posted August 07, 2024 07:42 AM
I have siren conjunct Karma, opposite spirit and square my vesta. It is a point in my chart that has commanded much of my attention and I find myself constantly reflecting on. I suppose because it hits so many karmic and spiritual points I cannot ignore its importance in my journey.
Generally, I believe it has a huge impact on my spiritual lessons ,past and present. Karma and siren sits in my virgo 3rd house. My nn in Gemini 12th house. My siren/karma quindecile mercury and venus. I would say that perhaps it highlights my need to be very mindful of my words, thoughts and influence. How this can impact my spiritual evolution (opposition to pisces spirit in the 9th) and that the words and ideas that I project can create or dissolve past or future karma. My karma is retrograde so I suppose taking this seriously could serve as some atonement for part lives. Siren holding a somewhat hypnotizing spellbinding allure connected to 3rd house,virgo and mercury in general. It could possibly allude to being critical, judgmental or maybe even manipulative or strategic in its lower octave.
They sit a few degrees from my ic. I actually do not have much in virgo but it definitely points to my past life and I have my south node in Sagittarius in the 6th house.
For the longest time in my early astrology years, I found myself saddened by my lack planetary involvement in virgo..but related as it is the cusp of my 4th house (also past life). I relate to virgo energy in a very personal and intimate way…the way one cuddles up after a long cold day with a favorite book in front of the fire.To me it’s very fitting as my connection of virgo/ ic and saggi/sn/6th. Where siren doesn’t necessarily relate so personally but more within my interactions and relationships is where i see it most. I guess one would need an audience to see it in motion.
With my !2th house Gemini vesta squaring it…well It can go in so many directions. It is sometimes hard to differentiate as i have south node 6th(mercury) with north node in gamini(mercury) in my 12th (Neptune) My actual mercury in Pisces…so much mercury dancing with Neptune. Not to mention Neptune squaring mercury by 3 degrees. Then My vesta is so incredibly loaded. It parallels my Ascendant (cancer) it’s ruler my moon (leo 2nd house) and my Gemini 12th house north node. So it certainly points to my spiritual goals needing to align with my most inner and outer self.
While doing chart comparisons recently and analyzing my influence within my close relationships I can see how it can come into focus amongst all those other heavy hitters. But sometimes it’s only apparent in retrospect.
For instance, My sons venus and mars is conjunct my Karma/siren. I speak his praises and advocate for him constantly. I can see his beauty and power and I feel the direct impact i have on him through my words and facilitating of his daily life. He is neurodiverse and nonverbal. He is such a strong and beautiful person. He picks up on non verbal communication so viscerally. So I have to be very careful to be mindful of myself and the environment i surround him with. So often I find myself gushing over him and I would say we have collected a large and loyal community of people who we cherish and have followed us through thick and thin. But my influence and closeness has not always rubbed everyone in the right way. I believe that the admiration I “sirened” singing the praises of my son and my close advocation and involvement with his educators created a very thick connection outside of the norm of other parents. I believe this may have stepped on a few toes of certain people who came into the picture. So when it came time for him to transition into a new classroom , The apparent support system I had nurtured , was replaced with distain and passive aggressive abuse of authority. It wasn’t as obvious at first but both My son and I noticed it wasn’t as warm or inviting of an atmosphere from the get go. But when my son started acting out and was obviously in constant distress, There was no denying that something wasn’t right. Progressively The communication stopped . There was this air of “we don’t have to tell you anything” . They denied my rights. Broke laws. Downright tried to gaslight me. I kept pushing and I started using my connections and did a formal observation. He was in a classroom environment where they were not listening to him and they were villainizing him when he was trying to protect himself. Then they were talking about him in front of him and dehumanizing him. I could see the mars come out in him with true vengeance. He would not back down to their commands or comply with their requests. Of his minimal language he kept saying “sad..I ;m sad” And I listened. He did not relent until I told him I heard him and I am listening..he needed to show me what was wrong. When I observed, I could see exactly the issues going on. I took immediate action and not only got him out of there but I advocated the issues further. As a result it created a domino effect in our school and district. Many changes happened after i drew light to what I saw. As soon as I saw this, I came home sat with my son and had a long conversation about the situation. I told him I will always listen to him and to never let anyone take his voice away.That he was not being treated right and that I will not allow them to continue to treat him this way. Once I told him this, he completely disarmed and looked relieved. His ascendant is conjunct my sn and his desc my north node. It is very clear that i play an intricate roll in my son’s trials and tribulations in learning to understand and express himself and how that relates to his most personal relationships. It is very easy for people to overlook the complexities of others. Children that pick up on every detail but do not yet understand the intricacies of social and human relationships due to lack of life experience. How can someone bridge some concepts atypical or not, without understanding how such things relate. His asc conjunct my sn~ I see him and have compassion for his hardships with people not taking the time to get to know him before passing judgement. I have uranus and wisdom conjunct sn in sag. My nn conjunct his desc. In Gemini.It is my life's mission to make sure his voice and being is validated by surrounding him with a network of people who take the time to get to know him, hear him and build relationships with him.
I think siren may have played a part in my advocating and the deep impact it made on the environment. Of course I didn’t come at building communication and community for my son in a “siren way” I was validating his actions and the values of his personality . But because my siren/karma as well as vesta and sprit is connected to his venus/mars…what is seen as dedication by some is seen as threatening to the authority of others.
My sons previous teacher , who’s mercury is conjunct my karma/siren and my son’s venus/ mars. Who also witnessed this situation. His mars is conjunct my vesta. He took immediate action in giving me a heads up and backing us through the situation. He validated my suspicions and gave me ample perspective which was detrimental in navigating the situation. But it was also our great communication and his bond with my son (mercury conjunct venus/mars )that seemed to threaten those people to start with.
I also have had other friends who share close birthdays with this person and it has played out in very different and interesting ways.
Needless to say siren can play out in platonic and maternal ways as I have mentioned above.
I have also seen it play a roll of enchantress as well.
Mercury conjunct siren is not subtle. It takes a very strong hold especially with the siren being female and the mercury the male. I believe my personal chart has a lot to do with this as my sirene/karma is also quindecile my mercury and venus.
So all of this tends to fit very well into the archetype of siren very well. I can say that I learned to distinguish and kind of integrate how that asteroid can still hold a powerful influence amongst other strong inner planets and aspects.
At least within my own chart.
I believe sirene can touch down on the internal need to feel
Heard. To hold captive for ones most cherished need to feel valid.Ones praises can become intoxicating and they can enable. They can incite jealousy and insecurity to those who aren’t the focus. They focus too much on external validation when one must find that within themselves. It can easily vacillate the opposite of ones intent.
Discernment and constant self reflection are key but sometimes it is ever so important to realize we are too meant to learn from hardship but we have to first see the forest for the trees.
I suppose thats why sirens have a reputation of luring sailors to their demise.
That resonates with the mercury,Neptune Saturn theme I seem to see replicated as well.
Karma conjunct siren in virgo 3rd house 4 degrees from ic
Opposite spirit in Pisces 9th house
Square vesta
Vesta parallel moon,ascendant,nn
Vesta and nn in12th Gemini
Mercury conjunct ceres in Pisces 10th
Mercury square Neptune (Capricorn)
Venus in aquarius 9th
Karma/sirene quindecile mercury/ceres and venus
Cancer ascendant
Leo moon in 2nd
South node in Sagittarius 6th house
Sn conjunct wisdom and uranus
sapientia conjunct nn