posted February 10, 2024 11:58 PM
I thought it might enhance our understanding more clearly when looking in MPs. As this can magnify things otherwise maybe unseen. Please share your asteroid MPs in any type of charts. Tell us what charts (multi, 2 or just uno) you find them.
Please not quote of my own research beyond here.
I'm studying my almost husband &my actual husband's mid-points. These are both cancer sun men, 2 years apart in age.
I thought it is weird that they feel like two layers of the same man/soul/essence, idk. So here goes.
Them combined and later where they connect to me.
1st house - sagittarius karma 3811/juno cnj (0)
5th house -
Saturn (pisces)
9th house - NN cnj Atlantis 1198 in their "enlightened"
Near exact cnj
#111111 &venus
Note: they are void in Air, which my energy fulfilled this void but Akashi 5881 is their only notable Air.
- Their moon together (0) cnj my mercury in Capricorn h3
- Their Akashi 5881 is (0) cnj my asc ♐ in Gemini
- NN cnj my dna 55555 (they both bvery physically drawn to me)
- (1) cnj between their sn & my 292929 *heaviest karmic load.
- Their MP sun trine my karma (0)
- Their 131313 earth trine (2)my mercury and their own mp moon.
I'm looking @ me in the mix, MP with them. Thinking layers.
Our (3 MP) have spirit 37452 and karma in earth trine h7 &h11. Taurus (karma) and Virgo (spirit) I think Taurus is the Egyptian lineage iir.
What I'm seeing as fascinating is Akash is still cnj my natal dna. Men nest in women, think Russian nesting dolls. I see we can carry masculine (fire/air) but physically be completely feminine. Yet in the animal kingdom we all seek what we need or see a void/lack in. Idk, just thinking out loud. lol
So the 3 MPs bring further clarity in both these men wanted me to be more "domestic". An old fashioned wife. Career in my lifetime has been dead on arrival with many pursuits, my SN here is shining opposite venus, in truth love vs career axis tau/sco has been my axeIS in this lifetime. H1/h8 in this study.
- editing