posted July 26, 2012 08:44 PM
Hi, I thought I might add my interp if I may. The heirophant is the card of tradition, morality, and doing what you think is the right and appropriate thing to do. It incorporates ancestors, heritage, culture and values/beliefs.
Often it is about what we would like to do, in terms of expectations, what we have been acculturated to expect, and what we think is our due, or what we should do.
In relationships it represents a sobre liaison that is happy satisfying accepted norms. Even if it is a gay couple, they would be portraying and acting along acceptable gay culture norms for gay couples.
In terms of teaching, it can represent progressive elements but it is usually progress back to what is termed the right, or the preferable position/stance/behaviour. For example, a teacher might feel they are making progress in instilling better values, choices etc in their students.
In non-human aspects, it can represent architecture that combines all the principles of a pleasing construction, such as water feature, sweeping paths, appealing windows, nice textures, and great design along nuts and bolts architectural basics.
It can also represent other things like food and dining, but it would be under a theme and all the elements such as type of menu, setting, tableware, furniture, lighting etc would compliment the type of food on the menu or theme of food presented. For example a classic french restaurant with french cuisine under a theme such as a la carte, or provencale, whatever.
In clothing, the relationship would also be the construction around the representation of the clothing, such as the type of store and the use of space, and the styles of clothing.
So basically, its values, within a construct based on accepted cultural norms and entrenched beliefs, specific to that culture/people/system. It usually involves, some kind of clean/pure lines aspect to it, with quality materials, is upstanding, can come under inspection and be generally approved of,and likes to be consistently a model of a belief system, and there is a suggestion that it will influence further creations by example.
In the reverse, there is pressure. It can be like people trying to maintain what is the best/right approach/representation, but only in a strained attempt on the surface of it because underneath they are not coping for some reason with what they think is expected of them, and the behaviour isn't in line with what they are purporting. For example the minister that is advocating maintaining a strong family, while in reality he and his wife have a terrible relationship and is for appearances only, and their kids are angry, frustrated and disconnected.
Or the man that wants to bring a good girl home to his lovely traditional and probably religious family and yet he moonlights with his wild, counter culture friends, that do drugs, and are promiscuous and bisexual.
And in say architecture for example, the reverse would indicate maybe some foreign construction company that builds large showy mega buildings off a cheap crappy kit design and inferior planning. And the bottom line, won't stand the test of time, which is the underlying theme, and in the case of the upright card, time honoured, tried and true, that produces the best results and the greater good for the greater number involved.