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Author Topic:   Operating at a low vibration?

Posts: 7094
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posted December 01, 2020 10:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've added more feng shui. (black turmeline sp?)I found out my neighbor below me was asked not to come back when her lease was up.

Those kids wondering around all areas of the apartment complex unsupervised really sealed the deal. Other people complain about it way more than me. But it is a total liability thing... like if something happens to those kids playing in a parking lot, whose fault is it?

So now I am wondering when her lease will be up!

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posted December 01, 2020 10:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Allowing your self to do nothing and lay in bed and watch TV. REST. I was starting the have mental breakdown from always doing and going. I knew why I was having them. I committed to bed from evening to the next morning. I felt so much better the rest of the trip. I wonder when I can do that again?

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posted January 10, 2021 10:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

It's being tried again. Sun in Capricorn is intensifying Pluto in Capricorn that is squaring my Sun!

I think my black tourmaline needs a cleanse and charge. It's been working hard for months. My neighbors loud grand kids were gone from Oct-Jan. Came back this weekend, and I swear to God they better not pull this on the weekdays. Grandma still has little control(I think she choses not to) over giving 7 year old's a bed time. Like if they couldn't sleep and they play a game boy. Fine....but not being able to sleep and play the floor is lava is another.

I have the non emergency police line saved in my phone if they pull that on a Sunday night. It seems like only law enforcement and case workers are the only things that can motivate them.

Whoever moves out first, I seriously wish them well. Even though right now my point of view is that the grandma and her sons are POS garbage that need to stop bringing souls in the world. Especially the kids, none of this is their fault. The way the are being raised will not set them up to succeed.

Besides calling on them....I wonder what little things I could do. I am to the point of writing their name on paper and ripping it. I did not "go there" until last night.

I was defusing citronella in the apartment from summer until I ran out in December. I read on an occult site that while it can repel bug pests in magic it can be used to repel people pests. With my other seems to be true.

Right now I'm diffusing clove. All I know it is for money and friend luck, and immune defense.

Oh...! I remember reading that plants can help with protection with bad vibing neighbors. It's time to water my orchids.

I also read that having warrior like figures in the home can be a remedy for bad neighbors. Maybe I should get a knight and shinning armor figure in my home. Or I could get corny dork with it and get a power ranger, sailor scout, or ninja turtle figure.

When my fiance was home, I kept telling him DON'T MOVE THE MIRRORS. He knows of my new agey thoughts and what I am dealing with, he puts up with it.

I'm going to try to find that article, it's been helpful.

The Spruce

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posted January 10, 2021 01:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
With the above-- *hugs* to you, Stawr!!!
{Thanks for the info on scents to use.}

I UNDERSTAND needing to deal with gnarly environment of neighbors.
A friend once sent me pictures of a special buddhist knife/wand, to place the 'point' towards spots in the wall where the neighbors keep their loudspeakers...
But, I felt bad about doing that, and ripped the paper-knives, threw it away!!
(It's not 'who I am'.)
Yup. Their door-sized speakers saturating and bashing were THAT bad that I would have considered it???
.. {Later, management didn't renew their lease-- the man was involved in a "local crime cult" and kept weapons, and was in a NETWORK.. He bragged out-loud about a fire he had set in a nearby apartment complex as revenge for bad drug deal. He also burned down a small abandoned house on a street close to here. Was involved with clubbing someone with a bat, and leaving them unconscious in a field.} Dude was a Taurus.

Last Nov 2019, the pain in my body caused by *toxic* environment took a step UP. My sensory-nerve system seems now to have taken another FURTHER step UP in amount of pain I have daily, even interfering with the "every-day routine things" that need to be done. ~oy

I feel dismay that I have NOT been able to receive Relocation {it kind of was promised me a long time ago}!! The pain doc said that with my pain being still retractable, that THIS is what would help me feel better {and get-off the pain pills}.
He doubled the amount of pills I can take now...
The New Years Celebration was HORRIBLE... and for Christmas, Santa must have brought stronger audio systems to folks in my building.

Like I said, I can barely DO what needs to be done as my 'routines' in life-- BECAUSE of this.

Someone I knew decades ago, asked me to look over his book manuscript to help with editing/giving-suggestions-- (doing this as a favor for him-- he's not been doing as-well financially). Normally doing that would be something 'fun'!! but I JUST haven't been able to EVEN do 'that'! The gnarl in the air is sooo bad!
. .
He suggested that I could go outside to a natural setting. {I used to do this kind of work in the far past, confining self to a booth at diners/family-restaurants with carafe of coffee-- I'm a great tipper.}
I don't own a car, but there are nearby spots to go to--
HOWEVER!! We live under the AIRPATH of two airports. There have been an INCREASE of traffic in the air-- day and night.

These HUGE planes {747's, etc} take off and begin to reach the peak of Climb right over our Building. In the afternoons, they land. At very-late night, they take-off again.
.. These take off from TWO runways working in parallel, every 1 1/2 minutes a new plane. The wake RUMBLES this building... and that awful ROAR fills my EARS in a way it hadn't before.

So. I guess my Sensory-System that had been sensitive-enough before, is now MORE SENSITIVE?

Sometimes I can barely deal with my self.
No choice.

A youtuber I'd followed every day who read cards, years ago, was in an AWFUL apartment. The people above her were horrible. She wasn't getting the sleep and rest she needed. Was exhausted and nervous.
.. Then she moved to another apartment in same complex, and found herself being part of the outside WALL where all the Electrical Cables and Meters MET. I think she said that several of the apartment (loud) air conditioning condensing units were congregated outside her window {I have that problem here too outside my bedroom window}.
She was getting soooo sick!!! Her face {youtube} SHOWED her physical state.
She put a call-out to internet followers, and some came to her HELP, and she was given a NEW and Better place to live!! --

She had had a very GNARLY FRIDGE too -- Used to apologize for it.
.. (yeah, I've got one of those!!)
Our fridge had broken down a few years ago, and management replaced it with a fridge from an empty apartment. ... I used to talk to that neighbor, who would complain how BAD her fridge was-- she and her children were moving out BECAUSE of it. Turns out?, that 'we' were given 'her' GNARLY Piercing LOUD Fridge. ~

Right now, to others who would be standing next to me, they might not 'hear' nor 'feel' the level of PERCUSSION going on in the building. It's AWFUL!! My head (and inside guts) are soooo sore!!! ... *tears*
Oh well.
So, while I type at the keyboard, I feel as though I am having to yell LOUDER than the percussions heard... yeah, even as the jets flying over the building too, right now.
So ~weird.. TO FEEL as though I have to YELL inside my thoughts, to HEAR myself "think"??? *laughing at self*

Stawr, hope your wedding plans are moving along well!

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posted February 01, 2021 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 01, 2021 09:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Mirage,
Thank you!!
I can't believe you had to live to someone like that, and I'm glad you are okay.

Yes, removing the "noise pollution" makes sense on the vibration.

I can relate to crappy fridge. When I first moved in they kept on giving me other fridge rejects.
My dad smuggled me into Costco yesterday, and as I was trying to fit all the Costco stuff in my fridge yesterday, I was thinking man, I can't wait to have nice modern fridge someday.

I'm basically in the acceptance and letting go part of this issue.
I've done everything I can. Something is being done about it, but it will take time.

I just turn up the TV smoke a bowl and drink some wine. I can sleep fine now. At this point it really feels like "the way to win, is not to play" They are much more quiet at night. I try to think are the kids over or not? But it's not worth my thoughts really anymore.

I think it is okay to express how much it all sucks, as long as I can move past it. Like I can have genuine moments of joy and bliss...because I did the work to acknowledge my feelings. I have to because I can't just snap my fingers and be on to the next chapter. The next chapter takes work and time.
I think part of what helped my mind set was do I really want to move earlier than planned and be rushed? After a few days I realized the answer was no.

Thank you for asking about the wedding planning. Since the new year, I sent out save the dates, did the cake tasting, got a florist, picked the matron of honors dress. I think my next focus is deciding on the flower girl dresses, the cake design and booking them...and the DJ.

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posted February 01, 2021 10:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Rocks for my vibration
Black tourmaline: yes I got another one!
Hematite: I took an LL members advice in
another topic.
(I have them all hanging out on top of my AC box near the front entrance)
Lepiolite: I let myself do an intuition buy. I liked the light hues of non translucent purple. I later read that it is good for when feeling blocked. Like amethyst its good for sobriety. (I smoke ciggs on and off, but I've cut down a lot lately to the point of almost going a week with out) I then looked up online that it should be placed in the center of home to feel balanced. Just what I need.
A Yellow Clear Rock: It drives me crazy that I forgot the name. But I told my self to get something yellow, for my solar plexus focus I have been doing since October.

I should be going back to that shop in March. I think I'll let my self pick up something else.

I would love to hear what others like.

I think Angelite would be good for me. It seems like a good rock for being able to see the good in people, or being more in tune with the angelic realm. They do not have that one at the shop.

Something new caught my eye. Green gold stone. " The copper contained in Goldstone makes it very effective for physical healing, especially for pain and inflammation. It is a nervous system stimulant and enhances the transmission of healing energies from the hands; therefore it is applicable to long distance healing. Goldstone is a good deflector of unwanted energies, and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral. " (Healing Crystals 2014)
Sounds very fitting for me!
The store also has crystal candle holders. I might pick up one of those! My fiancé and I love candles. The store has clear quarts, amethyst, rose quartz and citrine. Decisions decisions. (I have all of these stones in my collection)

I've been working with rose quartz. With the necklace the first day feels funky but after that my energy is up and I bond with others that much more.

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posted February 02, 2021 11:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Stawr:
With the necklace the first day feels funky

Yes, I have several stones set-into metal, for use as a necklace.
I've noticed that same feeling, too!
Some stones enhance 'what your feeling'.
If it happens that there are any aggravations going on, then you feel it more?
Thanks for mentioning it.

I have an array of Stones.
Love them a lot!!!

(And, thanks for the Empathy!!! )
Some folks don't know what I'm going-through as I try to post for them. It's every single day! There's another thread in another forum by one of our members with severe noise and behaviors by her downstairs neighbor. Voix.)

You can't stop bullies from being bullies.
They need to legislate the Rights of Residents to have PEACE.

I was living in a different State in the late 1990s.
I lived in an apartment building once where ALL the residents prized Peace. There were other buildings on the large campus of apartment buildings that had LOUD Music!--
So guess what?
TWO LOUD families were having Sonic-Wars in the SAME building.
(Our building was Peaceful.)
There was some kind of legal thing, where the Apt Manager was 'forced' into separating those two-- and placing one of them in OUR peaceful building.
THAT was totally Evil!!! *alien*
But the 'Laws" were designed FOR the LOUD people.

There was an African Nation led by a person who had giant problems with his sensory-nerves being subjected to overly LOUD music, motors, etc.
He made a RULE against them.
That's as it 'should' be.
Loud people can ALWAYS use the science of WIFI to pipe those sounds directly into THEIR ears. Spare the rest of us!!please. LOL.

Don't know HOW the Children stand it--
The loudness HAS to be affecting their little bodies.

Adults can be great big bullies to their kids too (by my 'hood observations here). Rather than be observing and mindful of the effects of incredible-loudness to their children's health, they want to train their kids TO THEIR Loudness--
It's adversely affecting some!
I had conversations with some-- *they* were the ones who brought the conversation up {surprise}. Some said that the loudness (in their cars, or home) gives them actual headaches! yes.
These kids are subjected to it constantly in their home-- Can't get their "complete" rest. Kids need to prep physically {with peace and rest} in order to attend school the next day and be ready for Learning.

By the way... I'm just thrilled for you as you make plans for your Wedding Day. {{ }}

Got an exact Date planned for it?

Hope things will go perfectly for you.

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Posts: 7094
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posted February 02, 2021 05:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mirage29:
Yes, I have several stones set-into metal, for use as a necklace.
I've noticed that same feeling, too!
Some stones enhance 'what your feeling'.
If it happens that there are any aggravations going on, then you feel it more?
Thanks for mentioning it.

I have an array of Stones.
Love them a lot!!!

(And, thanks for the Empathy!!! )
Some folks don't know what I'm going-through as I try to post for them. It's every single day! There's another thread in another forum by one of our members with severe noise and behaviors by her downstairs neighbor. Voix.)

You can't stop bullies from being bullies.
They need to legislate the Rights of Residents to have PEACE.

I was living in a different State in the late 1990s.
I lived in an apartment building once where ALL the residents prized Peace. There were other buildings on the large campus of apartment buildings that had LOUD Music!--
So guess what?
TWO LOUD families were having Sonic-Wars in the SAME building.
(Our building was Peaceful.)
There was some kind of legal thing, where the Apt Manager was 'forced' into separating those two-- and placing one of them in OUR peaceful building.
THAT was totally Evil!!! *alien*
But the 'Laws" were designed FOR the LOUD people.

There was an African Nation led by a person who had giant problems with his sensory-nerves being subjected to overly LOUD music, motors, etc.
He made a RULE against them.
That's as it 'should' be.
Loud people can ALWAYS use the science of WIFI to pipe those sounds directly into THEIR ears. Spare the rest of us!!please. LOL.

Don't know HOW the Children stand it--
The loudness HAS to be affecting their little bodies.

Adults can be great big bullies to their kids too (by my 'hood observations here). Rather than be observing and mindful of the effects of incredible-loudness to their children's health, they want to train their kids TO THEIR Loudness--
It's adversely affecting some!
I had conversations with some-- *they* were the ones who brought the conversation up {surprise}. Some said that the loudness (in their cars, or home) gives them actual headaches! yes.
These kids are subjected to it constantly in their home-- Can't get their "complete" rest. Kids need to prep physically {with peace and rest} in order to attend school the next day and be ready for Learning.

By the way... I'm just [b]thrilled for you
as you make plans for your Wedding Day. {{ }}

Got an exact Date planned for it?

Hope things will go perfectly for you.
*Peace* [/B]

Oh that's interesting about stones intensifying emotions.

Yeah, I guess "growth" is not for everyone.
Yes I actually have talked to Voix on sweet peas about this in the venting thread.
Wow that is an awful solution for an apartment manager to just bring a difficult person to your area.
My manager asked her not to come back when her lease is over. (but then is that!? before October at least)

Right kids having no bedtimes is not setting them up for success.

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posted February 02, 2021 06:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
June 25th is the wedding date

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posted February 02, 2021 08:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Establishing boundaries and sticking to them when tested.

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posted February 03, 2021 08:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here is what my color therapy/psychology/occult/law of attraction/message conveying journey has been looking like since October with wardrobe!

Purple (lighter purples to be exact): leggings, pj set, undies, sweater.
I also made this the color for my matron of honor.
" It is often considered a very spiritual color, and is associated with knowledge and higher consciousness. Like blue and green, purple is considered a cool color, and can have a very calming effect. " (atma 2015)
This color has been slowly making its way back in since 2019.

Brown: Leggings
"It's often seen as solid, much like the earth, and it's a color often associated with resilience, dependability, security, and safety." (verywellmind 2020)
This color gets added in once every so often

Grey: leggings. feetjays, pj set, undies
"It’s also a sign of maturity. For example, if you think about grey matter – when you’ve had that bit of life experience and you’re older and, of course, of intelligence- because grey matter means that you’ve got something in there in order to share in terms of wisdom and the colour and grey is also connected to wisdom!"

Maroon: masks, undies, robe
"The maroon color is often used to represent intense and passionate things like; confidence, creative thoughts, excitement, power, risk, passion, love, ambition, courage, strength, warmth, and beauty."(Hailey van Braam 2020)
Still can't get enough of this color!

Orange: Leggings
"Orange is akin to yellow and is wonderful for help in creative endeavors"(allure 2018)
This color has been gaining traction. Typically a summer stable. But leggings make it more versatile for every season.

blue: 3 pj sets
"Blue does help you express your feelings, though, and is related to your inner truth. Blue is a cold color that can be used to help you become more peaceful and relaxed. Primary blue is often used in therapy settings used for meditation and relaxation." nd-is-it-right-for-me/
Navy blue is pretty much a staple at this point.

White: robe, feejays, pj set (mainly as accent and background color)
"It leaves the mind open and free to whatever it might create in the way.(Hailey van Braam 2020)
I was super fascinated. I watched an interview of a man that seemed to have no limitations, white hair and lots of white clothes.

Teal: Sweater (chosen for me as gift)

Pink: While I haven't added any new pink items of clothing. I painted my nails this color on my day off. To get festive for Valentines day. It really stands out during this dreary winter seasons.

When I go shopping with my Target gift cards I plan on buying more blue, purple, maroons(It's like I can't ever not! haha), browns, and whites like I have been doing!

But also bringing the focus back on colors like black(can't stray too long from this color, makes getting dressed so easy) pink, green, (I am more drawn to dark green lately)

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted February 12, 2021 04:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 20, 2021 10:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have been willing to try many things at this point. I forgot where I heard this information...I feel like it was here. I have been taking baths. I would usually get out while the water is draining. But now I sit in the tub as the water drains.

I remember a past member here saying she is an empath who works at a hospital, and how important her showers after work were to her.

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Posts: 159874
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted March 04, 2021 10:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 04, 2021 12:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chanterelle     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Stawr:
I have been willing to try many things at this point. I forgot where I heard this information...I feel like it was here. I have been taking baths. I would usually get out while the water is draining. But now I sit in the tub as the water drains.

I remember a past member here saying she is an empath who works at a hospital, and how important her showers after work were to her.

I never even thought about why I’m such an unequivocal shower person until I read this:

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posted March 06, 2021 03:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Chanterelle:
I never even thought about why I’m such an unequivocal shower person until I read this:

LOL the picture was so relatable!

That is such a fun fact about Oprah being a bath queen!!
I'm amused at all of the pop culture references in the article. What's coming to my mind is Lois from Malcom in the Middle where she tries to have a moment in the bathtub with classical music and then Dewy is filthy so she finishes her bath and Dewy hoses himself outside.
There is also an episode where Lois has a breakdown and instead of her usual yelling self she just does not come out of the shower and everyone is trying to talk her out of the shower. My mom and I love to reference this and say "I'm in the showerrr!"

LOL at the sad soup! Oh my God and I was so thirsty in the tub yesterday that got out a few times. But I finally just ended my bath because of it. (plus I did all the stuff I was suppose to do)

I had no idea how far back the Calgon company went. I first became aware of them when a secret Santa got me their lotion, body spray and mini perfume in the early 2000's. Never thought of it as a bubble bath product but I am seeing the link now.

My Virgo fiancé thinks my bath times are ridiculous and that they are gross and that I am just laying in my own filth, he jokes that he wants to buy a house that doesn't have a bath tub. He has a Virgo stellulum.

My Libra dad actually takes baths once in a while.

LOL I feel personally attacked by this article, I was cracking up. I will continue to be dramatic and take baths.

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posted March 09, 2021 08:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chanterelle     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here’s what was so funny about it to me — my kids’ dad is a total bath guy, can’t live a week without soaking in Epsom salt, and whenever I’m tired or achy he’d always say, “why don’t you take a bath?” And I’m like, no, that’s your thing, I don’t like baths and I never have, why are you so convinced that I should find this relaxing? I really never even thought of it as a gender thing— and I’m sure I’d feel differently if I had a tub like Oprah’s! Or a big water trough out in the backyard... I do have an outdoor hot water faucet I could be making use of.

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posted March 13, 2021 07:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Haha! I try to advise my fiancé to try baths.
Especially with his job now being so physical.

I once knew a Taurus guy that took baths regularly. He was very metro in general. It was extra funny to me that he took baths, because he would do it at his dad's house and they only have one bathroom. With 3 other people living there.

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posted March 13, 2021 11:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chanterelle     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
He’s a Pisces sun, Taurus moon, and very much prone to mental ‘sad soup’ — I think you’re definitely onto something with the staying-in-while-it-drains technique.

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posted March 14, 2021 06:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just read about using coffee in baths to cleanse thy self of off putting vibes. Maybe I'll try it with my Coffee EO so it's less of a mess.

My feng shui/house witchery/etc. has been very breakfast themed lately. (because I am also using oatmeal soap and face scrub. lol)

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted March 27, 2021 08:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 27, 2021 10:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Got Milk?


I prefer saunas, and showers.
Or sweating myself out from hard yardwork, then strip those scuzzy clothes off for a shower and a beer. Hmm. Maybe a beer, THEN the shower? LOL

RE Yellow clear rock -- Yes! I have a bracelet with those stones. Yikes, I've forgotten the name of them too. I'll have to wear it and go to my local metaphysical shop so they can identify it for me. Need to go there in the next 10 days anyway.

It's a brighter yellow than amber, or topaz.
(Now you've got me wracking my brains!! LOL)

Here's a list of stones (left side).
Click to see their pictures and significance.

There's a stone I've heard you shouldn't keep on your body. Tiger Eye.

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posted March 29, 2021 07:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I enjoyed reading about the milk baths. I think I've read whole milk is good for eczema.

My are very yellowy orangey and clear. I swear it said serpentine but everything I see when I look it up is green.

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posted April 05, 2021 09:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

because of some of my transits have me feeling very on edge right now.

Sun square Neptune
Moon oppose Mercury
Mercury Square Jupiter

BUT ESPECIALLY Saturn exact square to my ruling planet Mercury Taurus. I just read an interpretation that was so accurate.

Uranus conjunct Mercury
Pluto square Sun
Chiron square Uranus
Lilith oppose Moon (exact)
Eros Oppose Jupiter
Eris square Saturn exact

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