Topic: James Holmes: Another MK Ultra
BlackSeraph Knowflake Posts: 444 From: PA, USA Registered: Aug 2011
posted July 31, 2012 09:40 PM
Hmm.... These are both Holmes? Almost looks like he had a nose job... I thought I heard something about alters changing facial features and even negating chemicals in the body (like what supposedly happened with Princess Diana's driver being drunk, but driving like a champ for part of the way if I recall a chapter in one of David Icke's books correctly...)...Unless this isn't the same man, which opens up even more questions... I remember the mirroring of right side or left side of the face in a different thread when discussing people like Jim Morrison and the other celebrities... I forget which side related to what though... I'm surprised Holmes wasn't programmed to self-destruct after the fact, unless that's for later... That does tend to be the case in some of these cases. IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1759 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted July 31, 2012 10:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by iQ: The awareness of Mind Control through information disseminated carefully through a few whistle blowers, even this is a careful strategy. Only the top 0.1% of Humanity has the time and the intelligence to connect the dots. About 5 million of this lot may have mortgaged their Souls already: Freemasonry memberships [The lower levels are all well meaning folk, but they cannot rebel against those in the 33rd degree who choose to become Dark Avatars] , profitable contracts, management posts in big companies, celebrity deals and so on.That is less than 2 million as a threat to their NWO Plans. They want us to be confused. Irrespective of the truth, we need to create our own custom strategy to deal with this. They want sheeple, so we will be highly independent people  My strategy is: 1. To associate with the feeling that I have not been successfully subjected to Mind Control. Attempts may have been made, even subliminal but by choosing human values of compassion, love and forgiveness, I am certain of being only Me. 2. I affirm that I cannot be triggered into an Alter State, for my Soul is a complete, indivisible and perfect Immortal Being made of the True God's Light. For question 2 about others who display such symptoms, well, it is a 50-50. I think it does not matter because the route of healing is the same: To make our Mind whole instead of fragmented, and to choose positive human values. There is one clue though about specific programming and that is the eyes moving in different directions, or eyes having different shades.
Thank you for this information, iQ. This is what I was seeking when I asked (altho maybe not in sophisticated language) ... "My question is, who exactly is a susceptible person, that can be the perfect "Manchurian Candidate," if you will. I'd like to be able to recognize such a person, if I were to ever meet one, if I haven't done so already. And what in a person, even myself, can at any point predispose one to changing from being healthy and normal to one who can be "indoctrinated" into such a program. Or do we only have to be concerned about the ones who've already been programmed, the "sleepers." Also, how can each of us protect ourselves from being mind controlled by someone. Thank you" IP: Logged |
SunChild unregistered
posted July 31, 2012 10:46 PM
Good thoughts Black Seraph  ------------------ Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place. -Kurt Vonnegut. IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 4653 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 01, 2012 06:16 AM
LJ wrote: << And what in a person, even myself, can at any point predispose one to changing from being healthy and normal to one who can be "indoctrinated" into such a program. >>The point at which you read something like the poem "IF" by Rudyard Kipling and fail to feel the slightest emotional spark of enthusiasm/inspiration. That is when one can open the Pandora's box of disenchantment, disillusion, hopelessness, ennui, self-pity and subsequently attract the fear to need something outside of one's inner power. Then it is a one way road to hell whether as a religious fundamentalist or an illuminati black magician or a criminal sociopath. It is the point where personal emotional connect with Humanity is lost 100%, and thus complete manipulation and programming by external forces is made possible. Evil is an ET Force akin to a Virus but it needs explicit permission to get an entry point in the Human Aura. When we have Self Confidence in our Inner Divinity and Eternity, this evil force cannot get an entry point. It will of course seek to be around by capturing some near and dear ones but we have to be strong enough to see through the "Matrix" and not minimize love and compassion for any affected/afflicted humans. This is what may mutate the Virus into a positive someday. The Poem IF: ------------------ Astrology Articles New Services and short readings IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1759 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted August 01, 2012 10:05 PM
^ Thank you for explaining this, iQ.So fear is the basis of emotional disconnect from our humanity and therefore paves the way for mind control. This ... "and subsequently attract the fear to need something outside of one's inner power." ... and this ... "When we have Self Confidence in our Inner Divinity and Eternity, this evil force cannot get an entry point." ... are very powerful words. The Kipling poem is beautiful. I've always thought of it as a bit of a prayer ... something to aspire toward.
Good to know that you're ok, iQ. I wasn't sure and started a thread in LC-2 IP: Logged |
cherful24 Knowflake Posts: 1139 From: chicago, il Registered: Mar 2012
posted December 14, 2012 10:46 PM
Ok, u all are scaring me. I have Mars conjunct Pluto and i als have sun conj saturn. My scorpio is in the the house 8th so why would these placements have anything to do with killing or whatever?
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iQ Moderator Posts: 4653 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 15, 2012 03:48 AM
Hi Cherful, One has to see the complete chart. The fact that you are aware of right and wrong itself, and that you study astrology, will prevent any irresponsible act. These kids who have harsh aspects get Astrally Possessed. Adam Lanza could be no different but he is likely to have "inherited" MK-Ultra type programming in his DNA, and Dec 13-14 are both dates of a terrible murder event [Sidereal Sun in Anaretic Scorpio, 13 being a trigger number to kill]. The Dark Consciousness Collective from the Astral that triggers a normal human being to kill innocents by possessing from the Lower Astral Plane has been at it for hundreds of millions of years. MK-Ultra, Monarch Programming etc are just new innovative means for these entities to infiltrate CIA or World Government and ensure their steady supply of human death. IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1759 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted December 15, 2012 11:43 AM
Yesterday, my stomach literally heaved when I heard about the latest shooting.My TF said these people's DNA (the ones who go around killing) is messed up. And we've never before talked about people's DNA in this context. [He doesn't understand astrology in any great depth but is interested, because he always listens to what I tell him. And I'm no expert]. Still, he just came right out and said that these people's DNA is messed up. ------------------ I have a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my imagination ... because I want to frustrate the twins ... Convention and Dogma The moment I cease to seek the truth, or settle for the truth in the moment ... that is the moment I cease to be a seeker, and become a fundamentalist instead. ~ me, myself, and I ~ IP: Logged |
BlackSeraph Knowflake Posts: 444 From: PA, USA Registered: Aug 2011
posted December 15, 2012 12:30 PM
Deeply disturbing... Sometimes I'll let my mind's eye wander and get a visual image associated with the photo of people. In some politicians' and businessmens' cases (as well as random people I've encountered on the street), my mind's eye sees something akin to a reptilian figure. Other times it's downright more demonic. In the case of some said to be MK-ULTRA victims, I see more human-looking visages in chains. In the mentally ill I've been around, the mental image of a violet or indigo lightning-storm surrounding their head comes to mind.After seeing a picture and "scanning" it of this shooter (the correct guy's picture, not the one initially locked on to in initial reports), my mind's eye saw... ...nothing. It was like a black void, a concentrated one at that. At least with Timothy McVeigh's picture I got something. (As usual with people like him, I usually have to "back off", then try again, as it sometimes feels like something stares back at me... and my mind's eye view of his FBI mugshot on wikipedia seemed like a orange-reddish, stoneskinned reptilian-like entity) But this shooter? It was like looking into a compacted black space. I "backed off" and rescanned just to be sure, not because I felt something peering back. The initial thought in my head was "no soul." I had heard years ago about an interview with a tribal elder (not sure if it was Hopi, and I'm not sure how factual my information is so take with a grain of salt), warning about people being born with no souls now. I haven't bothered looking at the Oregon shooter's photo (haven't seen one) or the Columbine killers, nor am I aware of the existence of a picture of the China school slasher that happened withing the same 24-hour period as this latest shooting. Once I do though, I'll look. And see. And post my initial thoughts. For all the talk of people hoping this guy "burns in hell", I'm not certain he even made it there, if that phrase about the soul was on at all. IP: Logged |
cherful24 Knowflake Posts: 1139 From: chicago, il Registered: Mar 2012
posted December 15, 2012 02:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by iQ: Hi Cherful, One has to see the complete chart. The fact that you are aware of right and wrong itself, and that you study astrology, will prevent any irresponsible act. These kids who have harsh aspects get Astrally Possessed. Adam Lanza could be no different but he is likely to have "inherited" MK-Ultra type programming in his DNA, and Dec 13-14 are both dates of a terrible murder event [Sidereal Sun in Anaretic Scorpio, 13 being a trigger number to kill]. The Dark Consciousness Collective from the Astral that triggers a normal human being to kill innocents by possessing from the Lower Astral Plane has been at it for hundreds of millions of years. MK-Ultra, Monarch Programming etc are just new innovative means for these entities to infiltrate CIA or World Government and ensure their steady supply of human death.
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cherful24 Knowflake Posts: 1139 From: chicago, il Registered: Mar 2012
posted December 15, 2012 02:05 PM
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iQ Moderator Posts: 4653 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 17, 2012 07:40 AM
Chilling info Seraph, about bodies with no Soul or Divine Spark. Meaning they are just biologically programmed entities, like the ones the Sentinels possess at will in "Matrix 1". IP: Logged |
BlackSeraph Knowflake Posts: 444 From: PA, USA Registered: Aug 2011
posted December 18, 2012 05:30 PM
Sentient Programs. I remember the Matrix well. Of course I'm thinking of the Agents, and Morpheus's warning: "If you are not one of us, you are potentially one of them."This poses another question: People who were either born without or somehow lost their soul spark... Is it an analog to Agent Smith (by then going rogue) in the second movie taking control of one of the "jacked-out" people with one of his copies (thus infiltrating the physical world)? And given how the trilogy went towards the end, is it possible the brotherhoods/elite/etc have lost control of one of their own? (And in the case of the Matrix, were all but forced to negotiate in return for Neo dealing with the problem once and for all)? In which case, this implies more of a spiritual civil war than I'd like to think about. So are these soulless ones copies of a greater whole? Or individual voids? Or is it a combination? I shudder to think of what would happen if a "rogue void" somehow made it to the seat of power with the direct influence over whether millions/billions live or die... Of this, I am certain even the MK-ULTRA crowd have a vested interest in not finding out (namely, their survival). IP: Logged |
darklight Newflake Posts: 5 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted February 17, 2014 04:13 PM
It's a lie that these people are born without souls whatsoever. I know. I am one.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 37558 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2014 11:10 AM
Interesting. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 37558 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 19, 2014 12:40 PM
How do you know? IP: Logged | |