Topic: I'm Stoned
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted August 23, 2016 05:19 PM
But not highI'm a "member" of Kannon's stone exchange. You can read more about it. I'd like to make notes here. Feel free to comment or ask questions even if I seem deep in conversation with myself. My notes might not be conversational or even make much sense, but it will help me to be more disciplined in recording my observations if I can do it here. IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted August 23, 2016 05:28 PM
Playing around, I set a Moss Agate on either side of my Rhyolite and there's a definite kind if humming or vibration. I can't say that the power of either is increased, but something is happening.I wore all three on a silver chain with the Rhyolite in the middle and after a while I started to feel hot. I took the chain off a few times because of an inner heating sensation I was feeling. My son found the combination on my bed and asked if he was feeling heat from them. Confirmed. He's my right hand man in this exploration. The heat from the combination doesn't go away even when I remove the chain from my neck. I think that's because of the connection the Rhyolite has made with my inner self. It seems I have to separate them if I want to cool down.. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 71473 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 24, 2016 05:51 PM
Great title. IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted August 25, 2016 10:30 PM
why, thank you *curtsy* IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 01, 2016 07:24 PM
here are a few of my new kunzites. I keep them wrapped in silk for now until I can find velvet... kind of tough to do around here my daughter told me she loves how I take pictures for no reason. She wasn't being sarcastic. She said it in a sweetly complimentary and admiring way. But to prove I don't take pictures for no reason, here's one of a balloon in a corn field. IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 10, 2016 08:14 PM
May 21, 2016I have really depressed energy floating around my heart right now. Partnership and love and working together feel so important to me, but it always seems to get in the way- in the way of my independence, of developing my positive self-worth feelings, of happiness itself. It's like I'm a wacko off her meds sometimes. The meds are self sufficiency. And every time I start feeling good about my own accomplishments, that good feeling makes me want to celebrate with companionship. I can't understand why I yearn for companionship so much when it is always so disappointing. I have been thinking it is my yearning for God, but because I am human and probably very underdeveloped spiritually, I always stop short of pursuing true fulfillment and just hope someone will love me… My parents and children love me. I guess in some ways I don't trust their love as love.. How can that be? Their love is probably the most genuine and consistent love I have ever experienced, so why mistrust it? I don't know. Gonna have a smoke. The things we see in life and don't act on. You know the moment you witness something or become aware of something or enlightened to something or warned of something and you gasp for air in excitement? It is so present- so close to your soul. And because that light of knowledge and understanding is so close to your soul you refeel and reknow your soul. That is how blessed that light of knowledge and understanding is. And sometimes it comes, and shows you clearly, and you see clearly… and you do not act. IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 10, 2016 08:20 PM
I had an energy healing session today. I went to my astrology journal to write about it and I found the last entry I made (above), which was exactly the words I was looking for when speaking to the practitioner Let me share my experience IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 10, 2016 09:03 PM
This was different for me. I didn't know what to expect or what I was supposed to do. I was told to just relax. I did. He was on the phone and all I could hear was an occasional breath from him.Strange thoughts (or unexpected thoughts) came immediately. I don't know. The yearning I felt with those thoughts made me cry. Then they left. I began to feel more relaxed. There was a warm feeling covering my whole neck and throat. Almost like someone pressing down, bit I felt no pressure. I felt what I can only describe as energy moving up from my throat to my chin and cheeks. Then something in my belly...just below my chest (heart). An upward movement again. I have a problem in my back. There's usually pain or discomfort around my left shoulder blade. The doctors say I have a bulging disc in my back (maybe from some wild and reckless dancing idk). To me the story goes like this. I thought I was invincible (really) for a good part of my life. I've had no problem EVER with taking risks and chances. But I'm not invincible. My heart can hurt. My heart can "break". I've always felt power and positive energy emanating from my heart, giving me the courage and power to go forward. But I've taken so many careless risks not acknowledging my own sensitivity. I feel like my heart, that I've been careless with, has been releasing it's Pain Poison into my body, starting with my left breast (they say I don't have cancer...but I think it's there waiting for me to get weaker spiritually), and then working it's way to my back and left shoulder blade. During the healing I was laying on my back and after I became relaxed I had the urge to roll onto my belly while he was concentrating and working. I rolled over and went into a deeply relaxed state. The session ended. The ENTIRE experience was kind of overwhelming so I really didn't have any feedback at the time. I rested a while on my bed with a whole bunch of kunzites, my Larimar, and my amethyst. Like 10 minutes or so... Then I had an amazing burst of energy! I went down stairs to where my children were waiting and all of us just knew something amazing was happening. I kind of had to try to keep from laughing because of happiness. I told my children a little about it and one of my boys, the Pisces said he could feel my "vibes" and it was really relaxing for him. We decided to have some cereal and went to the second floor kitchen and when the children got up to the second floor they all had a reaction to the energy up there, where I was during the session. One had chills and goose bumps, another felt dizzy, another felt cold...they all loved the feeling in my bedroom. I just felt absolutely amazing. Available. Present. IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 10, 2016 09:25 PM
So the elevated feeling were enough for me. I was so grateful and happy, but there's more! I decided to go for a walk and get coffee (probably not the best thing to put into my body)...While walking my back pain/blockage felt different! It seemed to move away from my left shoulder blade, out! Out to my shoulder! This is improvement to me because while I describe the pain as back pain and doctors see it as a back problem, I'm convinced it's my "heart". This feeling. Those results were kind of hard to believe. Really significant for me. Another interesting thing. I admin in a religious FB group. I'd gotten drawn into a debate the day before. After the energy healing and after my walk, I checked notifications and started responding. Two things happened in this one particular situation. I was explaining something and I felt so generous I cant see how anything I was communicating could be confused for anything but love. Something about me made this one "sister" furious. I mean, the day before she was fine with me, but today she hated me and every single word out of my mouth. In the moment I didn't feel the usual immediate need to react and set her straight. That kind of set me up for a pounding. I wouldn't fight back. I don't think I did anything wrong. I know her reaction to me was too strong to be explained with normal excuses...and the situation would not be resolved. I "left". Then I felt the pain. I was hurt. I know I usually feel angry or motivated to show I'm right, especially in religious debates. I never knew I felt pain over these things. Maybe I could feel the pain because I didn't feel anything else Mars and Mercury didn't come swooping in to save the ego day... I actually felt the Pain Poison from my heart leak into my body...and the pain/blockage that was closer to my shoulder moved back to my left shoulder blade. I'm alright with this experience. I don't regret it. It didn't take anything from me. It helped me to understand a little better. One thing is, how many things do I do a day that hurt, that I don't let myself feel? How can I heal if I don't allow myself to feel? I'm very grateful. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 71473 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 11, 2016 02:37 PM
Sounds very impactful.IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 11, 2016 10:48 PM
Thank you Randall. I appreciate your support IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 6277 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 12, 2016 11:21 AM
You Are Loved {hug}IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 6277 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 12, 2016 11:23 AM
Your life, your writings, your genuiness, and your photographs are Amazing!!! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 71473 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 13, 2016 01:16 PM
You're very welcome.IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 13, 2016 09:11 PM
I'm trying to make my way back to you Mirage...I work ALOT. Some Vedic astrologers say that having either Saturn or NN in your second house can make you very focused on money and work; however, having Saturn in 2nd will delay the development of career, the ability to save money, or even the interest in money until after 35-42. And It's true! There was a time when I refused to work! I had babies, and I didn't care if we had less money. I was never working. It's ironic that the thing that caused a chain reaction resulting in my children's father moving out and me having to work was his threat to make me get a job and put my sugar plums in daycare and regular school Our split forced me to either live in poverty or work and I did both for a while. For a while I really couldn't commit to working and earning. My babies were still so young and I wasn't ready to leave them. I'd make what I needed and make sure I didn't need much. But as I approached 35 Saturn pulled it all together for me or released me. My mom retired, but still needed an income. I hired her to take over my homeschool. My youngest is 10. She's still a baby, but she has so much support, and family, and safety, and independent, and freedom. I know she's fine. I'm learning to nurture in the "daddy" role. I like to make money for their future and to strengthen our foundation. When I'm home it's like the old days when "dad" came home. I hang out with them, catch up with them. For a while I couldn't find a balance between motherly love- affection, and intimacy basically, and the fatherly love- providing, protecting, and guiding. I've learned it's as simple as saying I love you, and I'm doing this (working and being away from you) because I love you (in a warm and gentle way- and not a defensive way. I initiate these conversations). I've learned to just touch my kids, and play with them and hug and kiss them a lot. It's funny because when I was home with them all the time, I probably took our time together for granted and didn't hug and kiss them as much... Anyway... I work A LOT, but I'm trying to make my way back to you Mirage. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 6277 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 14, 2016 01:31 AM
Hi... started to post, but it got too late so I gave it up. Sorry I edited so heavily? I understand your 'time' situation better now.Your story above has elements just like mine. I know how that feels. ... And see now how you could relate to Lucia's story too. You are sooo strong. You are Providing for your children, at sacrifice of really being with them the way you wanted to. And, you realize how much more you can appreciate them in a different way now. {{ }} Good to have your mother involved. That works out. Please know, you can take your time answering. (And I thank you for your patience in waiting on my posts too. Can't always be here as I wish.) Be Well, Have a Nice Day... IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 14, 2016 07:49 PM
Hi Mirage. It's ok about the editing. I edit too. But once I saw your comments about adding MORE and mirroring (ideas I connect with strongly) were gone, I worried maybe I was taking too long to get back.I don't just struggle with leaving (working) my children. I struggle with leaving my 12th house stuff or Moon stuff or SN stuff, I'm not sure. With lots of time alone or in nature or at home with my children I can express myself from my heart easily, but when I'm out and about I feel things strongly, but that's it. I struggle with building on spiritual inspirations and communicating my emotions. I just feel them. I never liked that part of being in the world. In fact I've hated it, but God would never give me Pisces without also giving me Virgo In Virgo, I take all that Pisces understanding and apply it to living. Honor the temple with a healthy and organized lifestyle. Create a connection between the material and spiritual through consistency and ritual- and strive to be an impeccable human being. Be the marriage between spirit and body. That's what I've been telling myself. It works. I am strong, but the best thing I've ever done is let people help me. When I let my family and friend help me, I could be really strong. Not just stubborn, scared, and heels dug deep in- something I am also capable of.. Yes. I feel Lucia and where she is. Of course she's a different person..Actually her openness and honesty and her readiness to ask for help and offer help even while she is hurting is very impressive to me. I think she's much further along then I was when my situation was similar. Yes. I read a little about your life Mirage. I feel very protective of you and your story. I see myself in it Thank you for wishing me a nice day. I actually think it's so nice. You're thinking of me in my life and wishing it's good for me I am thinking of you and your living, and I am hoping and wishing there is lots of sunshine and beauty for you. IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 14, 2016 08:15 PM
Oh Mirage, I want to share a pic with you.. (edit)IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 71473 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 15, 2016 10:41 AM
Awww, such cuties!IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 15, 2016 03:52 PM
Thank you Randall These two turned out to be an interesting pair. Earth Suns and ACs, each putting their Mars in the other's 1st house, opposing moons- he's an Aqua Moon, and she's a Leo Moon- they are a couple of the most hilarious pranksters, and they work as an exclusive team! Their favorite game is confuse Mama! The only one funnier than them (if he can be bothered to get his nose out of a book) is their Pisces older bro IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 6277 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 15, 2016 08:35 PM
Precious Angels... and YOU are GORGEOUS!!! You sound quite knowledgeable about astrology. Ever think of getting your Certification, then becoming a Professional Astrologer? .. Complement it with your photography skills and stones to create videos for clients, too? Even conduct Healing Ceremonies for clients utilizing all those modalities? IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 15, 2016 10:09 PM
Mirage, it seriously tickles me that you think I know a lot about astrology For most of my life I've known only my Sun sign. My beloved friend's father did my chart, but I was only able to understand the concept of ACs...and who doesn't want to hear and remember that they've got some Leo in 'em . It was a Pluto obsession that brought me here at the end of 2014, and everything I know about astrology I learned or was inspired to learn here at LL.Healing was never a real thing to me when I was younger even though I was surrounded by people focused on spiritual healing. To me it looked like the sun, the moon, and blissful freedom. I left home and carried that in my heart for a long time. I had so much abundance that I was also able to share, but it was solely from dreams and memories and no real work. I just shared the light I had, which blazed strong for years on its own. But with each passing year that I have not focused or done any inner work and also been somewhat careless with myself, my reliance on my ♓ SN for peace and guidance fails me... Pluto brought me here, where eventually I stumbled onto "healing" (maybe Pluto is responsible for that too), and receive it without knowing I needed. But once I received just a little of this healing gift I understood it is something that you do, it's not something that you are or believe or have. It's not a place or people. Seems weird I didn't know that right? I've been given something in the last few months that will change my life forever. If one day I can show others the door to freedom the way I've been shown then I will be grateful for the opportunity. I'm not sure how that would work. I think the opportunity will come to me when I'm ready. What about you, Mirage? When you start talking astrology I cover my eyes because it's over my head. Have you thought of doing something with your extensive knowledge and abundant love? Are you already doing something? Now that you've seen us Mirage, we're going to climb down off this thread, out of LL and go to sleep (my way of saying I'm editing out the photos. I guess I could have said just that ) IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 2121 From: the baseball hall of fame Registered: Nov 2014
posted September 15, 2016 10:33 PM
You're sweet for saying I have photography skills. I do love taking pictures. I fall in love so often and so easily- with people, trees, bridges, fields... I take pictures to try and capture that which has inspired my love....The photos of the stones above were taken with my phone. The quality of my cell photos has improved since I taped a kunzite stone to it. So tonight I'm actually at work and sometimes that's when I have the most time to myself. I work overnights at one job Tuesday through Saturday morning. I work day shifts at my new job Thursday through Tuesday. It's kind of nuts, but I am actually able to and expected to sleep at my overnight job. Im there mostly for emergencies. I also plan to stop all of this sometime between December and February, and support my dad's business exclusively. I'm looking forward to that. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 71473 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 16, 2016 01:07 PM
It's good to put a face with the Username.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 6277 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 16, 2016 06:10 PM
Just letting you know that I was here, read your posts, and if you need to take your pictures down it's alright.Planning to come back later this weekend to respond (God willing). You're a Beautiful Woman with a Beautiful Soul. Get good rest, and hug those babies! Wishing you a Nice Weekend... IP: Logged |