Topic: ASTROLOGY:How To Tell Your Purpose From The Natal Chart?
Randall Webmaster Posts: 200827 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 23, 2014 10:56 AM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 200827 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 28, 2014 10:43 AM
Lots of great info on this thread.IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 28, 2014 05:48 PM
You are so cute, Randall  ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 200827 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 07, 2015 09:13 AM
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karenkellybella Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Atlanta, GA, USA Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 12, 2015 02:41 PM
It seems the more I learn about astrology, the more I need to learn!I recently switched career gears. After 18 years of working as an artist (marketing, graphic design, photography, painting etc.) I got my real estate license. I like the work - dealing with people, helping them navigate confusing real estate transactions, finding the perfect home, etc. Still, part of me wonders if I will find a non-creative career fulfilling. I read up on the factors listed in the article but I'm just getting overloaded. Would anyone have any guidance for me? ACS: Capricorn (Saturn is Chart Ruler) MC: Scorpio (quinxunct sun & moon) trine venus, Sextile Mars, Semisextile Jupiter and quinxunct Chiron Sun: Aires, 3rd House: conjunct moon, square mars, trine jupiter, semi square saturn, pop uranus, trine Neptune, pop Pluto, conjunct Chiron Saturn: Taurus, 4th house, Sextile Uranus, conjunct Neptune, trine Chiron, Semi-Square ACS, quinxunct MC * Not sure if this is important but Mars is in Cap, but it's in my 12th house. I have been studying astrology, energy work, numerology etc. for most of my life. I only recently became deeply interested in the topic again and I'm completely obsessed with not only self discovery but also helping my 16 yo daughter learn more about her path while she's young enough to take advantage and live a life with eyes wide open. I loved Linda's book Star Signs the best but I can't find a copy now and it's been years since I read it. PS. Apologies if my question isn't allowed. Please let me know if I've made any faux pas. Always the Aries - I don't mean to screw up but I know that the chance is always there! - xo IP: Logged |
karenkellybella Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Atlanta, GA, USA Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 12, 2015 02:49 PM
[EDIT] I thought I saw a Yod - but I did not. SO I edited out my question. Leaving the links to the charts in case they are helpful in answering my original question up there ^ [IMG] t%20-%20karen_zpsgbr5ixot.gif[/IMG]AND -- to make things even MORE confusing, another chart (i double checked the birth time on both charts) it looks like the possible Yod is pointing at Uranus [IMG] t%20wheel_zpsrkxcs8yn.jpg[/IMG] IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 12, 2015 05:53 PM
The Yod takes a lot of time to do, my Friend.It is quite a complicated aspect. I am sorry that I am not able to do it due to time constraints. Maybe, someone else will chime in. ------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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karenkellybella Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Atlanta, GA, USA Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 12, 2015 08:25 PM
Thank you for responding. After careful consideration (i.e.: actually reading the numbers and adding everything up) I don't believe I have a Yod at all. I tend to think visually and it "looks" like the formation but it doesn't add up. I definitely have some in conjuncts and some trines but they are not connected. It's actually a relief. I don't think I am ready to tackle the finger of God pointing at Pluto!  If you have any time to look at my original post and see what you think, I would appreciate it. Just the ACS and planetary placements - no YOD. I have a lot of squares but, tbf, quite a few trines too. I have a hard time not resenting the squares - even though I know they do me the most good, in the end. Sometimes I just wish I didn't have to get it all the hard way! IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 12, 2015 11:11 PM
Put up your chart here, large please, and I will see what I can see!------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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karenkellybella Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Atlanta, GA, USA Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 18, 2015 07:37 PM
Thank you so much! I've been considering paying for a in in-depth chart reading, but I don't know how to tell who is really good and who would just be a waste of money. I appreciate this so much. and a slightly different chart using the same birth time/place. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 18, 2015 09:05 PM
You have drive but assertion is prolly hard. You may have a lot of self doubt about actions and particularly in communicating them and communicating in general.Your childhood home may have felt cold. Your relationship with God/and or seeking it may seem erratic and there may be great stops and starts with it. You have a great depth of emotional and sexual passion. ------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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karenkellybella Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Atlanta, GA, USA Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 19, 2015 11:03 AM
Thank you Ami. I appreciate you taking the time to look at my chart. A lot of what you said seems true. quote: 1. You have drive but assertion is prolly hard. You may have a lot of self doubt about actions and particularly in communicating them and communicating in general.
[bold] This was true early in my life - I think it may have been a case of over-correction on my part. I can recall being told I was willful, stubborn, etc. and being met with those famous brick walls that seem to pop up with regularity for those of us who were blessed with an Aries sun. There is nothing more pitiful than an Aries who must face true disillusionment. The infantile quality of the pain often conflicts with the earth age maturation and must be dealt with in order to grow. I believe that one Arian quality likely to be overlooked is HOPE - in its purest form. Even in the face of total disillusionment, the HOPE remains and that conflict is the very root of the Arian experience/lesson. As I matured, I've gone through cycles of being assertive, impulsive & rash - then being faced with the consequences of my actions. Each cycle has served to temper the steel of my inner being. If I find myself in situations that are painful or unpleasant, I have to look within and examine my motives - did I settle for something less than the truth because I felt weak? did I assert my truth in the face of opposition? did I respond with hubris and ego when I should have been more reasonable? No matter how I get myself into tight spots, each is a learning opportunity. At 43, I have learned that I must first consider my motives and THEN act. If I am acting according to my own truth, then I can bravely state my case and stand firm in the face of any opposition. If there is any "struggle" left, it is only in forcing myself to be honest with myself about my underlying motives. Ironically, I have made a career out of communicating. quote: 2. Your childhood home may have felt cold.
Yes and no. My parents divorced when I was 3. My mom is sweet and good and she was amazingly beautiful when she was young. My maternal grandparents formed the parental backbone in my life. They were loving and constant - firm but fair. My mom (Capricorn) remarried when I was 5 to an alcoholic (Cancer) who was violent at times. I did not like him and I inferred that my mother was weak for allowing this man into our lives and letting him stay. I knew that I could call my grandmother (a Leo) at any time and she would come in her amazon queenly way and restore order. My papa (Libra) adored me and took great delight in uncharacteristically spoiling me. Our relationship confused and confounded everyone else. He was dogmatically fair across the board - except where I was concerned. He was the epitome of the proud papa and would do most anything to please me so long as it was not harmful. The night that my stepfather left, I was 14. He attacked my mother and I strode in to defend her. She ran from the house and I stood firm against him, refusing to budge because I wouldn't leave her alone with him - he had grabbed me by the hair and thrown me headfirst into a wall and stunned, I couldn't see clearly. My mom called through and open window for me to run. Only when I realized that she was safely outside did I obey her. My relationship with my real dad (cancer) was complicated. He was a charming, good looking man who liked drink, drugs and loose women. I longed for his attention and when I had it, I felt like the center of the universe. It was just always so short lived. He loved me, but it was enough for him to know that i was safe and cared for. He passed away last year and by that time, we had formed an odd, loving relationship. quote: 3. Your relationship with God/and or seeking it may seem erratic and there may be great stops and starts with it.
Right on the money. I grew up knowing that Jesus, born of a virgin, was the Son of God and that he died for our sins. There was never any question that this was just as true as the law of gravity. As an adolescent, I recall picking up the Bible to have a real look at it. The Bible opened up to Matthew 7:7. I was mesmerized. I think that one verse was indelibly printed on my mind and formed the basis for most of my life. Since then I've studied the Bible, other religions, metaphysics, astrology, numerology and other esoteric subjects intently but sporadically. quote: 4. You have a great depth of emotional and sexual passion.
I cannot argue with this. I guess my big question is about purpose. My north node is in Aquarius and the tail is in Leo. Not only does this seem to signify that my "purpose" is in "serving mankind" but the numerology for my name and dob also points toward a life of service....and of all the life purposes out there - this did not feel "right." I've been mulling this over for weeks now, trying to reconcile this "purpose" to my life. Taken figuratively: 1. My first job was as a waitress/server and I kept a side job as a server for years - even after I had a "real" corporate job. I liked the instant money, the people I got to meet and in general being really good at anticipating needs of my customers. 2. Most of my career was spent marketing for big companies. This is a service of sorts - helping the company communicate effectively and helping the public learn what the company offered them. 3. I am not in real estate. I perform a service to clients by helping them determine what they really want out of a home and leading them to possible choices that match their criteria. To be honest, I'm in this line of work because the income potential is insanely good. Taken Literally - Serving Humankind this was harder. I am not - or at I did not realize it - especially drawn to helping ease the suffering of others on a large scale. I cannot abide to see one person suffering and I do what I can to help. I give money to the homeless when they ask. I offer food to those who look hungry. I have even given rides to strangers who've asked me. I went to Addis Ababa as part of a media team to photograph and record the work done by two non-profits. The suffering I witnessed was so overwhelming that I wanted nothing more than to wiggle my nose like Tabitha and port myself home instantly. I did not come home with a fire burning in my heart to return to Africa and spend my life working for change. I feel horrible even saying this - I feel guilty for NOT wanting to help those people. It's just too much. It's too big of a job. It's poverty, leprosy, aids, government corruption, ignorance and every evil thing all at once. I can't even fathom a grand scale solution - much less how an individual could do any lasting good. After weeks of contemplating HOW serving humankind could be MY life's purpose - I have discovered that I have a burning desire to help the homeless. Not by operating a shelter or food bank - but by giving them the chance to earn their dignity. I want to create urban gardens to grow vegetables and allow the homeless to a) come by and get something fresh from the garden to alleviate the immediate need of sustenance. b) the chance to grow something - from a seed into a fruit bearing plant c) the chance to earn more and more responsible jobs in the gardens. Say anyone can come and sow seeds or paint fences and buildings. If someone comes on a consistent basis and on time - they can earn the chance to get a higher paying job like keeping the garden -meeting people who visit the garden, overseeing the workers who weed and water, OR assuming they have shown responsibility by coming to work consistently, AND are willing to take a drug test (they sell these OTC at the drug store) they can learn to operate machinery like tillers or power tools needed to build trellises, arbors and fences. d) bring in sponsors to help fund a monthly harvest feast. Say it's July and the tomatoes are over producing. The basil and oregano will be good and strong - making pasta to feed an army would be relatively easy. We could easily build an outdoor kitchen to cook the sauce in huge stock pots and boil pasta. I could get sponsors to pay for the table and chair rentals and we could dine al fresco in the garden. Open to the public at no charge with donations taken at the door. Challenges: 1. Where? The gardens would need to be accessible to the inner city homeless. Land in midtown atanta is at a premium. There are greenspaces but it would take community support and government support in order to establish something of this nature in city parks. Residents may not want a parade of homeless trouping through the neighborhoods or taking space away from their parks. 2. Seed money - (hah!) I have none. Either the project must wait until I am able to secure funding for the initial stage or I have to come up with a plan to get support from the very beginning. I think it would be easier to get money from the community if this was already in place so I could show folks that it works - so people could come and see it in person. 3. Many veteran homeless people are drug abusers, drunks and/or have mental problems. This is not the safest group of people to work with - and yet - these are the very people who tear my heart out. How can you not have a HOME? How can you not have somewhere to go to rest and recuperate? 4. transportation - these people are begging for money to just LIVE on a daily basis. They don't have cars and can't afford bus fare. Perhaps the ones who show up consistently can earn 1 month MARTA passes ($99) to make getting to work easier. They could then use the passes to go anywhere in the city that public transportation goes.It would also allow them access to the train stations and buses when weather is bad. They wouldn't be allowed to sleep in the stations but they could conceivably ride the trains from one end of the line to the other for hours. (this wouldn't be something I could encourage - but it would be a possibility that the smarter folks would figure out on their own) OK - so maybe I answered my own question. I still don't know if any part of this is feasible. I just know that my grandmother always had a HUGE garden. It encompassed more than an acre and that garden fed probably 50 people during the summer and kept another 20 stocked with frozen and canned vegetables in the winter months. Hey! I could have canning lessons! (I would have to actually learn to can first) I know this is super long winded. Thank you for allowing me a place to get my thoughts down and work through this incredibly difficult placement of my north node. It would be so much easier if you said I was here to be an heiress and to live a jet set life!  IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 19, 2015 11:07 AM
WOW What an amazing person you are!!!!I have an organic garden which I love so much. I have an idea for you. I am super into edible weeds. People could have a super diet if they could identify weeds. They have more power than cultivated veggies Also, wheat grass. Anyway, I love talking to you, so please, don't be a stranger  ------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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margym0o Knowflake Posts: 1230 From: The Great White North Registered: Jul 2014
posted March 19, 2015 12:38 PM
Does anything stand out in mine Ami Anne?Thank you  IP: Logged |
karenkellybella Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Atlanta, GA, USA Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 19, 2015 01:13 PM
I love the idea of edible weeds. Not only are they nutritious, but they are HARDY! I found an edible weed chart some kind soul had gone around and pasted in the public parks here on light poles and stuff. The pamphlets are home made - printed on an ink jet printer but give really good information about the kinds of wild plants that grow in the area and offer tips on how to eat them raw, or cooked, made into teas, etc. It's kind of awesome that mother nature provides so much and we walk by her offerings every day unaware.I actually wrote up a more concise and well laid out plan for my project/idea and sent it to the director of the Belt Line project. The Belt Line is kind of amazing. Someone had the idea of utilizing an old rail line that forms a ring through the inner part of Atlanta and repurpose it as a pedestrian/cycling trail. About 1/3 is finished and it connects most of the intown neighborhoods with a safe and pleasant walking trail. There are art installations and of course - LOTS of LAND! She responded immediately that while she thinks the idea is inspiring and has promise, I must approach the mayors office first. So, hey, that's at least a start. I now know which channel has the best likelihood to get me on the right path. I'm excited. I think maybe I can start a kickstarter campaign and drum up some financial support that way. Ami - your post may have been the catalyst to change thousands of lives!! IP: Logged |
karenkellybella Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Atlanta, GA, USA Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 19, 2015 01:29 PM
I just realized that Saturn is my chart ruler AND in my fourth house. I've had my share of "home" troubles - but nothing insurmountable. Ok, ok - two failed marriages and trouble paying my rent - but I've never been homeless. Friends and family have rallied to support me whenever I was unable to do so myself. BUT - on a grand scale, I want to help those who have no home. I'm so excited! I don't know if the Saturn thing makes sense in that perspective but I think I'm finally on to SOMETHING. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 19, 2015 02:32 PM
You truly made my day, Karen, that I helped you make a step on the way to your passion. I am having so much fun with weeds.
Right now, I am making miso soup with chickweed and dollar weed  ------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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karenkellybella Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Atlanta, GA, USA Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 19, 2015 06:02 PM
One last question (for now) Sun inconjunct Pluto Sun Trine Neptune Pluto sextile Neptune Neptune is in 11th house, in Sagittarius. Is that a Yod? I've been trying to find out more about the Yod and some astrologers say a sextile can be considered one of the legs but others say only trines. If it IS - then I guess I need to learn more about the 11th house and Neptune. I've never paid either much attention since Neptune doesn't seem to be very much related to my Aries heavy chart... PS. I know i've been a handful today - but this eclipse has me buzzing! Thanks for putting up with me. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 19, 2015 06:19 PM
A Yod is 2 quincunx's at the sides of the triangle and a sextile at the base, so no lol------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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karenkellybella Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Atlanta, GA, USA Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 19, 2015 07:08 PM
awesome! I knew I was missing something obvious.IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 19, 2015 07:28 PM
You are a very cool person. I am enjoying talking to you so much!------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 200827 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 20, 2015 11:58 AM
Great convo!IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 20, 2015 12:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by karenkellybella: awesome! I knew I was missing something obvious.
At least now, you don't have to worry about it 
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 200827 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 21, 2015 03:20 PM
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Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 21, 2015 11:03 PM
 ------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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