Topic: ASTROLOGY: The Most Challenging Aspects in the Natal
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 11, 2012 08:35 AM
Disclaimer: This is one man's opinion, only. Discussions are fine( and wanted) but fights are not. If someone wants to come on and fight for fights sake, I will ignore but please comment and give personal experience. I am excited to see what you will say  The Hardest Aspects To Have in the Chart By amiann | Published: December 10, 2012 | These are not in order. These are just a result of my personal experience looking at charts
!. Mercury Combust the Sun–the closer the harder. Each degree matters. This aspect makes it very hard for a person to see himself with an objective eye. He is too close to himself, such as one house which is too close to another. There there is not the needed distance( i.e personal space from oneself) to take care of business etc 2. Asteroid Dejanira conjunct the Moon—all cases of this I have seen have had sexual abuse–very, very sad. 3. Chiron Conj the ASC–this is severe bullying that effects the person throughout life, such that they never get over it 4. Water Void–these people do not understand how they effect others, so they put their foots in their mouths and are off putting to others. Then, they are truly in pain, as they don’t understand why they were rejected. 5. Moon in the 12th– need to be intimate and close to others but fear and vulnerability stop it. They bring this pain on themselves and think it is others 6. Mars in the 12th—action is super hard. Expressing any passions is super hard. This makes the man wimpy, as he can’t stand up. Harder for a man than a woman. 7. Venus in Scorpio makes the person feel as if he/she is over sexed. The person can have a secret insecurity about this. 8. Mars in Cancer–the person cannot show his/her drives easily. He puts his emotions in his stomach and has stomach problems 9. Moon in Virgo–the person has a heart which can feel robotic, as if they cannot feel, but think and reason, instead. 10. Child Asteroid Conjunct Dejanira–abuse but not as bad as Moon conjunct dejanira, but usually sexual abuse 10. Many planets in the 1st house. The person may be very self oriented, such that others are put off and the person does not know why. 11. Saturn Conj the Sun–Degrees matter a great deal here. An exact conjunction can be crippling. Once you hit 6 degrees, it will be more ambient. The person feels riddled with self doubt, as if a giant inferiority complex follows them around like the cloud which follows Pigpen in Charlie Brown. 12. Moon in Scorpio feels like a giant stone one must carry around one’s neck. The person is too intense such that he thinks his lover is cheating when she goes to the corner 7 -11 for milk. The Moon in Scorpio ramps emotional intensity up hundreds of decibels, by the sheer fact of this moon in this placement. He cannot help it He is , usually, ashamed to show people just how deeply he feels, as he is embarrassed. 13. Anything “bad” conjunct the North Node. I know that by the use of the word “bad”, I am going to have Astrologers coming out of the woodwork telling me that there is nothing bad. There are just challenges. I guess that is why I needed my own website. I can say what I want At any rate, anything abusive such as Nessus, victimizing such as Dejanira, painful such as Chiron, limiting such as Saturn, giving betrayal such as Sedna etc etc will force the person to have a life with this theme. Isn’t that saying it straight out? YES 14. Squares of pivotal parts of the chart. Each planet is a part of the person, a slice of a person with a different function. Think of the human body with the heart, the brain, the lungs etc. Each does a distinct job and has a distinct nature. Each planet is the same. When you have the deepest heart( Moon) squaring the love part of a person( Venus), one has a disconnect between their deepest emotions and being able to show these emotions when they love. The square stays locked for life. This is another area where I will have Astrologers all over me, saying this is not true. I think it is. The opposition, on the other hand, allows for a back and forth motion, such as a yin/yan motion back and forth between either pole. So, it is not so locked in. The conjunction is a melding of the energies. This can be good or bad, depending on which planets and how close. For example, Mercury conjunct the Sun is a blessing when it is at 6 degrees. It is a sign of great intelligence. It can be a curse when it is exact, as it is one sign of mental illness imho. It is what I called the combust in my first entry. 15 Mercury square Uranus I hate this one, especially if it is exact. I cringe when I see it. This can be a sign of mental illness, too. This one makes me cringe second to Dejanira conjunct the Moon, which is my biggest cringe factor. How amazing is it that an Astrologer can know what someone went through, from a few symbols on the chart. There has to be a God, but that is another story lol ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted December 12, 2012 09:26 PM
quote: 10. Many planets in the 1st house. The person may be very self oriented, such that others are put off and the person does not know why.
Y? IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted December 12, 2012 09:29 PM
quote: When you have the deepest heart( Moon) squaring the love part of a person( Venus), one has a disconnect between their deepest emotions and being able to show these emotions when they love. The square stays locked for life.
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sillyme Knowflake Posts: 289 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted December 13, 2012 08:41 AM
Lovely post  I especially agree with sun conjunct mercury.....i feel those people have a very huge ego that is attached to how they think and view things...And if you are against their idea , save you! and if their view turns out to be wrong eventually, they will be too hurt or simply not admit it.. They believe that they are always IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 13, 2012 08:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by sillyme: Lovely post  I especially agree with sun conjunct mercury.....i feel those people have a very huge ego that is attached to how they think and view things...And if you are against their idea , save you! and if their view turns out to be wrong eventually, they will be too hurt or simply not admit it.. They believe that they are always
Thank you! xx
------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 13, 2012 08:50 AM
I have started to come into my own as an Astrologer, in that I will tell it as I see it. That is why I am going to put disclaimers at the top. This is one person's opinion and could be wrong, but I owe it to people to tell it as I see it, anyway. That makes me perfect for some people and not for others, too. You have to find the right fit with an Astrologer, as you do with a counselor, therapist etc as it is a very intimate relationship.------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 13, 2012 08:52 AM
To add to this, God can overcome any chart, so that is, always, a factor, too. If one can access God, all things are possible, including overcoming limitations on the earth place, which includes the chart imho.------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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sillyme Knowflake Posts: 289 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted December 13, 2012 10:05 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: To add to this, God can overcome any chart, so that is, always, a factor, too. If one can access God, all things are possible, including overcoming limitations on the earth place, which includes the chart imho.
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mockingbird Knowflake Posts: 2128 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted December 13, 2012 12:38 PM
Question: Would having a good many placements in water houses negate or flavor a planetary sign elemental water void?Also, generational planets don't count, right? ------------------ If I've included this sig, it's because I'm posting from a mobile device. Please excuse all outrageous typos and confusing auto-corrects. IP: Logged |
sweet-scorpion Moderator Posts: 2427 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
posted December 16, 2012 10:09 PM
"7. Venus in Scorpio makes the person feel as if he/she is over sexed. The person can have a secret insecurity about this.8. Mars in Cancer–the person cannot show his/her drives easily. He puts his emotions in his stomach and has stomach problems 9. Moon in Virgo–the person has a heart which can feel robotic, as if they cannot feel, but think and reason, instead." Oh snap... I have all 3. OTL I feel the positives of Moon in Virgo is that I'm usually great at giving advice and actually being understanding of people, BUT intense downsides are being unable to hug freely 75% of the time, rarely wanting to kiss family members or loved ones, not being able to always openly show feelings to certain individuals without shame, also I feel this Moon quindecile my Saturn no less - I just found out I had this lovely almost-opposition aspect, have you heard of it? I feel so out of the loop - contributed to my anorexia and self-esteem issues. Restricted nurturing. Cancer Mars does, indeed, give me stomach issues now and again. Did more so as a child. I would stay home throwing up from my anxiety. I had horrible indigestion. Scorp Venus is dead on too, I always feel either oversexual or celibate. Jupiter conjunction is a blessing and a curse. Sometimes helps me out with love and luck, then other times makes my Scorp Venus go wild with wanting passionate amour which I later regret and feel like I'm giving into devilish impulses. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 16, 2012 10:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by mockingbird: Question: Would having a good many placements in water houses negate or flavor a planetary sign elemental water void?Also, generational planets don't count, right?
The word"negate" would be wrong, imo, but planets in water houses would help but the void is still kind of the void, but water houses do help!
------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 16, 2012 10:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by mockingbird: Question: Would having a good many placements in water houses negate or flavor a planetary sign elemental water void?Also, generational planets don't count, right?
Do you have a water void, MB?
------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 16, 2012 10:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by sweet-scorpion: "7. Venus in Scorpio makes the person feel as if he/she is over sexed. The person can have a secret insecurity about this.8. Mars in Cancer–the person cannot show his/her drives easily. He puts his emotions in his stomach and has stomach problems 9. Moon in Virgo–the person has a heart which can feel robotic, as if they cannot feel, but think and reason, instead." Oh snap... I have all 3. OTL I feel the positives of Moon in Virgo is that I'm usually great at giving advice and actually being understanding of people, BUT intense downsides are being unable to hug freely 75% of the time, rarely wanting to kiss family members or loved ones, not being able to always openly show feelings to certain individuals without shame, also I feel this Moon quindecile my Saturn no less - I just found out I had this lovely almost-opposition aspect, have you heard of it? I feel so out of the loop - contributed to my anorexia and self-esteem issues. Restricted nurturing. Cancer Mars does, indeed, give me stomach issues now and again. Did more so as a child. I would stay home throwing up from my anxiety. I had horrible indigestion. Scorp Venus is dead on too, I always feel either oversexual or celibate. Jupiter conjunction is a blessing and a curse. Sometimes helps me out with love and luck, then other times makes my Scorp Venus go wild with wanting passionate amour which I later regret and feel like I'm giving into devilish impulses.
LOL Yes Scorpio Venus seems to always say they feel oversexed. Mars in Cancer stuffs emotions in the stomach. I have Mars in cancer.
I don't know much about Virgo moon but it seems hard lol
------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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bridgetostars23 Knowflake Posts: 596 From: virginia, usa Registered: Dec 2012
posted December 16, 2012 11:21 PM
I have Venus and the Moon in Scorpio. The two scorpio signs will tie into each other. I will feel terrible about how deeply I feel and hide it at all costs and then cut myself off from feeling. The same with sexual situations. Kind of all or nothing.IP: Logged |
mockingbird Knowflake Posts: 2128 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted December 17, 2012 12:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Do you have a water void, MB?
Nah, Pisces Sun and Merc with a Scorp Asc here. My husband, however, has no water placements except for a Scorp Uranus (not sure if generational planets count), but his *very active* Leo Saturn in the 4th, Saggie Moon and Neptune conj in the 8th, and Aries Mars/Venus conj in the 12th. He frankly thinks (after tons of research) that a diagnosis of Aspergers* wouldn't be far-fetched - for instance, he says that he more thinks through how people are feeling than directly empathizes; his IQ has tested quite high, though, so he's able to do this well. He also loves literature and art, but more for their systems, modes of classification, and technical aspects than for their evocative natures. * I included this asterisk since the new DSM apparently doesn't include Aspergers. **I don't think he has Aspergers. IP: Logged |
KarkaQueen unregistered
posted December 17, 2012 02:45 AM
Wait.. so if Dejanira conjunct Moon means sexual abuse. Doesn't that mean my boyfriend's sister was sexually abused when she was young? Um wow.IP: Logged |
Bearee Knowflake Posts: 471 From: Registered: May 2012
posted December 19, 2012 06:19 AM
quote: 10. Child Asteroid Conjunct Dejanira–abuse but not as bad as Moon conjunct dejanira, but usually sexual abuse
I have this, but I was not sexually abused? @Karkaqueen: it doesn't mean she's sexually abused, just maybe  IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 19, 2012 07:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by Bearee: I have this, but I was not sexually abused? @Karkaqueen: it doesn't mean she's sexually abused, just maybe 
How close is Child conj Deja? Let's start there.If it was close, did you have other kinds of abuse? ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 19, 2012 07:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by KarkaQueen: Wait.. so if Dejanira conjunct Moon means sexual abuse. Doesn't that mean my boyfriend's sister was sexually abused when she was young? Um wow.
In every case of Moon conj Deja, the woman has been sexually abused. I have not seen every person in the whole world, of course, so I have to go by what I have seen. ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 19, 2012 07:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by mockingbird: Nah, Pisces Sun and Merc with a Scorp Asc here.My husband, however, has no water placements except for a Scorp Uranus (not sure if generational planets count), but his *very active* Leo Saturn in the 4th, Saggie Moon and Neptune conj in the 8th, and Aries Mars/Venus conj in the 12th. He frankly thinks (after tons of research) that a diagnosis of Aspergers* wouldn't be far-fetched - for instance, he says that he more thinks through how people are feeling than directly empathizes; his IQ has tested quite high, though, so he's able to do this well. He also loves literature and art, but more for their systems, modes of classification, and technical aspects than for their evocative natures. * I included this asterisk since the new DSM apparently doesn't include Aspergers. **I don't think he has Aspergers.
No water( or low water) makes for a person who cannot pick up social cues well. I see this all the time and can even feel it out, now. Usually, humor is hard for them to get, too. What do you think? It is certain kinds of humor based on social cue kind of things. ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Bearee Knowflake Posts: 471 From: Registered: May 2012
posted December 19, 2012 08:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: How close is Child conj Deja? Let's start there.If it was close, did you have other kinds of abuse?
they're 1 degree apart. I didn't have other kinds of abuse. I had a normal childhood. My parents are pretty affectionate, I also had no problems at school etc. IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 9778 From: Death Star Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 19, 2012 02:50 PM
11 13 14 (number 1 aspect in my chart)Woohoo... IP: Logged |
kamenon02 Newflake Posts: 5 From: Singapore Registered: Dec 2012
posted December 20, 2012 05:29 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: 15 Mercury square Uranus I hate this one, especially if it is exact. I cringe when I see it. This can be a sign of mental illness, too. This one makes me cringe second to Dejanira conjunct the Moon, which is my biggest cringe factor. How amazing is it that an Astrologer can know what someone went through, from a few symbols on the chart. There has to be a God, but that is another story lol
Oh dear, I have this. Could you explain a little more why you consider this an extremely bad aspect? Thanks 
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 20, 2012 09:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by Bearee: they're 1 degree apart. I didn't have other kinds of abuse. I had a normal childhood. My parents are pretty affectionate, I also had no problems at school etc.
You are the first person I have seen with this kind of childhood and this aspect! ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 20, 2012 10:42 AM
quote: Originally posted by kamenon02: Oh dear, I have this. Could you explain a little more why you consider this an extremely bad aspect? Thanks 
Ok This takes you mind and kind of puts electricity in it. It can be a brilliance, and often is. My son, who had it, was a genius in geometry. However, Uranus is very erratic and when it is in hard aspect, it can be like too much electricity zaps you and it is too much for the fragile mind( as one's mind is fragile imo) ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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