Topic: TAROT: Getting started with tarot reading
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4489 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 24, 2011 04:28 AM
Hi By now, I assume you have familiarized yourselves with the common misconceptions about the tarot, readings, and readers, are able to recognize some of the most popular decks, and have perhaps bought your own Rider-Waite deck waiting anxiously to start. Until you become a reader yourself, you are always a querent. I have posted some basic guidelines about how to pick your tarot reader. Like any good partnership, you and your reader will work 1:1 and it's important that you trust him or her. It's even more important that your reader is truly who s/he says s/he is. Do not just trust anyone for your tarot readings. There is a danger of negative subliminal messages going through your psyche as a fake reader pretends to read the tarot for you. As a querent you are in a receptive mode and so you are vulnerable. Please listen to your intuition if you don't feel like you can trust someone to give you a reading. Now on to the basics for getting started with reading the tarot yourself! This is a lot of fun! You learn to communicate with others at a metaphysical level in order to bring clarity and hope in their lives. The benefits for your querents are obvious. The benefits for you are huge as well as you learn to tune in to your intuition, train and trust your inner voice, focus and meditate, and finally serve others. Reading the tarot is not just an "academic" study of the meanings of the cards (see "common misconceptions" lesson). To become sensitive to the visions, insights and feelings you get from your tarot deck, you need to develop a close relationship with your cards. The intuitive signals you receive during your reading constitute your personal "twist" in the reading you provide to the querent. Next: How to develop a personal relationship with your deck IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4489 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 24, 2011 05:13 AM
How to develop a personal relationship with your deck Your deck is the best tool at your disposal for getting in touch with your intuition. Your intuition will guide you to offering readings with a personalize twist that goes beyond the standard card meanings. Seeking to develop a relationship with your deck means that you:
know how the cards look like, pay close attention to every detail in the drawings, the colors, the figures depicted in it get a feel of what messages -positive or negative- each card communicates to you get a feel of the energy of the cards in your hands; for example, are you drawn to a particular card's energy even when it's face down? Here's how to treat your Tarot cards:
1. Spend time with your cards; meditate on them, practice shuffling and handle them regularly2. Protect your cards from absorbing negative energies by keeping them in a box. 3. Respect your cards, handle them gently. Do not allow others to use your deck.
Next: How to prepare yourself and your environment for a tarot reading
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anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4489 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 24, 2011 06:07 AM
How to prepare for a tarot reading Set aside some time during which you will be undisturbed and away from any distractions. Remove phones, TVs, computers (or switch them off) from the room where you will sit for your reading. Be unavailable to others (and let tell know) if you do not live alone. Relax and calm yourself. If your mind is preoccupied on matters of personal nature, you may not be in the right "mood" for focusing on your cards. However, we all need some help to get in the right mood (or "groove") so you can try the following "tricks": Put some music on. Find gentle instrumental music suitable for yoga and/or meditation. Anything that appeals without being distractive. The goal is to get inspired and relaaxed -not overwhelmed- by the listening experience.Burn a nice-smelling incense. Pick you favorite! Again aim for relaxation and inspiration. Meditate briefly by focusing on your breathing. You need not lie down but if you are sitting, make sure your back is straight and fully erect, shoulders down and back, face relaxed. Use pillows, a warm blanket, anything that helps you feel comfy. Are you in the groove yet? IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4489 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 24, 2011 06:13 AM
OK, before I get to a closer look at the Rider-Waite deck, I would like your feedback. Do you have any questions so far? Have you bought your own deck? Do you have any special deck preferences? What's your favorite music or incense for relaxation? How do you pick your readers? Questions on making your deck "your own"? All and any comments and questions are welcome! IP: Logged |
Cancer/Scorpio729 Moderator Posts: 1393 From: 6,000 feet above sea level Registered: Feb 2010
posted December 27, 2011 11:31 PM
What effect to different decks have on the reading?IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4489 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 28, 2011 05:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by Cancer/Scorpio729: What effect do different decks have on the reading?
Thanks for the question. If you go back to the other string where I present various decks, can you see how they differ visually? When you read intuitively, the way a deck looks is critical in your readings. Like a painting on the wall is capable of inspiring feelings and interpretations in your mind, a deck with its unique visual effects and art will inspire you in various ways. Not all people like the same kind of art, and so with decks, some people might feel -for instance- more inspired by the minimalist Russian deck than the superfluous/wordy Angel decks. Different decks will speak to different readers differently. Again, there is always a standard meaning for each card in any deck, and learning those is your baseline before you go out to offer readings. BUT as I wrote again and again, intuitive reading goes beyond standard meanings, and it knows to focus on specific details that are unique for the context of the specific question by the specific querent. With practice your readings will become more fine-grained and you will be able to tell how each card gives slightly different meanings in different situations and for different querents and questions. You have to practice to deepen your intuitive connection to your deck and to allow for the richness of the symbolism in any deck you use to reveal itself to you slowly and gradually as you gain experience and intuitive depth. If you like, post this question on the other string, and we can discuss different cards from different decks in light of how they differ in their interpretations.
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Cancer/Scorpio729 Moderator Posts: 1393 From: 6,000 feet above sea level Registered: Feb 2010
posted December 29, 2011 01:57 AM
Okey dokey IP: Logged |
Still_Hopeful Knowflake Posts: 447 From: USA Registered: Aug 2009
posted February 29, 2012 02:56 PM
Hi, I am posting my reading as requested by anon I pulled 3 cards today to see a progression of my legal battle. I pulled Past: queen of swords Present: Queen of cups Future: Queen of wands According to some web sites. 3 queens meaning deception by a woman. 3 queens!
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anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4489 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 29, 2012 03:46 PM
Thank you. That's a very interesting pull of cards right there. The Queen of course is you or a female judge and other significant figure in the legal battle scenario. Now, the different suits are very telling. This configuration allows me to explain what each tarot suit symbolizes. Specifically, the Suit of Swords represents the action stage of manifestation. Swords are about movement and struggle. The Queen of Swords is a serious sober figure. One hand holds a Sword. The throne itself and her crown are decorated with butterflies and an angel, symbols of the element of Air. She symbolizes someone who is not afraid to look for the truth and can go in deep waters in the process of searching for it. She possesses some fine analytical thought and speech talents and skills. In your reading, this Queen symbolizes the beginning of your legal issue, which required quite a lot of thought, investigation, analysis, argumentation. The Suit of Cups represents the emotional stage, or the union of creative ideas and actions. Cups are about desire, inner experience, and spirit. The Queen of Cups is an idealist. She's beautiful, romantic, full of imagination, creativity and mystery. In your reading, the Queen of Cups in the present position symbolizes the current escalation of the legal matter from a purely logical rational matter to a mystery that evokes emotional reactions and imaginative creativity. The final resolution may have to be felt, not reasoned. The Suit of Wands represents the idea stage, or "seeds" of a concept. Wands are about ideas, intention, and growth. The Queen of Wands is surrounded by lions (symbols of Fire) and sunflowers (symbols of the growth and energy of Wands). The black cat at her feet is a reminder of the dark side of Venus. The Wand and sunflower in each hand illustrates her control over nature. This card focuses on family matters and the home. It reminds you that when in doubt remember that important decisions usually make themselves when the time is right. A sacrifice may have to be made because you will not accept less than the best. In your reading this Queen is prominent in the position of the future. It is linked to the final resolution of the legal issue at hand. It seems a new approach will be born out from the previous two stages (of the initial exploration indicated by the Swords and the subsequent in debt examination indicated by the Cups), which will lead to a breakthrough and a compromise. Wands are fire energy so intense and erratic. It has no staying power but it can be destructive if you aren't careful. Make sure your priorities are in order and watch for signs of compromise. Notice that the Suit of Pentacles is missing. Are you expecting monetary benefits from this legal matter? It might not be in the cards yet if at all. IP: Logged |
Still_Hopeful Knowflake Posts: 447 From: USA Registered: Aug 2009
posted February 29, 2012 03:52 PM
Anon thank you Indeed the battle is long and hard especially from the beginning.What is interesting... the judges went on strike in my state. and my "old" judge (a guy) retired and a new judge was appointed (gal). However, it seems she is ONLY temporary on this position and she suppose to leave in 3-4 months. I am not sure if she INDEED will leave or it is just a gossip. but it makes me think.
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anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4489 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 29, 2012 04:12 PM
Wish you Good luck. I like the Female energy of the Queen in all three cards. Diplomacy, compromise, fairness, but also mystery, high-strung emotions, drama possible. IP: Logged | |