posted September 12, 2009 08:48 AM
1. You wont contribute to the torture and slaughter of animals2. You won't be burdened with karmic debts from hurting animals
3. You'll communicate more powerfully with the animal realm,
and receive animal wisdom more easily, now that you no longer
encourage karmic divisions between yourself and animals
4. You'll become healthier (in mind, body, and soul)
than you ever aspired to be, and live longer than you ever expected to live
5. Since fruits and vegetables in their pristine state come w/o packaging,
you'll find that you use less resources and produce very little trash on this diet
6. You won't waste gas or electricity in cooking
7. 90% of the world cooks with wood, decimating the rainforests --
if you are among this 90%, you won't be contributing to deforestation,
and if you are among the 10% you'll be discouraging the other 90%
8. Since 85% of all nutrients are destroyed by cooking, that means
85% of the labor expended on producing the food is also wasted;
you won't be contributing to this incredible waste
9. You will use very little water cleaning up
10. You'll save time (not cooking, and requiring less sleep)
11. You won't get Cancer
12. You'll have the energy to pursue a high destiny
13. You'll feel more intuitive and aligned with synchronicity
"It can be said that the greatest single cause of degeneration in man is the use of fire in the preparation of foods." ~ Arnold De Vries, The Fountain of Youth
The Teachings of Pythagoras: "There was a man here... He was first to say that animals should not be eaten, and learned though he was, men did not always believe him when he preached, 'Forbear, o mortals, to spoil your bodies with such impious food!'" ~ Ovid, Metamorphoses
"Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases." ~ Hippocrates