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Author Topic:   The Real “Secret” is a Dark One
posted June 22, 2007 04:35 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
...just passing this along.

Human Kindness Foundation

a little good news Spring 2007

In the past several months as I’ve been speaking across the country, many people have approached me and asked with some degree of excitement in their voices, “Bo, have you seen The Secret yet? Oh, you’ll love it! It will change the world! Let people know about this!”

So I did watch The Secret, as well as an Oprah show that featured its “teachers,” and I think we all need to reflect very deeply on the message that is passing for wisdom these days. “New Age” centers, “New Thought” Churches, the Christian “prosperity” movements personified by the likes of Joel Osteen, and now Oprah’s enormous fan base, are really falling off the deep end into a pseudo-spirituality that is not just a little self-indulgent, it is primarily about selfishness and materialism.

The Secret itself is a childish exaggeration of a minor energetic principle - “The Law of Attraction” - which simply means what most of our grandmothers have said to us at one time or another: “If you think negative things, your life will be negative. Keep your mind on positive things, and you’ll attract more positive things and people into your life.” That’s pretty basic stuff, who could argue with that? It’s true. Got it? Be positive!

But to frame this as The Secret, as the “greatest power in the universe;” to open the film with suspense-movie scenes of scholars and monks throughout history desperately trying to hide this “secret” for future generations while they are being pursued by armies and assassins; to claim that every great man or woman from Jesus to Thomas Edison knew this specific “Secret” and now you and I are finally going to be let in on it, oh, pleeease!! It’s a minor part of life; nothing profound about it. Both teams in the Superbowl should “think positive” and visualize winning, but only one is going to win, because being positive is not everything!

The way we think factors into our lives along with many other realities such as our past karma, genetic and acquired strengths and weaknesses, the needs of our family or society, the politics of the age we live in, our willingness to work hard, and of course, God’s plan for us.

And maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I thought God was the greatest power in the Universe. I thought the best things in life are free. I thought we’re supposed to dedicate our lives to the greatest good. I thought God gives us a Peace that worldly riches can never give. Not so in The Secret. This film and a lot of the pop-spirituality I see these days has become so self-centered that the religion it most closely exemplifies is... Satanism. I’m not being sarcastic. It’s true.

I know the word “Satanism” conjures up images of abusing children and sacrificing animals, but the actual Church of Satan has never endorsed that stuff. In fact, two of the “Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth” are:

* Do not harm little children.
* Do not kill animals unless attacked or for your food.

So suspend your media images of Satanism. The biggest difference between Satanism and other religons is simple: Classic religions put God at the center, and Satanism puts the self at the center. The Great Religions share a theme of unselfishness. Satanism’s theme is selfishness. The Great Faiths say we are here to love our neighbor and serve God’s creation. Satanism says we are here to please ourselves, and creation is here to serve us - exactly what is emphasized in The Secret. All of you who have seen The Secret and have jumped on the bandwagon about how wonderful it is, please take this comparison seriously. You are unknowingly leaning toward Satanism.

“The Secret” and Satanism

Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, wrote: Satanism is the only religion which serves to encourage and enhance one’s individual preferences. Since Satanism is essentially a religion of the self, it holds that the individual and his personal needs come first.

Now read an exchange on Oprah between Lisa Nichols, one of The Secret “Teachers,” and an audience member:

Nichols: So, you serve everyone else, don’t you?
Audience member: You got that right.
Nichols: So, make 2007 the year that you show up in the now for YOU! (thunderous applause) Now repeat after me: I choose today, to give myself, the best life ever!!
Audience member: (repeats it, to cheers and applause)

Honestly, that would qualify as a nice Satanic initiation. The following (in blue) are principles of the Church of Satan, followed by teachings from The Secret:

Satanists do not worship a living deity.
The Secret makes it clear that the Law of Attraction (not God) is the most powerful force in the Universe, and it is amoral and “scientific.” One man in the film says he wants lots of women, three or four a week, and is shown how to attract them into his life, and he succeeds. When he decides he wants one lasting relationship, he changes his thoughts and again attracts what he wants. No higher or lower desires, just whatever we want. If there is any object of worship implied in The Secret, it is personal success. Big houses, lots of money, fame, glory. There is no greater God to worship, no sanctity in serving the poor, the unfortunate, the sick. Just have a good time. That’s the lure of Satanism.

Major emphasis is placed on the power and authority of the individual… rather than on a god or goddess.
One so-called “metaphysician” of The Secret, Joe Vitale, tells us “The universe is merely your CATALOG.” You just “shop” for whatever income, product, person or experience that you may want by thinking and visualizing constantly of it. Cut out pictures of a car, a house, whatever you want, and post them on a “vision board,” do rituals to affirm that you will receive it. Satanists do a lot of this kind of stuff. They call it Ritual Magic. Please don’t do this.

Satanists believe that "no redeemer liveth" - that each person is their own redeemer, fully responsible for the direction of their own life.
Just to make sure we know there is no need for God in this new theology, Neale Donald Walsch, of “Conversations With God,” appears in The Secret to tell us there is no such thing as God’s Will for you - You are entirely in charge of whatever you want to do. That’s exactly what Anton LaVey says! No God to surrender to, no God of Love, no God to guide us or to humble ourselves before.

Another “Teacher,” Esther Hicks, tells us we entirely create our own reality. That exceeds even Anton LaVey’s view. I guess our young men and women dying in Iraq, and all the Iraqi victims of this crazy war, are just creating their deaths with negative thoughts? Along with all those hungry kids in India, millions dying of AIDS in Africa? Nothing more complex about Life than to “ask, believe, and receive”? How dare you be so arrogant, Ms. Hicks? How dare you!

Enough, Bo! What’s the point?

But The Secret did not arise in a vacuum. It's just the latest descent of pop-spirituality into a materialistic, self-centered new theology truly similar to Satanism, that seems to be taking hold in many churches, spiritual centers and households. It’s a theology of “Me First;” a theology of entitlement (“I deserve everything good in life and I should not have to struggle for it); a theology of disconnection from our influence on others and their influence on us; a theology where modesty and sacrifice are seen as unhealthy and pride and vanity are seen as essential.

Most of all, it is a theology of “prosperity and abundance” where lip service is paid to words like peace and joy, but the bottom line is GETTING RICH, no two ways about it. In fact, even gratitude and forgiveness are explained merely as strategies to attract more success into your life. It’s always about you. I’m sorry, that’s just not deep religion.

And neither is it responsible politics. At a time when the world is at war over oil, clean air and clean water are fading memories, and Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth begs us to take seriously the jeopardy our planet is in, this new theology says not a word about living more simply or about wanting less consumer wealth. It does exactly the opposite, and encourages us to think and get rich. This theology of the self cuts us off from any sense of responsibility for ecology or conservation. None of that is our problem, it is just “scarcity consciousness.” These “teachers” actually say with a tone of scientific authority “The universe has plenty of resources for everyone to have everything they want!”

Well, maybe the universe has unlimited resources, but the Earth clearly does NOT. Many species are already extinct, rainforests already damaged beyond repair, icecaps already melting, from our relentless consumption of resources. It is more than immature; it is viciously irresponsible to entice us to want more luxury and wealth instead of encouraging deeper happiness from living more sustainably and simply.

One of The Secret’s “master” teachers, Jack Canfield, shows off photos of his $4½ million-dollar house, his “wife to die for,” and his exotic vacations. That’s a “master!”? A rich guy who brags about his life? How much petroleum does it take to sustain Canfield’s mansion? How many little brown kids around the world work like slaves to produce the products such a household consumes? How many maids and gardeners take care of his estate? Why doesn’t he tell them The Secret so they can get rich? It’s all just so sad…..

The biggest sorrow about this new theology is not just that it echoes Satanism, but that it robs us of the greatness of our Spiritual Adventure. If life is just a catalog of our petty worldly desires, then where is higher consciousness? Where is holiness? Where is the “dark night of the soul” and our subsequent transformation? Is there truly no spiritual journey? Just a shopping spree to get the stupid external props that we think will make us happy?

Do use the “Law of Attraction” in your daily life - pray first thing every day to be less selfish, to love thy neighbor, to be humble, to keep God in mind all day, to have constant faith in Life’s ultimate Goodness. We can use a hammer to build a house or to beat someone to death. The “Law of Attraction” is just a hammer. Please don’t use it to beat God to death in this weird age when the tiny egoic self’s worldly desires become your god. This is no “Secret” at all. It is the classic road to Hell.


The source of all happiness is to cherish others
more than I cherish myself.
The source of all suffering is to cherish myself
more than I cherish others.
-- Buddhist Scriptures

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posted June 22, 2007 04:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thanks for posting this! Since the stuff about The Secret has come out, I have written against it!

It's the false God's teachings!

LOve and Reverence to ALL. ...

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posted June 22, 2007 05:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for that article, although I don't judge nor want people to not get what they want I do think that to be able to be happy, content and complete you don't need material things but rather help other people and help our world, which it should be one, now don't take me wrong because we still need money to take care of the kids and basics etc but why a multi million home when I can be just fine with a comfortable one that may not be as expensive.

As far as the satism I know nothing, I didn't know it was about self adoration, so I won't go as far as saying that I agree with those thoughts since I really don't have a background on it to create an opinion.
But yes, I always thought the Secret was nothing but "material oriented" but at the same time if that is what makes people happy then I don't care, let it be; i know it is not what makes me happy.

I still think it is a good read as long as you know it is another "positive thinking" type of book.

Thanks for the article again.

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posted June 22, 2007 05:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The source of all happiness is to cherish others
more than I cherish myself.
The source of all suffering is to cherish myself
more than I cherish others.
-- Buddhist Scriptures

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posted June 22, 2007 06:39 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Secret secrets of THE SECRET revealed

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posted June 22, 2007 08:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SunChild     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Haha that's so interesting.

I've had family discussions about the secret and many of the points brought up in that article has come up at the dinner table many times... we are suspicious, curious but staying open.

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Posts: 3178
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posted June 22, 2007 08:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SunChild     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LOL Petron..

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posted June 22, 2007 08:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Nice to see you! Entertaining video!

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Heart--Shaped Cross

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posted June 22, 2007 11:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Heart--Shaped Cross     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We can use a hammer to build a house or to beat someone to death.
The “Law of Attraction” is just a hammer.

And Jesus was just a carpenter.

"With great power comes great responsibility."

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posted June 23, 2007 12:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I never really understood what is the big deal about The Secret, and I really do not understand why the talks against it either!

For me, when I came across this things called The Secret, it only helped me reassure me the very things which I have believed - as a mere human, it was necessary for me to be reminded, especially when things were very stressful for me at that period of time. Moreover, I was so ****** off when I listened further to the so-called self proclaimed "masters", they were nothing better to be than a #$%$^# up politician!

Now on the other side, why would The Secret and the messages be ridiculed? I agree whoever created that movie has hyped things a lot, I never got really impressed with it either - but for the message. So long I can help myself "think" the right thoughts, obviously - the MIND MATTERS.

Welcome to my Blog: The RechargeHouse

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posted June 23, 2007 05:20 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Of course.


I use to think money is the root of all evil. But it isn't. It is merely a means of currency. It is not what we have but how we use it that matters. However....I do believe that money has made things more impersonal for us in Our world.

I don't agree with the emphasis the film puts on money. It paints a Utopian idea of the world but it isn't that simple. Life isn't always like isn't fair....i think there is more to it than 'life is what you make it' because we are living in our combined, collective realities, not just our own- we are living in a dimension where our own Free Will can be used to abuse others (I'm not sure if I believe in karma or not; i see life as more of a stage, an experiment, a classroom with the purpose of 'learn through EXPERIENCE')....The idea of the whole thing is a little to Utopian for me.....these ideas aren't original but if it helps spread the light then so be it.

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posted June 23, 2007 05:22 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The best things in life are free.

We have forgotten ourselves.

Return to innocence.

"Build not your kingdom upon Earth, but in Heaven"

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posted June 23, 2007 10:57 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Agent 26 to the rescue.

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posted June 23, 2007 10:59 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
make that a

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posted June 23, 2007 05:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The principles of The Secret, however, are intriguing. I was just reading in a magazine that not only do when need to visualize what we want, but to combine this with the 'alchemy' if you like, of asking the Universe in a precise way.....This is not new because there have been more than one other book I know of illustrating exactly the same principles in different words. Linda herS-elf wrote about it.....Image and Ordain...."If I mind it matters, if I don't, it won't!"

If anyone has had anything amazing happen to them, do let me know. Why don't we pray to the Universe for Maddy Mcann?

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posted June 23, 2007 05:35 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Jesus said,

Of mine own Self, I can do nothing!

Praying for Self, does not work, you just have faith and you know, that everything happens for a reason. We can pray amd image for Others, this works!

Ordaining and Commanding Under Grace of God, needs to be done by Masters, Initiated Ones, that know each thing must be for the Good of ALL. ...
I believe Linda knew this, she wanted Us to know it was possible, and that it is TRUE! That each and everyOne, has the ability to image, ordain and command, we just, must follow the Universal Laws that are immutable..

There is no escape from karma, everything we have done since the beginning, has been recorded, Life=File, Akashic Records, Book of Life. You get what you give, you reap what you sow, and this carries on through all life incarnations, til you are a Master with God

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posted June 23, 2007 06:28 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lotus, I think you are absolutely right!

I have a strange story to tell that happened to me as a child. I was 7.

It involves me praying very intensely for something I wanted. It was this caterpillar (I was crazy about insects). I was very familiar with all the different kinds that were around in my garden. But at school, across a fence in someone's garden, a friend and I saw these different types of caterpillar. I had not seen them in my garden. I didn't manage to catch one, so when I got home I prayed intensely for one. And then.....

One appeared, right before my eyes, on the window, near top of the window where it could be opened and reached.

But after a few days, something strange happened to the caterpillar. A multitude of tiny white larvae started coming out of it all over it. Weired. So it was taken outside and left there. I found it again in a few days, alive and intact. I took it in again and the same thing happened once more.

Symbolic message?

I think that the message is this: We need to be careful what we ask for. If God was to simply grant us every wish, it would consume our natural spiritual development. It would prevent us from becoming.....the Plan....the emergence....into life.....after an important period of spiritual growth/ rebirth......

like the butterfly

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posted June 23, 2007 06:34 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There is no escape from karma, everything we have done since the beginning, has been recorded, Life=File, Akashic Records, Book of Life. You get what you give, you reap what you sow, and this carries on through all life incarnations, til you are a Master with God

Then I guess if I was "bad" before I can not fix anything now, then, why even try.
As I said before it just feels as we are set up to fail and everything is just a tease.

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posted June 23, 2007 06:34 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That's very interesting, almost as if it needed to be outdoors!

But, you got your wish, hehe

and you set it free!

If we had everything we wanted, life sure would be boring, we'd all be wishing all day, and getting what we want, and we would lose appreciation for it!

LOve and Magic!

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posted June 23, 2007 06:43 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
by forgiving someone, you come full circle, and the Karma is finished. Ending a cycle with a person.

everything happens for a reason, to Learn and Grow!

I am still paying karma, but I certainly don't want to add to it! We get what we Give!

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posted June 24, 2007 12:16 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great thoughts everyone.

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posted June 24, 2007 12:33 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Now on the other side, why would The Secret and the messages be ridiculed?

Wellll....for the reasons he stated in the above article, i would suppose.

It is possible that it's leading some people down the road to hell.

Been there a few times...

after time and reflection i can say this "Secret" BS wasnt too helpful in my life. Well, it was and wasnt...ive learned from it at least. I started reading the Hicks books well before the Secret stuff came out.

"Build not your kingdom upon Earth, but in Heaven"

too simple and unfulfilling it seems, maybe?

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posted June 24, 2007 12:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the laugh, Petron.
That was good.

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Dulce Luna

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posted June 24, 2007 12:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Truthfully, I never cared much for "The Secret" to begin with. I thought it was heavily commercialized for something that was supposed tp be spiritual. And anyways, its message was nothing really new. But they forgot to mention that it also takes "action" to make things happen (probably the practical virgo moon combined with the do-it-yourself aries mars speaking). I just hate when certain concepts are commercialized just to sell a product.....kinda annoying if you ask me.

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posted June 24, 2007 12:37 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

*Bang! Bang!*

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