posted April 24, 2014 07:06 PM
In the new age of Aquarius, information and psychology is opening up to a new level of awareness and shared communal understanding. Child abuse in all it's forms are coming to the fore with the realization that it's not only strangers, but sometimes the caretakers themselves that imprint upon their children the 'sins of the father' (and mothers). That society and culture and media in all its forms will influence our children and the direction of generations to come. One book that should be read and taught in today's Universities and Colleges I believe is Robert Moore's "King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine", and anyone interested in understanding how to not only live from their fullest potential but also help their children to, would benefit from reading it as well.
Each Archetype will be broken down into it's greatest potential but many insights and aspects will be lacking which can only be gotten from reading the entire book itself. Ultimately, many of the role models of Men that we look up to in mainstream media and hollywood movies portray many of the Boy Psychology and little of the Man Psychology.
Quoting from "", he explains it best when he writes:
"We said that the defining characteristic of the Boy is his enslavement to his ego. The defining characteristic of the Man is his mastery of it. The Man has subjugated his ego and turned it into an ally. This is impossible unless the crisis of ashes has first been lived or worked through. Any boy who is to become a man must feel his fearful way through the utter pointlessness of everything to serve the world. And it is of course exactly because our lives are so safe and comfortable that most of us never grow up to serve, never leaving boyhood behind."
The King
The King archetype in its fullness possesses the qualities of order, of reasonable and rational patterning, of integration and integrity in the masculine psyche. It stabilizes chaotic emotion and out-of-control behaviors. It gives stability and centered-ness. It brings calm. And in its “fertilizing” and centered-ness, it meditates vitality, life-force, and joy. It brings maintenance and balance. It defends our own sense of inner order, our own integrity of being and of purpose, our own central calmness about who we are, and our essential unassailability and certainty in our masculine identity. It looks upon the world with a firm but kindly eye. It sees others in all their weakness and in all their talent and worth. It honors them and promotes them. It guides them and nurtures them towards their own fullness of being. It is not envious, because it is secure, as the King, in its own worth. It rewards and encourages creativity in us and in others.
In its central incorporation and expression of the Warrior, it represents aggressive might when that is what is needed when order is threatened. It also has the power of inner authority. It knows and discerns (its Magician aspect) and acts out of this deep knowingness. It delights in us and in others (its Lover aspect) and shows this delight through words of authentic praise and concrete actions that enhance our lives.
The Warrior
His control is, first of all, over his mind and attitudes: if these are right, the body will follow. A man accessing the Warrior archetype has “a positive mental attitude” as they say in sales training. This means that he has an unconquerable spirit, that he has great courage, that he is fearless, that he takes responsibility for his actions, and that he has self-discipline. Discipline means that he has the rigor to develop control and mastery over his mind and over his body, and that he has the capacity to withstand pain, both psychological and physical. He is willing to suffer to achieve what he wants to achieve.
The Warrior’s loyalty then and his sense of duty are to something beyond and other than himself and his own concerns. He lives not to gratify his personal needs and wishes or his physical appetites but to hone himself into an efficient spiritual machine, trained to bear the unbearable in the service of the transpersonal goal. This devotion to the transpersonal ideal or goal even to the point of personal annihilation leads a man to another of the Warrior’s characteristics. He is emotionally distant as long as he is in the Warrior. He looks at his tasks, his decisions, and his actions dispassionately and unemotionally. The Warrior is then able to act with less regard for his personal feelings: he will act more forcefully, swiftly, and efficiently with himself out of the way.
The Lover
If we are appropriately accessing the Lover, but keeping our Ego structures strong, we feel related, connected, alive, enthusiastic, compassionate, empathic, energized, and romantic about our lives, our goals, our work, and our achievements. It is the Lover who is the source of longings for a better world for ourselves and others. He is the idealist and the dreamer. He is the one who wants us to have an abundance of good things. The Lover keeps the other masculine energies humane, loving and related to each other and to the real life situation of human beings struggling in a difficult world. The King, the Warrior, the Magician as we’ve suggested, harmonize pretty well with each other. They do so because without the Lover, they are all essentially detached from life. They need the Lover to energize them, to humanize them, and to give them their ultimate purpose – love.
Many of us have so repressed the Lover in us that is has become very hard for us to feel passionate about anything in our lives. The trouble with most of us is not that we feel too much passion, but that we don’t feel our passion much at all. We don’t feel our joy. We don’t feel able to be alive and to live our lives the way we wanted to live them when we began. We may even think that feelings and, in particular, our feelings, are annoying encumbrances and inappropriate for a man. But let us not surrender our lives! Let us find the spontaneity and joy of life inside ourselves. Then not only will we live our lives more abundantly, but we will enable others to live, perhaps for the first time in their lives.
Much of the work is not new, and Carl Jung could be recognized as the ultimate orginator of the 21st century psychological archetypes, however for a new age, a new vehicle of expression may be required and for those that shy away from Psychology topics in general, King, Warrior, Magician and Lover is as close to a layman's version that can help you understand and reflect upon how you yourself is living the Male Macsculine Archetypes, as a boy or a man.
"Don't do something because of a reward or expectation - do it because it's the right thing to do."