posted April 30, 2014 07:37 PM
I only do charts on people in whom I am interested. Tori fascinates me. I admire her a great deal. I admire her positive attitude. I admire how she carries herself with such grace and dignity. Hence, I would like to explore the synastry with Dean. I will be honest, as I always am, I did not like Dean from the first look at him. He did not seem worthy of her, at all. She seemed much too high quality for him. I did not think he had the character to be her husband. I hope things work out well for them and their familyWhen I do any chart, write any article or reply to any comment, I am always honest. I owe that to the readers who come on my website. If I am not honest, they should not waste their time here. I put forth this synastry with a spirit of admiration for Tori.
General Nature of the Synastry
I do not call this soul mate synastry. I followed Tori when she met Dean and then married. From what they said, they seemed as if they found their soul mates. I was happy for her and hoped it would work. They have four lovely children and should stay as a family, God willing. However, this synastry is not impressive to me. If I was asked if they should marry, based on the charts, I would have said a resounding NO.
No one should get married without a synastry chart done. I do not trust the Composites as much as I trust the Synastry. Usually, one will be good and the other will be bad. One has to make one’s choice which to trust. I trust the synastry because it is actual placements. The Composite is midpoints. I would look at a Composite for interesting insights but I would not trust it as the main chart for a relationship. Astrologers differ on this.
Moon Sextile Moon
They do have my fave soul mate aspect but it is wide.The fact that we don’t know Dean’s time of birth makes this aspect unsure. 6 degrees is wide but still felt. It could be wider , which would make it more ambient. It could be closer, which would make it more powerful.
It is hard to say the actual power of their Moon sextile Moon without the exact degrees. If it were close, that would change the nature of the synastry. If it were not close, I would say that I really don’t understand the powerful connection. Yes, there are other factors for compatibility and attraction but they don’t seem as strong as I would have expected.
For teaching purposes, the Moons show the heart and soul of the couple. Moon conjunct Moon, Moon trine Moon and Moon sextile Moon are my top fave synastry aspects. They will produce a best friend’s relationship. When the passion fades( and it always does) you need a best friend. The above aspects will provide that.
I guess I will say this before I leave the topic of Moons. If there is a close Moon sextile Moon, it would be a soul mate relationship. If there is not, it would not be.
Dean’s Moon Conjunct Tori’s North Node
Again, we don’t know how close this is because we don’t have Dean’s time of birth. If it were close, I would call this a soul mate aspect. Dean would bring Tori pure heart and soul. This is one of the most wonderful aspects a couple can have. If it is wide, it would be more ambient.
Tori’s Mercury Conjunct Dean’s North Node
Tori will bring him the highest level of communication. She will bring a wonderful level of communication to him and to their relationship.
Dean’s Sun/Venus/Mercury/Neptune Conjunction in Scorpio
This is YOWSER intensity. We don’t know the house which would show the sphere of life in which Dean is most passionate and intense. The Houses would intensify or mitigate this. For example, this stellium( 3 or more planets in a sign) would be mitigated in an outer oriented house such as the 9th, 10th or 11th. In the 9th, for example, Dean’s passion would be diverted from himself to finding God. In the 10th House, it would be diverted from himself into his career. In the 11th house, it would be diverted from himself into a cause or to his hopes and dreams. If this stellium were in the 1st house, it would be nuclear powered and would make him much more self centered, something you do not want with this kind of intensity. If it were in the 5th house, he may be a player. If it were in the 7th House, all his intensity would go into marriage. If it were in the 8th House, he could be super kinky, and I mean super. That was a brief rundown of Houses but we have to leave that because we don’t know.
We will move on to planets, which we do know. Let’s break this 4 planet stellium down. Sun conjunct Venus makes for a great deal of charm. This man oozes charm. Mercury added here makes him ooze charm with his words, too. Dean has Sun combust Mercury at 3 degrees. This is very close.
Tori has it at 5 degrees which is almost like not having it because it is at the outer border. A 3 degree combust is a person who is very close to his own emotions. In other words, he is very reactive to slights. This native cannot step back easily and ***** a situation. He may punch a person in the face before he realizes the insult was for the person behind him. Since, we do not know his exact time of birth, the combust may be closer or further. An exact combust is one of the worst aspects a person can have, in my opinion.
Dean has an Air void as well. The Air Void acts in the same way as a combust. It makes for a native who cannot step back and assess situations but jumps in without thinking. To have both of these is really a curse. I hate to say it that way but I like to call things as I see them, for learning purposes. If no astrologer is honest, how are you going to learn?
He has Sun conjunct Neptune at 2 degrees. This is a very hard aspect, too. It is the classic aspect for the addict. It is the classic aspect for the person who has an identity crisis. He is in rehab now. I wish him well. I would not wish this stellium on anyone. If anyone wanted to venture to figure out his Ascendent, we could see in which house this stellium may fall.Then, we could add to our information. If anyone wants to help, please write on my Comment Form.
We don’t know how close Tori’s Neptune is to Dean’s Mercury. If it is close, Tori won’t be able to see Dean as he is and vice versa. Neptune can be a scary guy in synastry because he clouds reality. Neptune is the planet of fairy tales and rose colored glasses.
It is classic when a couple has Neptune/Venus in synastry that they fall in love with the prince/princess and wake up to the frog. To put it in simple words, I would say that he does not know himself. She did not know what she was getting and he did not either.
Dean’s Saturn Conjunct Chiron
If I had Dean in front of me, I could probably figure out his House placements. The House of Chiron is the House of one’s most intense pain. Most people can figure out the House of Chiron with a little help. Dean has something which is very hard–Saturn Conjunct Chiron. What touches Chiron makes one obsessed. For Dean, it is pain. Pain will be a major theme in his life. Overcoming pain will be a major life theme. He is in rehab now for sexual addiction, I think. Under any addiction is pain!
Dean’s Has Mars Conjunct Pluto( exact). This conjuncts Uranus( 3 degrees)
This is a scary aspect. I don’t know how else to say it but straight out. Tori touches it with one of the worst things to touch it with, Saturn. We will get to that. First, I want to explain this aspect. Mars conjunct Pluto is nuclear. It takes two nuclear planets and combines them–BOOM! Dean has it exact which is DOUBLE BOOM. Then, this touches the planet of electricity, Uranus, so it is TRIPLE BOOM.
Let me explain my use of the word BOOM. Pluto is one of the heavy hitters in the chart. Pluto is Putin when he takes Crimea. Look at his eyes. Look at his stance. One does not mess with him. One respects him because one knows that behind that gorgeous blond head is pure, pure power. That is Pluto.
Mars is action. Mars is the symbol for the male. The male is active, direct, forceful. Venus is the symbol for the female. She is yielding and amenable. When Mars touches something, it gets infused with power like a good strong shot of dark, dark coffee. It powers one for early rising or an all night exam. It is adrenaline, par excellence. Mars is the same. He wants to go, go go.
With Dean, his primal passions are ready to go. Hence, he may be explosive. If we add the Merc/Sun combust and the Air Void, we may find a person who explodes with little provocation. Aspects like this are why everyone should get a synastry before marriage. Tori has nothing like this in her chart but her chart activates his, as we shall see in a minute. She touches all this with her Saturn, the planet of restriction. You can imagine how Dean will react to that.
However, we have not finished here because we have left out Uranus, the planet of electricity.Mars conjunct Uranus is the aspect of the accident prone. Mars is action. Uranus is erratic action. If we have the already nuclear powered Mars conjunct Pluto and add the erratic, wild card Uranus, we may have a person who explodes in an irrational and erratic way. If we add the Merc combust Sun and the Air void, we have someone who cannot detach and pull back. All in all, we have a picture that I wish that Tori had seen before she tied the knot, not after.
Oh My Goodness, I have so much more left. I think I should make a series because the article will get dauntingly long. Please, comment on what you have read so far so we can learn together, which is always the goal
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