posted October 01, 2012 08:35 AM
The GFL just fell to pieces!Not that it surprises me, like I have been saying: DERANGED!
What's the Difference Between the Colorado Shooting Suspect and a GFL Channel?
Colorado Shooting Suspect"
Absolutely nothing. You heard it right my friends. This is Greg, Greg Giles. It’s me, so please everyone, let’s get off this Greg has been kidnapped by the cabal and these words are coming from an imposter. I sincerely believed I was a channel for the GFL and also the Ashtar Command, but I have news for you, I was not, but hold on, wait until you find out why because this involves all of us, including your families, your friends and every single member of our human family. I not only thought I was a channel of higher dimensional communications, I also was prepared, yes listen to this, to arm myself to the teeth with automatic weapons and have a shootout with whoever it was who came to my home one evening, as I was warned through the voice in my head this was going to happen.
I trusted this voice, for there is more going on here than simply trusting what feels like a loving voice in your head. It is true, we have all been part of a very remarkable, and I will even say, life saving program. Do not be ashamed that you fell for all this, but you did. So did I. I believed, and I followed to the letter a voice in my head. All of you, and that means all of you reading these words right now, followed me and you did not even hear a voice in your head did you? And this is the real scary part.
~*~ Did you know that a circle is round? ~*~ - Tautology
You can't handle my level of Tinfoil! ~ {;,;}