Originally posted by anongrl10:
Thanks, that's a good question.
I will respond here. The way the Querent poses his or her question is important in terms of energy. Remember that we're talking about intuitive readings. The reader will pick up on the Q's energy. Sometimes this energy reflects the situation, and some other times it's just the Querent's energy and not that of the situation's. For example, some people are negative in general or like drama, or seek attention through negativity. You can ask the most neutral question in the most emotionally "loaded" way.
Now, regardless of the Q's energy, the cards -if the reading is done right- will attune to the energy of the situation. If the energy of the Querent is relevant (and not just inherent negativity or a liking to dramatic exaggeration), the cards will often have an advice about that. However, if the Q's energy has nothing to do with the situation, it won't affect the reading. Again, a certain skill is necessary for the reader to focus on the "meat" of the question and skip any irrelevant influences.
Could the way the Querent poses the question affect the answer? In general, yes. Why? Because it affects the way the Reader perceives your question. And how the reader perceives your question influences the reading.
Here's an interesting example:
Let's assume that we have two Querents asking a very similar question:
Querent1: Will I win the lottery?
Querent2: Will I lose the lottery?
You can tell by the way they phrased the question that they have very different expectations. Q1 expects to win and asks with the goal in mind. Q2 is more pessimistic and is motivated by a fear of loss.
Now an experienced reader will read both questions the same way ignoring the different feelings expressed by the Querents. But this isn't always the case.
Readers reading too close to such questions may actually mislead the cards. Consider for instance that you get the Sun card of the Major Arcana as a response to Q2. How are you going to interpret such positive card in light of the pessimistic question? Is it a "yes, you will lose" or is it a "yes, you will win"??
So, a big part of it depends on the skill of the reader. The cards themselves remain uninfluenced but since the reader interprets them, it is imperative that the reader has a clear picture of the question in his/her mind and if not always seek to figure it out together with the querent. A change in attitude in the querent is ideally what you wish to achieve but people don't change just because we tell them to. Change comes from within. You can advise and suggest ways of dealing but you cannot change someone's pessimistic attitude or his/her life as a result of that attitude.
Hope this helps.