posted September 13, 2014 10:58 PM
There is a lovely lady whom I am honored to know. As we talked, she told me about her life. I wanted to help her but cannot do a full chart on every precious person on whom I would love to do a chart. Each chart takes me several days. I thought I could help her, help you and help myself by doing a case study. I thank her, whom I will call Donna.When I do a chart in which the person has had a lot of struggles such as this, I, always, make sure to share my philosophy on Astrology. That philosophy is that we don’t choose our charts and some charts are exponentially harder than others. The hard charts will have the hard lives. The charts WILL play out. If one has an aspect for childhood abuse, as I do, the native WILL be abused. This understanding helps one to release hatred and pain at the abuser and to develop the frame of mind that God had things under to control. What makes sense to God does not make sense to man, in most cases. Hence, one simply has to surrender to the wisdom of God when studying a difficult chart. In no way are the struggles presented by a difficult chart the fault of the native. That is the point.
Let’s get onto Donna’s chart. When I do charts, I begin with what stands out to me. I continue in this way. I will start with Venus conjunct Orchus in the 7th House. Venus in the 7th house shows a love for marriage and the desire to have one partner.The asteroid Orchus conjunct Venus tells us that Donna will learn lessons from deaths of loved ones. This conjunction opposes her Moon in Capricorn in the 1st House. A Capricorn Moon can be a head over heart person. This is because Capricorn takes a cool, rational approach to life. I call this a cold Moon, to the distress of many. I call things as I see them, as you know by now.
he Capricorn Moon can act out of his head and forgo his heart. That is what I mean by cold. I am not saying Donna is a cold person, just that she can act with her head when another Moon sign, such as Cancer, would not be able to detach in such a way. Moon in opposition to Venus is a person who may have a hard time showing her heart when she is in love or just loves, in general, such as to a friend or a child. If we add Orchus to the picture, Donna may have lost many loved ones, making her heart further closed.
Donna has a Yod. The Yod is the Finger of God. It shows that this native has a unique purpose. For Donna, her Moon is the driver of the Yod. In other words, her heart will be the vehicle which will take her to her purpose. Her heart has the issue of not easily feeling due to the Detriment sign of Capricorn. Also, her Moon(heart) opposes Venus which makes it hard for her to show her feelings( i.e be intimate emotionally)
Saturn in the 8th House is one of the planets making up the base of the Yod. Saturn is the ruler of her Moon, so it has more importance and more power in her chart. It is in the 8th house which is the House of Repression. Saturn in the 8th House makes for a person who cannot let go and face and show her deepest passions, both sexual and emotional. However, the existence of the Yod shows that she is fated to do so.
The other base of the sextile forming the Yod is Jupiter/Mars. Jupiter enlarges what it touches, so we have a nuclear Mars. The placement on the angle of the DSC shows that Donna may cast off her own aggressions and passions and look for them in a partner. The DSC can be a very difficult angle for the fact that people can cast off the DSC planet and hence lose parts of themselves.
To look at the Yod as a whole, Donna needs to use her heart to follow her life’s purpose. She needs to overcome repression of emotions and passions. She needs to find her own passion and assertion, rather than look for it in a partner. That is how I would view this Yod.
Donna has Pluto conjunct the North Node in the 9th House. This tells us that she is destined to learn the lessons of power.
If we look at both the Yod and the Unaspected Pluto, we see that Donna is destined to be a very powerful person with an amazing amount to give, both in her heart and in her OVERCOMING a great deal.
Chiron in the 4th is a painful childhood. Usually, it is the mother who is the source of pain. Chiron opposes Uranus in the 10th at 3 degrees. Uranus is the planet that is often implicated in mental and emotional issues. This is because it is an erratic planet. Uranus can confer pure brilliance when in aspect to Mercury( the planet of the mind) or it can confer madness. Uranus is never to be taken lightly in any chart.
In this case, we do not have Uranus touching the planet of the mind, Mercury. Uranus is touching the planet of pain. Uranus in the 10th could be an unstable father,shake ups in career and/or one’s role in society. At any rate, we can say that Donna had a very painful childhood and this affected her career and/or her place in society. Her father may have been unstable, as well.
Donna has an Unaspected Pluto. This is a rare placement. Donna needs to learn the lessons of power. She has to learn to access her own power and to deal with the power workings of life. This placement can make for a very, very powerful person as in a Putin or a Kennedy.
Neptune in the 12th is a classic aspect for depression. The native is very intuitive. She is very sensitive. This can feel like a burden but one in which she has little ability to remedy. It is the nature of Neptune in the 12th House.
So far, I do not see anything that would explain the suicide attempts but I have not gotten to many of the asteroids I use and there are 300. When I do a professional chart, I need to make 20 or so separate charts with asteroids. I will not change the above chart. I will just tell you about the asteroids I find and what they do.
Back to the natal chart with planets and a small number of asteroids. Donna has a powerful Sun, which is ego. Her Sun sextiles Uranus in the 10th House at 6 degrees and trines Jupiter in the 7th House at 2 degrees. It is a mini trine. This kind of trine and the Grand Trine, which is made of three trines, shows a harmonious flow of energy between what it touches, by house and sign. So, for Donna, she has a Virgo Sun in the 8th making her want to delve into the mysteries and taboos of life. This trines Jupiter at 0 degrees, which makes for a nuclear powered Jupiter, giving the Sun a huge boost of positive, upbeat energy and well being. Jupiter trines the Uranus making the Uranus more powerful, even though the orb is 8 degrees which is wide.
One can say that Donna would have a strong, positive ego, which would have an out of the box and even a genius approach to life.
Donna has mars conjunct the Descendent. This may make her search for her own goals in the partner or look for a partner who is very goal oriented,himself. Mars quincunx to the Moon may show that it is hard for her to accept her feminine side. She may not feel comfortable with woman and may have had many struggles with her own mother.
I have not made an exhaustive study of Donna’s chart. A chart takes me 3-5 days and so I will do shortened version here. The upshot of the planets in the chart is that I see no explanation as to why Donna had multiple suicide attempts. The chart looks like a typical chart, not an unusually hard one. Let’s see what the asteroids have to say.
I will not discuss all the asteroids or this article would be pages long. I will discuss the asteroids relevant to this topic. Donna has Aphrodite conjunct Chiron at one degree. This aspect mirrors the Orchus conjunct Venus in that it shows pain with love. Aphrodite is another name foe Venus. Hence, love, pain and death are closely allied.
Lucifer conjuncts the NN at 3 degrees. Lucifer is spiritual pride, not evil. It is someone who does not want to bow her knee to God but to make God as she sees fit. I am not calling any judgement here, just recounting what the charts say.
Donna has Dulcinea conjunct Vertex, exact.To elaborate on Dulcinea. She was the town prostitute. However Don Quixote never saw her as she was. He saw her as a pure, untouched virgin. This is taken from the story of Don Quixote . He loved the Dulcinea and would only see her as a virginal maiden. Hence, the story of Dulcinea is seeing what one wants to see, not what is actually there. The vertex is what others bring to us. The anti vertex is what we bring to others. Hence, people may come to Donna who appear to be one way but are another.
Uranus squares the vertex ,exact, as well as squares Dulcinea, exact. The vertex is a fated point. The Uranus square may mean that bizarre or out of the box happenings are fated to occur. Uranus is in the 10th house which is the House of career, the father and society, so these happenings could be from any of these. Uranus square Dulcinea may make for shake ups in the people who come to Donna. They may appear as one thing and through shake ups become another or take off the original mask. I would think it would be the latter.
Donna has Don Quixote conjunct Venus Don Quixote is unrealistic idealism. Donna may be too idealistic when she falls in love. She may not see the actual person, but what she wants to see.
Donna has Echo conjunct Uranus. Echo is voicelessness. Uranus breaks down traditional constructs. Perhaps, Donna’s voice felt too aberrant to her. Perhaps, she felt she was too different or “weird” and so she could not speak truth as she saw it.
Donna has Dejanira conjunct the ASC at 3 degrees. This is one of the hardest aspects to have but the 3 degrees makes it more ambient. Yet, the native finds herself victimized at every turn, through no fault of her own. This can lead to severe depression because it can feel very hopeless, as if one keeps repeating the same drama, even when one tries to re-write the script.
Neptune in the 12th makes an exact opposition to Lilith in the 6th. Anything that is exact should wear a neon light i.e be highlighted. This aspect may tell us that Donna really struggles with her raw sexuality. This may be part of her depression. She may not be able to incorporate this natural part of herself into her general nature. This may one a major cause of guil. Guilt is one of the major factors in depression.
found one of the aspects which could explain the suicide attempts. It is Madhatter conjunct the Sun at one degree. Madhatter is an Alice in Wonderland character. I found him in the chart of a girl who was diagnosed with psychosis. Hence, I started to explore Alice and Madhatter in charts. Alice confers stability. Madhatter was driven crazy by the outside world. He was gaslighted. He was told that he was imagining what he was seeing. He was told that he could not trust his reality. This is the single greatest factor in mental and emotional illness.
Gaslighting WILL make a child emotionally and mentally ill. The degree may vary but a child will become sick because he has to jettison his reality.The book “People of the Lie” by Scott Peck is the classic study of Gaslighting. It depicts the manner in which Gaslighting produces mental and emotional illness.
Narcissus conj the ASC and opposes Jupiter, which conjuncts the DSC. Narcissus conj the ASC seems to give a strength to the person.This may make it hard for the person to see herself as she is. Contrary to popular belief, narcissism is an insecurity and not a booming sense of self. It may appear booming but this is to cover up a small and fragile sense of self. Jupiter oppose Narcissus may make Narcissus bigger as happens with Jupiter. Hence, the struggle to find a healthy ego could be a very difficult one. I think one could say this with this aspect.
Jupiter conjunct the DSC may make it hard for the native to feel her own optimism as that which conjuncts the DSC can be cast off. Donna’s positive Sun/Jupiter trine will help. However, the DSC placement of a planet is a strong placement, so I think Donna would experience both sides of her Jupiter.
Pholus in the 3rd House opposes Mercury in the 9th. Pholus explodes what it touches, so Donna would probably want to explode when feelings and thoughts get too intense. My guess is that she does and then pulls back and holds things in until she explodes again. If so, this is the cyclical nature of Pholus oppose Mercury.
Nymphe conjuncts the Sun at 3 degrees which is wide but the Sun and Moon allow for wider orbs. Nymphe could manifest in someone who uses sexuality as a way to deal with problems for which others may find other addictions such as drinking, overeating or shopping.
Panacea conjuncts Saturn. That which conjuncts Saturn makes for obsession. Hence, Donna may be obsessed with finding her way out of her struggles. Saturn will reward effort so I think that if she persists, she will have great rewards.
The Asteroid Plunge conjuncts her Sun at 1 degree. Plunge is that which it suggests, the action of plunging.. One may plunge others or one may have this action come on oneself but it certainly is not something one would choose to have conjunct the Sun.
Prey conjuncts Venus at 2 degrees. Venus is a passive planet so that which conjuncts Venus is done to the person. Hence, Donna may find herself to be the prey of others. This is the same theme as Dejanira conjunct the ASC. Themes repeat when one does charts.
Sedna conjunct Chiron is an extremely difficult aspect.Sedna is extreme betrayal by men. Sedna’s husband deceived her into marrying him. When she tried to escape, her father betrayed her and this resulted in her death. It was a terrible betrayal by her father and a terrible death.
Donna has Wisdom conjunct Mercury, so she will have an innate wisdom.
She has Talent conjunct Ceres, so she may be talented in nurturing. This is one of the most lovely talents!
Donna has Zavis conjunct Mars. Zavis is envy, so I assume envy plagues her, as it does many of us. However , the Zavis placement conjunct Mars may make this a theme for Donna.
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