Topic: sick from chemicals- help
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 18, 2003 02:47 PM
i feel like the underside of crap today.the other night there was a fire beside my building. the smoke came inside, indeed i smelled it before i heard the sirens. the wind was in a most advantageous state that night, insofar as blowing right into here. anyway between the smoke and the chemical retardants i am sick as heck today. cant even sit here, gonna go to bed in a minute. my neighbour said she had the same symptoms as i did and she spent a night in the hospital because of the fire. *sigh* i was fighting it for a few days but today i think its best to be in bed. i hate chemicals. *sigh* it was fire retardants and lovely stuff like that. ack cant even express myself properly right now, better go to bed. any well wishes are appreciated, and will probably help me get better faster. ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
N_wEvil unregistered
posted August 18, 2003 02:51 PM
Hang in there & drink lots of water, the human body is great at getting rid of bad substances  IP: Logged |
Aphrodite Moderator Posts: 3280 From: San Francisco, CA, United States Registered: Feb 2002
posted August 18, 2003 02:56 PM
Anafaery,You should go to the hospital . . . now.  Aphrodite IP: Logged |
matty Knowflake Posts: 205 From: nyack,ny,usa,n.america,earth,solar system,milky way,virgo super cluster Registered: Jul 2003
posted August 18, 2003 03:54 PM
wheatgrass juice, wheatgrass juice and some more wheatgrass juice, in my very non-medical opinion.I personally will send you some light and love, at a very low introductory rate is free!!!!(free love!!) IP: Logged |
Lunargirl Knowflake Posts: 1513 From: south of utopia Registered: Mar 2003
posted August 18, 2003 11:19 PM
I'm with Aphrodite. No playing around with fire retardants and other chemical compunds, even if they blew in your window uninvited. Go have it checked -- this is important.  Lunargirl PS sending Light  IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 19, 2003 12:40 AM
thanks you guys!  im feeling a *tad* better now. not totally, i still want to take it easy for a couple of days, but i slept a lot and just watched tv in bed for awhile and kept up the fluids, and im feeling a bit better. certainly better than i was when i posted. i would go to the hospital, but its quite far and i dont have money for cab. if it gets worse though ill try to call someone to take me. i did talk to my neighbour though and she said they didnt do anything really for her at the hospital. they just observed her for awhile, but there was nothing they could really do for her. shes 75 and has been a heavy smoker most of her life, so for her it was important that they observed her to make sure nothing went awry. for me there would be really nothing they could do. at least i know for next time, and the next time there is a fire around here (there was one in the EXACT same location not 6 months ago, *sigh*) i will shut all the windows. i really hate living here. i wanna be out in the country where theres fresh air and very little noise... *dreams* thank you everyone if anyone has a purple plate write my name on it if its no bother, cause im still not feeling up to snuff, but i think it'll be better soon.  ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 19, 2003 12:42 AM
er i meant write my name on a paper and put it on the plate, not ruin your plate by scratching it with my name or writing my name with a felt pen on it  ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
Lunargirl Knowflake Posts: 1513 From: south of utopia Registered: Mar 2003
posted August 19, 2003 03:59 AM
ana, I understand about transport/no cab money... but how about calling a nurse somewhere, say at a clinic? Even a university or college, or, call the fire dept. and ask what to do.We like you healthy, ya know? Lunar IP: Logged |
trillian Moderator Posts: 1317 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted August 19, 2003 10:10 AM
I just happened to have my purple plate in my pocket as I read this thread, so, ana, I've written your name on a yellow post-it, placed it on the plate, and put all back in my pocket. I hope you feel well soon.Wheat grass--I'll ditto that. It has amazing restorative powers. And also, the very best thing for ridding your body of toxins is...charcoal. Very true. I get it from The American Botanical Pharmacy, but I'm sure there are other health businesses from which it can be bought. It sucks everything right out of your colon, hundreds of nasty chemicals, it just takes them right out of the body. It's really a miracle. Be well.  IP: Logged |
Twin Lady Knowflake Posts: 535 From: USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted August 19, 2003 02:26 PM
Healing thoughts sent your way, anafaery.  IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 20, 2003 01:38 AM
thank you everyone!!! im feeling a lot better today, i had some computer problems though. *sigh* i hate computer honestly must have been the good wishes and love, cause i feel sooooo different than i did yesterday. such powa  to all!!! *hugs* ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |