Topic: I'm electrical - why?
stella polaris Knowflake Posts: 690 From: greece Registered: Aug 2002
posted February 12, 2003 10:25 AM
It drives me NUTZ winterstime - I get so electrical. The absolutly worse is getting out of the car, if I touch something metal immediatly after it's crack! electric shock. But I frequently get electric shocks around the house, as well. Wearing synthetic clothes makes it worse. I once worked at a place with a wool/synthetic carpet on the floor and got electrical shocks when I touched the tap, the cupboard handles, the door handles - anything made from metal. I have a friend who's the same, we once shook hands as she came out of the car and the electric shock just made us jump apart. Can anyone tell me why some people are like this and others not? And what to do?IP: Logged |
weird purple sparkles Knowflake Posts: 195 From: canada Registered: Jan 2003
posted February 14, 2003 01:45 AM
hi stella polaris,i dunno why it happens, but the same happens to me and my sort of boyfriend. the weird thing is it's only frequent when i think about it lots. and lightbulbs. they always die (that bright purple flash) within a day or two of eachother. like 3 or 4 (sometimes more) in a row. i always assumed it was because i'm aquarius (so is said boyfriend). are you? IP: Logged |
stella polaris Knowflake Posts: 690 From: greece Registered: Aug 2002
posted February 14, 2003 10:15 AM
Hi Weird, I'm not Aquarius, but I do have Uranus in the first house, and it has struck me that there could be a connection. My husband has a Aqua asc and our one son is Aqua, but none of them are particularly electrical. If anything breaks in our home it's always something electrical, though I thought that was just a consquence of my husband being an electrician and, you know, like the shoemaker's children walk barefoot, I have no electricity (except the one I seem to produce myself...)...
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Apple Core Knowflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Feb 2003
posted February 14, 2003 12:45 PM
I have this same problem! I can't go more than a day or two without having electric shocks. Often several times in a day. They happen at work, getting out of the car, shaking hands... I could go on. I have aqu ascendant with square to Uranus. They seem to be getting less painful lately. Maybe you will find a cure for them. I'd like to know about it too. I heard that pennies are supposed to work, but they haven't worked for me yet. Good luck. IP: Logged |
sVirgo Knowflake Posts: 130 From: Tx, US Registered: Jul 2002
posted February 14, 2003 03:10 PM
I am also having this problem. But what I know that when you use too much of electrical equipments then your body become static and it starts taking electric shock. I am in Computer field and my all companions have this problem. When we do hand shake we bring electric shock. It happens lot of times in a day.IP: Logged |
morgana Knowflake Posts: 876 From: Registered: Nov 2002
posted February 19, 2003 07:13 AM
Hi all! It's the same with me, anything electrical is not safe around me, everything breaks down very quickly and it's like I'm constantly charged, I get electric shocks all the time. Especially when I'm upset, sensitive electric equipment (computers etc.) stops working and often street lamps go out when I pass by, depends on my mood (I talked about this in some other posts so I'm sorry if it seems to some that I'm repeating myself). When I'm really angry, something is bound to break down. Often the thing stops working for no apparent reason and later it starts working again all by itself... In three years that I lived in this apartment, every electrical thing, however new, broke down at least once, from the TV set to the radio, computer(s) - many many many times, the dryer(s), washing machine, refridgerator, the vacuum cleaner... It's been the same in all the places I lived before. I think the explanation is that some people just have more electricity in their body than others morgana
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stella polaris Knowflake Posts: 690 From: greece Registered: Aug 2002
posted February 20, 2003 10:56 AM
Hi Morgana, you sound extreme! I don't have it that bad. I wonder if this can have something to do with the mineralbalance in the body? Maybe we lack or have too much of one mineral? I read that a person that weights 70 kilos (about 140 pounds) have three kilos (six pounds) of minerals in his body. That's a lot! Don't worry about repeating yourself! Noone here reads all the posts in all the forums every day. I had not read this about you before and found it interesting!
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morgana Knowflake Posts: 876 From: Registered: Nov 2002
posted February 22, 2003 05:43 AM
Hi Stella! You should see what Ice Mists wrote - she actually bursts lightbulbs etc., she has huge "electrical" energy. About the mineral balance - I never thought about it in that way, but why not, after all everything is connected, I mean, everything in the spiritual world has its counterpart in the material world - as below, so above, right? And we are nothing but water and a bunch of minerals in the material plane, so it has to be one or the other, just as you observed. I just wish I knew what exactly... morgana IP: Logged |
goldielox512 Knowflake Posts: 68 From: auburn, maine, u.s.a. Registered: Jan 2002
posted March 06, 2003 09:08 PM
i noticed i drag my feet when i walk, that brings about alot of electricity. if you put socks on and drag your feet across a room with a rug and touch something, the friction produces electricity.i think the light bulb phenonema is something different. my dog passed away last july, in one week i could not beleive the electrical problems that occured. it was almost unbelievable. it went on for about a month after and still happens. we were in florida 2 weeks ago. the hotel we stayed in had 5 floors the morning we left the light outside the door started blinking. i looked at every door light i could see ours was the only one blinking, like saying goodbye. there were hundreds of rooms. things like this always happen to me also. i always take notice. IP: Logged |
Dreamflake Knowflake Posts: 82 From: Croatia Registered: Feb 2003
posted March 18, 2003 05:08 AM
Hey,all you eletrical knowflakes! I'm with you!Last night me and my husband went in Slovenia, 200 km away, to see a jazz concert. Not only the concert was cancelled because of the illness, but when we were driving back and arguing about the war situation (I was pursuading him that it MATTERS what he MINDS etc., and at the same time concentrating on myself staying in light and not being too attached to his opinions) we noticed the lights fading, and the car slowing down. At the end, we stopped. It was definately an electrical problem, and how ironic since I am TOO electrical past few days. Our "concert" ended in a truck, driving both us and our back home, now almost 100 km away, and paying this service 4 times more than we paid our tickets. And, by the way, my sister's car broke the same evening. Today, I am soooo happy I'm elecrtical. It reminds me my angels were there, probably saving us from something worse. Another good thing is that I met a very important person "at the concert" who gave me good advice about my LOL! Maybe that was what I went there for. IP: Logged |
morgana Knowflake Posts: 876 From: Registered: Nov 2002
posted March 18, 2003 12:18 PM
Dreamflake, do you remember the date? And: I agree with what you wrote There's a reason for everything. There are no coincidences. , morgana IP: Logged |
Lunargirl Knowflake Posts: 1513 From: south of utopia Registered: Mar 2003
posted March 19, 2003 01:07 AM
Ever since I've been with my partner-- who is Gemini with Aquarius rising, moon, and with Uranus in 1st House -- streetlights go off when we walk by together!! He claims it's me-- but I know better-- I'm observant and this doesn't happen when I walk alone or with other people -- I suspect it happens all the time when he's alone and he just never notices (too mundane a detail for all that Aqua, right? heh heh)!So from my experience, Stella, First House Uranus is definitely an electrical factor! I also once knew an Aqua woman who was electrocuted, and lived (she grabbed a live subway car cable, long story) -- medical residents travelled to see her from miles away, because the electric current shot through her and exited from the bottom of her foot, leaving a big hole! They said it was a miracle she lived. cheers, Lunargirl
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Dreamflake Knowflake Posts: 82 From: Croatia Registered: Feb 2003
posted March 19, 2003 01:12 AM
Sure, morgana, it was this Monday, 17. IP: Logged |
morgana Knowflake Posts: 876 From: Registered: Nov 2002
posted March 19, 2003 01:07 PM
The day before yesterday, then? Thanks, Dreamflake, I'll think about it The reason I asked is that sometimes there are just days when there's something in the air and similar or just "strange" things happen to many people. But I think yours was a rather unique experience IP: Logged |
morgana Knowflake Posts: 876 From: Registered: Nov 2002
posted March 19, 2003 04:12 PM
Hey I just remembered: wasn't it full moon on the night of 17th/18th? IP: Logged |
theFajita3 Moderator Posts: 1404 From: Sunny South Florida, USA Registered: Feb 2003
posted March 19, 2003 07:37 PM
Last night the moon was big and full (looking) and golden. It was pretty cool.------------------ food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
Dreamflake Knowflake Posts: 82 From: Croatia Registered: Feb 2003
posted March 20, 2003 03:42 PM
Exactely!And I forgot to say - I'm not electrical anymore! IP: Logged |