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Author Topic:   Mind Control/Programming: More Astrological Analysis

Posts: 6614
From: Lyra
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 12, 2012 07:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@Emerald: 1992-1994 were supposed to be positive years for Human Awakening, in preparation for the mass "Stellar" enlightenment from 2012 to 2022. Am very sorry to hear about what happened to you, but you have been able to take a positive from that and feel your Pineal Gland in a very strong way since then.
I forgot about Raya_of_Light from Cambodia, but look at the synhronicity of her birthday with EmeraldOpals
There is something about 5th May.

The Man you saw has Zeta-Reticuli "Grey" DNA. The Greys were a Humanoid Race several million years ago but they were defeated and genetically mutated by the wicked Drakonian Race. The Zeta Greys cannot procreate now and to continue their species, have invaded Earth in a subtle way, with treaties signed with the USA in 1953. Alien Abductions are nothing but a hybridization program. The clue is darkening of the Eyes. Zeta Soul enters this hybrid body. They are not calculatively and imperially evil per se unlike the Drako, more like psychotically obsessed with survival. They do not understand the frequency of Love, and any Soul who feels the vibration of love, if he or she stares at such people, they feel pain. It is the unreleased pain of hate [Self Hatred and Hatred of Drako] that perpetuates in their DNA and damaged it beyond repair.

A very powerful pineal gland can allow you to see Upper Astral Realms which are the sources of all Magical fairy stories.

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Posts: 6614
From: Lyra
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posted June 12, 2012 07:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi BlackSeraph,

Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster: I think all of them are highly advanced Souls who wanted to seed the Human Consciousness with ideas of being better than average, of seeking powerful genetic mutations.

Interestingly, they are all children of Jewish immigrants to America.

A Universal Loving God is never mentioned in their super hero stories. Jesus is avoided and so is a direct reference to Kundalini [Indirect references do exist to Kundalini.]

It is as if the Nazi Holocaust convinced them that Humanity has to rely on improving itself than relying on a scriptural deity who DID NOT come to rescue the Holocaust victims. The Holocaust exponentially increased Atheism across the Jewish Community. Jack Kirby hinted that the worst villains in Marvel Comics [like Galactus] are inspired from the Old Testament deity who demanded blood sacrifices and genocides from the Children of Israel.

Also, Stan has an Aries Moon, the most skeptical of all.

If Stan Lee is a part of the Illuminati, it can only be by conscious choice and disappointment with faith. As such, Stan Lee's chart does not show a dark side and I do not think he is a dark Soul.
His chart shows a glorious example of that which can be achieved when Uranus+ Mars trines Pluto exact and Jupiter trines Mars exact.

The Superhero fixation could be from ANGEL quincunx Pluto exact and ANGEL square Uranus exact.

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Posts: 2065
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posted June 12, 2012 12:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Information about the Order of the Dragon,
is continiously flowing to me...

Do you know what/who
The Order of the Dragon

I feel the information is half
good, half evil...

..and is somehow tied to me. ...

it actually is something that
bothers me, a Mystery I need to
Solve=Loves... .

All my love, with all my Heart

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Posts: 2065
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posted June 12, 2012 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I wanted to take a moment,
and thank you for all the
research and work you do..
Great Work!

Here's a string where rajji
and I discovered we had the
same birthday..and talks about
Kyron and the 12 layers of DNA



remember, in the Other String..
how we realized 32 and 5 and 23
are very importent numbers...?
O' and Sacred Geometry. ...

here's that string...

All my love, with all my Heart

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Posts: 2065
From: U
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posted June 12, 2012 03:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I wanted to take a moment,
and thank you for all the
research and work you do..
Great Work!

Here's a string where rajji
and I discovered we had the
same birthday..and talks about
Kyron and the 12 layers of DNA


remember, in the Other String..
how we realized 32 and 5 and 23
are very importent numbers...?
O' and Sacred Geometry. ...

here's that string...

All my love, with all my Heart

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Posts: 2065
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posted June 12, 2012 03:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oranum link came up when
I submitted my post, hung
me up in cyberspace..that's
the reason for the double

anyone having problems
with Oranum popping up?'s been happening
to me for 3 days...

All my love, with all my Heart

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Posts: 2065
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posted June 13, 2012 04:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
those red blood cells
don't look very healthy

your post brought me
to Math and Light...

this is what I found...

All my love, with all my Heart

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Posts: 6614
From: Lyra
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 14, 2012 08:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There are several "Order of the Dragon" Secret Societies, they are linked to both Light and Dark Polarity in the Reptilian Races.
You have the power to sift any messages/material you get using the simple test: Boost for stronger Inner Connection to Christ Consciousness Level of your Higher Self = Valid. Any portion of giving your power away by fear or devotion to an external Entity or Collective = Negative Intention/Negative Material.

BTW, take it easy in the next few days as Transit Sun will square Chiron, then Saturn and lastly Venus in your chart. There could be some irritating challenges or delays.

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Posts: 2065
From: U
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posted June 14, 2012 11:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
iQ, thanks so much

in traveling I AM in a protective
bubble of Love and Light, akin to
GLinda the Good witch of the North..
I travel in circles avoiding angles/
corners, it's a spiral upwards..always
going to the top first to connect with
my Over Soul..thing is I live one foot
here and the Other there..
it's a balancing act.. ..

about 5 years ago, I went through
many spiritual battles in the Other
Realm, I even died and was reborn...
I have no FEAR, that is a KEY
I speak and write freely
with 100% Faith in the
underlying Ggodness of
the Cosmos. ...

I know my difficulties ahead
fore-warned is fore-armed...
each task easier with Faith. ...

I still have much to face...

Big Bear hug to you, iQ

All my love, with all my Heart

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Posts: 994
From: the atman
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posted June 16, 2013 05:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anno_lucis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
interesting. worth a bump

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Posts: 8906
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posted June 17, 2013 12:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gabby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for bumping...i just recently realized all the insanity surrounding Rh neg blood type and reptillian blood, hybrid blood, Jesus blood...umm, ok???
Hmmm, i just thought it was an annoying thing to have because potentially your body could kill your baby! UGH
Then you have to wonder what the Rhogam shot does to your poor little baby! I had to have one every 3 months during pregnancy because of the isuues i had! NO FUN!
If im understanding correct, the red head/green eyes are evil(green eyed monsters?)
and the blue eyes blond hair are vulnerable?
Sounds like Nessus and Dejanira to me! LOL
My mom red hair green eyes AB neg blood, my dad was Rh neg also.

Does that mean my mom is evil or from Christ? Argh...Im so confused now? LOL

I dont know what happened to me, i was born toe head with blue eyes...but as into teenager my eyes got gold flecks in the center, now they are pale green inside with a dark blue rim? My hair is now dark auburn, my blood is B neg.
My DNA asteroid is (3rd hs)saggy@17, square my (12th hs)Moon virgo@18, (5th hs)Pallas pisces@17
I would say i was a victim of evil energies as a child, but now my experiences have empowered me to help others get out from under mind heals all! Esp universal love!
Thanks for this thread, very interesting!
Im still trying to research the Indian Rh- blood my mom is full blown Irish and my dad English/Cherokee so im Irish/English/Cherokee.
My grandma was full blood Cherokee, orphaned when her dad died on reservation and not a lot is known about her heritage. Her mom died before she could remember and after her dad died she was in 2nd grade, pulled out of school and forced to pick cotton on a plantation....her hands were crippled from arthritis and she never learned to read, but she had the most beautiful soul on the face of the earth...
When she was 12 my grandpa married her to get out of that life, their 1st house was a chicken coop they cleaned out. It was 6 kids, that showed how deeply they loved each other!
If she had Christ blood, id believe it! Reptillian....ummm, i doubt it! There was nothing but love in my grandmas soul!

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posted June 17, 2013 12:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gabby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just thought of was my indian grandma(dads mom) that hated the religion my mom started getting involved in after she married my had grown up hating that religion, he had been taught it was a cult.
So much so that my dads dad would meet them at the door with a shot!
He didnt shoot them, wasnt even loaded but they hated the religion!
My mom(green eyed mind control monster? Na, just confused) Mom started studying the religion, knowing it was hated by dads family. She tried to force him to be apart of it, until he left all of us behind because he couldnt deal with it.
We wernt allowed much time with dads side of the family because they were a bad influence or at least thats what the religion taught mom to say.
I dont know but that sounds like some mind control stuff going on there!

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Posts: 198141
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 18, 2013 10:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What religion?

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posted June 18, 2013 04:08 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Gabby, why do you think red hair, green eyes is reptilian?
Maybe something in the writing became confusing, as all i know is red hair, green eyes, shows a definite link to ancestry from Atlantis and Lemuria....or Scottish blood

the most 'magical' people i know as the vibe is so much better than most others, have these colours, also someone who sort of saved my life in my early teens was a red headed green eyed lady, and most beautiful soul that had ever walked into my life so not reptilian for sure!

on the other hand i know about a blonde blue eyed person, who despite his brightness has gone through some awful stuff, and from his asteroid charts, i found there were definite astral attacks on him, so maybe some truth in that part only.

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Posts: 6511
From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street..
Registered: May 2009

posted June 19, 2013 01:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GypseeWind     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
IQ, can you help me?

Something happened to my brother, in the summer of 2000. He went to a rave party with his best friend, and neither one of them were ever the same again. His friend has maintained up to this point but is now making random threats on fb and claiming that he has seen his father sacrificing babies in the back yard. His psychosis or whatever you want to call it, seems to be in a religious type theme.

But my brother.. Oh.
It's very very bad.
He's done so many things and scared people with the crazy things he does. He is convinced that Time Warner , the company, is trying to kill him because he is the most famous person in the world. Those are his exact words.
My life has never been the same since this thing happened to him. He was my best friend of all time, and now he is just... gone.
Most of the time he is homeless.. just wandering. He gets jobs but then gets fired because he scares people with all the conspiracy talk and the look in his eyes, which if I didn't know him, Id be scared too.

Anything you can see/feel would be appreciated, IQ, thanks so much.

His deets
September 7, 1972, 7:17 pm
Patterson, New Jersey.

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Posts: 6614
From: Lyra
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 19, 2013 07:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Red Hair and Green Eyes is a highly psychic combination. I too think it is related to Atlantis settlers in Celtic Lands.

Lots of distortion, mostly deliberate, has occurred in Ancient Texts after the destruction of Atlantis.
Negative blood Group could belong to any ET Race, why should we limit our thinking only to Reptilians?

ETs anyway exist in 4th D. In our Planet, even an Extra Terrestrial Soul will have to take Human Form. The whole Shape Shifting legends are likely to be in the Astral Plane and beyond, with just a few markers in 3D [like menacing eyes, demonic facial expressions etc].

And Gabby, what is the religion?

Native Americans have DNA which is very well attuned to Mother Earth's frequency, and possibly to Lemuria or pre-Lemurian Epoch.

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Posts: 6614
From: Lyra
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 19, 2013 07:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
His chart has aspects that are found in people who have susceptibility to obsessive mental conditions.
1. Sun conjunct Mars in 6th House Virgo with Pisces Rising making an exact quincunx to Uranus.
2. Mercury in 6th Virgo afflicted by Chart Ruler Neptune. This can manifest as distorted perceptions and disturbed communication.

He has a severe bad luck aspect: Saturn squaring the 5th Ruler Moon.

A sudden crisis could have triggered Psychosis, can easily be a drug overdose during that infernal rave party.

Could there have been an Astral "Mind Control" or entity attack? There is definite susceptibility to negative vibes from the Astral, again this can get triggered because of drug overdose or binge drinking:
1. Kaali in 19 Scorpio, the accursed degree of Serpentis.

2. ANUBIS conjunct PALLAS exact, in 6th House. This can show visions of diabolical nature during the drugged state.

3. Venus in the final phase of Anaretic Degree at 29.59 Cancer.

I do not think there was a deliberate attempt of Mind Control or programming [unless some creeps were testing a new drug using the cover of the rave party], it looks like the wrong cocktail of drugs triggered the difficult psychosis aspects and made him severely mentally disturbed. He may have been studying conspiracy topics obsessively without anyone's knowledge prior to the rave party but that episode distorted his thinking [maybe he got traumatic visions], and he is now believing every conspiracy without filtering and without a stable understanding of his surroundings. It is a terrible tragedy. An additional difficult transit for him was Uranus reaching his 12th House during summer of 2000 AD.

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Posts: 8906
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posted June 19, 2013 11:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gabby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@Randall and iQ...

Jehovah Witness...she was barely 15 when she started being indoctrinated. She was only 13 when she married my dad.
After they divorced she went into it hardcore and sadly eventually married a high up member which solidify her desire to be a part of it because it gave her the superiority and influence she wanted.

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posted June 19, 2013 11:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gabby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by jellyfishtry:

Gabby, why do you think red hair, green eyes is reptilian?
Maybe something in the writing became confusing, as all i know is red hair, green eyes, shows a definite link to ancestry from Atlantis and Lemuria....or Scottish blood

the most 'magical' people i know as the vibe is so much better than most others, have these colours, also someone who sort of saved my life in my early teens was a red headed green eyed lady, and most beautiful soul that had ever walked into my life so not reptilian for sure!

on the other hand i know about a blonde blue eyed person, who despite his brightness has gone through some awful stuff, and from his asteroid charts, i found there were definite astral attacks on him, so maybe some truth in that part only.

After reading a lot about the Rh- neg blood, some say this is the blood type of Christ some say its the blood type of those from Atlantis who had been invaded/procreated with by some entity and now are trying to take over control of the planet...ill have to find the post again! light heartedly saying all of this, what i said before was meant in a playful way...i dont believe anyone is evil or good by blood type, only personal decisions can make you good or evil!

If my mom is psychic or has any ability like that she wouldnt follow it or admit it, she feels everything that isn't of that religion is satanic/demonic, even people not of the religion.

As far as the blood type, there is a lot of differences between people with Rh- blood vs. Rh+ blood type. I would believe, people who are Rh+/Rh- people potentially being a separate/unique species, they seem close but still just different enough to think they are not quite the same...
When you read about the difference, and seeing that Rh+ blood attacks the Rh- but Rh- blood doesnt attack the Rh+positive....thats the oddest difference to me and its not normally seen in species of the same type, with the exceptions of one.

Rh is the abbreviation for Rhesus(9142)
I would love to see how asteroid Rhesus aspects in the charts of people who are Rh-.

My rhesus asteroid is falls exact opposite my Saturn, not sure of the exact meaning of that, but i find it interesting since im Rh-...wonder where it is in other Rh- people.
I have a lot of aspect activity in this area
Rhesus aqua3°21 (4th)
Saturn leo@2.50 (10th)
Kaali scorp@2.15 (1st)
Lucina taurus@4.19 (7th)(childbirth)

Kaali squared by Rhesus, has a pile up of spiritual type asteroids sitting on it...all within 0-3 degrees of Kaali

My mom's Rhesus is conjunct her Kaali by 2 degrees squaring my Chiron.
My dads Rhesus is conjunct mine by 2 degrees.
His Sun and Moon both conjunct my Kaali under 2 degrees.
@iQ, my moms Leo Sun is conjunct her Atlantis in her 12th opposed her Asteroid TrueBlood, these square my NN....My dads pluto sits on my Moms Leo Sun/Atlantis exact, squaring my NN.
I guess it was their destiny to make it hard for me to find my spiritual path, lol!

My grandma(moms mom) Rhesus conjuncts her sun also, her...
Sun saggy@5.43
Rhesus saggy@7.47
NN saggy@6.06
My Sun saggy@4.28 in a stellium with Merc and Neptune

Moms Uranus is exact conjunct my Lucifer which is on my Saturn, any idea what that could mean?

My dads Atlantis sits on my IC conjunct my Valentine. My taurus Atlantis/virgo Sphinx/cap Valentine,Bless on IC/scorp Quaoar&Samadhi make a kite all aspects 0-2 degrees
My dads Sun/Moon sit on my scorp Kaali, oppose my taurus Atlantis>4 degrees tho

His Trueblood sits on my Venus.
His Rhesus is conjunct my Rhesus>by 1 degree

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posted June 20, 2013 12:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gabby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There has been rumors regarding my mom and dad being related from many generations past, my dads father's family name(English side) was the same as my moms Irish family name....they didnt realize it initially because the English side had abbreviated the family name when the family split and one side relocated to England. Of course this was forever ago, but i think the Rh- being on both sides reinforces that they were probably the same family at one time.
Then for my dads dad to marry a Cherokee Indian with Rh- type also...whats the odds of that?

My Cherokee grandma(dads mom) had 6 kids, never lost im thinking both grandpa/grandpa must have also been Rh-
if not the babies might have been Rh+ she wouldnt have been able to carry more than 1 Rh+ child without issues.

Same on moms moms mom had 6 kids also, never lost any...which makes me think both my grandma and grandpa had to be Rh- also.
I wonder if Rh+/Rh-are more attracted to same blood/species if they are actually different?

iQ, do you think the entities believe to have mixed with the Atlantis people were invaders or where the entities the original Atlantis people and started having children with humans?
Am i understanding correctly being Reptilian isn't good, right? I guess i dont understand the difference between Alien and Reptilian? Rh- is not necessarily reptilian??

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Posts: 6511
From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street..
Registered: May 2009

posted June 20, 2013 12:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GypseeWind     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you, IQ. Bless you for all your help. I think that this will help my Mom to some degree, she feels it is her fault because prior to this event (about 6 mos or so) she told him that the man he thought was his father, was not. And so, she blames herself for his... decent into madness.

As a side note: Both he and his friend reported to me, and even the POLICE that this rave party was held in an seemingly abandoned military hangar. The boys said that after they consumed a lot of alcohol and ecstasy the party started to change. They said the music became ominous and the doors were barred. They said that where previously they had a laser light show, became a giant tv with pictures of rapes, baby murders, etc etc. Every time they tried to explain what happened, they would cry from being so scared. The police did not take their story seriously. Nobody did, except me. Since that night they both have lost custody and visitation with their children, lost their jobs, friends, homes. And, minds.

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posted June 20, 2013 01:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gabby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
GypseeWind, im so sorry for what your going through! I hope the best for both you and your brother!

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posted June 20, 2013 07:43 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

[unless some creeps were testing a new drug using the cover of the rave party]


Creeps! i think given the timing and his young age at the time that is exactly what was happening back then

so sorry you and your family went through all that gypseewind.

i know for a fact how emotionally/physically/mentally and spirituality tiring it is to live with someone who is not stable to that extent....and society doesn't make it any easier.

at least this place allows you to ask some questions and get some kind of answers for whatever little relief they offer

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Posts: 6511
From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street..
Registered: May 2009

posted July 08, 2013 11:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GypseeWind     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much, Gaby and Jellyfishtry.

I have lost many people in my life to death, but there is something some awful to lose someone that was thisclose to you, to mental illness.

People will tell you... BUT AT LEAST HE'S STILL ALIVE..

Yes, and no.
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

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Posts: 1368
From: Elysium
Registered: Jul 2013

posted August 16, 2014 01:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ReeseC     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Scary to think that some of these people willingly participate in this evil debauchery. Gross.

Now I can't help but look at my chart and analyze all the bad.

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