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Author Topic:   ASTROLOGY: Name Asteroids
posted May 15, 2013 11:34 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No. I'm afraid not. That's why I was surprised to see his name asteroid there.

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posted May 15, 2013 11:36 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Seems like a 'fated' marriage, though.
Just two weird people who got together for no apparent reason.

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posted May 17, 2013 01:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sometimes, the reason isn't apparent to anyone else, but it's there.

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Ami Anne

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posted May 17, 2013 05:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by luisbunuel:
Seems like a 'fated' marriage, though.
Just two weird people who got together for no apparent reason.

How did you meet? Get married etc, if you want to share

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted May 18, 2013 01:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There must have been some attraction and love, right?

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posted May 20, 2013 05:30 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Blushes...not used to this much attention on Lindaland!!

I met him in a pub. Knew right away he was a Pisces. Which he confirmed.

It was all downhill from there.

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Ami Anne

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posted May 20, 2013 07:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by luisbunuel:
Blushes...not used to this much attention on Lindaland!!

I met him in a pub. Knew right away he was a Pisces. Which he confirmed.

It was all downhill from there.

What is your ASC? Cappi?

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted May 20, 2013 10:07 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, Ami Anne. I'm a Pisces ascendant.

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posted August 11, 2013 09:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for elixir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@ami i would be interested to see you do a thread on location asteroids..i know there are quite a few city/country asteroids

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Ami Anne

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posted August 11, 2013 11:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by elixir:
@ami i would be interested to see you do a thread on location asteroids..i know there are quite a few city/country asteroids

Hi Friend
I have seen location asteroids come up in 2 charts. One person had her birthplace conj her Sun and it was a small city, too.

The other had the state in which she was raped by her brother conjunct some important part of her chart. I can't remember which part of her chart, now.

I really don't do locations that much as it is very time consuming and my time is better spent on other things imo but thanks for asking and reading

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted August 12, 2013 09:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Location Asteroids sound fascinating!

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Ami Anne

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posted August 12, 2013 10:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:
Location Asteroids sound fascinating!

YES, they are amazing. However, when I do professional charts, it would get super cumbersome unless I ask which three places have the most significance for you. Then, they can name 3 places.

I do ask for 3 names of people who made a great difference in your life for good or bad.

To me, bottom line why I love the charts so much. It shows me the order of the universe and that points to God.

It gives me peace.

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted September 09, 2013 11:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for toptops     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
UAU, Ami,

it is SPOOKY...!!!

There is a man I am in love with and can see a future with him (I so hope he does too).

Where it gets spooky is that mine name asteroid in his chart opposes his in mine. My Moon conj his name ast in his chart and his Moon conj my name ast in mine.

I will post the chart if you want to take a look

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posted September 29, 2013 11:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for thundered     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fantastic thread!
I had been looking at other asteroids but never thought to do names, duh!

Couldn't find my stepfather, dad, mum or friends's name asteroids even though they're all common names :?

However some other names brought up some interesting things!

1. Ex 2 conjunct my MC
Opposite my Uranus/Ceres in my 10th house

*When I got together with him, it was talked about a lot. However I did end because.. yes, I didn't want to be in a relationship anymore and wanted to travel as well as some personal things. Even though we separated a long time ago I still like to check up on him and still want to be close friends with him.

2. Ex 3 conj. Vertex and Jupiter in 7th
In a tight GT with my PoF and Pallas
Square MC
Square Uranus/Ceres

*Were the 'it' couple, even though we had a lot of people jealous of us (mainly me). We 'got' each other and could have great conversations.. however all good things came to and end
We did however have a long, drawn out and overall horrible break up. I don't have to start looking at his chart to know that he took it much harder than me. Even though we parted years ago, I've been told he still isn't over 'us'. He still does mean a lot to me, but like my other ex's, when something is over, it's over (guessing that's lil Uranus coming in there!)

But my favourites!

3. Close (incredibly gorgeous) friend/possibly business partner conj. Neptune in 4th
Trine Moon/Karma/Mars conj.
Sextile both Pluto and Mercury (both at orb 3 so not sure if it counts)

*He was born a few days before me in another country and to say we get along is an understatement! We have had similiar things happen in our lives and it's ridiculous how well we get along!
If we have any success in our business ventures (if they come to light), it's definitely because of his faith in me and his drive.
I guess my perception of him mixed with that Adonis beauty is that Neptune talking everyone thinks he's a real-life Adonis so at least I'm not alone!

4. Name conj. Talent
In GT with South Node and Chiron
Square Actor/My name
Sex. Saturn

I think the last time I was on here I was saying I was going for or going to be in a play- which I was. I feel like I was supposed to meet this theatre company to be in contact with this person.

She is a bit older and not only acts and looks after paperwork, but knows The People to know around here. We hit it off immediately. She is a beautiful, funny lady.
The Chiron aspects don't surprise me as I've confided in her about something personal one day and was in tears, and she just consoled and comforted me.
Since the play we've stayed in contact, she actually is putting me in touch with a producer for a series, so... woo!

I am definitely having a look at some other people's charts after this!

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Ami Anne

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posted September 30, 2013 08:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by toptops:
UAU, Ami,

it is SPOOKY...!!!

There is a man I am in love with and can see a future with him (I so hope he does too).

Where it gets spooky is that mine name asteroid in his chart opposes his in mine. My Moon conj his name ast in his chart and his Moon conj my name ast in mine.

I will post the chart if you want to take a look

That is awesome, Tops. I would love to see!

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Ami Anne

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posted September 30, 2013 10:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Welcome Thundered

What a great post!

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posted October 01, 2013 10:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good stuff, thundered!

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posted January 13, 2014 11:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eyes_like_pisces     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ive been wondering about name asteroids that I keep seeing on 'LL for so long so glad I found this thread.

My first name asteroid conjunct my mercury. My last name asteroid opposes them widely but conjuncts my karma both are in retrograde, and MC but again kinda wide. Thats very intriguing to me!

In my partners chart. My first name conjuncts his pallas and DNA in his fourth house. I have a stellium in his fourth house, other wise empty. My last name oppose it.

My first name has a tight trine to his moon, venus, mars. It squares his pof.

I don't know whether to account for his names because the spellings a little off and his last name wasn't found.
his first name squares my vertex, uranus and saturn. It widely conjunct my pof. His middle name squares my juno and trines my sun and NN.

In synastry my last name and his middle name conjunct in the same degree.

Idk why this confuses me, but say his first name found in my chart conjunct his vertex and DC in his chart, does tally account for anything?

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Ami Anne

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posted January 14, 2014 07:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by eyes_like_pisces:
Ive been wondering about name asteroids that I keep seeing on 'LL for so long so glad I found this thread.

My first name asteroid conjunct my mercury. My last name asteroid opposes them widely but conjuncts my karma both are in retrograde, and MC but again kinda wide. Thats very intriguing to me!

In my partners chart. My first name conjuncts his pallas and DNA in his fourth house. I have a stellium in his fourth house, other wise empty. My last name oppose it.

My first name has a tight trine to his moon, venus, mars. It squares his pof.

I don't know whether to account for his names because the spellings a little off and his last name wasn't found.
his first name squares my vertex, uranus and saturn. It widely conjunct my pof. His middle name squares my juno and trines my sun and NN.

In synastry my last name and his middle name conjunct in the same degree.

Idk why this confuses me, but say his first name found in my chart conjunct his vertex and DC in his chart, does tally account for anything?

The spelling can be a little off. That is normal. You have some wowser things there.

Yes, the vertex and DSC are very personal points which means that they are UNIQUE to each person.

We can contrast that with some things that are the same for people born close in time. These would include Pluto, Uranus and many of the asteroids. That is why an asteroid conj an asteroid for people born close in time does not mean that much.

Your relationship seems fated. Tell me about it.

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posted January 15, 2014 08:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for summerlite     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I got a shock when I tried this few days ago.

I have my Vesta conjunct his Sun aspect with this guy. Basically it means devotion from my side to him. Then i plugged in his NAME asteroid and there it was, in his Sun's degree. It became a VESTA-NAME-SUN link.

so now i'm hooked to Name asteroids.

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Ami Anne

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From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted January 15, 2014 09:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by summerlite:
I got a shock when I tried this few days ago.

I have my Vesta conjunct his Sun aspect with this guy. Basically it means devotion from my side to him. Then i plugged in his NAME asteroid and there it was, in his Sun's degree. It became a VESTA-NAME-SUN link.

so now i'm hooked to Name asteroids.

Yea,name asteroids are amazing. I am glad you are hooked

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posted January 15, 2014 09:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for summerlite     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
omg this is so creepy.

I don't have an exact NAME asteroid. Finally found something close to it and it's conjunct at that link too.

I also found an asteroid with half of my name and another guy's name. What's that called? Couple-name asteroid? This is crazy.

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posted January 27, 2014 11:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow, I am amazed right now.
Newish to asteriods and just heard of name asteriods... went to find my partners name asteriod, with whom I feel our relationship is very karmic indeed and there is an asteroid with our two first names combined together!!! Wowza. Anyway our combo name asteriod conjuncts his pluto which is on critical degree in Libra and is 1 degree orb conjunct my exact mercury-mars conjunction which basically activates my entire chart/t-square.
His name asteriod falls in my 5th house of gemini and his asc/first house of gemini, although not conjunct asc.

My name asteriod falls in his fifth house and is almost completely unaspected in his chart except for a square to his Uranus in 7th....

The man I who have a deep love for yet could never tell or feel have in this life, his name asteroid is in exact conjunction with my Lilith, mercury and mars...

And so many more....

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posted March 08, 2014 07:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Moonfish     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have a crush on a guy who's name makes some pretty intense aspects in My Natal and Synastry.

My Natal
His Name squares Sun (2)
His Name squares Mars (0)
His Name squares Pluto (1)
His Name conjuncts Karma (1)

His Name (My Chart) trines His Name (1)
His Name (My Chart) squares his North node (1)
His name (His Chart) squares my ASC (0)

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posted March 08, 2014 09:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FruityLlama     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Would a tight semi-square count? My name is in someone's first house, but it semi-squares the actual axis. It conjuncts their moon though.

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