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Author Topic:   ASTROLOGY:How To Tell Your Purpose From The Natal Chart?

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posted September 26, 2013 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DialecticLady     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:
Lovely DL

I look forward to it. It will be much better because you can report on how it feels as you will be close to this asteroid!

Ok Ami, here we go:

Some astronomic curiosity about asteroid Minerva (93): Actually it’s a TRIPLE asteroid! Was discovered that Minerva has two moons, what is rare because before this only other three asteroids was known to have the same characteristics. However, astronomers revealed that Minerva is unusually round for an asteroid and has a possible UNIQUE structure. Minerva triple system orbits around Sun between Mars and Jupiter. The other triple asteroids are: Sylvia (87), Eugenia (45) and Kleopatra (216). Minerva was discovered on 24 August, 1867, and it’s moons only in 2009.

Sources (and for more):

Now astrology:

Minerva describes wisdom, even brilliance, in the horoscope. She is another of Jupiter’s daughters. Her Greek predecessor is Pallas Athene, sometimes mistakenly used by astrologers who do not realise that astrology is Latin/Roman rather than Greek.

She is often shown with an owl, which symbolises her wisdom. Minerva is a potent symbol of cleverness – of a particularly feminine kind. Minerva was found in 1867, the year Marie Curie was born – twice winner of the Nobel Prize.

From Lempriere’s Classical Encyclopaedia of Greek and Roman Mythology - Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, war and all the liberal arts, was produced from Jupiter’s brain without a mother.

Minerva became Jupiter’s counsellor. Vulcan, the husband of Venus, attempted to seduce her but he failed. She had other priorities. She was the first of the gods and goddesses to build a ship and Lempriere tells us she had a zeal for navigation. We also know she had blue eyes, presided over markets and could handle a horse.

Lempriere - The power of Minerva was great in heaven; she could prolong the life of men, bestow the gift of prophecy, and indeed, she was the only one of all the divinities whose authority and consequence were equal to those of Jupiter.

Minerva beat Neptune in a contest to name the capital of Cecropia. The contest challenged the goddess and god to give the most useful present to humanity. Neptune produced a horse. Minerva produced an olive. Minerva won because the olive is a symbol of peace, but the horse is a symbol of war.

Lempiere – She was invoked by every artist and particularly such as worked in wool, embroidery, painting and sculpture. Known for her sense, taste and reason, Minerva was a remarkable goddess. Mainstream astrology has bypassed her, but look her up in your chart, as you did before, entering the number 93.


Although Minerva, the Roman goddess of war and wisdom, is usually portrayed as equivalent to the Greek goddess Athena, she was originally an Etruscan goddess of dawn.

She is revered as a goddess of wisdom, for the light of dawn typifies knowledge. She guides heroes in war and is patroness of all arts, crafts, guilds, and medicine. Called by Ovid “the goddess of a thousand works,” she was the inventor of musical instruments, numbers, and many crafts, including weaving. The serpent and the owl were sacred to her.

The serpent is an emblem of life energy and the creative impulse. The owl is a symbol of death and wisdom, and thus Minerva, a goddess of the dawn and of wisdom, is also a goddess of death and transformation.

Minerva is an incarnation of wisdom in human form, an affirmation that we can use our knowledge and wisdom in the pursuit of any goal we choose.


Minerva, goddess of wisdom, the counterpart of the Greek goddess Athena. Homer called her 'the blue-eyed Minerva' and by Ovid 'the yellow-haired'.

Minerva was the great Goddess of wise counsel, war and peace, the defence of towns, heroic endeavour, wisdom and ethics, weaving, pottery and arts and crafts. She is an inventor and artisan, the Goddess of order and bringer of civilization. Though a war Goddess, She participates only to defend right order and to bring justice. Her clear thinking and quick mind have brought many benefits to mankind, including the olive and its precious oil. Minerva's gift was the olive tree.

Minerva was probably originally a Goddess of lightning and storms, hence the spear (representing the lightning) and Her famous brilliant eyes. Birds as creatures of the air are Hers as well, especially the owl, with its bright eyes and reputation for wisdom.

Associated with the city and an urbane lifestyle, during peacetime the Goddess Minerva utilized her talents overseeing the progress of civilization, including being the patroness of literature and the arts.

Minerva is associated with wisdom and intuition. Brought in with these attributes are those of logic and applied strategy. It is also creative of original thought, showing artistic ability. Minerva also rules the relationship between father and daughter. It is also representative of the Warrior Woman and the fight to escape from oppressive male domination. On the negative side, it also rules such things as incest and abuse. It is also concerned with science, the code of genetics and with biotechnology.

Minerva is sympathetic to the air signs especially the justice and strategy of Libra and the intelligence and objectivity of Aquarius. She is aligned with the masculine archetypes of Mars and Uranus and close to Jupiter, her father’s realm.

The myths of Minerva remind us that thoughtful planning and the marshalling of our resources can help us reach our goals.

Minerva brings strength and wisdom, and aid in determining the best course - consult Her in a situation when you are not sure whether to use diplomacy or if the time has come to fight.

Minerva is the Roman equivalent of Greek Athena. She is the virgin Goddess of wisdom, invention, music (the inventor of music), poetry, the arts, crafts, martial prowess, warriors, healing, medicine and commerce. She came to be identified with the Greek Athena.

She is one of three virgin Goddesses along with Diana and Vesta.

artistic, arts and crafts, biotechnology, confidence, conflict, creative, daughter, diplomacy, genetics, healing, horses, immune system, injustice, intelligence, intuition, justice, learning, legal battles, logic, politics, science, strategy, strength, wisdom.

Wherever Minerva falls in the birthchart shows the area of life where these talents are likely to be found and in what capacity.
Minerva, the Roman and Etruscan Goddess of intelligence, creativity, wisdom, domiestic skills, and handicrafts was the patroness of artisans, of all people whose handiwork was guided by their minds. Her very name comes from the ancient root for "mind". Minerva appears here with her sacred tree, the olive. She wears an aegis, whis is a breastplate edged with snakes and an owl on her headdress which identifies her as a Goddess of death and the deepest mysteries.

The Lessons of this Goddess:
Minerva has come to tell you it is time to examine your beliefs and change them if they do not nurture your wholeness. How are old, outworn, unhealthy thoughts undermining your life, your energy, your happiness? Do you believe what other people think and/or say about you? Are you still running the tape of negative messages your parents or caregivers gave you when you were a child? Do you believe the worst of yourself, or the best?

Are your beliefs too rigid to permit and support your evolution? We all are born with a story. It is our choice whether we want to live the story we were born with or create one that nourishes all we want to be. The Goddess says that wholeness is nurtured when you see yourself with all your parts - both dark and light - and choose your beliefs to serve your highest good.

The wisdom of reflection and strategy.
Extremely sexual and responsive and sexually caring to partners. Sexual negotiation skills. Sex is deeply transformative and regenerative and can go through certain cycles. Honour and respect is number one here. Sex and lust could take over in spontaneous busy days and nights. Profundity in sex. Sometimes sexual obsession. Both partners need to contribute, as control dampens the enthusiasm.

Minerva is the warrior-Goddess, who is making a re-emergence in a number of forms in our culture. Astrologically, she represents political and negotiating skills, having been transformed into a kind of modern lawyer-like warrior.

Defenses and defensiveness can be involved with this asteroid. She is, after all, an armed defender. Righteous, just and true, but defensive about it. So we can look at the placement and aspects of Minerva for some clues about this attribute of who we are and how we react.

Minerva is the Daughter. As Goddess of Wisdom, she is active, creative intelligence that gives birth to thought forms. Here the reproductive energy of Venus is released not through the genitals, but rises like the kundalini serpent to the head where the creative generation of ideas (mental progeny) is born. hence, Minerva represents the principle of creative wisdom.

Her colour is yellow, symbolising the mastery of the intellectual domain, and her mental qualities link her to the element of air.

In the symbolism of the astrological wheel, Minerva corresponds to the Midheaven, where visibly, socially useful accomplishments are realised. Astrologically, Minerva represents one's mental creativity and the capacity to create and control one's reality. When a person becomes clouded by ignorance, Minerva's cycle takes them through the transformative process of destruction and renewal of their life structures. She teaches the wisdom that the mind's eye contains the seed of manifested form.

Minerva is also associated with the arts of healing, health and regeneration. As the Goddess of Victory, first victorious in war and later a victor on the sports field.

Minerva signalled victory and as a patron of heroes she was also known as the Goddess of the near, as she was always close to the hero and a staunch supporter of the heroic.

As the Goddess of war and defender of her father’s realm Minerva became aligned with the hero as his guide and protector. In mythic portrayals of the hero, Minerva stands behind or beside him as his staunch ally against the monstrous and dark forces. When Minerva appears she encourages us to be heroic and battle the regressive forces of our instinctual nature. It is necessary to reflect on the situation and not react emotionally, detaching enough to formulate a decisive plan of action. On an oracular level the card suggest the need to be the wise warrior and use strategy and cunning.

On a divinatory level Minerva suggests the individual may be torn between the head and the heart but Minerva encourages us to be heroic and choose the course that will champion our cause. An enmeshed situation demands reflection, objectivity and disengagement.

Feminine Wisdom: Reflection and meditation develop out of the turmoil of chaos and uncertainty, helping us to become more strategic and deliberate in our actions. Metis is the valued intelligence that guides our instincts and plans strategically and arises into consciousness at exactly the right moment. Minerva discerns and through reflecting on emotionally entangled situations allows consciousness to develop.

Minerva shows our ability to recognize patterns, to arrange and re-arrange things.
Minerva in the Signs shows your preferred style for doing these things. Minerva in the Houses shows where you have problem solving ability and pattern recognition ability.


So now, my experience about my Minerva-Mercury conjunction:

First of all, I trust a lot in my intellect and really think it’s possible achieve almost everything with it, since I sharp it by working hard. I don’t think I’m best than anyone, ever, but don’t think I’m less too. It makes me feel safe.

A long time ago I perceived that cyclically I change in a radical way how I am in some points and these changes always happens when I have insights, like, for example, something that before let me angry, suddenly don’t let me anymore because I had an insight about that matter and changed forever (or at least until the next insight lol) how I acted and I’m often very aware about the change at the moment it happens. I used to call this ‘my little deaths and rebirths’. I overcame many trauma this way.

I’m always very concerned about how fair I am with others and if I think I wasn’t…OMG! Feel very guilty and can’t sleep until fix the situation. The biggest injury someone could do to me is judge me wrong…I can accept coldness, mind games (ugh), harshness, etc, but can’t stand be blamed for the things I don’t did and so on. I think it’s very serious to accuse someone without proof, it’s a true sin.

I always try to find a pattern for everything, I understand/perceive people, life, whatever, through patterns (insane ones) that I create in my mind, it’s crazy. Often I’m with some kind of pattern to solve, like now, I perceived that many asteroids I tested in my chart used to be more in some houses than in others, like some kind of : pattern .

I’m an admirer of the female way of thinking and proud to be a woman mainly because of this. Although I've been told to think like a man, what I don't agree, I simply try to use my intuition and my rationality together, that's it. Intuition and reason have the same value to me.

I face life as a war for survival, but not at any cost, one must use strategy for pursuing things but with ethical principles.


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Ami Anne

Posts: 74285
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted September 26, 2013 01:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow wow wow

That is a lot of work. Thank you, Friend! I will study it.

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posted September 26, 2013 03:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DialecticLady     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:
Wow wow wow

That is a lot of work. Thank you, Friend! I will study it.

Anything, whenever you need

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posted September 27, 2013 12:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow, an asteroid with moons!

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Ami Anne

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From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted September 27, 2013 03:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Aww Thanks DL

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posted October 29, 2013 09:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know Yods take a long time to analyze, have you seen a yod with Venus at the apex?

I can't find anything on it...the apex is venus in Pisces in the 4th house.

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posted October 29, 2013 09:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow My God!!!

Scorpio Asc, Pluto ruler of chart in the 12th, Sun in the 12th and NN in the 5th house. I'm a bit (a lot) confused. So my life purpose is to live in spirituality? Moon in 9th, hum...

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Ami Anne

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From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted October 29, 2013 09:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by tgem:
I know Yods take a long time to analyze, have you seen a yod with Venus at the apex?

I can't find anything on it...the apex is venus in Pisces in the 4th house.

Yes, I am doing one now. He has two yods, totally distinct, too. I have never seen this.

Venus at the apex would mean that love is the key to the Yod. You act out the struggles of the Yod with love.

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Ami Anne

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posted October 29, 2013 09:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Wow My God!!!

Scorpio Asc, Pluto ruler of chart in the 12th, Sun in the 12th and NN in the 5th house. I'm a bit (a lot) confused. So my life purpose is to live in spirituality? Moon in 9th, hum...

NN in the 12th would be that your purpose is to go into the spiritual world and learn to understand it.

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posted October 29, 2013 09:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:

NN in the 12th would be that your purpose is to go into the spiritual world and learn to understand it.

My NN is in 5th... but I have 4 planets in the 12th... I'll take your wise words, my friend!
NN in the 5th, to follow my heart's desires? O.o

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posted January 16, 2014 05:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Weirdo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great article and lots of information just to satisfy my endless thinking brain

Having NN trine MC, Sun trine MC and Jupiter trine MC i must be blessed ha.
NN 1st house at the end of it.
Sun 1st house
Jupiter also 1st house

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Ami Anne

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From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted January 16, 2014 08:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Weirdo:
Great article and lots of information just to satisfy my endless thinking brain

Having NN trine MC, Sun trine MC and Jupiter trine MC i must be blessed ha.
NN 1st house at the end of it.
Sun 1st house
Jupiter also 1st house

Thank you very much!

Wow, tell me about your career or your potential career. It sounds pretty special!

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posted January 17, 2014 08:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Weirdo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:
Thank you very much!

Wow, tell me about your career or your potential career. It sounds pretty special!

So far a health problem + Sun square Saturn (8° orb tho) held me back cause of giant fearof of failure. Since i almost have overcome it i'm thinking towards counselor or something that involves psychology.
Might change tho not sure tho. Gotta explore all talents i have hidden or delayed

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Ami Anne

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posted January 17, 2014 08:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I understand fear very well, my Friend! I have a masters degree in counseling.It can be a good basis for other things like Astrology or many careers!

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posted February 09, 2014 04:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gabby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 10, 2014 09:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Ami!!

Seeing this article... hum... in my chart: Pluto conjunct Asc (2 degrees). So my mission: bringing Pluto's energies to the world through myself??

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Ami Anne

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posted February 10, 2014 09:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DaniPepper87:
Hi Ami!!

Seeing this article... hum... in my chart: Pluto conjunct Asc (2 degrees). So my mission: bringing Pluto's energies to the world through myself??

Yes, you were made to be a strong person. You were made to be a leader. I think Randall has Pluto in the 1st house and you can see that he is a quiet leader. That is the vibe of Pluto conj the ASC or in the 1st house.

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posted March 12, 2014 10:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for steppingrazor     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My NN is unaspected and it sits off in the 8th house.

But my 12th house pluto squares my leo midheaven.

I am really just learning about this, so I hope I am not babbling. I am wondering what this could mean...

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Ami Anne

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posted March 12, 2014 11:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Welcome Friend

I will be back tomorrow to look

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Ami Anne

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From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted March 13, 2014 07:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by steppingrazor:
My NN is unaspected and it sits off in the 8th house.

But my 12th house pluto squares my leo midheaven.

I am really just learning about this, so I hope I am not babbling. I am wondering what this could mean...

Are you sure the NN is Unaspected. Go back and add the lines to the NN. MY guess is that it is not. If it is, that would be a unique situation and we can talk about it when you get back.

You are not babbling. Everyone was a newbie to AStrology once. I used to beg people for help, shamelessly

If Pluto squares your MC, you may have a hard time getting your primal nature and passions in line with your career.

Does that fit?

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posted March 13, 2014 11:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for steppingrazor     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:
Are you sure the NN is Unaspected. Go back and add the lines to the NN. MY guess is that it is not. If it is, that would be a unique situation and we can talk about it when you get back.

You are not babbling. Everyone was a newbie to AStrology once. I used to beg people for help, shamelessly

If Pluto squares your MC, you may have a hard time getting your primal nature and passions in line with your career.

Does that fit?

Hi Ami,

Yes very much so....I often hold myself back and sublimate my true desires. This is something that I have struggled with since I was a child.

I just did the aspects for my NN and if I am correct, my NN is opposition Uranus, inconjunct to mars and venus and trine my sun.

I forgot to add that Pluto rules my chart and my sun is Aquarius.

this is my chart. i wanted to make sure that i got all of that right.

thanks for your help.

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Ami Anne

Posts: 74285
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted March 13, 2014 12:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just did the aspects for my NN and if I am correct, my NN is opposition Uranus, inconjunct to mars and venus and trine my sun.

It is not Unaspected then. Right? It has these aspects lol

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posted March 13, 2014 12:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for steppingrazor     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:
I just did the aspects for my NN and if I am correct, my NN is opposition Uranus, inconjunct to mars and venus and trine my sun.

It is not Unaspected then. Right? It has these aspects lol

Yeah, I had to redo my chart.

I didn't know that there was an option to get the aspects for your NN.

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posted March 13, 2014 12:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KingofCups     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This thread is really insightful.

I have:

Virgo AC
Ruler Mercury in 5th House Capricorn at the beginning of a Stellium
Sun in Aquarius in 6th House
NN in 1st House in Virgo

My NN is Conjunct Mars Rx. Does the Rx make the meaning of the Mars Conjunction different than if Mars were direct?

MC Aspects:
Trine Neptune/Ceres/Jupiter/Venus/Uranus/Vertex/Moon/Eros
Trine Mars/NN
Sextile Saturn
Opposite Pluto
Quincunx Chiron

I feel like my purpose is to help humanity as a career. But as far as personal development goes, I need to learn to be more assertive and independent and to always be me. The thing that throws me off is the 5th House Stellium. I have artistic hobbies, but beyond that, I'm not sure what exactly it means. Thoughts?

Thank you

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posted May 20, 2014 09:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NeptunianSag     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm a libra ascendant, my Venus is in the 4th house, conjuncting Saturn in the 4th house. Saturn is opposite Chiron in the 10th. Chiron semisquare MC.

Moon in Virgo in the 11th house, moon inconjunct Saturn in 4th, moon semisquare MC. Moon semisquare Chiron.

Dejanira in 1st square MC.

Am I just here to feel unloved, depressed, and unwanted by society? I try so hard and feel I get nothing, no love, affection or attention. I feel hated and discriminated against because I'm not perfect, I just don't fit in.

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