posted July 23, 2022 01:20 PM
New age thinking and science do not need to be enemies 😎💞🔬
Together in cooperation they can indeed become more than just friends and produce fantastically wonderful new ways to
help us all evolve and more🌈🌄🧬🔬🧫🧪🧲🔭
Embrace them together💞🌈🌄
NASA’s idea for making food from thin air just became a reality — it could feed billions
Here's why you might eat greenhouse gases in the future.
I have always believed that one could theoritically live on air but only if
nutrients were ha vested so to speak from
air and transformed into actual food.🌄🌞😎
Soylent Green is a very logical food source but grosses most folks out.
Our planet is overrun with greenhouse gasses
and here is a remedy for that problem that if
this works would make the greenhouse gasses a
viable path to food that could literally feed billion 😎😎😎
Imagine how this could help us terraform other worlds and recycle waste products in
space stations and on long voyage ships especially multigenration voyages😎So people who claim that humans can live on air are not alo wrong,
they just neglected to see that
ALL things that seem just new age hype or
can all be scientifically explained and proven.
SCIENCE AND new age or magical thinking must
be blended and then that is when we understand how it all works and can replicate
it all for the survival of the human race and all forms of life😎😎😎
Kindly please pardon any typos or weird autofills as I am very compromised today😢
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