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  PSYCHOLOGY:Can Some People Be a Curse on Two Feet?

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Author Topic:   PSYCHOLOGY:Can Some People Be a Curse on Two Feet?
Ami Anne

Posts: 53503
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
Registered: Sep 2010

posted March 22, 2014 08:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know two such people. I know them well enough to know that they bring bad effects to people. How so, you may ask? They seem to like to hurt others. They seem to like to demean others. Every person has a dark side. However, this side is not all they have or all they present. It is one side of them. With these people who are curses, it seems like it is ALL they are( or so much that it is virtually all)

I don’t think the chart can really explain this. It may to some degree. I have placements in mind that would tend to make people that way but the person would have to have so many of them or have them so intensely that a discussion may not be worthwhile. However, you could convince me to do so

I think in these two cases, there is a personality disorder. In one, it is a sociopath. In the other, it is a Malignant Narcissist. For the sociopath, the chart is almost classic. Hence, the chart could explain the personality disorder. Every single planet but one squares or opposes Jupiter, which is the planet of conscience. There is one good aspect–Moon trine Venus. This one aspect would show a way out but the person would need to take it. In my opinion, the person would need God to help him take it. I don’t think one can change a personality disorder without God. With God, it could be done. I have seen sociopaths change. However, it was only with a Born Again experience with Jesus. That is my opinion and my experience.

With the Mal Narc, the prominent part of the chart that seems to highlight a personality disorder is the EXACT Mercury combust the Sun in Aqua. With a combust, every degree counts to such a great degree that I cannot emphasize this enough. With her, she does not realize the impact she has on others. The exact combust may make someone SO self centered that other people’s feelings simply may not exist. I have seen that with this person. She seems shocked to realize that she even has the power to hurt others. It is a strange kind of reality when a person can do or say what she pleases and when people get hurt, blame them. However, that is this person’s reality.

Uranus would play a role here, too .Most people follow social norms. However, if you have a wild card kind of Uranus, you would not feel you had to. The sociopath has a truly Unaspected Uranus which is very, very rare. Most Unaspected Uranus’ have an aspect with outer planets. This is allowed due to the generational nature of it. Hence, a true Unaspected Uranus is rare.

With Unaspected Planets, one can be a saint or a sinner. One may make that Unaspected planet shine or one may choose to allow it to lie fallow. In doing so, one does not express one’s genius. One may, also, express one’s genius in dark ways. There are creative geniuses who use this to hurt people. However, one could not say that they were not creative geniuses. This is how I see the Unaspected Uranus in the hands of this sociopath.

With the Mal Narc, Uranus is her chart ruler. It opposes Jupiter exactly. She loves to shock. She loves that thrill of undermining a person and going in for the kill.

Now, you may ask if these people ever do anything positive? Yes, of course. I am sure that Ted Bundy helped an old lady across the street. In this manner, these people may help people. However, for the people who are in every day relationships with these people, the effect is a diminishing of the life of others. It can’t help but be, really.

Do these kinds of people want to change? They may want to be different but I don’t think they would have what it would take to humble themselves and actually seek help based on true humility. I don’t see how they could be helped any other way.

Hence, is it hopeless? In most cases, I would say YES.

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Posts: 79
From: France
Registered: Feb 2014

posted March 23, 2014 04:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tulipe     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just realize you could make a series about this, very interesting. I know I'm ignorant but I've never heard of the term sociopath before your article (ways to recognize a sociopath). Since then I have read articles about sociopath, and I have some of the aspects . My Sun combust Mercury by 1 minute, and on Antares too. Now I must go to a corner to reflect if I have this callous tendency that you speak of. Thank you for the good info!

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Ami Anne

Posts: 53503
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
Registered: Sep 2010

posted March 24, 2014 08:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Tulipe dear

My feeling about you is that you are NOT a sociopath at all. You are deeply caring.

The combust does this. It makes the person wound up in himself, not because he is bad or anything like that.

He is too close to himself. He does not have the detachment to step back.

Put up your chart again, on here.

Picture 2 people standing right next to each other with no space. That is the mind and the ego.

Hence, the combust person is very reactive to any slights etc

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Posts: 79
From: France
Registered: Feb 2014

posted March 24, 2014 12:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tulipe     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Your words reassure me. I know how it feels to be hurt by insensitive words, so I'm very mindful about this in myself.


Hence, the combust person is very reactive to any slights etc

I know I'm like this, but some difficult relationships taught me not to let the ego get in the way of relating, also the ego is not necessarily values, so I don't have to identify with it all the times. Now I'm practicing open up more.

Do you see anything in my chart that makes me feel like an old soul, Ami?

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down, so when you're
feeling down, the only
way to be is up

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Ami Anne

Posts: 53503
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
Registered: Sep 2010

posted March 24, 2014 12:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't believe in old souls, T. I believe once born and once to die.

I see your issues, I think. The exact combust makes it almost impossible for you to detach. If a person calls you a name or is mean, a jerk etc, you take it very personally.

You prolly can't detach from your own emotions either and may think you are a bad person because you think bad thoughts etc. Is that true? I am not so sure about this so am asking you.

The Venus conj Pluto makes you super, super intense when you are in love.

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Posts: 79
From: France
Registered: Feb 2014

posted March 24, 2014 02:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tulipe     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh maybe I said it wrong, what I meant is someone who is mentally older for her age (like have to grow up at a young age).


The exact combust makes it almost impossible for you to detach. If a person calls you a name or is mean, a jerk etc, you take it very personally.

Yes, this is it exactly. I often have to take time to think, reflect to figure out if what they say is true.

You prolly can't detach from your own emotions either and may think you are a bad person because you think bad thoughts etc. Is that true? I am not so sure about this so am asking you.

No, I think bad thoughts sometimes but isn't everyone? I know thinking bad thoughts isn't like acting on it.

Venus conjunct Pluto: I don't know what'd qualify as intense. I don't manipulate or try to control the one I love, I know it's not loving. But I only loved once till now, so maybe I'll change . The only intense about my love is it's the 'till death do us part' kind.

what goes up must come
down, so when you're
feeling down, the only
way to be is up

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Ami Anne

Posts: 53503
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
Registered: Sep 2010

posted March 25, 2014 08:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
mentally older may be a strong Saturn. Yours is in the 8th so you may mature slowly but you may be wiser and deeper at the end.

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Posts: 79
From: France
Registered: Feb 2014

posted March 25, 2014 02:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tulipe     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Ami, for some reasons I hasn't look to Saturn much. The quincunx to Jupiter may hold more info than I thought.

what goes up must come
down, so when you're
feeling down, the only
way to be is up

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Ami Anne

Posts: 53503
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
Registered: Sep 2010

posted March 25, 2014 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Tulipe:
Thanks Ami, for some reasons I hasn't look to Saturn much. The quincunx to Jupiter may hold more info than I thought.

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