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Author Topic:   CDC coverupss

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posted July 08, 2019 09:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

Government’s Own Pro-vaccine Medical Expert Admits There is a Vaccine-Autism Link That is Being Covered Up

Earlier this year investigative independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson ran a report on Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, a world-renowned pediatric neurologist whom the U.S. Government used in 2007 to testify in the U.S. Vaccine Court that vaccines did not cause autism.

However, Dr. Zimmerman also stated in an affidavit that vaccines can cause autism in a certain subset of children, but that testimony was suppressed.

Sharyl Attkisson writes:

[O]n Full Measure, we will be running a replay of what I think is the most important vaccine-autism report this year.

It tells how the government’s own pro-vaccine medical expert, a world-renowned pediatric neurologist, concluded — based on scientific studies and other scientific information — that vaccines can cause autism, after all, in “exceptional” cases.

The physician, Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, goes on to say that the government went on to misrepresent his opinion in vaccine court and cover up what he had told them.

The story is so important that it triggered a wave of vaccine industry propaganda. There was an organized effort to falsely claim that the Dr. Zimmerman is somehow “anti-vaccine” or, perhaps, no longer of sound mind.

Other false claims included that Dr. Zimmerman’s opinions have been misunderstood or mischaracterized. Fortunately, you can read his full affidavit and published studies for yourself. Click here.

The propaganda campaign has included social media attacks and false information being posted on my Wikipedia biography to try to discredit the story or convince people not to consider the information. The false information includes the claim that I or my reporting are “anti-vaccine.”

As I have written in The Smear, this sort of attention typically means one is hovering over an important target.

See for yourself and make up your own mind!

Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.

In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.

One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to debate her in public.

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Posts: 196553
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 26, 2019 12:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 27, 2019 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

Fmr. Merck Scientist Explains Why He Doesn’t Vaccinate His Children

Del Bigtree, producer of the film VAXXED, and host of the weekly show HighWire, interviewed Jorge Araujo, a scientist who worked for the pharmaceutical company Merck as a lead supervisor on vaccine sterile quality.

Araujo’s wife is a nurse, and they didn’t even question the science behind vaccines until they were expecting their first child, when Araujo’s wife began asking him questions about vaccines.

Araujo relates that as he began to ask questions about vaccine efficacy and safety, the answers were not there. His research showed him that the robust science and quality controls present in regular drug manufacturing did not seem to be present with vaccine manufacturing.

So he and his wife decided not to vaccinate their children, and today they are all “super healthy.”

Araujo states that he is not alone in his skepticism regarding the lack of science and quality controls for vaccine manufacture, and that other scientists he knows who worked for Merck are also deciding not to vaccinate their children.

The Araujo family. None of the children have been vaccinated, and are “super healthy.”

The HighWire with Del Bigtree

Jorge Araujo is friends with Nico LaHood, the criminal District Attorney in San Antonio, Texas, who was also interviewd by Del Bigtree on his HighWire show.

LaHood and his wife have one child on the autism spectrum, and he gave an interview with the VAXXED film crew back in 2016, where he stated:

"So what I do, is I follow evidence. I am an empirical data guy. I am here to tell you that vaccines can and do cause autism."

The entire HighWire show can be viewed from Facebook below, and the section regarding former Merck scientist Jorge Araujo begins at about the 36 minute point in the show:

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posted August 03, 2019 05:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote a356c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

The Cancer Epidemic is Caused by a Viruse That Was Put in the Polio Vaccine and Given to 98 Million People (Also Transmitted Sexually)

In 1960, medical studies determined that the Salk injectable polio vaccine (IPV) contained the Simian Virus 40 (SV40). SV40 is a cancer-causing virus originating from minced rhesus monkey kidney cells that were used to manufacture the polio vaccine.

From the mid-50s until 1960, the SV40-tainted vaccine had been administered to about 98 million adults and children.

After 1960, millions of more of the tainted vaccines were being manufactured and administered. Federal regulators did not recall the affected polio vaccine until 1963. Dr. Sabin, who developed the first working polio vaccine, had this to say about the cover-up:

“…Theres too much scaring the public unnecessarily. Oh your children were injected with a cancer virus and all that. That’s not very good!”

Medical researchers attribute the elevated rise in soft-tissue cancers in the last 50 years, many of which were almost unknown before the introduction of the polio vaccine, to the SV40 virus contamination.

Clandestine medical research specializing in engineering deadly cancers as a bio-weapon

Soon after the discovery of the cancer-causing virus, the U.S. Government commissioned covert projects with the purpose of weaponizing cancer.

Dr. Alton Ochsner, who pioneered early studies linking smoking to cancer, was instrumental in overseeing the cancer-causing virus project in New Orleans. His hospital was one of the 159 covert research centers established by the CIA.

Dr. Mary Sherman, an expert in cancer research, was selected to supervise the secret research related to the SV40 virus. The monkey viruses were radiated by a linear particular accelerator to alter the genetic components in the virus. The monkey viruses would then be injected into mice to study the developing tumors.

In 1964, Dr. Sherman was found brutally murdered in her apartment (she had been stabbed multiple times and her right arm and rib cage had been burnt away). Her fascinating story is detailed in the book Dr. Mary’s Monkey.

The following Coast to Coast AM interview with the author of Dr. Mary’s Monkey is absolutely crucial to the investigation:

Must-Read: CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus via the Polio Shot

Judyth Vary Baker and Lee Harvey Oswald’s involvement in the program

In the spring of 1963, 19-year-old Judyth Vary Baker was invited to join Dr. Ochsner in New Orleans. Baker was an exceptionally gifted student from Florida dedicated to cancer research. Soon after arriving in New Orleans, she began a romantic relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald, who informed her of his role as an intelligence agent.

Judyth Vary Baker, author of Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald introduced Baker to David Ferrie, who according to Jim Garrison, was a key figure in the JFK assassination and “one of history’s most important individuals.”

Ferrie revealed information to Baker about a secret government assassination plot directed against Fidel Castro. By injecting Castro with cancer, the U.S. Government would avoid the usual suspicion that a violent assassination would generate.

Baker and Oswald were assigned cover jobs at the Reily Coffee Company (confirmed by Baker’s pay stubs and tax statements). Her real work was in Ferrie’s apartment, portions of which had been converted into a laboratory. Baker worked with 50-60 mice at a time, which had developed tumors due to cancer injections.

Baker would kill the mice, and then cut off and weigh the tumors. The excised tumor material would then be blended together. Baker would then make tissue cell cultures from the most vigorous and deadly cancers.

She would then compile reports on the tests and take them to Dr. Mary Sherman to review. Oswald acted as a go between for the covert program participants, among other assigned clandestine activities.

Dr. Mary Sherman — her incinerated body, as described by Ed Haslam in the above Coast to Coast AM interview, can be seen here (viewer discretion)

Baker learned that prisoners from the Angola Penitentiary were to be used as guinea pigs for testing the weaponized cancer-causing virus. In a written letter, Baker stated ethical objections to the testing that made her an enemy of Dr. Ochsner.

As a result, she left the project and returned to Florida with her husband. Soon after, Oswald embarked upon a failed attempt to secure a transit visa to Cuba via Mexico City to transport the weaponized cancer virus.

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posted August 06, 2019 12:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote 356c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

Big Pharma Admits Measles Outbreak and Subsequent Media Hysteria Made Them Massive Profits

Since the beginning of the year, the FTP has been reporting on the hysteria associated with the measles outbreak and the subsequent loss of liberties and police state crackdown that’s ensued.

We’ve seen children banned from public spaces, mandatory vaccinations enforced with police action, and a pro-vaccine push in the mainstream media like we’ve never seen before.

In May, the pro-mandatory vaccine push reached a new level, as the Washington Post published an article calling for the arrest of those who choose not to vaccinate. Now we are seeing the result of said hysteria and it comes in the form of massive pharmaceutical industry profits.

On Tuesday, the pharmaceutical giant Merck said consumer demand for its measles vaccine skyrocketed thanks to the “outbreak” which helped boost sales in its second quarter.

According to CNBC, sales of children’s vaccines, which includes the New Jersey-based company’s MMR vaccine, for measles, mumps and rubella, jumped 58% year over year to $675 million, Merck announced in its second-quarter earnings report Tuesday.

Merck, which is the sole U.S. supplier of measles vaccines, said the strong growth was due in part to this year’s measles outbreak, which was the largest in the U.S. since 1992.

Merch Chief Commercial Officer Frank Clyburn even mentioned the coverage in the news specifically.

“There was some buying to the private sector within the U.S. this quarter based on some of the measles outbreaks that you read in the news,” Clyburn said in a post-earnings conference call with investors. “And we do believe that we’ll continue to see growth for our pediatric vaccines going forward.”

Outbreaks are good for business and so is media hysteria that successfully whipped Americans into a fit of fear so massive that they are now supporting measures that include locking parents in cages for refusing to vaccinate as well as banning unvaccinated people from public spaces.

And all of this is over just 1,164 cases of measles, as of July 25. Not a single person has died from it and those 1,164 people are now immune to measles.

As TFTP reported at the end of March, in one of the most shocking moves to date over the 2019 measles outbreak, Rockland County officials declared a state of emergency and effectively banned any child under the age of 18, who had not received the MMR vaccine, from all public spaces.

Then, in April, officials took it one step further and ordered mandatory vaccinations for multiple New York zip codes. Those who try to resist getting the shots are being fined.

While this may sound like an insane police state forcing people to undergo medical procedures against their will to many people, to others, it is utopia.

In the Washington Post in May, Juliette Kayyem took to the platform to advocate for fining and arresting people who choose not to vaccinate.

“With more than 700 reported (measles) cases confirmed in 22 states, it is now a public safety crisis, and the tools of public safety — arrests, fines, isolation — are absolutely necessary,” this would-be tyrant wrote.

Kayyem referred to those who choose not to vaccinate as “pro-plague” and “free riders” who “are putting my children and our communities at risk.”

While this sort of police state talk could be easily dismissed as hysteria from some babbling fool, Kayyem is not some random babbling fool. She is the former assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security.

That’s right, this person — who worked for DHS and could very well pull strings to get her sick desire to force medicate society carried out — is advocating for people to be rounded up and thrown in jail for abstaining from vaccines. This is utter dystopian insanity.

According to Kayyem, the cases of measles in the United States — which have not killed a single person — is a “crisis” worthy of ushering in a Hitleresque-style medical police state like we’ve never seen.

To deter those who think this article is some “rabid anti-vaxxer nonsense” it is important to point out that TFTP is not anti-vaccine at all. We are merely pro-vaccine safety and pro informed consent.

The irony of many of these folks being pro-choice when it comes to abortion but advocating for the removal of choice when it comes to a vaccine would be laughable if it weren’t so hypocritically tyrannical.

And this tyranny is already happening. Currently, families who are refusing the forced MMR vaccinations in New York are being hit with fines totaling thousands of dollars.

The hysteria over this measles outbreak borderlines on insanity as measles is not even on the list of federally quarantinable diseases. Yet quarantines are already happening and this crazed woman is calling for arrests.

Furthermore, though 90,000 people die around the world from measles every year, according to the World Health Organization, malnutrition, especially vitamin A deficiency is the primary cause of death in those cases. In fact, 75-92% of measles hospitalizations in the United States are also due to vitamin A deficiency.

Even the CDC admits that before the measles mass vaccination program was introduced, nearly everyone contracted measles and obtained lifetime immunity by age 15.

According to Physicians for Informed Consent, in the modern era, it is rare to suffer permanent disability or death from measles in the United States.

Between 1900 and 1963, the mortality rate of measles dropped from 13.3 per 100,000 to 0.2 per 100,000 in the population, due to advancements in living conditions, nutrition, and health care — a 98% decline — not the vaccine. This is illustrated in the figure below.

According to the CDC, since September, there have only been 642 cases of measles in the New York area. There have only been 25 hospitalizations and zero deaths. In fact, in the entire country, there have only been three measles-related deaths — in the last 20 years — and these tyrants want you thrown in a cage for it.

Yet still, government is tracking down those who haven’t received the measles vaccine and forcing them to take it, threatening their very freedom if they refuse.

To reiterate once more, no one here is advocating “antivaxxer” information. TFTP is simply questioning the government forcing medical procedures on citizens without their consent and advocating for the arrest of those who refuse.

As TFTP has previously reported, although some studies do link unvaccinated people to measles cases, according to multiple other studies, the MMR vaccine is likely worse than getting measles.

In 2017, the Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) reported in the British Medical Journal that every year, approximately 5,700 U.S. children suffer from seizures as a direct result of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.

“In the United States, measles is generally a benign, short-term viral infection; 99.99% of measles cases fully recover,” said Dr. Shira Miller, PIC president and founder.

“As it has not been proven that the MMR vaccine is safer than measles, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that mandatory measles mass vaccination results in a net public health benefit in the United States.”

While there is a risk of seizure from contracting measles, according to the data, the risk of developing seizures from the vaccine to combat measles is five times higher.

What’s more, the seizures from the MMR vaccine are far worse, according to the study, and can cause permanent harm.

“For example, 5% of febrile seizures result in epilepsy, a chronic brain disorder that leads to recurring seizures. Annually, about 300 MMR-vaccine seizures (5% of 5,700) will lead to epilepsy,” PIC points out.

Now, as the government rounds people up and forces them to take this vaccine for a non-life-threatening virus, according to the CDC’s own data, children will undoubtedly be injured in this process.

To those who resist out of fear it may harm their child or religious beliefs, the former assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security and the Washington Post think you need to be rounded up and thrown in cages.

Despite no deaths and very few complications, we can now see what this hysteria and police state action is all for — Big Pharma’s bottom line.


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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted September 14, 2019 12:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 06, 2019 03:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
[URL= c20a3] 5c20a3[/URL] 56c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

Bill Gates Most Likely Knew His Polio Vaccination Will Paralyze Tens of Thousands of Children

At least he certainly OUGHT to have known that oral polio vaccines were discontinued in the U.S. due to their known contribution to vaccine-derived paralysis.

48,000 children paralyzed from gates polio vaccine D1IZhM2nfGE/XZYf1Sz6HFI/AAAAAAAA2I4/wAAAuBVp5tIOgUmhBwtv5KiDAAz0RE9NgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/bill%2Bgates%2Bpolio%2Bparalysis.jpg

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation created the GAVI alliance to push vaccinations on the poorest parts of the developing world in the name of “saving lives” and stopping disease.

In particular, Bill Gates expects to take credit for wiping out polio worldwide by making it one of his primary issues. But at what cost?

In April 2012, I reported on a disturbing claim in the Indian medical press that some 47,500 children had been paralyzed as a direct result of the polio vaccination campaign that had swept through their populous country.

India’s National Polio Surveillance Project found that a sharp rise in the cases of non-polio paralysis correlated with areas where doses of oral polio vaccine were also increased.

Worse, children afflicted with polio vaccine-derived non-polio paralysis “were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection,” according to Indian officials.

Bill Gates has publicly denied that his vaccination campaign harmed anyone after being confronted by Truthstream Media’s Melissa Melton.

In June 2013, a ten-month old baby in India made headlines after the infant was paralyzed from receiving a polio vaccine, all while Bollywood celebrities, reportedly hired by the Gates Foundation, were used to urge the public to accept the vaccinations.

Perhaps the worst part of this tragic backlash in what is meant to be a campaign to improve public health is that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UN’s World Health Organization knew that oral polio vaccines caused paralysis – but they thought the trade off was worth it.

The claim rings as hollow as when former Secretary of State Madeline Albright claimed that some half a million Iraqis killed by sanctions was also “worth it.”

After years of controversy in the United States, the use of oral polio vaccine (OPV) was discontinued in 2000 due to its proven link with vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV), and in the UK circa 2004.

The use of an injected and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) replaced its usage in the Western world, while oral polio vaccine continues to be used in the developing world.

Wikipedia notes that the WHO “considers the benefits of vaccination to far outweigh the risk of vaccine derived polio.” A statement on the World Health Organization addressing the issue of vaccine-derived polio updated in April 2013 claims, “The small risk of cVDPVs pales in significance to the tremendous public health benefits associated with OPV.”

While that risk may be statistically negligible from the bureaucratic point of view of the United Nations and agenda-driven philanthropy, the vaccine-derived paralysis has ruined at least 47,500 real human lives in India, in children who would have likely never contracted paralyzing polio but instead were paralyzed and permanently harmed by the so-called “cure” – all while an alternate vaccine not linked with paralysis has long been available.

Who carries the burden for those wrecked lives, and why does no one in the mainstream corporate media address this issue or attempt to hold anyone accountable? I guess there are no political points to be scored, so it won’t be appearing on your TV screen.


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posted October 11, 2019 03:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote 6c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

Genetic Sequencing of Common Vaccine Finds Entire Male Genome from Aborted Baby: 560 Genes Linked to Cancer

Vaccines are routinely formulated with aborted human fetal cells known as MRC-5 and WI-38. The CDC openly lists some of the vaccines that use these “human diploid” cells, including Twinrix (Hep A / Hep B), ProQuad (MMRV) and Varivax (Varicella / chicken pox). FDA-published vaccine insert sheets such as this one for Varivax also openly admit to the use of aborted human fetal cell lines such as MRC-5:

The product also contains residual components of MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein and trace quantities of neomycin and bovine calf serum from MRC-5 culture media.

Even this GlaxoSmithKline vaccine insert sheet openly discusses the use of aborted human fetal cells in its Priorix-Tetra vaccine (MMRV):

Each virus strain is separately produced in either chick embryo cells (mumps and measles) or MRC5 human diploid cells (rubella and varicella).

Yet, amazingly, almost no member of the public is aware that aborted human fetal cells are routinely used in vaccines. The lying fake news media insists such talk is a “conspiracy theory,” even as the CDC, FDA and vaccine manufacturers openly declare the ingredient is being used in numerous vaccines.

Now, a laboratory in Italy has carried out a complete genome sequencing of this MRC-5 cell line that’s deliberately inserted into multiple vaccines. What they’ve found in beyond shocking… it’s horrifying. As explained by Children’s Health Defense:

The Corvelva team summarized their findings as follows:

1- The fetal cell line was found to belong to a male fetus.

2- The cell line presents itself in such a way that it is likely to be very old, thus consistent with the declared line of the 1960s.

3- The fetal human DNA represented in this vaccine is a complete individual genome, that is, the genomic DNA of all the chromosomes of an individual is present in the vaccine.

4- The human genomic DNA contained in this vaccine is clearly, undoubtedly abnormal, presenting important inconsistencies with a typical human genome, that is, with that of a healthy individual.

5- 560 genes known to be associated with forms of cancer were tested and all underwent major modifications.

6- There are variations whose consequences are not even known, not yet appearing in the literature, but which still affect genes involved in the induction of human cancer.

7- What is also clearly abnormal is the genome excess showing changes in the number of copies and structural variants.

560 cancer genes, abnormal DNA, genetic “modification” of potentially hazardous genes, yet mandated to be injected into every child

The .pdf is available HERE

What’s clear from this genetic sequencing is that the vaccine industry is inoculating children with engineered cancer. As CHD explains, the vaccines are deliberately formulated with cancer-causing genes which have been specifically modified to promote cancer tumors:

[I[nside the vaccines that have been administered for decades is the presence of a progressively more genetically modified DNA and uncontrolled quantities has been allowed…

…[T]he DNA contained in these vaccines is potentially TUMORIGENIC and that the guidelines to which the supervisory bodies are appealing are NOT ADEQUATE. Moreover, we are publicly denouncing a SERIOUS OMISSION in taking those PRECAUTIONAL measures which, on the other hand, are urgently requested for antacid drugs.

Not only is this cancer-ridden genetic code inserted into all these vaccines given to children, but the dose of the cancer-infected DNA is dangerously high. As CHD explains:

…[T]he contaminant fetal DNA present in all samples analyzed in varying quantities (thus uncontrolled) is up to 300 times higher than the limit imposed by the EMA for carcinogenic DNA (10 ng/dose, corresponding to DNA contained in approximately 1000 tumor cells, derived from a statistical calculation, while the precautionary limit is 10 pg/dose), a limit that must also be applied to MRC-5 fetal DNA which inevitably contaminates Priorix tetra.

“Modifications” of genes associated with cancer tumors

The genome sequencing also found that hundreds of genes linked to cancer tumors have been modified. As explained by the study authors:

…[I]mportant modifications of genes known to be associated with various tumor forms have been identified, for all the 560 verified genes; furthermore, there are variants whose consequences are not known, but which, however, affects genes involved in the induction of human cancer.

This indicates that the MRC-5 aborted human fetal cells appear to have been deliberately modified to make them more tumorigenic… i.e. more likely to cause cancer tumors in human recipients of the vaccine injections.

This would, of course, ensure long-term revenues from the cancer drugs that are also manufactured and sold by the same pharmaceutical giants that manufacture and market vaccines.

Repeat business, after all, is a very lucrative business model, and if you can lace vaccines with the genetic blueprints for long-term cancer, you can make sure that a very high percentage of today’s children are eventually diagnosed with cancer, after which they become lucrative customers for Big Pharma’s cancer drugs.

The genome sequencing of the MRC-5 “human diploid” cells used in vaccines is even described by researchers as, “anomalous” when compared to a healthy human being. From the study’s conclusion:

The human genomic DNA contained in the Priorix lot vaccine. n. A71CB256A is evidently anomalous, presenting important inconsistencies if compared to a typical human genome, i.e. the one of a healthy human being. There are several unknown variants (not noted in public databases) and some of them are located in genes involved in cancer.

What is also apparently anomalous, is the excess of genome that shows changes in the number of copies (CNV) and structural variants (SV), such as translocations, insertions, deletions, duplications and inversions, many of which involve genes.

This conclusion appears to confirm that MRC-5 cell lines used in vaccines have been genetically modified to make them more likely to cause cancer in vaccine recipients. Subsequently, vaccine mandates are actually forcing children to be injected with cancer genes so that they become future customers of Big Pharma’s for-profit cancer treatment “solutions” which are incredibly toxic to human health.

Human children, in other words, are being injected with the genetically modified DNA of another aborted human child in order to cause cancer on a nationwide scale, all to benefit the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry that pushes total censorship about any criticism of vaccines or vaccine ingredients.

“Defective” vaccines that are “potentially dangerous to human health”

The upshot is that these vaccines which are deliberately contaminated with abnormal, cancer-infested human genes are “defective,” according to an analysis by CHD:

As a consequence, this vaccine should be considered defective and potentially dangerous to human health, in particular to the pediatric population which is much more vulnerable to genetic and autoimmune damage.

Here’s a summary of these findings, in a short video that will be expanded next week into a full lecture.

Sources:; / Reference:; [pdf 7f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96
WHO Admits Polio Outbreak in the Philippines Caused by Polio Vaccines (Even Though it Was Eradicated for Over 25 Years)

The polio vaccine has caused an escalating outbreak of polio in the Philippines, according to the World Health Organization and UNICEF, which issued a joint statement admitting the vaccine is causing polio.

“WHO and UNICEF said in a joint statement the polio outbreak in the Philippines is concerning because it is caused by vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2,” writes the Associated Press. “The weakened virus used in vaccines replicates for a short time in children’s intestines and is excreted in their feces.”

Polio vaccines are often cited as a success story proving that vaccines work to eliminate infectious disease. In truth, nearly all the cases of polio in the modern world are caused by polio vaccines themselves.

Stated plainly, more cases of polio are caused by polio vaccines than from wild polio.

Polio vaccines are creating “super polio” strains that threaten humanity

Oral polio vaccines are actually “spawning virulent strains” of polioviruses, reports Children’s Health Defense:

The alarming surge in vaccine-derived polio cases presents vaccine planners with a “quandary” or “conundrum” — because “The very tool you are using for [polio] eradication is causing the problem.” … Vaccine researchers have long known that these OPV-derived viruses can themselves cause polio, particularly when they get “loose in the environment.”

The Associated Press story admits that it has been over 25 years since polio in the Philippines was contracted from a “wild strain.” Since 1993, all the cases of polio in the Philippines have been caused by polio vaccines. Via AP:

"[T]he last known case from a wild strain of the virus in the Philippines was in 1993…"

Associated Press admits vaccines kill children

The AP also admits that vaccines kill children:

The government’s immunization programs were marred in 2017 by a dengue fever vaccine made by French drugmaker Sanofi Pasteur which some Philippine officials linked to the deaths of at least three children. Duque and other Philippine health officials say they have worked to restore public trust in vaccines since then.

Even worse, as the AP admits, vaccines for dengue fever were actually found to increase the risk of severe dengue infections:

The government halted the dengue immunization drive after Sanofi said a study showed the vaccine may increase the risk of severe dengue infections. More than 830,000 children received the Dengvaxia vaccine under the campaign, which was launched in 2016 and halted in 2017. Sanofi officials said the Dengvaxia vaccine was safe and would reduce dengue infections if the vaccination drive continued.

Read and share: Bill Gates Most Likely Knew His Polio Vaccination Will Paralyze Tens of Thousands of Children

Vaccine “science” is a fraud

Modern vaccine “science” is a total fraud. Vaccines kill or maim millions of children around the world each year, yet any journalist who investigates the toxicity of vaccine ingredients or the science fraud behind vaccine propaganda is immediately banned from all major tech platforms, including Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest and even Vimeo.

No facts about vaccines are allowed to be shared or discussed. The corrupt, criminally-operated vaccine industry controls the narrative across all tech giants — including Wikipedia — as well as Hollywood, universities and medical journals.

The vaccine industry murders children for profit, then silences anyone who works to protect children from the scourge of dangerous immunizations carried out with toxic ingredients like aborted human fetal tissue, aluminum, mercury and chemical adjuvants.

Watch this shocking video revealing the truth about aborted human fetal cells used in vaccines, totally admitted by the CDC and vaccine manufacturers:

Source: / Reference:

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posted October 30, 2019 01:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote 356c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

Facebook Owner Admits to Congress that They are Censoring Vaccine Safety Information

by Brian Shilhavy

Facebook owner, Mark Zuckerberg, testified before the House Financial Services Committee in the U.S. Congress on October 23, 2019.

One of the Representatives who questioned Mr. Zuckerberg was Florida Congressman Bill Posey.

Congressman Posey addressed Mr. Zuckerberg with the following:

Unfortunately, some in politics and the media see their role as cajoling Facebook to censor its users’ speech.

In April I wrote you that I was disappointed that Facebook would consider restricting free speech rights to communicate the risk associated with vaccinations.

I support vaccinations of children and adults, but I also support open and frank communication of the risk of vaccination.

Every person should make vaccination decisions with full information. In recognition of the uncertainties of the risk of vaccination, the federal government has created a vaccination trust fund that has paid out over four billion dollars to compensate those who have been injured by vaccinations.

There’s no more clear or persuasive statement that the risk associated with vaccinations, then the existence of the payment record of that fund.

From time to time medical research has established case and context of specific risks associated with vaccinations.

I wrote you when another member of the House made claims that the risk of vaccinations should not exist and that Facebook should police communications related to the vaccination risks.

Today you testified that you believe in giving people a voice.

Mr. Zuckerberg, is Facebook able to assure us that it will support users fair and open discussions and communications related to the risk as well as the benefits of vaccinations?

Mr. Zuckerberg’s reply:

Congressman, thanks for the question.

We do care deeply about giving people a voice and freedom of expression; those are some of the founding values of the company.

At the same time, we also hear consistently from our community that people want us to stop the spread of misinformation.

So what we do, is we try to focus on misinformation that has the potential to lead to physical harm, or imminent harm.

And that can include especially misleading health advice. There was a hoax that was going viral a number of months back that those are saying….

Congressman Posey:

Let’s just speak to this subject, because our time is very limited.

Are you 100% confident that vaccines posed no injury to any person on this planet?


Congressman, I don’t think it would be possible for anyone to be a hundred percent confident, but my understanding of the scientific consensus is that…. it is important that people get their vaccines.

Congressman Posey:

But you said, your platform, that you want to… you believe in giving people a voice. Doesn’t somebody… shouldn’t somebody have the opportunity to express an opinion different from yours?

I mean over four billion dollars has been paid out by the fund for thousands of people.

Don’t you think people should be able to have information to make an informed choice?


Congressman I do. And that’s why we don’t stop people from posting on their page something that’s wrong.

But if someone wants to post vaccine, anti-vaccination content, or if they want to join a group where people are discussing that content, we don’t prevent them from doing that.

But what we do, is we don’t go out of our way to make sure that our group recommendation systems try to show people or encourage people to join those groups.

We discourage that.

Congressman Posey:

Well how do you discourage it?


Well, there are a number of different tactics. For example if someone is typing into the search search results, into the search box, something that might lead to anti-vaxx content, we don’t recommend anti-vaxx searches to them.

If you type in the name of a group exactly, you can get the group. We’re not going to hide it or prevent you from joining it.

But we’re not going to recommend or go out of our way to show people content that would encourage people to join those groups.

But people can share that content….

Congressman Posey:

Many of the people harmed by this policy are in fact parents with disabled children, and I don’t think we, or you, should be so quick to turn our backs on them.

If you look at the statistics, I think you’re making a bad mistake.

In preparing to write this article about yesterday’s hearings, I tried to find this video recording of Congressman Posey’s questions and Mr. Zuckerberg’s replies on Facebook.

This is the result of my search (and I tried multiple variations of the search – all with basically the same results):

Read: Congressman Posey’s Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

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posted November 04, 2019 06:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(just as the federal reserve system is a corporation of private banks and not in any way part of the federal government. the CDC is a private corporation which makes money off the sales of vaccines.todd) 56c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

there are two videos with this article but they are they UERL can not be copied to this page.

Shocking Discovery: Hundreds of Cancer Genes Are Deliberately Engineered into the MMR Vaccine to Promote Cancer for Generations to Come

A shocking new gene sequencing investigation has found that MMR vaccines are deliberately engineered to cause cancer as a repeat business model for Big Pharma, which manufactures vaccines and cancer treatment drugs for profit.

MMR vaccines were found to contain the complete gene sequence of a specific human (aborted) baby whose genes were modified to express cancer. In all, over 500 genes were altered to heighten the expression of cancer.

The CDC openly admits that these aborted human fetal cells are known ingredients in vaccines. The altered genes are found in ingredients called “MRC-5” or “WI-38,” both of which are openly acknowledged by the CDC as ingredients in vaccines. (See the CDC’s excipient table document here – PDF).

The same aborted human fetal genes, modified to promote cancer, are also found in chicken pox vaccines. See the proof of WI-38 and MRC-5 ingredients in the Varivax vaccine via the FDA’s official website at this link.

The MMR vaccine from Glaxo Smith Kline also contains modified, aborted human fetal cells. See the GSK MMR insert sheet here.

An FDA researcher has previously warned the agency that viruses used in vaccines may cause “activation” of cancer genes which are also inserted into vaccines. Via

In some cases the cell lines that are used might be tumorigenic, that is, they form tumors when injected into rodents. Some of these tumor-forming cell lines may contain cancer-causing viruses that are not actively reproducing.

Such viruses are hard to detect using standard methods. These latent, or “quiet,” viruses pose a potential threat, since they might become active under vaccine manufacturing conditions.

More examples:

•Cancer Industry Profits from Nagalase Molecule Injected into Humans via Vaccines (Spurs Tumor Growth)
•Cancer Was Spread Through MILLIONS of Polio Vaccines Laced With Cancer Virus — No One Has Ever Been Held Accountable

Watch this video, below, to understand the full ramifications of the vaccine industry’s death wish for humanity. This is a must-see mini-documentary available exclusively on, the free speech alternative to YouTube:

Also see the recent interview with the producers of Vaxxed 2, the new documentary that’s about to be released, exposing the “war zone” of dead children across America who are being routinely killed by vaccines.

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posted November 17, 2019 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

The CDC has just issued a warning! Every 15 minutes someone is the US is dying from this. 35,000 people have already died within the last year.

In the video report, I reveal the CDC warning as well as the fact that they have unleashed a new vaccine…the Ebola vaccine…

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posted November 19, 2019 04:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote 6c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

Germany to Fine Parents €2,500 if They Fail to Vaccinate Children for Measles Starting Next Year

Measles vaccinations will be made compulsory for German schoolchildren from next year.

The Bundestag – Germany's parliament – yesterday passed a law that means parents who do not vaccinate school-age children face fines of up to €2,500 (that's about $2763 or £2,140).

The new rules – which come into force in March – will also force parents to prove younger children have been vaccinated before they can attend nurseries or pre-schools. Visits to medical facilities, community centres and holiday camps will also require proof of immunisation.

German health minister Jens Spahn described the law as 'child protection' and said: 'A measles infection is an unnecessary threat in 2019.'

Experts in Britain oppose a similar move – but Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said there is a 'strong argument' for compulsory vaccinations.

Harvard Immunologist: Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO Risk to Anyone — Here’s Why

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posted November 30, 2019 12:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote 07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

Japan Leading the World in Exposing Fraud with Gardasil HPV Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

Public Hearings Regarding Hpv Vaccine Injuries In Japan Are Allowed Because Pro Vaccine Forces Are Not In Full Control Of Public Health Policies.

In Japan, young women and girls suffering from severe chronic generalized pain following vaccination with Merck’s Gardasil® or GSK’s Cervarix®, have organized and are speaking out.

The issues are being debated at public hearings, at which scientific presentations have been made by independent medical experts who validated the women’s suffering with documented evidence of the severe nature of the pain related to the HPV vaccine.

The opposing view, presented by scientists aligned with the vaccine establishment, disregarded the scientific plausibility of the evidence and declared the pain was a “psychosomatic reaction.”[1]

Such public debates do not take place where vaccine stakeholders are in full control of vaccine safety information. (Like in the U.S., for example.)

Public Hearings Regarding Hpv Vaccine Injuries In Japan Are Allowed Because Pro Vaccine Forces Are Not In Full Control Of Public Health Policies.

Following a public hearing (February 2014), at which scientific evidence was presented by independent scientists [2], the Japanese government, not only rescinded its recommendation that girls receive the HPV vaccine, but established guidelines and special clinics for evaluating and treating illnesses caused by the vaccine.

It is a scenario that Merck, GSK, and vaccine stakeholders globally are extremely anxious to suppress.

The Merck-commissioned, CSIS report, co-authored by Dr. Larson, paints a picture of an all-out war over media coverage – not over the high rate of serious adverse reactions.

The authors resort to the usual tactic of discrediting vaccine-injured individuals; they dismissed the serious health effects suffered by girls and young women following vaccination, as trivial.

The CSIS report presents the entire issue as an epidemic fueled by Internet rumors and “vaccine hesitators.”

“Over the last year, controversy within the Japanese medical and political arenas over the HPV vaccine has touched the public at large. Through social media and highly publicized events, anti-vaccine groups have gained control of the narrative surrounding the HPV vaccine.”

Global Collaborators in Action: Trash Honest Scientists to Suppress Inconvenient Evidence

Hpv Doctors

The following case demonstrates how the global network of government/academic and industry stakeholders suppresses information about genuine scientific findings and, when needed, is engaged in corrupt practices to thwart the airing of information about vaccine safety issues.

This case involves inconvenient scientific laboratory findings in post-mortem tissue samples, showing that the HPV vaccine was contaminated with foreign HPV DNA fragments. The case also involves evidence (contained in internal correspondence) of deceptive practices by officials of “authoritative” international public health institutions.

In January 2016, pathologist Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, Director of Milford Medical Laboratory, sent an open letter of complaint to the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Margaret Chan, in which he challenges the integrity of the GACVS Statement on the Continued Safety of HPV Vaccination (issued March 2014), and charges professional misconduct on the part of the following individuals (and suggests that others may have also been actively involved) in a scheme to deliberately mislead the Japanese Expert Inquiry on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine safety before, during and after the February 2014 public hearing in Tokyo.

Dr. Lee challenged the integrity of the GACVS Statement on the Continued Safety of HPV Vaccination written by Dr. Pless, accusing him of deliberately misrepresenting his scientific findings in order to mislead non-scientific readers and those who set vaccination policies.

Dr. Pless is accused of deliberately conflating two unrelated articles, dealing with two different chemicals, written by different authors “apparently to create a target to attack.” Furthermore, Dr. Lee notes that the GACVS Statement relied on an unpublished 12-year-old “Technical Report” written by an unofficial, unnamed “group of participants” (according to CDC’s disclaimer).

These are the facts:

In 2011, Dr. Lee found that every one of the 13 Gardasil samples that he examined contained HPV L1 gene DNA fragments.

He also found that the HPV DNA fragments were not only bound to Merck’s proprietary aluminum adjuvant but also adopted a non-B conformation, thereby creating a new chemical compound of unknown toxicity.

This non-B conformation, Dr. Lee believes, is responsible for the array of autoimmune illnesses experienced by children and young women following vaccination with Gardasil.

In 2012, Dr. Lee testified at a coroner’s inquest of the death of a New Zealand teenager, 6 months after receiving 3 Gardasil vaccine injections.

He then published his case report in the open access journal, Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology (2012).

Dr. Lee was a presenter at the Tokyo hearing (2014), at which he disputed those who claimed the young women weren’t really suffering severe pain; they were having “psychosomatic reactions.” He stated:

“I do not believe psychosomatic reactions can cause sudden unexpected death in sleep, or inflammatory lesions in the brain as demonstrated by the MRI images and the brain biopsy histopathology with perivascular lymphocytes and macrophages and demyelination.”

Following the public hearing, GAVC issued a statement (March 12, 2014) aimed at discrediting Dr. Lee’s research by conflating his research with the research of other scientists who presented at the Tokyo hearing.

This case should have been prominently reported in the medical journals and by the mass media, and the allegation should have been investigated.

Mainstream publications have been silent; the case was reported only in alternative news outlets. [3]

In July 2016, a victims’ group filed a multi-plaintiff lawsuit in the district courts of Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka against the Japanese government and the two pharmaceutical companies that had produced these vaccines.

Furthermore, in December of the same year, additional victims joined the multi-plaintiff lawsuit, bringing the total number of plaintiffs to 119 (Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, 2017).

The Hazards of Aluminum in Vaccines Is the Focus Of Intense Research

Of note: the placebo comparator in (most) vaccine clinical trials is not inert, it contains aluminum.

Several independent teams of international autoimmune experts have investigated this, led by the internationally recognized authority of autoimmune diseases, Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld of Tel Aviv University, Israel, and another group by Dr. Christopher Exley, Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Keele University in the UK.

However, studies that document the hazards of aluminum in vaccines are not published in major influential medical journals.

Recent surveys of those journals document that medical journal editors have concealed financial conflicts of interest. Most Editors of Top Medical Journals Receive Industry Payments (Retraction Watch, Nov. 2017).

In two cases, journal editors received over $1 million from industry sources. (Ed Silverman, STAT, 2017.)

The following case is an example of how science is subverted by tightly controlled journal gatekeepers. Journal editors who have sold their integrity by accepting industry kickbacks block publication of reports that might pose a financial threat to an intricate web of government and non-government institutions and professional associations – all of whom are financially tied to the pharmaceutical industry.

The case demonstrates the great difficulty encountered by independent scientists who have not sold their integrity to the highest bidder.

Publication Saga: Case Examples of Harassment Aimed At Suppressing Harmful Findings Regarding the HPV-Gardasil Vaccine

The study, Behavioral Abnormalities In Young Female Mice Following Administration Of Aluminum Adjuvants And The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Gardasil, was conducted in Israel by a team of researchers headed by Professor Yehuda Schoenfeld, an internationally recognized authority, who is considered to be the pillar in the field of autoimmunity.

Indeed, Dr. Shoenfeld identified a new syndrome ASIA (Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants).

“The idea of ASIA as a new syndrome developed after some studies on Gulf War syndrome reported that soldiers who had not been deployed to the Gulf area were suffering from symptoms such as severe fatigue, cognitive impairment, myalgias and arthralgias. This raised the question of whether it was the vaccines administered to the soldiers that induced these syndromes. The most common adjuvants are silicone implants and aluminum in vaccines.” [4]

The focus of the research seeks to shed light on “the roles and mechanisms of action of different adjuvants which lead to autoimmune/ inflammatory response.”

Prof. Shoenfeld encountered blockades from journal editors who attempted to suppress the findings of neuroinflammation and “behavioral abnormalities following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the HPV vaccine Gardasil.”

Those editors have financial stakes in the business of vaccines.

Dr. Michael Racke
Dr. Michael Racke

The HPV-mouse study was first submitted to for publication to the Journal of Human Immunology where it was shelved for 8 months and was then rejected by that journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Michael Racke.

According to the American Academy of Neurology:

“Dr. Racke has received personal compensation for activities with EMD Serone, Novartis, Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Genentech, and Amarantus as a consultant.”

EMD Serono, Inc. is a subsidiary of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

The HPV-mouse study was published in the journal Vaccine in January 2016.

It was summarily withdrawn a month later following orders by the Editor-in-Chief, Gregory Poland. [5]

Dr. Poland’s direct conflicts of interest [5] include those disclosed on the Mayo Clinic website:

“Dr. Poland is the chairman of a safety evaluation committee for investigational vaccine trials being conducted by Merck Research Laboratories. Dr. Poland offers consultative advice on new vaccine development to Merck & Co., Inc. [Dr. Robert Chen is an Associate Editor of Vaccine.]”

How is it that this incestuous relationship did not raise loud cries of foul play? Those rejections by editors who had deeply vested financial interest in protecting vaccination rates, whose own financial interest was intertwined with vaccine manufacturers, elicited no protest from the scientific academic community.

Instead, these rejections were followed by vicious attacks against two of the scientists by industry’s cyber hit-squads that are hired to attack independent scientists whose honest research contradicts vaccine orthodoxy. That is viewed as a heresy inasmuch as it poses a financial threat. [6]

The study was revised, again peer-reviewed, and published in the journal Immunological Research (Nature-Springer) (2017). [7]

The reported findings remained the same:

“Vaccine adjuvants and vaccines may induce autoimmune and inflammatory manifestations in susceptible individuals. To date most human vaccine trials utilize aluminum (Al) adjuvants as placebos despite much evidence showing that Al in vaccine-relevant exposures can be toxic to humans and animals…It appears that Gardasil via its Al adjuvant and HPV antigens has the ability to trigger neuroinflammation and autoimmune reactions, further leading to behavioral changes…”

“In light of these findings, this study highlights the necessity of proceeding with caution with respect to further mass-immunization practices with a vaccine of yet unproven long-term clinical benefit in cervical cancer prevention.”

The basis for those findings was deemed to be scientifically sound by three sets of peer-reviewers, at three different journals.

By Vera Sharav, Alliance for Human Research Protection – via

Note: This article

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posted December 18, 2019 08:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a Higher Rate of Sickness, 470% Increase in Autism

Pilot Comparative Study on the Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated 6-12 Year Old US Children

In a development that autism parents have long anticipated, the first-ever, peer-reviewed study comparing total health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children was released on line yesterday.

According to sources close to the project, the study had been reviewed and accepted by two different journals, both of which pulled back on their approval once the political implications of the findings became clear.

That’s largely because, as parents have long expected, the rate of autism is significantly higher in the vaccinated group, a finding that could shake vaccine safety claims just as the first president who has ever stated a belief in a link between vaccines and autism has taken office.


Working in partnership with the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), Dr. Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigated the relationship between vaccination exposures and a range of over 40 acute and chronic illnesses in home schooled children, a population chosen for its high proportion of unvaccinated children.

Surveying families in four states – Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oregon—the study (officially titled Vaccination and Health Outcomes: A Survey of 6- to 12-year-old Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children based on Mothers’ Reports), reported a number of startling findings.

Vaccinated children were significantly more likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder: most notably, the risk of being affected by an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was 4.7 fold higher in vaccinated children; as well, ADHD risk was 4.7 fold higher and learning disability risk was 3.7 fold higher.

Overall, the vaccinated children in the study were 3.7 times more likely to have been diagnosed with some kind of neurodevelopmental disorder.

Vaccinated children were also significantly more likely to be diagnosed with an immune-related disorder. The risk of allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever) was over 30 times higher in vaccinated children, while the risk of other allergies was increased 3.9 fold and the eczema risk was increased 2.4 fold.

With respect to acute illness and infectious disease the outcomes were in some respects surprising. As might be expected, unvaccinated children were significantly (4-10 times) more likely to have come down with chicken pox, rubella or pertussis.

Perhaps unexpectedly, the unvaccinated children were less likely to suffer from otitis media and pneumonia: vaccinated children had 3.8 times greater odds of a middle ear infection and 5.9 times greater odds of a bout with pneumonia.

The study was based on a survey with participants recruited in a process led by NHERI and coordinated through 84 state and local homeschool groups. The survey itself was, according to the authors, “nonbiased and neutrally worded.”

These findings in a study population of 666 children, 261 of whom (39%) were unvaccinated, are sure to stir controversy, in part because it is the first of its kind. The scientific literature on the long-term effects of the vaccination program is virtually silent.

Most studies on the safety of vaccines only consider immediate or short-term effects. There was no obvious explanation for the differences in health outcomes observed between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups of children other than vaccination itself.

The finding that vaccination is a significant risk for autism is the most explosive finding in the paper. For well over a decade, parents concerned that vaccines were involved in autism’s sharp rise have been calling for what has long been labelled the “vax/unvax” study.

Public health officials such as Paul Offit have resisted these calls with claims that a comparative study of autism risk and other health outcomes in unvaccinated and vaccinated children would be retrospectively impossible and prospectively unethical.

Despite opposition from those like Offit, attempts to launch a formal vax/unvax study have been made for many years. In 2006, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D, NY) authored what is now called Vaccine Safety Study Act.

Said Maloney to the opponents, “Maybe someone in the medical establishment will show me why this study is a bad idea, but they haven’t done it yet.”

In 2007, Generation Rescue (one of the Mawson study’s sponsors) retained a market research firm to undertake a similar survey (it is available on line and had similar findings but was never published in a scientific journal).

Less formal surveys focused on whether or not autism was present in the unvaccinated have also been undertaken in unusual populations, including the Amish and the patients of alternative health practitioners. Age of Autism founder Dan Olmsted investigated autism in the Amish, who vaccinate less frequently.

Autism is rare among the Amish and the only autistic Amish children we discovered were also vaccinated. (Others reported cases in Amish children with birth defects, but not “idiopathic autism,” the kind that occurs in otherwise typical children who are the heart of the current epidemic).

The late Mayer Eisenstein reported in his HomeFirst practice in Chicago that he delivered more than 15,000 babies at home, and thousands of them were never vaccinated. Of these unvaccinated children, none had autism.

Harvard Immunologist: Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO Risk to Anyone and Here’s Why

The link between autism and vaccination became a hot topic in the last presidential election. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton once tweeted “The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let’s protect all our kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest.”

In contrast, President Donald Trump has long been outspoken about the likely connection between vaccines and autism. As early as 2007, Trump remarked, “When I was growing up, autism wasn’t really a factor. And now all of a sudden, it’s an epidemic. Everybody has their theory, and my theory is the shots. They’re getting these massive injections at one time. I think it’s the vaccinations.”

In the absence of any published evidence on the question, the call for a vax/unvax study has become a rallying cry for autism advocates. Now it appears, the results confirm what many have long suspected.

These findings, especially the significant link between autism risk and vaccination, are certain to increase pressure on public health officials inside and outside the government to acknowledge the legitimacy of a concern they have long dismissed.

Like any study, this one is open to critique. One will be its relatively small sample size, relatively high ASD rate (3.3% overall as compared to 2.24% in the closest comparable CDC study) as well as the funding sources.

Most studies that have found no link between autism and vaccination have been pharma or government funded, and the media has not considered that significant enough to mention.

Nonetheless, expect a hue and cry that money for this study came in part from sources concerned about a possible vaccine-autism link.

Notes: The vax/unvax study is now-officially published in a peer reviewed journal. The full text is available on line HERE at the Journal of Translational Science.

The .pdf is HERE: Mawson et al 2017 vax-unvax Jnl Translational Science

Here is the funding statement from the leaked paper. “This study was supported by grants from Generation Rescue, Inc., and the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute, charitable organizations that support research on children’s health and vaccine safety. The funders had no role or influence on the design and conduct of the research or the preparation of reports.” Generation Rescue is a Founding National Sponsor of Age of Autism.


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posted December 26, 2019 01:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote 196f1d3880545c20a356c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

Why You Should Never Sign the Refusal to Vaccinate Form

As traditional school schedules resume in the coming days, many parents are bringing their children to their health care providers for sports physicals and well-child visits.

If you decline vaccines for your child, your child’s doctor may ask or even insist that you sign a refusal form stating you were offered information about vaccines and you opted out of one or more vaccinations.

This piece of paper may seem harmless, but there are important reasons to decline signing this form when you decline vaccines. Read on to learn why you should never sign this vaccine refusal form.

The Refusal Form From the AAP May Be Used to Scare You

Why You Should Never Sign The Refusal To Vaccinate Form

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), “within a 12-month period, 74% of pediatricians report encountering a parent who refused or delayed one or more vaccines.” [1]

In a letter to physicians, the AAP urged them to record vaccine refusals using a special document:

“The use of this or a similar form in concert with direct and non-condescending discussion can demonstrate the importance you place on appropriate immunizations, focuses parents’ attention on the unnecessary risk for which they are accepting responsibility, and may in some instances induce a wavering parent to accept your recommendations.”

If you are still deciding about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, opting for a delayed vaccination schedule, or declining specific vaccines, your child’s health care provider may use this form in combination with your uncertainty to pressure you to vaccinate your child.

The form includes an admonition stating that the outcome of not vaccinating might include contracting:

“certain types of cancer, pneumonia, illness requiring hospitalization, death, brain damage, paralysis, meningitis, seizures, and deafness; other severe and permanent effects from these vaccine-preventable diseases are possible as well.”

These words may sound scary to parents who are newly researching the truth about vaccines, but informed parents know that adverse reactions to vaccines are much more likely to occur than contracting the diseases themselves.

The Refusal to Vaccinate Form May Be Used To Take Your Child Away From You

The suggested form provided to healthcare providers by the AAP, which you may be asked to read and sign, includes the following statements:

“I know that failure to follow the recommendations about vaccination may endanger the health or life of my child and others with whom my child might come into contact.”

Some parents and vaccine safety advocates have suggested child protective services or a parent in a custody battle may use this “admission” against the signing parent to remove a child from their care.

In a report published in Pediatrics, the AAP outlines how healthcare providers should respond when parents decline vaccinations for their children, stating that there are circumstances which would justify involving “the appropriate child protective services agency because of the concern about medical neglect.” [2]

The Refusal to Vaccinate Form May Be Used to Require Medical Treatment

The form also states:

“I therefore agree to tell all health care professionals in all settings what vaccines my child has not received because he or she may need to be isolated or may require immediate medical evaluation and tests that might not be necessary if my child had been vaccinated.”

This language suggests that your child may be treated medically against your wishes because you did not accept certain vaccines.

How to Respond to Your Child’s Health Care Provider When They Tell You To Sign the Refusal to Vaccinate Form

If your child’s doctor or nurse presents this form to you, you may simply remind them that you are not obligated to sign this form. Vaccine exemptions are available in all fifty states, and you have the right to use these exemptions to refuse vaccines without signing the “refusal to vaccinate” form. [3]

Patricia Finn, a national vaccine injury and exemption attorney located in New York City, says it is probably best to refuse to sign the form.

However, if your refusal to sign stands between you and an exemption, or you and your pediatrician, and you have a valid legal basis for an exemption to vaccinations, then you probably should sign the form because it is not a legally enforceable agreement against you.

According to Finn, signing a refusal form is not a waiver to rights to refuse vaccines, which are protected under statute and the United States Constitution. Simply stated, your rights to refuse vaccines would not be waived by the refusal form. It also would be unenforceable because the form would most likely have been signed under duress.

Another suggestion is to modify the form. You can cross out what you disagree with, initial it, and sign the form.

The rights of vaccine refusers were set out by the Supreme Court in the 1905 landmark vaccine-refusal case, Jacobson vs. Massachusetts.

Over one hundred years ago, the Justices of the Court recognized the potential for unnecessary vaccination mandates as being “a plain and palpable invasion of fundamental liberties,” like the new CDC refusal form you must sign to exercise your rights to refuse.

If you are faced with having to sign the form, remember the Supreme Court held in Jacobson in 1905 that only one vaccine was allowable, and only in an extreme circumstance in which a grave danger existed that “imperils society.”

The Supreme Court further held that vaccinations to be mandated must be necessary, proportional, non-discriminatory and harm avoidant, which today’s school required vaccines are not.

If you are presented with a refusal form from your child’s school or doctor, it would be wise to first consult with an attorney to obtain legal advice about how to proceed.


These refusal to vaccinate forms were created to increase vaccination rates, scare parents, and potentially take children away from parents who decline vaccines or mandate medical treatment. Parents should refuse to sign these forms.

Has your child’s health care provider asked you to sign a refusal to vaccinate form? How did you respond? Please share your experiences in the comments section below. You can help other parents by sharing this article on social media.

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posted January 05, 2020 05:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote[/URL]

Neonatal Nurse on Vaccines: We are Destroying an Entire Generation of Children

Nurse Michelle Rowton was interviewed by Polly Tommey.

Michelle Rowton is neonatal nurse practioner, specializing in the care of children ages 2 years old and younger. She has worked for over 17 years working in NICU, with pre-mature and sick babies.

Michelle Rowton does not herself give vaccines to babies.

She recently sat down and conducted an interview with Polly Tommey during the VAXXED II film bus tour.

Michelle relates that in her undergraduate training to prepare her to be a nurse, that the only thing she was taught about vaccines was how to give the injections.

When she was in graduate school studying for her master’s degree to become a neonatal nurse practioner, she says she was taught “coercive rhetoric” to get the parents to agree with vaccines.

Michelle discusses her early years of working in the NICU with premature babies, and the negative effects vaccines would have on these babies.

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Polly then relates how vaccine apologists in the medical field will rationalize giving vaccines to young babies by stating that they have seen many deaths related to vaccine-preventable deaths among unvaccinated babies.

So she asks Michelle how many of these deaths by diseases that are allegedly prevented through vaccination that she has seen during all her years as a nurse, and she replies, “zero.”

They’re lying. Especially when they bring up chicken pox. I’m like, what nation were you in when that happened? Because it hasn’t happened here.

Michelle also works as a Functional Medical Nurse practioner in the field for the past 7 years, where her focus is working with babies out in the field.

I moved out of the hospital and into the clinic, because I got to the point where I thought, this is the same thing over and over again. Yeah, I’m really good at putting in central lines, and putting in chest tubes, and saving these critical babies.

Try This And You'll Lose 15 Pounds of Extra weight in Your Colon! (VIDEO)

When they get to the convalescence stage, it is terrible what we’re doing, and everybody’s doing the same thing.

I can have more effect out in the community, in having these babies from birth until two – no antibiotics, no ear infections, no medications, setting them up for life to have a far less chance of autoimmune disease, chronic disease – all of that kind of stuff.

That’s what I want to do now.

Michelle has three children of her own, all unvaccinated, and never been on antibiotics.

Michelle started the organization “Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines,” which over the years we have featured numerous times here at Health Impact News, but she says they finally shut the group down because:

ALERT - Try This New Tech and You'll Never Run Out of Clean Drinking Water Again! (VIDEO)

Nobody had the balls to actually stand up and do anything. If everybody had stood up and said “we’re not going to stand for mandatory flu shots in the hospital,” the whole thing would have gone away because they would have had no staff to run the hospital.

Everybody sitting around and doing nothing, collecting their paychecks, they’re all complicit in the mass annihilation of an entire generation of children.

She encourages everyone to watch VAXXED II.

We are destroying an entire generation of children.

Listen to the full interview:

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posted January 06, 2020 03:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Crazy Mothers: The Most Astounding Anti-Vaccine Video - Absolutely Must Watch

The post CRAZY MOTHERS: THE MOST ASTOUNDING ANTI-VACCINE VIDEO-absolutely must watch appeared first on Vaccine Liberation Army.

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posted January 06, 2020 04:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Neonatal Nurse on Vaccines: We are Destroying an Entire Generation of Children

Nurse Michelle Rowton was interviewed by Polly Tommey.

Michelle Rowton is neonatal nurse practioner, specializing in the care of children ages 2 years old and younger. She has worked for over 17 years working in NICU, with pre-mature and sick babies.

Natural Disaster! (VIDEO)

Michelle Rowton does not herself give vaccines to babies.

She recently sat down and conducted an interview with Polly Tommey during the VAXXED II film bus tour.

Michelle relates that in her undergraduate training to prepare her to be a nurse, that the only thing she was taught about vaccines was how to give the injections.

When she was in graduate school studying for her master’s degree to become a neonatal nurse practioner, she says she was taught “coercive rhetoric” to get the parents to agree with vaccines.

Michelle discusses her early years of working in the NICU with premature babies, and the negative effects vaccines would have on these babies.


Polly then relates how vaccine apologists in the medical field will rationalize giving vaccines to young babies by stating that they have seen many deaths related to vaccine-preventable deaths among unvaccinated babies.

So she asks Michelle how many of these deaths by diseases that are allegedly prevented through vaccination that she has seen during all her years as a nurse, and she replies, “zero.”

They’re lying. Especially when they bring up chicken pox. I’m like, what nation were you in when that happened? Because it hasn’t happened here.

Michelle also works as a Functional Medical Nurse practioner in the field for the past 7 years, where her focus is working with babies out in the field.

I moved out of the hospital and into the clinic, because I got to the point where I thought, this is the same thing over and over again. Yeah, I’m really good at putting in central lines, and putting in chest tubes, and saving these critical babies.

Try This Egyptian Copper Secret! You'll Never Believe What It Does Until You See the Blood Video!

When they get to the convalescence stage, it is terrible what we’re doing, and everybody’s doing the same thing.

I can have more effect out in the community, in having these babies from birth until two – no antibiotics, no ear infections, no medications, setting them up for life to have a far less chance of autoimmune disease, chronic disease – all of that kind of stuff.

That’s what I want to do now.

Michelle has three children of her own, all unvaccinated, and never been on antibiotics.

Michelle started the organization “Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines,” which over the years we have featured numerous times here at Health Impact News, but she says they finally shut the group down because:

Your Body Cries for Iodine! Here's What You Don't Know About Iodine and Your Health!

Nobody had the balls to actually stand up and do anything. If everybody had stood up and said “we’re not going to stand for mandatory flu shots in the hospital,” the whole thing would have gone away because they would have had no staff to run the hospital.

Everybody sitting around and doing nothing, collecting their paychecks, they’re all complicit in the mass annihilation of an entire generation of children.

She encourages everyone to watch VAXXED II.

We are destroying an entire generation of children.

Listen to the full interview:

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posted January 06, 2020 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Medical Alert: Animal Urine Called “Urea” Is Found in Today’s Dirty Vaccines, Including the Varicella Immunization Jab

By: S.D. Wells / Natural News

Some people put their full faith in American vaccines. They get every vaccine they’re told to get by doctors and the CDC. If there’s a scary outbreak on TV, they’ll run to the first 24-hour clinic or their pediatrician and get the booster jab for that infectious disease or new influenza combination of strains. Until… until… you say something that peaks their interest, and they want to hear why the hell there’s some crazy sounding toxin in their vaccine. That’s when they stop and listen to what you have to say, or to what you read, or what’s been “peer reviewed.”

Then along comes animal urine being utilized in the “chicken pox” vaccine and chemical-medicine advocates or “vaxxers” start wondering how that could be good for you and safe, or even effective, for that matter. Well, get ready.

Humans develop health problems just from animal urine in carpet, so imagine having urea injected into your blood and muscle tissue

People with asthma and allergies are susceptible to dangerous flareups when they are in a home where there’s a concentration of cat or dog urine in the rug. An allergic reaction can immediately produce hives on the body and cause difficulty breathing, thanks to the build up of ammonia. This can lead to panic attacks, anxiety, anaphylactic shock, coma and even death.

Now imagine having that urine injected into your muscle tissue along with some MRC-5 human diploid cells as DNA protein from a human abortion, hydrolyzed gelatin, sodium chloride, monosodium L-glutamate, neomycin, aluminum salts, and of course some bovine calf serum.

Less than 48 hours remaining at the Health Ranger Store’s New Year’s Resolution Sale. Last chance to get amazing deals on over 60 lab-verified supplements, superfoods, essential oils and more… enjoy up to 40% OFF selected items. This limited-time sale ends Jan. 6 at NOON CST, or while supplies last. Learn more here.

Serious side effects and adverse reactions happen from getting the Chicken Pox vaccine. Do you know what they are? The vaccine itself can cause pneumonia, infection of the brain and/or spinal cord covering, and seizures associated with fever. For kids who already got too many vaccines and therefore already have a severely compromised immune system, the so-called “safe and effective” Chicken Pox vaccine can cause a life-threatening infection, so there’s that. Parents be warned.

It’s similar to the stories you hear of all those girls getting the deadly concoction called the Human Papilloma Virus immunization, a.k.a. the insidious “HPV vaccine” – when they’re just nine years old (supposedly to protect them from anal sex STDs and heroin addicts with Hep B and AIDS), and then going into convulsions, seizures, shock and comas.

On the other hand, let’s take a big picture look at the deaths from Chicken Pox, which are only 1 in every 60,000. And about 3,700 women die each year from cervical cancer (but most just beat HPV in 2 years or so naturally, by the way). Yet how many women, men, children, babies and unborn babies die from vaccine toxins? How many have autism? How many people die from total vaccine toxins from getting 60 vaccines before age six? Check the PharmaDeathClock for all those horrid factoids.

Flashback: Over 100 years ago, around 1900, only 13 out of every 100,000 humans who got the Measles died from it. That’s it. It was on the outs already. Then, by the end of WWII, that number of deaths went down significantly to less than one person in every 100,000, and on down to barely anyone (0.2 in 100,000) dying from Measles twenty years later, by 1960.

Oh, but somehow, just three years later, they invented the so-called Measles vaccine and voila! America was cured. It’s all a hoax. Don’t get injected with toxins in the name of another hoax called “herd immunity.” It’s just a big sale on dirty vaccines here in America, and the mass media backs it 100 percent of the time.

Here’s the worst part. The Measles vaccine has been linked to 127 deaths over the past 15 years, so, you were saying?

Medical Warning: Urea discovered in “refrigerator stable” version of Chicken Pox (Varicella) vaccine, a.k.a. “Varivax”

Any parent with any ounce of common sense knows that the best way for a child to be immune to Varicella for life is to go ahead and let your child be exposed to another child that has it, catch it, and get it over with. It’s not that dangerous of an “infectious disease” and the vaccine today is so full of adulterated ingredients it’s not worth the risk.

Big Question: Can you put just about anything in a vaccine and call it safe and effective, because last we checked right there on the CDC vaccine ingredient website, it still shows most vaccines contain one or more of the following: human abortion cells, African Green Monkey kidney cells, deadly pig virus called Circovirus, mercury, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate, aluminum, squalene and genetically modified virus strains.

Plus, Varicella is given to babies right when they turn one year old, and then given a second follow-up “booster” at 4 years of age. How much more animal urine can the CDC schedule in 2020 to be injected into American babies for profit?

Tune your internet dial to for a look back at the most EVIL pharma and vaccine stories of 2019. Don’t let history repeat itself. Stay informed.

Sources for this article include:

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posted January 15, 2020 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote 35e5b4350c477952&ls2=4196f1d3880545c20a356c32f5a07f123472aba145b3dc046fcc0a2ee1376e96

Mandatory Vaccine Bill Fails After Thousands Show Up to Protest in New Jersey
A bill in New Jersey that would’ve stripped parents and children of their right to informed consent by allowing them to object to mandatory vaccinations failed on Monday.

Much to the chagrin of the tyrants who claim ownership over the bodies of others, the bill that would have eliminated religious exemptions to mandatory vaccinations failed to pass the New Jersey state legislature.

According to reports, the bill was canceled in the Senate before the vote because lawmakers knew they lacked the passing votes. The proponents of the bill vowed to reintroduce it on Tuesday but this gives opponents a new time frame on the public hearing and voting process.

Mandatory Vaccine Bill Fails After Thousands Show Up To Protest In New Jersey

The victory for medical freedom was an emotional and dramatic one as thousands of pro-freedom protesters showed up at the Statehouse to voice their concern over the government removing their right to informed consent.

The vaccine bill will not get a vote today. But top lawmakers have vowed to vote on it next legislative session.

— Brent Johnson (@johnsb01) January 13, 2020

Naturally, those who want to remove your freedom of choice and sovereignty over your own body and force you to take an injection even if it goes against everything you believe in, were furious. They even vowed “war.”

“We’re ready to go to war over this,” Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D), told reporters Monday, according to “We will pass this bill. This is about public health. It’s about protecting people.”

Others, who don’t agree with the government forcing people to undergo medical procedures against their will, disagreed.

Sue Collins, co-founder of the New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice, told this was “a victory for both religious and medical freedoms” in the state.

“There is a lot of work to be done now to formulate legislation that will truly improve public health,” Collins said. “This bill would not have achieved that and would have stripped fundamental rights.”

The battle over this bill began last year when the United States saw a rise in measles cases across the country. While New Jersey saw just 19 cases, ground zero was just to the north of them. More than 70 percent of the 1,282 cases in the nation occurred, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Rockland County, NY and New York City.

In 61 of these cases, patients were hospitalized with complications, including pneumonia and encephalitis, the CDC said. There were zero deaths.

Since the beginning of 2019, the Free Thought Project has been reporting on the hysteria associated with the measles outbreak and the subsequent loss of liberties and police state crackdown that’s ensued. We’ve seen children banned from public spaces, mandatory vaccinations enforced with police action, and a pro-vaccine push in the mainstream media like we’ve never seen before.

In May, the pro-mandatory vaccine push reached a new level, as the Washington Post published an article calling for the arrest of those who choose not to vaccinate. In August, we reported on the inevitable result of said hysteria and it came in the form of massive pharmaceutical industry profits and a loss of freedom.

Dr. Brownstein On Mandatory Vaccines: “We Don’t Live In Nazi Germany Where Medical Procedures Were Done Without Consent”

The pharmaceutical giant Merck said consumer demand for its measles vaccine skyrocketed thanks to the “outbreak” which helped boost sales in its second quarter. Merck Chief Commercial Officer Frank Clyburn even mentioned the coverage in the news specifically.

“There was some buying to the private sector within the U.S. this quarter based on some of the measles outbreaks that you read in the news,” Clyburn said in a post-earnings conference call with investors. “And we do believe that we’ll continue to see growth for our pediatric vaccines going forward.”

The failure of this bill in New Jersey is a massive win in a time when there are very few wins for medical freedom.

To reiterate once more, no one here is advocating “antivaxxer” information. TFTP is simply questioning the policy of the government forcing medical procedures on citizens without their consent and advocating for fines and arrests of those who refuse.

If you truly value freedom, you should also stand against forcing someone to inject something into their body that they do not want. The only other option is tyranny.


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posted January 15, 2020 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

One of the Most Important Videos on Vaccines That You Need to See... Before it’s Gone

I know I haven’t been posting much. However, when I do post something, hopefully people will pay attention.

This video is about 2 hours long. Yes, there is perhaps 20 minutes total dedicated to encouraging funding the effort.

The effort is quite worthwhile.

This is an absolute “must see” for anyone with a child, or for anyone who thinks that

THIS Humic Fulvic Has Cured Cancer and Much More! Stops Diseases DEAD! (See VIDEO)

Better Than Solar Panels? New Invention Has Everyone Talking

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“just maybe” we are not being told the entire truth about “applied biologicals” injected into the living, breathing, amazing Creation that we, the People, are.

Please…Take the time to watch. And also take the time to share.

“We trade real labor for fake money to pay fraudulent taxes on stuff we don’t own.” ==Doreen Hannes

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posted January 15, 2020 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

One of the Most Important Videos on Vaccines That You Need to See... Before it’s Gone

I know I haven’t been posting much. However, when I do post something, hopefully people will pay attention.

This video is about 2 hours long. Yes, there is perhaps 20 minutes total dedicated to encouraging funding the effort.

The effort is quite worthwhile.

This is an absolute “must see” for anyone with a child, or for anyone who thinks that

THIS Humic Fulvic Has Cured Cancer and Much More! Stops Diseases DEAD! (See VIDEO)

Better Than Solar Panels? New Invention Has Everyone Talking

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“just maybe” we are not being told the entire truth about “applied biologicals” injected into the living, breathing, amazing Creation that we, the People, are.

Please…Take the time to watch. And also take the time to share.

“We trade real labor for fake money to pay fraudulent taxes on stuff we don’t own.” ==Doreen Hannes

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posted January 15, 2020 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

One of the Most Important Videos on Vaccines That You Need to See... Before it’s Gone

I know I haven’t been posting much. However, when I do post something, hopefully people will pay attention.

This video is about 2 hours long. Yes, there is perhaps 20 minutes total dedicated to encouraging funding the effort.

The effort is quite worthwhile.

This is an absolute “must see” for anyone with a child, or for anyone who thinks that

THIS Humic Fulvic Has Cured Cancer and Much More! Stops Diseases DEAD! (See VIDEO)

Better Than Solar Panels? New Invention Has Everyone Talking

Online Source Web

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“just maybe” we are not being told the entire truth about “applied biologicals” injected into the living, breathing, amazing Creation that we, the People, are.

Please…Take the time to watch. And also take the time to share.

“We trade real labor for fake money to pay fraudulent taxes on stuff we don’t own.” ==Doreen Hannes

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posted January 15, 2020 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

One of the Most Important Videos on Vaccines That You Need to See... Before it’s Gone

I know I haven’t been posting much. However, when I do post something, hopefully people will pay attention.

This video is about 2 hours long. Yes, there is perhaps 20 minutes total dedicated to encouraging funding the effort.

The effort is quite worthwhile.

This is an absolute “must see” for anyone with a child, or for anyone who thinks that

THIS Humic Fulvic Has Cured Cancer and Much More! Stops Diseases DEAD! (See VIDEO)

Better Than Solar Panels? New Invention Has Everyone Talking

Online Source Web

Sponsored by Revcontent

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“just maybe” we are not being told the entire truth about “applied biologicals” injected into the living, breathing, amazing Creation that we, the People, are.

Please…Take the time to watch. And also take the time to share.

“We trade real labor for fake money to pay fraudulent taxes on stuff we don’t own.” ==Doreen Hannes

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Posts: 4988
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posted January 15, 2020 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

One of the Most Important Videos on Vaccines That You Need to See... Before it’s Gone

I know I haven’t been posting much. However, when I do post something, hopefully people will pay attention.

This video is about 2 hours long. Yes, there is perhaps 20 minutes total dedicated to encouraging funding the effort.

The effort is quite worthwhile.

This is an absolute “must see” for anyone with a child, or for anyone who thinks that

THIS Humic Fulvic Has Cured Cancer and Much More! Stops Diseases DEAD! (See VIDEO)

Better Than Solar Panels? New Invention Has Everyone Talking

Online Source Web

Sponsored by Revcontent

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“just maybe” we are not being told the entire truth about “applied biologicals” injected into the living, breathing, amazing Creation that we, the People, are.

Please…Take the time to watch. And also take the time to share.

“We trade real labor for fake money to pay fraudulent taxes on stuff we don’t own.” ==Doreen Hannes

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