. Be supportive from the background. Maybe he has to break a habit of thinking and relating, break unspoken expectations.
.. When a person does that, it's a vulnerable feeling and state.
Hold-space, and strength.
HE has to make that struggle and decision from INSIDE himself.
You seem WONDERFUL for 'his' self-esteem.
Hold space with that. ---- Yes, 'stand by your man'.. but know that those kinds of decisions {based on your suggestions} are his.
You can't change, what you can't see.
'He-Himself' needs to be able to have seen the same things you do about his abilities, and to have ownership and belief in the vision you have, in the potentials you see, , or in a version of it.
Your insecurities --
If you are feeling insecure about the relation lasting, then you really do need to look at that, in a real way.
And know that the possibility of future breakup could ONLY be something in your own mind. That your anxiety and worry could belong to you, and not him?
Just to PROCESS---
"Were" the relationship not to last--
then what was your "take away"
from having interacted with this person?
* What would you say you have learned 'about your self?'
* In what ways have you grown?
* Do you possess some new knowledge, have a different feeling, inside you NOW-- uncovering something you hadn't realized before?
Those are questions for YOU privately,
you don't need to answer them here.
If part of your finances depend on your being in this relationship, then--
if you broke up, are your parents still financially solid-able to help cover you a while till you make up for the loss.
I'm saying all this NOT because I 'see' anything in the chart... but out of care and caution that you'd be physically prepared for anything that could happen.
As long as you are with someone who has responsibility for MINORS, they mother/grandmothers may still be part of your experience. Develop a perspective of impersonal observation, and take a step-back.
These will always be a 'unit together'.. with them accepting you or not.
Be cautious .. of going in TOO heavy-handed with the child's behavior. That's actually up to the parents. Do your best to be 'present', and available.
And... "This Too Shall Pass" .. *Heart*
To sum up here-----
When you spoke of your Vision for him,
.. hey ..
You got even ME excited and inspired about HIS future!!! :laughing:
Lets Hope that in these coming months of really VERY strong Changes, that ALL in your life, will find Place. And I hope you continue to SEE Visions (even for YOUR life)-- to have Dreams, and an ability to 'do' to, to bring them into form and reality.
Be Productive. Be Happy.
As far as your comment about my age? hahah. Thanks for 'Spark' comment. LOVE it!!!
I definitely don't feel my age.
Yes, I have the 'spark' of a 25 year old! LOL
This body gives outside impression of someone around 50yrs, {according to feedback}.
I've always looked much-younger than my actual age in years. That's the Gemini ingenue-look, along with body characteristics from my Cancer water planets.
There are certain things that begin to slow down a bit, as you get older. Have to be more mindful of broad limits. .. Can't jump over fences like I used to. haha
I hope this post isn't 'too heavy' for you?
I like to use information to uplift!
To see hope and possibility.
LOVE your Boyf's chart.
Would have loved to have had a sense of his energies in person. I would guess that there's a kind of charisma about him.
October will bring nodal transits that involve a chance to integrate some things in his life H1 and H7, then the nodes shift to H12 and H6.
You experienced that shift of nodes into your H12 and H6 before and at the start of January 2018.
Around Christmas this year, Jupiter with Saturn will made a conjunction at the e.o. your 7th House.
Just 'interesting info' here...
I knew someone who had t Saturn in the 7th. Was around 2/3rd through that house. He had lost a LONG time relationship during the year before. With Saturn still there, he went to a conference and met his "soulmate". He proposed and they married soon after, just as t Saturn would say goodbye to his H7, and enter H8. He and she were in their mid50s. The marriage is working well.
I'd heard a couple other similar stories about Saturn at end of 7th associated with something beneficial.
I am NOT predicting. :laughing:
But I'm a hopeless romantic!! LOL. Hallmark :D :heart:
But I hope for good things for you.
Know that when things don't work out,
it was just practice and training for the NEXT Best-Thing.
Stay Loved. Stay Cared for!!
VALUE your Self. You're a Treasure,
and a cool friend to have.
I like people with Vision.
Women are Awesome!!
I prefer not to have my longer posts automatically whole-quoted.
I like to adjust 'for clarity'.
Correct any obvious errors {proof}
IF there's ever a time I went too-far,
PLEASE let me know.
Willing to DELETE anything you want,
for privacy.
*No whole quote*