posted November 12, 2017 04:16 PM
Luckystar25I'm a psychic on Instagram i help people especially when it comes to those that are lied to and told they are cursed when a psychic on there is trying to hussle them? Also Iv been seeing some ****** up ahit in my 3rd eye like creepy scorpion things and a big eye with tentacles hovering over me? Then when I try to do readings it's almost like I get hypnotized and no joke my wifi hasn't worked in 4 days
Then I found a psychic on Facebook to help me.. I literally didn't listen to myself she started doing "work " on me... then she kept trying to suck the $$ out of me... I felt like she was trying to control me I refused and blocked her and suddenly b.w who she knew about won't speak to me for no reason at all 😩
About the psychic you connected to through Facebook?
Like Randall said....
ANY TIME 'money' is connected to a spiritual/psychical type of service, you need to be super watchful.
If you hand over finances, and they can't answer your question to satisfaction without asking you to book 'another' session?
(topic) Psychic - Red Flags (Gigi Young) [27:35]
I'm sorry you're having trouble right now, Luckystar.
You're born in 1989? ...
Scorpio placements are strong right now, going over your Pluto Scorpio.
You have tPluto Capricorn sextile your natal Pluto Scorpio.
Also, tPluto is still working to clear past your natal Neptune Capricorn.
On that last transit, I read this...
When transiting Pluto is conjunct your natal Neptune:
This is a time of deep introspective change.
No aspect of your life is likely going to remain untouched by this transit.
You are likely to question your deepest beliefs and how you fit in the world at large.
Important aspects of your life may simply disappear now.
>> Deep fascination with mystical and occult subjects figures now.
This transit may cause death and "rebirth of your soul" in the truest sense of the word.
*Website chosen at random*
You might want to explore more of your transits there, if you know your natal wheel.
(I don't know whether you're a gemini or a cancer sun? (June 7, or July 6) )
Do you believe in God?
You have Talents ..... in the supernatural realms.
Time to take a QUANTUUM QUALITY LEAP UPWARDS in your vibrational fields! {{{hug}}}
Sounds a bit like you have been bottom-feeding in the lower layers.... where you are subject to ALL kinds of lower entities.
Make a Quality Choice to get into something that will RAISE your quality of friends, contacts, etc.... for 'your' healthy-vibrational state.
If you have that God Belief, you would 'go within' and develop a prayer-life. If you are talented with spiritual kinds of gifts, of Seeing, it is a GOOD protection to (obtain and) strengthen Faith.
Develop inner relationship, and intimacy with God-Within.
This can work to RAISE UP and strengthen your Vibrational field 'from the INSIDE'. Working on Faith can help you thicken your protective Shields...
'Quenching the fiery darts of the enemy'
The impression I get (and have read) of the ether-worlds, is that it is made up of layers... There are weather-like forces, and entities that abide there. All kinds.
In a way... your job is to stay more laser concentrated and cleaner (innerwound-care) inside your energy-generator (Core).
This would help you have more general resilience.
Psychologically too, being in an Awareness of self, and keeping tabs on what goes on with your thought-life, can help. In subtle ways, too much thinking about what is coming AT you, can pull you OUTside your innerCore, and subject you to a more active time expending personal energy having to fight the battle between your two ears!
Negativity, (and dwelling on that more, and in an unbalanced way), can be some of the energy behind 'us' using our own energies against our OWN selves.
Linking you to one of your threads...
If you can locate a GOOD 'Godly' prayer-service room or group where you live (in Boston area?), you can request to be placed on prayer-lists for protection.
(Usually they commit to praying for you for one month at a time. Continue to request, each month. That's their spiritual Job. It's Available to you, on the asking.)
I know of a Carmelite Community of nuns in a (R.Catholic) monastery in that wider locale, that if you contact them, they WILL lovingly keep you covered with Prayers.
You could contact a Universalist or a Unity Church (if there is one) in that area, and have them 'hold you in prayers' (again, they have group prayer vigils).
Find an Edgar Cayce Study Group, if there is one.
These (generally) have a more balanced approach to developing self, even psychically. It ALL comes with a Relationship TO and WITH the Divine inside yourself.... *Heart*
Maybe you can trust your Guidance?
Ask for being led to a group (scripture study) that is Positive and Uplifting, and who will be Inclusive of you and your unique interests and needs.
REALLY AND HONESTLY, take some time to Cultivate a God-Life... and maintain it. (From the things I've read that happen to you.)
Use some of the protective gems I had mentioned in the link provided.
And! Feed yourself with Positive Thoughts!!!, and let the negativity slide off you with the greasy-GRACE you are coated with, doing so.
1) Pray! Pray without ceasing (there's a way to cultivate that).
2) Supplication! ... Come under the Hand of God, the Cover of Faith... and Caste every Care and weight and Burden.
3) Be Thankful! .. Start to rehearse all the Positives in your life. Send ENERGY into THAT direction (is a counter-balance).
Release Anxiety (worry about the future), that these cursings they may have launched won't have a place to land in your INNER space.
Practice Love... and a Spirit of Kindness, Loving-kindness towards others, towards animals, plants, rocks, the sky, the clouds, the edges on leaves, .... Find BEAUTY in your Atmospheres..... and THIS will be cultivated, and attracted towards your self.
Bring GOOD vibes towards yourself...
There's another link in DivDiv with Prayers...
You might find these soothing, and inspirational.
The first prayer is a prayer for Protection.