Topic: Risks with pyramids
bases loaded Knowflake Posts: 206 From: Havana, Cuba Registered: Aug 2002
posted February 09, 2004 12:37 PM
Iīve seen that some centers workig with natural therapies use the pyramidal energy in a wrong way. The Pyramid is a great tool for healing and a lot of other applications, but a wrong use is a dangerous source of diseases for our body. Therefore you must be careful when using it. e.g. --Placing the pyramid on the zone of the pain or disease so our body or member is below its base perhaps can relieve the symptoms, but the side effects are worse, even a potential Cancer. --Some "specialists" guarantee that a pyramid placed under our bed is good for insomnia, but the real result is the same described above. --Sometimes the pyramid is placed with our head inside it for a treatment. Thatīs ok for our head, but our body is under the base level, and the results are... well, you already know. The energy of a pyramid is good inside and aside the pyramid, never if our body has to be above the vortex or below the base. Donīt ever allow the healer to place the pyramid so this conditions are not observed. Bases Loaded IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 309 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted February 09, 2004 08:20 PM
Hmmm. This is so interesting Bases. I've always wanted to explore this pyramid stuff but never found anyone who new much about it. Care to share a any more info?IP: Logged |
silverbells Knowflake Posts: 977 From: maryland Registered: Apr 2003
posted February 09, 2004 11:41 PM
I a bit confused. What would be better positions for the person and the pyramid?IP: Logged |
bases loaded Knowflake Posts: 206 From: Havana, Cuba Registered: Aug 2002
posted February 10, 2004 10:26 AM
One of the most understood functions of a pyramid is the concentration of neutrinos, and those particles can remove the so-called free radicals (thatīs the Spanish name, donīt know the English one), the cause of a lot of diseases, including Cancer. Now, since the energy and the materia are two different aspects of the same nature, and knowing they CANNOT DISAPPEAR, but only be transformed, itīis logical we deduce that those harmful molecules removed from inside of the pyramid have to be present in this world, somewhere around. Therefore, thatīs what it really happens: the free radicals are thrown away upward and downward from the pyramid. That is what they call "anti-pyramid, one is formed below and inverted (the vortex or pinnacle is downward), and the other is above and inverted too (pinnacles joined together). Inference: if we are below or above the pyramid, we are just receiving the harmful molecules the pyramid is removing. Since the "magic" pyramid has four triangular sides, they can be used to heal too, for there is a field formed by each side of the pyramid. Those fields have the same size of the base of the pyramid (if the base is 5Ũ5 feet, the field reaches 5 feet from the pyramid). So, there are four energetic fields around the pyramid, and they can be used when the size of the pyramid is too small and the inner chamber cannot be used (e.g. to lodge our body). There are other aspects that you already know: the orientation of the sides, the proportions according to The Great Pyramid, etc. Bases Loaded IP: Logged |
grayheart Knowflake Posts: 188 From: Land O Love Registered: Oct 2003
posted February 10, 2004 10:01 PM
Hey, Bases I am just curious about where you learned about pyramids. I have been curious about them myself for some time, and I have been looking into the properties and have never seen anything about any negative side effects like those you are mentioning. I do know a few things about their effects, and the strong points and I did see one thing that does not ring true to me based on what I do know. The pyramid does not push the negative energy out, in fact what it does is alters the vibration of anything placed within it's field and changes the nature of it's energy. In a sense "purifying" it. It can cause the crystals in metal to revert to and older state, and cause plants to grow faster. And it definately projects energy up, but the energy it projects up usually has positive effects, but too much can be harmfull, just like too much of anything. the most potent position for healing and such purposes is actually about one third of the way up from the base on the inside. Pyramids energy is the same as orgone energy.IP: Logged |
grayheart Knowflake Posts: 188 From: Land O Love Registered: Oct 2003
posted February 10, 2004 10:01 PM
Some helpful links on pyramids are here: Of course, you may have information I have not seen. I would be interested to know your sources for your information.
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bases loaded Knowflake Posts: 206 From: Havana, Cuba Registered: Aug 2002
posted February 11, 2004 01:01 PM
Hi, grayheart. When I mentioned the side effects, I just talked about the free radicals, (hope that is ok in English), but there are more of those negative effects. Letīs take the radicals up again. An example is OH. Such a molecule is easy to join other molecules, but the most of the times its basic atoms themselves (Oxigen and Hydrogen) stay together, no matter the new combination with other molecules; e.g: NaOH -caustic soda-, KOH -potassium hydroxide-, etc. So OH is a free radical. Water is formed by that radical and other atom H, and a lot of researchers know that the pyramid has the power to provoke the dehydration (diuretic properties). The reason is that the free radical (OH in this case) is removed and the water is simply descomposed. However, the free radical is not separated into its simple compounds, O and H; it is rather conseved in its original combination, but separated from the other atoms. Therefore, the substance is destroyed, but the free radical is still `aliveī. The only remaining way to destroy that radical is by its transformation into energy. But that transformation of the materia into energy would be the same effect of a nuclear bomb, and the pyramid is not such a bomb. So we see again that the free radical is still `aliveī; it is not destroyed at all. Note: That molecule, OH, and other free radicals, can be separated into simple compounds by many reactions in chemistry or some radiatios, of course, but the pyramid can not do that. Conclusion: The neutrinos (the heros of this movie) are able to remove the free redicals (the bad guys) from the pyramid, throwing them away, but cannot destroy them. The process has this result: 15% of those radicals are `pitchedī upward, and 85%, downward. If we are under (or above) the pyramid, we are receiving those harmful molecules in our body. A free radical is absorbed by one of our cells (that radical can easily react), and the reaction will be the beginning of a mataplasia (the Spanish word), that means a change in the cell. Later, the cell becomes a cancerous one, and then other cells will be induced by this one, and the cancer appears. In those links you posted above, we can read the positive effects of being under the pyramid, but it is evident that the long-term effects havenīt been studied by the authors. Therefore, we must be careful about the articles we read, for it is easy to check the immediate results of a treatment, but the long-term effects are hidden, and sometimes we discover them too late. There are other negative side effects we could mention, if you want. Bases Loaded IP: Logged |
grayheart Knowflake Posts: 188 From: Land O Love Registered: Oct 2003
posted February 11, 2004 08:59 PM
Very interesting theory, I am definately interesting in seeing more information about this, where did you find out about this? I would very much like to study up on this as well, especially since it could definately have an effect on a few things.IP: Logged |
bases loaded Knowflake Posts: 206 From: Havana, Cuba Registered: Aug 2002
posted February 12, 2004 10:16 AM
Hi, Greyheart. I want to specify that the examples with the radical OH is only that: an example, for an easier understanding, due to that radical is known by many people. But the point is that radical, being so reactive and easily combinable with other molecules, doesnīt exist as a free one. Itīs needed the chemistry or physics to obtain that radical as free. The most of the free radicals the pyramid removes are IONS, particles with an electric charge. Itīs sometimes more difficult to understand the nature of an ion, and I took a reactive molecule to illustrate the point. Due to that electric charge, the ions are very reactive too, so the example with the OH is valid, but just that, an illustration, and the radicals our cells combine with are ionized particles rather than molecules like OH. Other detail: when I said the water was decomposed, it was also to complete the illustration with OH. The water is eliminated anyway, and the diuretic effect is right. But the explanation had become too expanded then. Bases Loaded IP: Logged |
grayheart Knowflake Posts: 188 From: Land O Love Registered: Oct 2003
posted February 12, 2004 11:18 AM
right, I followed you on that and I understand about free radicals, my question remains, where can I find more information on this aspect of pyramids that covers what you are saying? I would like to read more.IP: Logged |
bases loaded Knowflake Posts: 206 From: Havana, Cuba Registered: Aug 2002
posted February 13, 2004 09:38 AM
Greyheart, Iīve been seeking for a website that explains about those negative effects, being no successful the search. The free radicals are always ignored. The source of my information has been my school of "esoteric" teachings (itīs not an official name, just some classes in my teacherīs home). He is a healer and has worked with pyramids since 1989. The truthfulness of his teachings about the free radicals has been substantiated by myself and other persons through radiesthesia, as well as other nocive influences can be detected with the radiesthesic methods (Hartmann net, for example). The other side effects are also easily ascertainable by a radiesthesic analysis, that shows, for example, if we should drink a glass of pyramidal water or not. Bases Loaded
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grayheart Knowflake Posts: 188 From: Land O Love Registered: Oct 2003
posted February 13, 2004 11:17 AM
Bummer, so you learned from another person, but can't find any info. That's cool, I will have to see what I can find out, although I personnally have not found radionics and radiesthesic methods to be all that reliable for me, but I have never really had much luck with any form of dowsing myself. I Have seen a lot of information on ions and free radicals and there are some instances under the right circumstances where they can actually be a positive influence, but it has to be controlled. And that is probably the thing that needs to be pointed out most, free radicals are generally a bad thing, but in the right conditions they can be used to eliminate unwanted toxins. And of course there is always the fact that nothing can hurt you unless you believe it will and let it. I would like to see more information about this if you can find anthing, I will certainly keep my eyes open for any, but thanks for the info you have given. It is something I will be mindful of.IP: Logged |
OKANGEL Knowflake Posts: 35 From: USA Registered: Feb 2004
posted February 18, 2004 08:08 PM
My ex-boyfriend made me a pyramid and it has cleared my house of it's ghosts! I have still noticed some strange lights hanging around and wonder if it attracting some sort of ET's. I need to do some studying on this. Thanks for the info, KIMIP: Logged |
bases loaded Knowflake Posts: 206 From: Havana, Cuba Registered: Aug 2002
posted February 19, 2004 10:55 AM
Okangel, there are different causes to explain those strange lights. Anyway, you said the ghosts was in home before the pyramid was built, right? I cannot tell you if ETīs like the pyramids, for weve never had an interview together. The pyramid has its negative effects unless some special conditions are observed: -it is scaled down according to the Great Pyramid; -all the edges are straight; -the base is perfectly leveled on a horizontal surface; -the 4 sides are perfectly oriented according to the 4 cardinal points; -the kingīs chamber has sometimes its bad effects, specially for the newcomers, e.g. water to drink, if placed in the kingīs chamber, may cause colics, dizziness, nausea... The best place for the beginners is between the kingīs chamber and the northern side of the pyramid.The side area of the pyramid is also good and no negative effects are observed there. Bases Loaded
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SunChild Knowflake Posts: 208 From: Victoria, Australia Registered: Jan 2004
posted February 19, 2004 09:04 PM
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bases loaded Knowflake Posts: 206 From: Havana, Cuba Registered: Aug 2002
posted February 20, 2004 09:33 AM
Itīs nice to `seeī you, SunChild Bases IP: Logged |
OKANGEL Knowflake Posts: 35 From: USA Registered: Feb 2004
posted February 21, 2004 12:45 AM
Loaded Bases, Yes the ghost's were here in the house and are gone now. The pyramid that was made for me is a cone shape made out of silicone which has cooper wireing and BB's in the center. The guy who made it for me called it a pyramid, so that's what I assume it to be. All I can say is that it did work. Thanks for the interesting post! KimIP: Logged |
bases loaded Knowflake Posts: 206 From: Havana, Cuba Registered: Aug 2002
posted February 25, 2004 11:07 AM
I donīt know the properties of that cone and the results with its use; I just work with pyramids (and also build them). Some people say that any pyramid is good and works, no matter the proportions according to the Great Pyramid, but I prefer working with Egyptian scaled down pyramids, and they work great. As a mathematic reasoning, a cone is a pyramid with an infinite number of sides, but the 4 side-pyramid has always been the model chosen by the ancient people, no matter if in Egypt, America... right? Bases Loaded IP: Logged | |