Topic: ASTROLOGY:How To Tell Your Purpose From The Natal Chart?
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 16, 2013 12:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Libcap: Moon, Uranus, Neptune, Lilith, North Node, conjunct in Capricorn. My Midheaven is Capricorn too.Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Vertex conjunct in Libra. And Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Virgo! Rising is Taurus so my chart ruler is Venus which is in my 6th house ruled by Virgo a work related house! Will love be found through my work?! Lol My Pluto and 7th house are in Scorpio. Relationship intensity! DAMN I better get to work! Thank You Loved reading!
Thank you, Friend 
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Dark_Sun9 Knowflake Posts: 132 From: Exeter, United Kingdom Registered: Aug 2013
posted September 02, 2013 01:39 PM
This is a great post! I believe everything on here to be beautiful advice, all except god! God is fiction we are beings of the planets/stars/universal consciousness/divinity .. or any type of 'gods' but not Christianity .. its based on true happenings in life and modified into a religion ... religion is now a form of faith control i'd say ... .. but i don't know what im talking about because your belief is your belief so i will shutup!  IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 02, 2013 02:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dark_Sun9: This is a great post! I believe everything on here to be beautiful advice, all except god! God is fiction we are beings of the planets/stars/universal consciousness/divinity .. or any type of 'gods' but not Christianity .. its based on true happenings in life and modified into a religion ... religion is now a form of faith control i'd say ... .. but i don't know what im talking about because your belief is your belief so i will shutup! 
Thank you for your lovely comments, Friend. We can differ on God and still like and respect each other and be friends!
------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Astro keen unregistered
posted September 09, 2013 06:13 PM
Hi Ami Anne,I have a Leo Asc, which makes the Sun my chart ruler. So, does the house where the Sun resides, in my case the 3rd, become doubly important? My 3rd has Mars conjunct Mercury and Neptune conjunct Sun. I can see the communication element becoming more prominent the more I investigate the planets here. I found that I have Quaor conjunct Mercury exact. I am a teacher turned publisher as well as half a dozen other things, so it is heartening to know that I'm working to my purpose, so to speak. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 09, 2013 07:36 PM
I have a Leo Asc, which makes the Sun my chart ruler. So, does the house where the Sun resides, in my case the 3rd, become doubly important? Yes, Friend. ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 09, 2013 07:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by Astro keen: Hi Ami Anne,I have a Leo Asc, which makes the Sun my chart ruler. So, does the house where the Sun resides, in my case the 3rd, become doubly important? My 3rd has Mars conjunct Mercury and Neptune conjunct Sun. I can see the communication element becoming more prominent the more I investigate the planets here. I found that I have Quaor conjunct Mercury exact. I am a teacher turned publisher as well as half a dozen other things, so it is heartening to know that I'm working to my purpose, so to speak.
Quoar conj Mercury is absolute brilliance You share it with Paul McCartney .
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Astro keen unregistered
posted September 09, 2013 08:02 PM
That's great to know. Builds confidence which is one of the great uses of astrology. Thank you Ami Anne. IP: Logged |
Abc333 Knowflake Posts: 565 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted September 10, 2013 12:05 AM
Ascendant Leo, so presumably chart ruler would be the sun? Sun is located in eleventh house (Gemini). North node is is 8th house (Pisces). The only things I can tell of aspecting my NN are sextiles from jupiter and MC both conjunct in tenth house (Taurus). IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 10, 2013 08:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Astro keen: That's great to know. Builds confidence which is one of the great uses of astrology. Thank you Ami Anne.
You are so welcome,my Friend. You have a great and unusual gift to have your Mercury conj this asteroid!
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Astro keen unregistered
posted September 10, 2013 01:15 PM
And exact too, down to the minute. I am going to start a thread in Asteroids to see how people find it expresses itself in their lives. Perhaps do some research too.IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 10, 2013 01:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by Astro keen: And exact too, down to the minute. I am going to start a thread in Asteroids to see how people find it expresses itself in their lives. Perhaps do some research too.
Oh my Goodness, Astro keen
Tell me about your out of the box intelligence. Don't be shy 
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 10, 2013 01:34 PM
Einstein had Quoar conj the ASC. Mohammud Ali has it conj Mars. Very fascinating asteroid.------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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filleaspirant Knowflake Posts: 2045 From: Rio de Janeiro Registered: Sep 2013
posted September 20, 2013 08:55 AM
Ami, I'm a bit confused... My ASC is Capricorn, so my ruler is Saturn, but I've read that Saturn rules both the 10th and the 11th houses? Would my Sun in Virgo pull Saturn's forces towards the 10th or repel it?I have Moon trine Sun, but I think Virgo conflicts strongly with Aquarius, in such a way that I'm very detail-oriented but with interests in vast subjects. Virgo tells me to specialize in something but Aquarius keeps showing me so many interesting things to learn that it can overwhelm me. My MC is a too friendly fellow, see: MC conjunct Sun MC trine Moon MC square Saturn MC square Uranus MC conjunct Nessus MC quintile Chiron MC opposite Ceres MC trine Quaoar MC sextile Ixion I don't know how to calculate Dejanira, and from what I've read here, I'm not sure I even want to know what it has in store for me, lol. IP: Logged |
filleaspirant Knowflake Posts: 2045 From: Rio de Janeiro Registered: Sep 2013
posted September 20, 2013 09:05 AM
I ask because I'm a lawyer and my "dream job" is to be a public defender (I've even worked in their office while I was at college). To become one in my country one must pass a series of difficult exams and I've been studying A LOT for it to not pay off and be what I was destined to do.IP: Logged |
m.blade Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted September 21, 2013 07:13 AM
*cough* what's a yod??IP: Logged |
DialecticLady Knowflake Posts: 375 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted September 21, 2013 07:19 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: How To Tell Your Purpose From The Natal Chart?If a client has a Yod, the Astrologer can know the client was created for a specific purpose.It is right there in black and white. The Yod is called “The Finger of God”. The Yod is quite rare, so what does the Astrologer do when there is not one? Then, the Astrologer must look deeply into the chart to find the client’s purpose. The chart shows everything. The chart is that person’s blueprint for his life on earth. I have utmost respect for the charts as I think they are a gift from God to each man. Let’s start with specifics. Look at your Ascendant. You have a Chart Ruler. This is the planet that rules the sign on your ASC. If you ASC is Libra, as mine is, your Chart ruler will be Venus because Venus is the planet that rules Libra. If you want me to make a chart of each sign and the planets that rule them, I will. If your ASC is Aries, your chart ruler will be Mars. If your ASC is Scorpio, your chart ruler will be Pluto.If your ASC is Taurus, your chart ruler will be Venus. If your ASC is Pisces, your chart ruler will be Neptune. The House to which your chart ruler goes is pivotal for you. This house is ONE of your purposes. You were created to play out the sphere of this house. If you look at this one part in your chart, you will get much information. My chart ruler, Venus, resides in my 9th house, the house of spirituality, God and Astrology. Study the House in which your chart ruler resides. Spend time meditating on it. You will need to play out the affairs of this house in order to be at peace. Your purpose will not let you rest until we embrace it and act it out in our world. it. It is strange that way, but I think it is because it is a divine call by God. Next, look to your Sun by sign and house. Your Sun is the most important planet in your chart for determining your purpose. Each person was made to be express his Sun sign as fully as he can. If you feel more aligned with your Moon, you are not in balance. Your Sun should be the “you of you” The Sun is at the center of the solar system just as YOUR Sun is at the center of you. Each Sun sign is very different. God has a divine plan for each person, as well as a plan for how we can help each other. Your Sun is a prominent part of this plan as you are the only and best you that exists. Never try to be someone else. Your purpose will never be found if you aspire to be another person, although we all get caught in this. Endeavor to be you, in all your craziness and flawed humanity. Your Moon is your deepest you. It differs from the Sun in that the world sees the Sun but only your intimate few see your Moon. Your Moon is your most emotional self. You see out of the emotional lens of your moon It is the song of your deepest nature. It is your unique poetry but as far as external purpose in the world, it may be lesser unless it is conjuncts the MC. Then, your purpose will be to show your Moon. This brings me to the next category Any planet conjunct the MC is a shining beacon of your purpose. Study these planets well, as you will not be at peace until you live them out in a public setting. You should check for any asteroids that conjunct your MC too, as your MC is a very personal point. It is your angle to the world. We have 4 angles in the chart–the ASC, IC, DSC and MC. The MC is one’s public face, as well as one’s gifts to the world. My dear friend Jen told me that I forgot a very important part–The North Node. That’s what friends are for The North Node is one of the most important parts of the natal chart as well as synastry or Composite. In synastry or Composite, if you violate the NN, you will pay. I have an article on the NN and synastry and it is one of my most popular. The NN strikes a chord in people, as well it should. We are talking about the natal now and your purpose, so we will stick to that. The NN is your guidepost. If one was losing weight, one might put a picture of a slim woman on one’s refrigerator. That picture would be one’s guidepost. The chart provides the NN in the same way. Pay careful attention to what conjuncts your NN, planet or asteroid. Planets have more power than asteroids by the sheer energy of the planets. However, an asteroid in a very close orb has quite a bit of power, too. With asteroids, the orb should be exact to two degrees. A wider orb than that is ambient, if anything. Any planet conjunct your NN is your purpose. You will be forced to learn the nature of that planet through life experiences. You can transmute a hard asteroid like Nessus into working with abused children and not being an abuser yourself. However, I feel that you will probably abuse before you learn the lessons. Yes, this is a controversial statement. However, I believe it to be true. If Dejanira conjuncts your NN, you will probably be victimized before you can take that experience and use it to help others. If you have a planet such as Venus, you will learn the nature of love. If you have Mars, you will learn the nature of drives such as aggression, goal setting and passion. If Pluto, power. If Uranus, great ingenuity and mental brilliance of a unique and rebellious to society nature. If Saturn, maturity, delayed gratification and success by slow step by step movement. If Chiron, pain. If Nessus, abuse. If Dejanira, victimization. If Sedna, betrayal. If Ixxion, lawlessness by either breaking the law yourself, being the victim of someone else doing this or working in this field. perhaps. If Lilith, raw sexuality. I will write an article on the NN in the natal chart. I think people would like and I could elaborate more. For this article, suffice it to say that you should become a master of your NN. The conjunction is the strongest aspect of all the aspects, The energy and power of the conjunction is more intense than that of a trine, square, sextile and opposition. Think of sitting closest to a fire. The conjunction is the same. However, watch all aspects to your NN as they will provide a plethora of valuable information. Look at every single trine or sextile as this will be ease in meeting your life purpose. Look at every opposition, as this will be a hard balancing act in meeting your life purpose. Look at every square, as here you may be stuck. The square may be life long struggles for you and an impediment to reaching your life purpose. I do not whitewash the chart as some Astrologers do and say every aspect is good. Some aspects cannot be resolved but they force you to push against yourself and outside of yourself, so are they bad? That is a good question and one to which I don’t know the answer, as it is in the domain of God. Now to the inner workings of your chart. Your chart is an expression of the inner workings of you just as a fancy Italian sports car has an owner’s manual. You are much more complicated than an Italian sports car. You are much more complicated than the Shuttle. The chart will open you up to yourself more than 1000 years of therapy, in my opinion. Study your struggles(weaknesses) and your strengths. Your purpose will embody both. How can you help others if you have not suffered in the same way? If you have not, you will give platitudes. Platitudes are the soup du jour of the current day. People who give platitudes do not understand pain. Your struggles force you to confront pain. Your strengths help you rise above. The squares and oppositions will be your struggles. The trines and sextiles will be your gifts. The conjunctions can go either way based on the planets involved. A Uranus conjunction is very hard. A Jupiter conjunction is a gift. A Pluto conjunction could be either. Pluto amps you up like a body builder on steroids. Is this good? It is debatable. A Mars conjunction may be good as it gives you fire, confidence and a go -getter drive. However, it may be too strong and make you too much of a go-getter and you could burn yourself out.. A Venus conjunction would be a gift as Venus is the planet of love and you can never get or give too much love. One needs to look at each conjunction in light of the whole chart.These are some examples of conjunctions but not an exhaustive list. I will write a separate article on conjunctions in the natal chart, if you want. Back to one’s purpose. Your purpose is an outgrowth of who you are, more specifically who you were created to be. You are not a mistake. Even if you were not wanted, God wanted you. That is evidenced by your being here, on planet earth. You were knit together by God. Your chart can show your exact knitting pattern. Jump in and find out who you were created to be. The unexamined life is not worth living. Find the treasure that is you!
Clap clap clap!!! Twirl showed me your post and this is really insightful! If you don't mind I would like to make some questions: 1) I'm aquarius rising conjunct aqua moon (plus aqua psyche conjunct moon), so I should take a look at Uranus or Saturn or both? 2)My Uranus is conjunct my SN and Eros...bad? 3)I have 7th Leo Sun and many asteroids there (vesta,juno,isis,osiris,orcus,aphrodite,nessus) but I can't identify with I read about 7th house Suns...why? 4)My libra MC is conjunct Pluto and Spica...what it means? 5)I have a fixed T-square (1th,7th and 10th): Sun-Moon-Saturn(apex) and read somewhere I must find the empty leg, but it is in Taurus (intercepted, 4th house)...what can I do? Sorry about too many questions, but I can't find about what I asked me, I'm looking for these answers for ages lol  IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 21, 2013 07:56 AM
quote: Originally posted by m.blade: *cough* what's a yod??
I am doing a thread in the Beginners Forum on Yods. People seem to have lots of questions lately. It is a bit complicated like House Rulers but well worth the effort.
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 21, 2013 07:57 AM
Welcome, Dialect and thank you!------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 21, 2013 07:57 AM
Why don't you put your chart up and ask the questions. It is easier with a visual! ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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DialecticLady Knowflake Posts: 375 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted September 21, 2013 10:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Why don't you put your chart up and ask the questions. It is easier with a visual!
me?? here it is: Uploaded with  IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 21, 2013 01:09 PM
I'm aquarius rising conjunct aqua moon (plus aqua psyche conjunct moon), so I should take a look at Uranus or Saturn or both?In my opinion, Uranus, for sure. Uranus is the ruler of Aqua imo ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 21, 2013 01:11 PM
My Uranus is conjunct my SN and Eros...bad?Not at all. You are comfortable with your erotic nature. Many people would kill for this. You are comfortable with your rebellious, unique and creative nature, which is very good too! ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 21, 2013 01:14 PM
I have 7th Leo Sun and many asteroids there (vesta,juno,isis,osiris,orcus,aphrodite,nessus) but I can't identify with I read about 7th house Suns...why?The asteroids by house are not that important. It is what they conjunct which is PERSONAL to you such as personal planets( and angles( ASC, DSC etc) The Leo may not be that co-dependent as the 7th house tends to be( even though people get mad when you say it) People with many planets here tend to feel totally lost w/out a partner. Just the Sun here does not do that to you. My guess is that it is the Leo which is the most non co-dependent Sign lol ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 21, 2013 01:16 PM
My libra MC is conjunct Pluto and Spica...what it means? 5)I have a fixed T-square (1th,7th and 10th): Sun-Moon-Saturn(apex) and read somewhere I must find the empty leg, but it is in Taurus (intercepted, 4th house)...what can I do?Pluto conjunct the MC is a super powerful person in career and /or society. You are strong. You stand up. You don't take garbage from people. Fight my e bay fight for me  I will look at your actual chart later and address the T square then!
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DialecticLady Knowflake Posts: 375 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted September 21, 2013 01:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: [b]I have 7th Leo Sun and many asteroids there (vesta,juno,isis,osiris,orcus,aphrodite,nessus) but I can't identify with I read about 7th house Suns...why?The asteroids by house are not that important. It is what they conjunct which is PERSONAL to you such as personal planets( and angles( ASC, DSC etc) The Leo may not be that co-dependent as the 7th house tends to be( even though people get mad when you say it) People with many planets here tend to feel totally lost w/out a partner. Just the Sun here does not do that to you. My guess is that it is the Leo which is the most non co-dependent Sign lol [/B]
Wow Ami, thanks for the precious insights! I've never heard this "non co-dependent" thing about 7th Leo sun lol but the "i'm nothing without you" thing about this placement and I was thinking:' what the hell! I'm not like this at all' LOL My first thought about was juno and vesta conjunct my sun(married with myself?lol)but I don't think asteroids have this strenght...or have?I'm feeling more normal now, thanks  IP: Logged | |