Topic: ASTROLOGY: Transits
Randall Webmaster Posts: 39037 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 18, 2013 12:46 PM
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Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1501 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 18, 2013 02:51 PM
There's been much written here about transits already. So, here's a selection of the more informative posts. Please contribute to fill gaps or to offer further explanations. The author's name as well as a link has been added at the end in case anyone wants to read the whole post or thread. I will edit these in the interest of greater clarity as more come to light. INTRODUCTION
Transits deal with planets currently in the skies. We will talk about them in relationship to one’s natal chart. When one looks at transits, one can make a chart that shows the current position of all planets and how they hit the natal chart. So, on the outside of the natal chart are the current planets in green. With both of these charts, we can compare the current position of planets to the position of the planets at one’s birth. One’s natal chart will be the basis for all charts. When we look at transits, we look at two major things. We look at the house a transiting planet touches.In addition, we look at the natal planet that a transiting planet touches, too. This is the basis for transits. by Ami Anne - TYPES OF CHARTS
The natal chart is the most important chart. It's your blue print, so to speak, the starting point of your life. The progressed chart is the Natal chart, "progressed"/moved forward. This is a versatile chart with many uses. In synastry is as sensitive as a natal chart because aspects to this chart is felt as intensely as aspects made to the natal chart. The transit chart is used primarily for making predictions. In this regard it's a competitor with the Progressed Chart. Done correctly both charts can predict current events. Some prefer using one over the other. The Transit chart references the positions of the planets in real time (eg 2010), while the Progressed chart references back to a period of time when you were still an infant. Solar Return Chart is a chart used for making a prediction of the year ahead. This chart has a life span of one year. Generally, the Solar Return chart lasts from birthday, to birthday. by Nine - IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1501 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 18, 2013 03:13 PM
TRANSITS - ANGLES/ASPECTSTransits occur when current planets moving through the universe come into and leave certain angles with natal planets in one’s birth chart. The basic angles (0 degrees, 60 degrees, 90 degrees, 120 degrees and 180 degrees) all have different affects on the natal pattern, symbolized by the natal chart, setup in human beings at the moment they draw their first birth. These angles are usually referred to as “Aspects”. These transits indicate the type of energies that are flowing through each of us in the everyday world. These energies may aid or restrain the natural natal energies. Most of these energies are subtle, but some can be quite strong. Understanding the energies that affecting one’s behavior allows us to better understand how to consciously handle them in our life. Traditionally, only the outer planets are considered important in transits, because their aspect durations lasts much longer than the inner planets, months or years at a time. Some astrologers also take the transits of the Moon’s Nodes and Chiron into account. For our purposes here we will define the “Outer” Planets as Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Nodes and Chiron. To truly understand the affects of transits on each of us, you must first understand the reality of what we call the human body. Many scientist and some astrologers believe that the human body ends at the skin of the body. The truth is that we are not solid objects anymore than a rock, but miniature universes within the larger universe. As such, we are affected by energies outside our bodies that we can’t see or touch, but which are as real as we are, and which can affect us in many ways. I have heard it said that transits bring experiences into our life that we need in order to grow spiritually but can’t or won’t allow otherwise. This may be due to our religious upbringing or other ethical standards that we have grown up with or adopted for ourselves. Transits cause these experiences to be experienced without us actively pursuing them, and thus evading any guilt on our part. Transit astrology helps to understand and consciously take responsibility for our actions. Traditionally there are two types of transits, good ones and bad ones. Bad ones cause things to go wrong and good ones cause things to go good. Besides being oversimplified that’s just plane wrong. For example, having things too easy is not always good for your growth, just as having to work through a tough situation isn’t always bad. Things are just what they are, neither good nor bad. It’s rather you can use the experience to grow and become more in tune with your spiritual self that counts in the end. Transit Aspects are angular displacements between the transiting planet a natal plant, house axis or other power points in the natal chart. I use plus or minus 1 degree. Some people use larger aspects, and that’s fine, what ever works the best for them. I don’t use all of the possible angular aspects, but the ones I do use are as follows: Conjunction – 0 degrees separating the transiting planets and the natal planet/point. The conjunction symbolizes energies creating union and perfect togetherness. Obviously, at birth all planets are in conjunction with your natal chart. At that point you are purely your birth potential. As each outer planet moves away from this perfect union, they begin to form aspects with other planet energies in your chart, and you begin to be affected by these different energies. One or more times in your life, most planets will complete a 360 degree transit and move into what is called a “Return”. Some will never complete 360 degrees, because of their slow moment through the sky. Planets not only transit natal planets, but they move into and out of natal houses. As the transiting planet crosses the exact degree of a natal planet, house or point, it starts a process or series of developments into motion. The nature of this process is in accordance with the nature of the transiting planet and the natal planets and the houses being transited. For example, Jupiter transiting natal Venus indicates that Venus’s natural energy would be expressed with a more Jupiter energy during this period. One way to visualize this process is to take a clock mechanism containing several gears of varying size. If you mark the gears at their starting point, and start the clock running, you will notice that some of the gears will complete a full cycle in short order, while others will move more slowly. This is symbolic of how the transiting planets move through your natal chart. Sextile - 60 degrees separating the transiting planets and the natal planet/point. Sextiles are somewhat weaker than other aspect angles, but when occurring with other aspects can be very powerful. Sextiles require initiative on the part of the individual, unlike some other aspects. Energies at play here indicate opportunities for growth in the transiting planet’s house, but without the individual’s active participation, may have no affect at all. In other words, a Sextile says, “ hey here’s an opportunity for you to grow in this area of your life, take advantage of it if you want, or not. Square – 90 degrees separating the transiting planets and the natal planet/point. This aspect indicates dynamic change and instability in one’s life. As such, it can be rather difficult to handle unless you are aware of it and it’s affects. Conflict occurs here because of rigid view of reality and one’s ego attachment to material rather than spritual concepts. This transit indicates that there is a struggle going on with the energies expressed by the house of the transiting planet. Trine – 120 degrees separating the transiting planets and the natal planet/point. This aspect indicates a balanced and creative flow of the transiting planets positive energy to the areas of life indicated by the transiting planet’s house placement. Opposition – 180 degrees separating the transiting planets and the natal planet/point. The energies of the transiting planet conflict with the natal planet/point energies creating conflict or difficulties in the natal planet’s house between the two. In this series of articles I will try to lay out what I have come to understand about transits. I hope that these articles will serve to spear discussion on this subject, because I truly believe that this is important for self=growth and discovery. by Lanny Logan - TRANSITS OF OUTER PLANETS
Transits of the three outer planets can last for a couple of years, especially when a “triple transit” occurs. In this situation, the transiting planet passes in aspect to the natal planet three times; first going direct, then turning retrograde, and finally moving direct again. A very few will experience 5 passes if the planet literally turns retrograde on the planet being transited. This process can take up to three years for an outer planet like Pluto, having an effect on you for that entire period of time. The rule of thumb for many astrologers is that the first transit indicates the start of a process, the retrograde or 2nd the culmination or crisis indicated by the transit, and the third, the concluding events in the process. Others see the first transit as the first chance to answer the question that the transit poses. If you fail to deal with it fully the first time, the second transit offers another opportunity in a slightly different way. And finally the third transit provides one more swing at the ball. However you choose to look at them, transits provide opportunities to grow. The effect of a transit is determined by the transiting planet and the natal planet or point, but is also effected by the placement of the natal planet, its home and aspects in the natal chart. For example, take a chart where Neptune is transiting the 2nd house and is Trine natal Venus. The basic meanings of this transit is as follows: 2nd House transiting Neptune – During this several year period your whole outlook on material things will undergo a change. This will be caused by a change in your basic values. Material wealth will no longer be an incentive to make the type of decisions about your life that reflect trying to gain or at least hold on to your possessions. You will be freer to do what you desire, regardless of the material outcome. The less you identify yourself in terms of your possessions, the easier this period will be for you. Transiting Neptune Trine Natal Venus – during this transit, your romantic life will be more important to you than usual. This is also a time where you will be quite creative, displaying talents in areas that you may not have been aware of in the past. Neptune is the planet of illusions, and as such, much that you are experiencing may be more illusion than real. This doesn’t make it any less important to you, you just have to understand that that it takes real work on your part to succeed at whatever it is that you are involved in, be it a romantic relationship or a project. At this time your sensitivity to others and the beauty around you is heighten. Looking at Venus's Natal position by house, and aspects we see the following: Venus in natal 10th house - indicates a social and artistic drive to achieve recognition for abilities. Generally will seek to inprove one's status and wealth through relationships.
Natal Venus square Natal Pluto - This aspect indicates intense sexual and emotional involvements. Many of his or her romantic encounters. including marriage may have more to do with seeking personal wealth or status, than actual feelings of love. Keep in mind that this is only one aspect of this person, but it seems likely that he or she has a high sexual and emotional nature and sees others as a means to an end, in this case a more comfort and pleasant environment. So what can you tell your client or self about this transit. One, from early age material things were primarily your goal, but now you have evolved to the point where material things no longer mean anything to you. You have also evolved past the point where you viewed your sexual partners as a means to and end and are now ready to view them for who they really are as individuals. Remember, this is only one part of what is evolving in your chart, by looking at the other transits, you can achieve an even better idea of what's going on in your life. bu Lanny Logan - IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1501 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 18, 2013 03:26 PM
KARMA TRANSITSKarma is a very important asteroid, even in transits. I wholeheartedly suggest that you see in your extended charts transits back in time to important events that occured suddenly in life. Where was Asteroid Karma then? Also try to remember if anything significant occured when transit Asteroid Karma was conjunct your True Node, Chiron, Natal Karma, Moon or Saturn. These occur once ever 4 and a half years and hence every year one major event could have been triggered by transiting Asteroid Karma. An Astro Diary is compulsory please. Every transit should be logged. Venus return brings bliss, Mars return brings strength, Lunar return every month arranges new emotional experiences for the next month, Jupiter return brings knowledge and luck, Saturn return brings massive change etc. However, every fortnight, one transit asteroid or personal planet is conjunct another important asteroid or natal planet. Noting down the events in these occurences will be a treasure trove for you a couple of years from now. by iQ
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Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1501 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 18, 2013 03:35 PM
PLUTO TRANSITS THROUGH HOUSES Pluto Transits through the various signs, as you can see from the table below, are not equal. Depending upon the sign, Pluto may spend as little as 11 years in a sign or as much as 31. The same of course is true for the houses, if like me, you use the equal house system. Depending upon where Pluto is at your birth, it may transit 3 to 6 houses during your lifetime. If your Natal Pluto were at 0 degrees Aries for example, you would not likely live to experience your transiting Pluto square your natal Pluto at around 90 years old. However, if you were born with Pluto at 0 degrees Virgo, not only would you experience a square but a trine and maybe even an opposition. Therefore, Pluto’s transits are generational in nature. Those born in the 1800’s will undergo a different Plutonian transiting experience, than those born in the 1900’s or the 21st century. With that said, lets look at what all this means to you as an individual. First lets look at what Pluto’s purpose is in the scheme of things. Pluto transits natal houses and planets with one thing in mind, break down old structures and replace them with a new structures. Unlike Saturn whose task it is to help you see and remove rigid behaviors and beliefs yourself , Pluto operates in two phases; in the first phase, Pluto just moves in and tears things up. But, and this is very important, in the second phase of a Pluto transit a reconstruction of self takes place and a new more healthy structure is created. Before anyone thinks that there is something malefic about this process, it’s not that at all. This is exactly what you need in order to evolve and grow, and what’s more its inevitable. Pluto will not be denied. All that we can do is to help these changes to take place in a positive manner. The more we fight it, the harder it will be for us. One author likens Pluto’s effects to the pressure that builds up in a dormant volcano, until unless there is some way to reduce the pressure, ends up blowing the top off the mountain and creating havoc for everyone. The house that Pluto is transiting signifies the area in your life where these major life altering changes will take place. You can no longer just patch up or bury this area of your life, what is needed now is total transformation and Pluto provides that. The aspected planet’s energies provide the source for the changes that must take place in this area of your life. Lets start by looking at the meaning of Pluto in the various houses and then talk a little about the aspects. Pluto transiting the 1st house causes a revolution in many aspects of your self-image or personality. Pluto’s desire is to have us recognize the control the past and others have on all of us, and retake control of our life. If we consciously assist Pluto by facing our psycho-trash, as Bil Tierney calls it, we can revolutionize our life. If we resist facing our own history, and how today’s behaviors are shaped by it, well “Nellie bar the door”, its going to be a long rough ride. As indicated earlier, Pluto’s transit usually involve two phases; a breakdown phase, and a rebuilding or consolidation phase. The effects of the breakdown phase of this house transit are often suppressed anger that comes out in our interaction with others. This is partly due to us starting to realize how we are being controlled and our need to reclaim control over our own destiny. We’re not about to allow anyone to try and control us now. The task that we need to focus on though isn’t others trying to control us today, that is something that we can handle. The question is, what experiences in our background has set us up to be controlled by others. When and where did we give up control of our life to others. In the second phase of this process your anger will diminish and you will start to rebuild your self-image. By the time this transit ends, you will be in control of your own destiny. Pluto transiting your 2nd house brings transformation to your values both psychological and materialistic. During the breakdown phase of this transit, resources will become scarce, you will be forced do with less. This is not to say that you will lose everything. It really depends on how much it takes to get you to look at your attachment to things in your life and the value you place on them. In other words, its not about the resources, its about your attachment to them. Before this transit is over, your whole attitude towards property will change radically. When Pluto transits your 3rd house, our communications and everyday conversations take on a deeper meaning. Above all else, Pluto will not allow us to be superficial in our approach but require that we dig deeper until we ferret out the real meaning of what we hear and what we say. The 3rd house is the beginning of wide psychological changes taking place within us, and a regeneration of self at the very basic level. In the first phase, our beliefs that are not based on truth will be called into question, many of which we may have held for years. We will not be able to settle for superficial answers to our questions, we will be driven to know the truth. Even those things that we believe that are true will require that we revisit them, because in many cases we have forgotten where we learned them in the first place. In phase two, we will begin to gain a new perspective of the world and how we fit into it. Pluto transiting the 4th house tightens the focus of the quest that you have been going through while Pluto was transiting your third house. Your inner psyche, home, intimate family, and personal life become the areas open to Pluto’s probing. Problems stemming from childhood traumas that have been buried deep within your psyche will be triggered by this transit. There is nowhere that you will be able to hide from this assault. And as difficult as this may be, it is necessary for you to undergo this phase of Pluto’s transit in order to reveal these festering wounds to the light of day. Most of the measures you employed as a child to protect yourself from dealing with these wounds, are inappropriate in an adult. By bringing these out into the light of day now and dealing with them as the adult that you have become, you will be able to heal the wounds, and release all the emotional stress associated with them. It takes tremendous energy to continue to bury these things in your psyche, once released and dealt with, you will feel a rush of new energy available for living in the present. Pluto transiting through the 5th house involves your relationships with your children and significant others and the impact that you have on the others in your life through our actions. Under this transit, others will see your behavior as self-absorbed, but in truth you are being compelled to rise from the ashes of the past and shine. The first phase involves washing out those feelings of inferiority or lack of willingness to stand out from the pack. The second phase allows us to “come out “ and show who we really are to the whole world. Talents that we have ignored throughout our life, because we felt others would disapprove, can now be given free reign. What’s more we can now start to really take great joy in our life, even to shout our joy to the treetops. There is no room for a gloomy gus under Pluto’s transit through this house. Tension between you and your children will result if you become to controlling. One of Pluto’s unfortunate side effects is that it makes us become somewhat over bearing. This is a trait that if not handled can create difficulties between you and your children. At the same time, you shouldn’t ignore their welfare, because they nee your loving guidance. Just use the heavy handed approach a little less. In any intimate relationship, this transit indicates a very emotional and intense love affair. You must be careful to not become over-bearing in this area either. Any new relationships started under this transit may not last, but will certainly be fun. Enjoy the moment, don’t get caught up in making this a life time event. It may be, but the more you live in the moment, the better chance you will have of having this relationship when the transit is over. Pluto transiting your 6th house has a great deal to do with your health. If you have been ignoring health problems, and we all do to some extent, Pluto transiting this house will make you come to grips with your condition as it passes through this house. In phase one, the condition will become more apparent, forcing you to seek help. In the second phase of the transit, you will have the opportunity to overcome your problems and become regenerated. This is an excellent time to start a careful physical regimen to rebuild your body. If you haven’t before, and even if you have and failed, start on a sensible diet. This transit also creates tension in your professional life. If your job has not been satisfying to you, you will be forced to make the necessary changes during this transit. This transit may be manifested in your life by tensions between you and your bosses. Often, this transit causes job or career changes. Rest assured however, that any changes, however distressing, are for your own good, and will be viewed that way by you later when you have a better perspective of your needs. Pluto’s transit through your 7th house will bring a new or renewed relationship that will transform your life. If you are in a close relationship already, events will force you to redefine that relationship. Tensions that may have been building up over time will erupt during this transit. If you are not in a close relationship, this is not the time to get into one with the intention to make it a life long commitment. Any relationship now will be intense and provide short term enjoyment and fulfillment, but don’t focus on long term goals. This is not to say that relationships started now won’t result in long term relationships, they may, but don’t make that the underlying criteria. Most tensions encountered during this transit are not because of the other individuals involved, but are only mirrors of your own inner psychic needs and impulses. In effect, the tensions involved reflect your inner struggles. Pluto transiting your 8th house, its home, brings events associated with death, rebirth, and regeneration. During this transit your life may be effected by someone else’s passing, causing you to focus more on your own life’s meaning. Or there may be a loss of some resource resulting in the same inner questioning. In phase one, your well ordered life will come into confrontation with the realization that no one lives forever, or others resources can be lost. You will start to question just what your life has meant in this world. In phase two, you will start the journey of discovering more about your part in the whole of life. Whichever event causes you to reevaluate your life in terms of what you have accomplished or contributed, this transit will result in your regeneration. Pluto transiting your 9th house is a maturing time for you. Your view of the world will be radically changed during this transit. Worldviews that you have held up till now will be challenged, and if based on prejudice or misinformation will be discarded. The more you learn during this transit, the easier your transits through your upcoming houses. During this transit beliefs that have been handed down to you, will be called into question and you will start to develop your own worldviews. Much of your learning during this transit will occur due to your experiences, not through your studies. Only when beliefs conflict with personal experiences will most people start questing the truth of their beliefs. Such experiences will be profound in nature. Just remember that your experiences are intended to help you grow, not to provide ideas to shove down others throats. Others are most likely not where you are now in your growth, allow them to grow as they need to and when they are ready. Pluto transiting your 10th house - during this transit, you will make your mark upon the world. But you must be prepared to do so, if you are to have any positive effect. You must be secure in who you are, and truly understand your goals and your place in the larger whole. Depending upon when this transit occurs, at the start of life, middle life, or towards the end of life, your effect will vary, because you have undergone previous house transits. Even if you are young, this house transit will provide you with a clearer perspective on who you are and what you should be about. If you have gotten off track, this transit will bring you back on course and head you in the right direction. Just remember, whatever happens, is happing for your better good. Pluto transiting your 11th house – during this transit your life goals may undergo changes brought about by interactions with others. Experiences with new and different types of people will open your eyes to a different world and provide you new insights into your self and your place in the world. What you want and need from friendship will be different now. You will seek others during this transit that can provide you new and unique experiences. One friendship will have a tremendous effect on you now, changing your life for the better. This person may become either a teacher or an intimate stimulus for you, helping you redefine your values and goals. Pluto transiting your 12th house – The effects of this transit are primarily psychological, causing you to deal with hidden and buried aspects of yourself in order to clean out the garbage that you have accumulated over the last several years. You will be forced to confront many unconscious concepts, particularly those that label things bad or good. Most of these concepts come from social training supplied by our parents and family as well as religious training in our childhood. Such concepts effect us in our very day interactions with others, usually negatively. Cleaning these out, and replacing them with more enlighten and adult concepts will prepare us to move into our next cycle of growth as Pluto transits our 1st house. The more garbage that you confront and clean out now, the more positive the result of the following transits. Aspects of Pluto generally have the following effects: Squares cause adjustments in the way that the two planet’s energies are being expressed in the associated house. By adjustment, I mean that Pluto’s energies are already working in the area of the house location, but will now change the way they are working, coloring the new method with the energy of the second aspected planet. Conjunctions generally mark the end of energy being applied in a particular way, and a new beginning or approach in dealing with the house’s life areas, colored by the aspected planet. Oppositions or similar to conjunctions, in that they relate to major shifts in the way Pluto’s energy is being applied. In an opposition however, the shift takes place because of a sudden awareness of the need for a change of direction. Sextiles and Trines tend blend Pluto’s energy with the aspected plant’s energy in a positive way. In other words, Pluto’s powerful drive may be soften by the aspecting planets energy giving any overall more subtle energy. by Lanny Logan Posted by Peri - GOOD LINK ON ASPECTS WITH PLUTO - IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 53670 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted January 18, 2013 04:43 PM
Awesome info. I will come back and study. Thanks a lot!------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1501 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 23, 2013 12:49 PM
PLUTO AND VENUSIn positive synastry/transit Venus is able to attract Pluto types like bees to honey. Pluto is able to see the bounty of what Venus has to offer, and finds her beauty and sweetness irresistible. Venus on the other hand finds Pluto hypnotically fascinating, and senses that there is much depth to Pluto’s love and dedication. Venus knows that Pluto is a powerful force and may be able to influence her life for the better. There is often a strong physical attraction involved, and a willingness to give of yourself and merge your mutual assets, so that Pluto/Venus can transform into something much stronger together, then either of them are separately. In positive transit this type of relationship may appear in your life. The negative possibilities for Venus/Pluto synastry/transit are that Pluto types may see Venus and superficial and fake, while Venus may see Pluto as being manipulative and resentful. Even while being attracted by her beauty Pluto might envy it, or see her tendency to stay away from darker issues in life as a cop out. On the other hand, Venus may see Pluto as deliberately forcing unpleasant issues, and being unnecessarily controlling and secretive. The conjunction of Venus/Pluto by transit is a bit of a wild card as it could manifest positively or negatively depending on how Venus is sitting in the natal chart. It is worth looking at what house cusps Venus rules, as these areas of life often go through some type of transformation. Venus rules the 6th house in my chart, and during my Pluto/Venus transit my health went through a positive transformation when I started receiving some alternative medical treatment for an ongoing issue I’ve had. by Lotis White - IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1501 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted February 01, 2013 02:56 PM
TRANSITS AND ATTRACTION Say you don't have a Venus/Neptune aspect natally, but transit Neptune trines your Venus. There's this one person who has a Venus/Neptune trine natally, and you're attracted to them (and/or they're attracted to you) because at this point in time, you have similar vibes going on. It's basically like when your chart reflects someone else's chart, except that in this case transits trigger the whole thing. Again, if it goes both ways, the feeling is more likely to be mutual. It can go further than that: say person A has a Pisces Moon, and person B has transiting Neptune conjunct/square/opposite their natal Moon; it can give a similar vibe (but it may not be that strong if person's A Neptune isn't very prominent natally). by Doux Reve - IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 39037 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 02, 2013 09:22 AM
Thanks, Astro!------------------ "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1501 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted February 26, 2013 08:48 AM
TRANSITS for PROFITS / ABUNDANCEThe financially fortunate astrological transits are useless if you maintain a mindset of lack, low self worth or greed. So first work mentally and psychologically on the abundance factor in life before studying the transits. The best 6 financially great transits are: 1. Transit Mars conjunct Natal Sun: Brings fruitful and doable business opportunities. 2. Transit Sun conjunct Mars: Activates a dull business 3. Transit Mercury conjunct/trine Mercury: Good for stock market profits and sales 4. Transit Venus conjunct/trine Mercury: Increases sales/profits 5. Transit Venus conjunct/trine Sun or Venus: Increases cash flow for purchase of luxury items for self or for the lover/spouse. 6. Transit Mars conjunct/trine Mercury: Increases business and sales drive, helps you to communicate better for wealth. by iQ - IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 39037 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 27, 2013 02:08 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 39037 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 28, 2013 10:55 AM
Thanks, iQ!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 39037 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 01, 2013 10:35 AM
And thanks for posting it for us, Astro.IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1501 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted September 27, 2013 03:08 PM
Example: If you focus your thoughts everytime Asteroid Eureka or Asteroid Discovery conjunct either Mercury, Moon, Uranus, Ascendant or Asteroid Pallas, you will make a great personal discovery.Every time Mars conjuncts Natal Neptune, you will have a business like interest in a new occult topic. Everytime Mars conjuncts the Sun or Sun conj Mars, a new career opportunity will open up. Everytime Venus conjuncts your Part of Fortune, a new luxury enhancing opportunity will open up. Every year the Sun conjuncts Ascendant, you will rejuvenate your vitality and personality. Every Lunation birthday (the time when the Transit Moon to Transit Sun aspect is the same as Natal), there will be minor recharge. Every few days when the Moon conjunct/square/opp Natal Mars, there will be a mood swing dependent on Natal Moon aspects. by iQ IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 39037 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 28, 2013 02:15 PM
Interesting!!!!!!IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1501 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted April 07, 2014 08:50 AM
BumpIP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 53670 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 07, 2014 09:31 AM
GREAT info, AK. Thank you------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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